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Romy Maple and Sister Star Accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of Cover Up

Jack Ryan

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Two different women came forward in 2018 with stories of repeated sexual abuse during their childhood by adult members of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

One woman, Romy Maple, said she was repeatedly drugged and sexually abused by the same man starting when she was 4 years old. She said other members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses ignored her efforts to alert them to the abuse.

Years later, Maple appeared prominently in the A&E documentary series, “Cults and Extreme Belief,” which brought her story to national attention. Maple has since launched a nonprofit, 707SAFE — which stands for Sexual Assault Fighters Elite — offering “coaching, transitional and transformational support” to fellow survivors of child sexual abuse, according to Maple’s GoFundMe page.

Another woman, who gave her name as Sister Star, said she was drugged, filmed and sexually abused at a Eureka hotel by a family friend and fellow member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. She said her grandfather and other men did the same to her months before, and further said her stepfather sexually abused her throughout her childhood years.

Sister Star came forward with her story of sexual abuse in August. (Jose Quezada — The Times-Standard file)

As in Maple’s case, Sister Star said elders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses took no action to help her.

Jehovah’s Witnesses World Headquarters offered the Times-Standard the following comment earlier this year:

“Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and view it as a crime. (Romans 12:9)” the document states. “We recognize that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes. (Romans 13:1-4) The elders do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities.”

No criminal action has been taken in either Maple or Sister Star’s cases due to existing statute-of-limitations laws. In 2016, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill dismissing the statute of limitations for crimes of rape, sexual assault and other sexual offenses committed in 2017 and onward.


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Two different women came forward in 2018 with stories of repeated sexual abuse during their childhood by adult members of Jehovah’s Witnesses. One woman, Romy Maple, said she was repeatedly drugg

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Bot people like True Tom just bury their heads in the sand and will not believe how bad the situation is within the JW Org. 

I would think that most JW congregants don't even know how bad it is because they are too frightened to research it all. 

JW congregants are to brainwashed and frightened to look outside of their little box. And many of them are so comfortable in their own little lives that they really don't care... 

But I'm sure God will punish the Governing Body and those others 'in power' including all the Elders involved in this cover up and continuation of Child Abuse within the JW Org. 

My thought and prayers go out to all those who have and who are suffering Child Abuse caused by JW's and anyone else. 


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