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Status Updates posted by admin

  1. You look so Good in Love

    What I'm listening to right now.....

  2. I am ready to go out for breakfast this morning. A hearty breakfast sounds good.

    bruce jenner 80s GIF

  3. Good morning everyone!

    I just decided to change up the look a bit. Everything should still work the same.

    adventure time coffee GIF by hoppip

  4. BFB27BBA-2063-48FD-971A-852CE71A13F2.jpeg

    1. admin


      Thank you so much everyone for your patience. Sorry about the email barrage from our systems. Everything should now be patched and working again.



  5. I noticed by your cover photo that you are a Real Estate Agent. May I ask what area you are in?

    Would you mind adding a couple of your listings or maybe an advice article to the new club all about Real Estate?

    I am thinking that later on I could improve on the clubs (which anyone can start now) to focus on specific areas or even types of investments.

    Potential clients could private message you on here if they are interested etc...

    Just a thought.


    1. Natacha Rice

      Natacha Rice

      I’m inactive at the moment 

    2. admin


      Oh... I see...

      Well... maybe in the meantime post something general in there about real estate advice so we have someone to contact when questions arise?


  6. admin

    je suis desolee about removing the Downloads functionality. We have never really worked much on that functionality and it really isn't up to the task for sharing.

    You can share your downloads by creating a topic in whatever club you choose and uploading it there. Tags will help us find them easier in the future.


  7. Thanks for joining.  Great to have someone from “down under” to share news from that part of the world as well. 

  8. Click here to add photos to the gallery you wanted:


    1. Raquel Segovia

      Raquel Segovia

      Ha si si....gracias...pense que me decias que pase las primeras fotos a galeria 😁

  9. Well... as you can all tell I've been into my music all weekend. I hope you enjoyed at least some of it. 

  10. Hi @Timothy H. You've been a member quite a while. What part of the planet are you from? Which section on this site do you enjoy the most? World news or Science? Just curious.:D

  11. Hi Kathy, I have a friend of mine from WAY up there in somewhere in Canada that tells me stories about just how cold life can be there. I doubt electric cars will ever be a favorite in your area.. :D

  12. What islands are you from? Just curious. When you get a chance add your approximate location on our member map. :D

    1. Space Merchant

      Space Merchant

      My father is Belizean  and my mother is Haitian, I take more of my roots from my mother's side, as for culture I hold on to both of Belize and of Haiti and I do this because with how things are today, cultural roots can be forgotten as if it is erased from history. I was born in St. Marc Haiti, but at the time, my father was in his country with my older brother, visiting his side of the family right after I was born. We all eventually moved to Belize and lived there for a short time and moved back to Haiti, and it was when my father was preparing me to read and write early, which also including very strict Bible reading. When I got a bit older, we moved to America, as with most islanders, we moved to the Tri-State area, specifically the New York City borough, Brooklyn. Present day, I travel when given the chance, for I am still in the Tri-state area, but not in Brooklyn. Out of the places I travel,  I tend to visit Belize and Haiti primarily.

    2. admin


      I see. Thanks. Well.... I will ask you to help keep up the page with any big secular news from Haiti / Belize that catches your eye. :D

      As for the member map..... I see where that might present a choice for you... 

  13. Welcome!

  14. admin

    Welcome @jnk!  Please let us know why you joined and if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

  15. Welcome @curry l antoine!  Please let us know why you joined and if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

    1. curry l  antoine

      curry l antoine

      it will he me know my spiritual family 

  16. Welcome @Rachelle Sly!  Please let us know why you joined and if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

  17. Welcome @Glouglou! Please let us know why you joined and if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

  18. Welcome @Davonne!  Please let us know why you joined and if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

  19. Welcome @jars501. Please let us know why you joined if I can be of assistance. Welcome to the community of the most informed people on the planet. :D

  20. Wondering what is really inside what these people are vaping? It smells like lavender.

    1. Bible Speaks

      Bible Speaks

      I teach about 250 Oils Many used in the Bible 9_9 xD @admin 

      Smoother or what? 

    2. Guest


      lavender and vanilla are relaxing :) 

  21. I like my chili with no beans. (Status updates are for non-important messages) :D

    1. Guest


      y tortillas :P

  22. Check out my latest update here:


  23. Hello World! :D

    1. Guest


      Hello  :D



    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      tututututtt.png   Hello  admin ! xD

  24. I've been working on the coding of the website a bit. Sorry for any weird behavior lately. I hopefully have most of the wrinkles ironed out. Enjoy everyone.

    1. Guest


      Thanks for the hard work :x

    2. John Houston

      John Houston

      Thanks for all the hard work!

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