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Posts posted by admin

  1. Chest CT images of COVID-19 lung involvement in a 44-year old Huanan Seafood worker. Day 13 of symptom progression (died 7 days later)


    The patches are (predominantly) diffuse alveolar damage. That leads to edema (a fluid build up in the lungs,) and the beginnings of fibrosis (excess connective tissue.) Due to all of the replication and damage going on, there is also a build up up extra proteins and dead cells which clog up the lungs.


  2. On 2/7/2020 at 2:08 PM, Health and Medicine said:

    So, people are still allowed to go outside , there are just checkpoints and temperature checks




  3. Links for this episode

  4. CV is no joke...

    "My aunt and uncle were Americans on the Princess Cruise ship in Japan. They are obsessively healthy people in their 60s and early 70s. They are now both in the ICU in the hospital in Japan. My uncle is having a hard time breathing and my aunt is a week behind him with all her symptoms. This virus is no joke. These are people who go hiking and walking for miles everyday. They had zero health problems. They looked younger than their age. Now they are fighting for their life. If they are both ok and make it through I can’t imagine the level of PTSD from this." - Reddit comment

  5. "The reason it's so hard for most people to understand is that most people don't really understand money. Money isn't wealth. It's an accounting system used to facilitate the exchange of wealth. (The paradox of money is that while everyone wants it, no one actually wants it - they want the stuff they can buy with it!) Many people are put off by the fact that Bitcoins are 'just data'. But that's what ALL money is, information! More precisely, money is a means for credibly conveying information about value given but not yet received (or at least not yet received in a form in which it can directly satisfy a person's wants or needs).

    To put it yet another way, money is a ledger. With fiat currencies like the dollar, that ledger is centralized. And that gives the central authority responsible for maintaining that ledger tremendous power, power that history has proven will inevitably be abused. With Bitcoin, the ledger is decentralized. And that means that no one individual or entity has the power to arbitrarily create new units (thereby causing inflation), freeze (or seize) your account, or block a particular payment from being processed. We've had decentralized money before. After all, no one can simply print new gold into existence. And the 'ledger' of gold is distributed because the physical gold itself (the 'accounting entries' in the metaphor) is distributed. But with gold, that decentralization comes at a heavy price (literally). The physical nature of gold makes it hugely inefficient for global transactions.

    And this is why bitcoin is important! It is the first currency in the world that is both decentralized and digital. It is more reliably scarce than gold and more private and transactionally efficient than "modern" digital banking. This is why people are excited about bitcoin, it has the potential to completely revolutionize money."

    I thought I'd share it with you.

    Have a good Sunday everybody!


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