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  1. admin

    DR1 allele

    Is common among centenarians.... I would like to know if I have this gene.... but haven't seen any specific test I can pay for to find out. Any ideas?
  2. I was also thinking that a lot of the knowledge from when those videos above were made was probably not passed down well in the bureaucratic NASA .... SpaceX has made some strides.... not all has been lost. I bet if Von Braun was around nowadays he wouldn't be impressed with our space exploration or space stations in the last 50 years. Rocketdyne engineers alone (if they are still alive) are probably wondering why no one is using fuel injected thrust vectoring engines....etc....
  3. @James Thomas Rook Jr. So the thrust must be only “enhanced” slightly by this effect? but enough to be an improvement?
  4. I found this: Over 50 years ago an engine was designed that overcame the inherent design inefficiencies of bell-shaped rocket nozzles, but despite much research in the 60's, 70's and 90's and was to power the replacement for the Space Shuttle. But 50 years on and it still yet to be flight tested. So why aren't we using Aerospike rocket engines?
  5. Whatever happened to this motor? Never to be seen again?
  6. He even figured out a way of propelling his rotating space station to wherever he wanted:
  7. VonBraun proposed a flyback Saturn V and flying it a lot. BEFORE WE WENT TO THE MOON. Interesting that SpaceX has only now begun to implement his idea. He was definitely ahead of his time.
  8. It's my understanding that Dr. Von Braun was inspired mainly by just one book that he read when he was a youngster, a fictional story of people going to the Moon. He certainly had a lot of vision. Too bad the rotating wheel station never materialized. Such a craft would sure make it better, healthier, for long term space workers and others. For instance, building, running, maintaining an in-space rocket fuel factory, or other manufacturing, without being harmed from long term absence of gravity effect..
  9. If anyone had said in 1997 that the President of the United States would contravene all FAA laws regarding aircraft crash sites by sweeping away all evidence before an accident investigation team was even allowed to enter the biggest crash site in US history, people would have told you to take off your tin foil hat.
  10. These 3 minutes were more thrilling and engaging than the whole season 6 of House Of Cards. He is right about one thing - just because you're accused does not mean you're guilty.
  11. This year there have been attacks from both the Taliban and ISIS
  12. Who would have thought that this post would be in the top 10 on the main page forum? Evidently there are a lot of people out there wanting to exterminate roaches!
  13. Here is the real kicker about what's wrong with our society. Who do you think would now be the safest FBI agent on the planet now regarding gun safety? The FBI should rehire him as a gun safety trainer. (Who has personal experience)
  14. "Despite the consequences, Reddington insisted he didn’t hold any personal grudges against Bishop. “I’ve done stupid things at bars to impress girls, too,” Reddington said. Bishop apologized to Reddington in court. “Mr. Reddington… I’m extremely sorry for everything he’s gone through,” Bishop said. The FBI has not commented on the case, but the Reddington’s lawyer said he had heard the agency fired Bishop shortly after the incident." So... a criminal, on probation and lost his career. Over an accident. SMH. Sad. This guy is going to need retraining, a therapist like the victim and to recover a positive attitude about life in general.
  15. I hadn't thought about Bart Simpson being insulting to white people.... interesting.
  16. Google+ is being deprecated. The full shutdown is March 7, 2019, but as of January 28, 2019 some calls will intermittently fail.
  17. I assume it because there was so much asbestos used in almost everything for so long... such as brake pads, insulation and ceiling panels that It touched many different industries. The lawsuits that ensued must have necessitated an entire legion of attorneys dedicated to this one type of lawsuit. I'm surprised though that 25 years later lawsuits are STILL being filed. I would have expected the money to have dried up by now? Anyone know anything more about this?
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