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  1. Because the truth is too harsh for the public to know.

    The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which people were made to believe that the US used to end the WWII with much less casualities for both the US and Japan, not only failed to do so, but in fact it was a big lie and they were intended for human experiments.

    Truman knew ABombs would never be needed to end the War. He was looking down on Japanese as beasts, and this played a big role in his decision as shown in the timeline below:

    (1) On September 18, 1944, FDR met Churchill in Hyde Park, New York to make the Hyde Park Agreement for collaboration, control and use of atomic bombs. In FDR’s second house, they secretly agreed that the ABombs “should be used against Japan,” and not against Germany. (PREM3/139/9)

    (2) Following the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 7, 1945, Churchill kept on urging Truman to hold the Potsdam meeting to end the WWII as soon as possible. However, Truman kept on postponing it until the first ABomb test day on July 16, 1945. The Potsdam meeting was scheduled to be held on the following day, July 17.

    (3) On May 8, 1945, US summoned Japan to accept “unconditional surrender.” (The idea of unconditional surrender was FDR’s idea, and was first mentioned at Casablanca Conference on January 24, 1943.)

    (4) However, the “unconditional surrender” is a term used for an army but not for a country. It has no definition in International Law, and under the Law of War, “unconditional surrender” in the sense used before the modern period could never be established legally in the 20th century. Thus the term bewildered not only Japan but everyone else including US law philosophers, US generals like Eisenhower, or even Churchill. (After the War, a world’s leading philosopher of law and International Law, Hans Kelsen, who taught at University of Harvard and California, Berkeley said with a big laugh that there is NO WAY Japan as a COUNTRY had accepted “unconditional surrender.”)

    (5) Joseph Grew, the former ambassador to Japan suggested from his experiences to Truman on May 28, 1945 that if the US agrees to keep the Emperor, Japan would surrender immediately.

    (6) Pursuant to the Quebec Agreement (August 19, 1943), which imposed restrictions on US’s use of atomic bombs without prior consent by Britain, Truman requested Churchill at the beginning of June 1945 to sign in consent to use of ABombs on Japan. Churchill signed this agreement “Operational Use of Tube Alloys” on July 1. Note that neither FDR nor Truman had ever asked Britain for the same consent for Germany.

    (7) Stimson agreed to Grew's idea and proposed it to the President on June 16, 1945. MacArthur also wrote that the Japanese would fight till the last person if the US would not promise to preserve the Emperor. Later, only Byrnes, who newly came to the office on July 3, 1945 disagreed and opposed.

    (8) The Imperial Council of Military Leaders (????????) in Japan passed a resolution to negotiate terms of surrender through the Soviets on June 22, 1945, without any knowledge of the US ABombs. The US found Japan started this negotiation in the same month of June 1945, and Omar Bradley, the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the US Army, reported to Truman after the Battle of Okinawa that Japan was in effect defeated and that it was trying to negotiate the terms of surrender. MacArthur also said to the General Staff Office that the War is over.

    (9) Six out of all seven Five Star Generals and Admirals were against the use of ABombs with a view that Japan would surrender without them.

    (against: MacArthur, Eisenhower, Marshal, Arnold, Nimitz, Leahy)

    (10) Preservation of the Emperor was included in the US official proposal for the condition of Japan's surrender.

    (11) However, on the way to Potsdam on Augusta, Byrnes succeeded in persuading Truman to remove the clause on the Emperor. Grew, Stimson and others were not on the ship.

    (12) On July 16, 1945, in Potsdam, Truman received a message “Babies satisfactorily born," meaning that the first ABomb test “Trinity” as a part of the Manhattan Project was successfully carried out by the Los Alamos Laboratory and the US Army in a desert of New Mexico.

    (13) Stimson arrived at Potsdam after the ABomb test, and asked Truman to re-include the clause of preserving the Emperor. But Truman very strongly refused by saying you can go home if you do not like it.

    (14) During the first meeting in Potsdam on July 17, Truman asked Stalin, when the Soviets would invade Japan. Stalin replied August 15. (Japan had a non-aggression pact with the Soviets. But in the Yalta Conference held from February 4 to 11, 1945, FDR secretly agreed with Stalin to give the Soviets some parts of Japan in return for breaking the pact and invading Japan.) Truman wrote on this day's dairy that "He'll be in the Jap War on August 15th. Fini Japs when that comes about.” This means that if Truman uses ABombs BEFORE August 15, the purpose for their use must be something OTHER THAN ending the War.

    (15) On July 25, 1945, Truman told Stimson to use the atomic bombs on Japan, and wrote on this day's diary that he is SURE that the Japs will NOT accept the Potsdam Declaration.

    (16) On the following day, July 26, the Potsdam declaration was issued without a clause to preserve the Emperor, and was not signed by the Soviets confusing the Japanese. It was Truman that refused signing by Stalin. Even though the Soviets were not directly involved in the War against Japan at that time, it had already informed Japan in April 1945 that it would not extend the Non-Aggression Pact. Thus from the Japanese perspective, the Soviets were in a position that could attack Japan as part of the Allied Forces at anytime.

    (17) On the SAME day, July 26, Truman gave commands to drop the ABombs on the earliest “clear" day after August 3, exactly one week after the Potsdam Declaration. The commands included detailed instructions to accompany with observation aircraft to record the effects of the ABombs. Note that BOTH commands for the two atomic bombs, the first Uranium one dropped in Hiroshima and the second Plutonium one dropped in Nagasaki, were given on the SAME day. Neither MacArthur nor Nimitz knew about the commands.

    (18) Just before the planned Soviet's invasion date, the US dropped the ABombs on August 6 and 9, 1945. The B-29s were accompanied by an observation aircraft and another to film and photograph the bombings. The observation aircraft dropped several devices in various parts of the cities to register changes in temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc., during the explosions. Three of the devices were later collected and are displayed in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum today. Los Alamos National Laboratory registered in its official record about the dropping of ABombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the two "experiments” were successful.

    (19) Upon hearing the news, the Soviet commenced the invasion of Manchuria on August 9, sooner than the previously planned date of August 15.

    (20) On the following day, August 10, the Emperor issued an Imperial decree to accept the Potsdam Declaration. The reason for surrender, according to the Emperor as recorded in the “Imperial Record of Showa (??????)” declassified in 2015, was the Soviet’s invasion because Japan no longer had an ability to hold a two-front war. (Already 66 civilian cities were completely destroyed by the US’s indiscriminate bombing that the destruction of two more cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, could not trigger capitulation.) Subsequently, Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration on August 15.

    (21) Truman said in a TV announcement that the US dropped ABombs that they "invested” two billion dollars in.

    (22) As early as September 1945, "The Armed Forces Joint Commission for Investigating Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Japan,” lead by Col. Ashley W. Oughterson who arrived in Japan on the very first day of occupation by the GHQ, September 1, 1945, was formed and commenced large scale investigations. Some 1,300 Japanese doctors and scientists were pulled into the investigation examining more than 20,000 adult patients and 17,000 children. A wide range of experiments on patients were conducted disguised as treatments, examining reactions by victims to injections of various chemicals such as adrenaline. The policy, according to the doctors involved, was “What can be tested, should be tested." The results of these research and experiments were summarized in a 181 volume report consisting of more than 10,000 pages. But the results were never made public, and the reports were directly sent to the US Army while their existence was kept secret. The reports are now kept at the National Archives and Records Administration, NARA.


    (Front cover page of one of the actual reports kept at the National Archives and Records Administration, NARA)


    (Diagram in one of the reports showing where in this school building, children were dead, injured or alive)


    (A clip taken from a video kept at NARA, showing a victim being dissected )



    (Actual report on a child victim)



    (Actual table of figures from adrenaline tests in the report)

    Also, intestines of 200 bodies were secretly sent to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C., for further study without notifying their families. These intestines are now kept in formalin in universities in Hiroshima and Okayama.


    (The actual intestines in formaline bottles now kept at Uni. of Hiroshima)

    Note that this was all done while Japan was still under the sway of GHQ before it regained its sovereignty.

    (23) Based on the investigations, research and experiments, Col. Ashley W. Oughterson published in 1953 a six thick volume report "Medical effects of the atomic bomb in Japan,” of which one whole book is dedicated to studies on the effects on children. Then, from this, a graph of mortality and total casualty rates by atomic bombs vs distance from the hypocenter was created.


    (The actual graph of mortality and total casualty rates by atomic bombs vs distance from hypocenter, created by the US Army)

    This became the basis for the US nuclear strategy as it gave the crucial figures to calculate the number of atomic bombs required to attack each enemy city. Some numbers of Hiroshima-type atomic bombs required to annihilate cities as calculated by the US Air Force from the graph are as follows: Moscow 6, Stalingrad 5, Vladivostok 3, Kirov 2, Tallin 4, Chelyabinak 3, etc.


    (The actual paper showing the number of atomic bombs to annihilate Soviet cities)

    As such, through these experiments, the US now became the only country in the world with Big Data for the effects of atomic bombs on target cities as well as on human bodies.

    (24) On July 1, 1946, a confidential report, "UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY: JAPAN'S STRUGGLE TO END THE WAR,” prepared by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS) was reported to Truman concluding that "Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.”

    (25) The Emperor Hirohito was not prosecuted in the Tokyo Tribunal, and he stayed as the Emperor. The position of the emperor was also kept under the new constitution which was illegally (by International Law) forced by the US. So the whole hustle about the preservation of the Emperor did not mean anything at all in the end.

    (26) In his memoirs, Truman wrote "Japanese are beast. So are treated as."

    (27) An acclaimed book "Just and Unjust Wars," written by a prominent US political philosopher at Harvard, Michael Waltzer, condemns the use of atomic bombs as crimes. Waltzer also accuses the US Government of not even trying to negotiate with the Japanese to surrender before the dropping of the bombs. He says it was a double crime in the sense that the US did not try to avoid, and that the bombs were dropped on civilian cities. This book is used as a text book at West Point today.

    By August Hayek

  2. On Saturday, gunman Robert Bowers allegedly killed 11 people at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Moments before, Bowers posted on social network Gab, "Screw your optics, I'm going in."

    Zoom out before we zoom in: It's the latest tragedy to shine a light on social media's role in acts of terror and violence—especially since Bowers had a history of antisemitism on Gab.

    What Gab is: It started in 2016 as a no-holds-barred alternative to Twitter. There are few restrictions (as opposed to Twitter), so that's earned Gab alt-right users including Milo Yiannopoulos and Richard Spencer.

    Now companies are rethinking their relationships with Gab...

    • PayPal banned Gab from its payments platform. "When a site is explicitly allowing the perpetuation of hate, violence, or discriminatory intolerance, we take immediate and decisive actions," PayPal told The Verge.
    • And even before Saturday's tragedy, Apple refused to host Gab on its App Store, Google removed Gab from its Play Store, and Microsoftthreatened to bar Gab from using its Azure cloud service.
  3. There is no app yet. This site has a responsive web design and will work well on most modern browsers. 

    Someday I may look at a progressive web app model. Maybe. ?

  4. Sweden will be the first country to implement a full-fledged digital currency as an official and overt act. However, it is unlikely to be the last. For many reasons, cash and other paper instruments are on the way out. Although it remains the best way to transact peer-to-peer, the risk it entails and its methods of issuance and counterfeit are precisely the factors that created a need for cryptocurrencies in the first place.

  5. The world's largest pork and hog producer was forced to destroy more than 50,000 pounds of its products after a worker allegedly urinated on the production line. 

    Over the weekend, production at a Smithfield Foods packing plant in Smithfield, Virginia, came to a sudden halt after an employee allegedly urinated while on the production line. 

    Footage of the incident obtained by local news outlet WAVY shows a worker removing his gloves and leaning up against a counter, apparently urinating. The worker is just feet away from other coworkers and directly next to the meat-filled production line, according to the video. 

    The worker appears to finish urinating, put his gloves back on, and move to continue his work. 

    Smithfield said in a statement that more than 50,000 pounds of product were disposed of following an internal investigation of the incident. 

    "The facility immediately halted production, fully cleaned the processing line, and sanitized all equipment multiple times before resuming operations," Smithfield said in a statement to Business Insider. "The employee has been suspended pending a complete investigation." 

    The statement continued: "The facility and its employees' immediate response and corrective actions to this isolated incident reflect the company's commitment to ensuring the safety and quality of its products." 

    Smithfield Foods is a $15 billion company with brands including Smithfield, Eckrich, and Nathan's Famous.

  6. As a follow up to this story outline here:

    Tuesday, October 16 - Saudi Arabian King and Crown Prince now admit the journalist never came out of the embassy. They also both claim to have no knowledge of the killing team sent in.

    This is ONE VERY EXPENSIVE KILLING for Saudi Arabia. It has already cost them billions and now threatens major projects of theirs worldwide. Investors worldwide are pulling back investments out of anything Saudi Arabia related.


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