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  1. I wonder if this study was funded by a sugar based corporation?
  2. I finally saw the grassy knoll I think there is an irony to it being very close to the LBJ Freeway though!?!?!
  3. Always a favorite good to see theyÂ’ve made it to Texas.Â
  4. I enjoyed my stay here this week. The city is 107F degrees right now though. I forgot about the Texas sun  Â
  5. When did Pharmaceuticals first realize that they were better off producing a drug with the "Medicine-as-a-Service" (MaaS) model rather than trying to cure or 100% eliminate certain diseases?
  6. The McDonald's McGold Card is a food-redemption ticket that provides the owner with free, unlimited McDonald's for life. The existence of the card gained international attention after actor Rob Lowe flashed his on Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2015. Since then, it has been revealed that a range of VIPs and celebrities have their own version of the card - from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett. So how do 'normal' people go about getting one? Here are the details. When Rob Lowe appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live with a golden McDonald's card last year, one big question remained: How could the Average Joe get his own card that granted him access to unlimited McDonald's? Not easily, a little sleuthing revealed. The first complication: Rob Lowe's Gold Card was not issued by McDonald's corporate office. Instead, it is from the owner of, and can only be used at, McDonald's franchises in Santa Barbara or Goleta, California. While Lowe says he received the Gold Card because his buddy's dad created the McMuffin, McDonald's confirmed to Business Insider that he in fact received the card from David Peterson — the buddy in question, who is now a McDonald's franchisee himself. Herb Peterson, who passed away in 2008, was a legendary force in the fast-food world. He debuted the first Egg McMuffin at the Santa Barbara McDonald's he co-owned with David in 1972. Peterson started his work with McDonald's as the vice president of the company's advertising firm, D'Arcy Advertising, and went on to become a franchisee and operator of six McDonald's locations. Today, David Peterson has carried on his father's legacy with the chain. Earlier this year, the franchises he runs in the Santa Barbara and Goleta areas became some of the first to launch "taste-crafted" sandwiches as part of the McDonald's turnaround plan, reports local news station KEYT. Peterson also wields the power to give out Gold Cards, granting the recipient free McDonald's at the locations he owns and operates. While Lowe is quite likely the most high-profile person to be awarded the card, he is not the first — just the first to brag about it on late-night TV. For example, Larry Crandell was awarded a Gold Card by Peterson on his 90th birthday, reports SantaBarbara.com. While the cards are nearly identical, unlike Lowe's card, Crandell's awarded him free McDonald's for life. Crandell is a bit of a celebrity in Santa Barbara, having reportedly helped raise millions of dollars for the community as a volunteer and expert emcee. In fact, McDonald's franchisees across the country appear to be more than happy to give local heroes free food with their own versions of the "Gold Card."  Warren Buffett told CNBC he had a McDonald's card that allowed him to order unlimited food for free in Omaha. Charles Ramsey, who ditched his half-eaten Big Mac to help rescue three kidnapped women in May 2013, was awarded free McDonald's at all locations for a year and unlimited McDonald's for the rest of his life at local Ohio restaurants. In March, Ottawa Senators goalie Andrew Hammond, nicknamed the Hamburglar, received a card that gave him free McDonald's for life from an Ottawa franchisee who, coincidentally, was also the father of Hammond's former coach. However, there are only two major confirmed stories of people in possession of cards granting them free, unlimited McDonald's anywhere in the country, or even the world. While on the campaign trail in 2012, Mitt Romney told a story of how his father had a "little pink card" that awarded him free McDonald's for life. McDonald's confirmed that founder Ray Kroc had given Romney the card, but did not have any record of the reason for the gift. However, the chain noted that Kroc was known to informally gift these Lifetime "Be Our Guest" cards to various people throughout the years.  https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/07/the-true-story-behind-mcdonalds-mysterious-mcgold-cards/?utm_source=quora&utm_medium=referral
  7. As you grow older, arthritis may cause your knees to stiffen up. To loosen them up, simply do this excercise every morning for about ten minutes. Give it a try ?
  8. Welfare recipients will soon be asked to have their faces scanned before they can claim their benefits. A trial of new biometric security measures is to begin within months. But that's raising questions about whether government departments can be trusted.
  9. Traveling this week for the holiday? Way to be original. According to AAA, a record 46.9 million people will be hauling 50 miles or more—up more than 5% since last year. More numbers you need to know: $171: The average cost of a round-trip flight (along the top 40 domestic routes). If that sounds cheap...it is. It's the lowest July 4th-week airfare in five years. 2x: If you plan on hitting the road in D.C., NYC, or Los Angeles Tuesday afternoon, expect your travel time to at least double. 11%: The increase in mid-tier hotel prices from last year. 362,000: The number of stranded motorists AAA expects to help. Issues include dead batteries, flat tires, and lockouts. #1: The top domestic destination? Orlando, FL. And the top spot goes to Rome for international travel.
  10. Let's take a trip south of the border, shall we? After all, we hear there might be a big celebration in Mexico—for the first time since 2000, a left-wing candidate from a non-traditional party won the country's presidential election. His name? Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Or as he's better known, AMLO. AMLO's not your average Mexican politician. He rose to popularity through his nationalist agenda, inflammatory rhetoric, and less-than-friendly approach to trade and foreign investment. And while those might not seem like popular positions... That type of populist mentality is what most Mexicans feel the country needs right now. 44% of Mexico's population live below the poverty line. Corruption and greed have become all-too-common among elected officials. While the focus has been on free trade and investment, crime has skyrocketed: 1) Crime is at a 20-year high and 2) 120 local politicians have been killed since elections started in September. Don't mess with the cartel... So basically, a little more attention on the people could go a long way. And that's exactly what AMLO has in mind. But not everyone's saying, "Te amo AMLO." Particularly, U.S. businesses. With an AMLO victory, he'll take a seat at the table in the NAFTA renegotiations. And if you thought President Trump takes a hard-nosed stance in trade negotiations, here's how one analyst described AMLO: His strategy "will be to try to use NAFTA as a way to gain credibility with his base by ‘not letting the gringos get the best of us.'" And for businesses, stalemates lead to uncertainty over manufacturing, hiring, prices, demand, you name it. Then again, we might be jumping to conclusions. One of President Trump's priorities in NAFTA is to raise wages for Mexican manufacturers. That way, the U.S. doesn't always need to outsource production. That's a win for AMLO, who promised higher wages throughout the campaign. We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out.
  11. This video brings up SO many questions about school violence in America. Children learning war? A School EXAM on a MACHINE GUN? Head spinning... need a break @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  12. Suck it up buttercup. This is the Internet... duh. Protect yourself by never going online... using cash ... and don't go out to public events in case other people there might have a different viewpoint than yours.
  13. Leave a note if you remember dancing off like this....
  14. hmmmm.... I wonder what he thinks of world overpopulation crisis that is looming?
  15. With "Citizen's United" and "Bush v. Gore" he pretty much sealed the fate of the USA going forward. Money = speech Endless war on terror Wishy washy on almost everything else.
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