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The World News Media


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Everything posted by admin

  1. Yes we are still working on the RSS problem
  2. @John Houston You can always toggle the buttons on the top right of the forum area to see it in the old view if it makes it easier to navigate.
  3. admin

    The Newsroom

    Olivia Munn is now one of my favorite actresses by the way .....
  4. admin

    The Newsroom

    I just watched the 3rd and final season... wow.... hard to believe the show ended I'm surprised HBO cancelled further seasons
  5. So they look at this one mega photo.... and decide this could be the answer.... Hmm... I'm open to other theories at this point. A map of cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky produced by the Planck satellite. Red represents slightly warmer regions, and blue slightly cooler regions. The Cold Spot is shown in the inset and could help to prove the multiverse theory
  6. @Nicole what do you think? are you getting the hang of it?
  7. "The main role of the satellite will be to demonstrate the performance of 3-D printed carbon fibre...." interesting... so I assume it will not become space junk since it will have to be retrieved somehow?
  8. I notice myself spending a lot more time on the front page now... and using the filters. I kinda like it. ;-)
  9. High red meat consumption increased the rate of dying from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, Alzheimer’s disease, kidney disease and liver disease. The study is in BMJ.
  10. Hoping everyone enjoys the new format.  

    1. ARchiv@L


      new buttons to learn, again! :D

      thanks B|

  11. I hope you all enjoy this new forum format.... The viewer now sees a front page of actual topics rather than just a list of categories. There are many new features... and a few bugs we are working out. Feel free to let me know what you like (or don't like)
  12. Make more money. You have to be able to make more money than you did last year. If you do this every year you work, you’ll end up ok. Invest 10% of your paycheck before anything else. Use a company 401(k) or automatic investment into an IRA to automatically invest 10% of what you make for your future. Retirement will be the biggest purchase you will ever make, be sure to prepare accordingly. Prepare for the worst. Don’t skip out on insurance and be sure to have an emergency fund. You should have disability, life, car, health, and home insurance. You also need to have at least 3-months worth of expenses in cash in a savings account as your emergency fund. Track your money. Use one of the million free money tracking apps to find out what you are spending money on. You’ll find out really fast if you are spending money on bullshit or on things you actually value. Be patient. Money does grow on trees, but trees take a long time to grow. Just keep watering that little hole in the ground and you’ll be good one day. Don’t borrow money to buy anything that won’t make you money. Don’t buy a car with a loan, because cars go down in value. Don’t buy clothes with a credit card, because clothes go down in value. Unless you are purchasing real estate or a business, you probably shouldn’t borrow money. Spend money. Life is meant to be lived. Spend money on what you care about. Travel the world, buy a nice pair of shoes, and go have a fancy dinner. Just be sure to pay cash.
  13. so.... share what you drive around everyday..... if you post a Tesla I will drool by the way.
  14. Mine is Coca-Cola Red and yes... you must choose only ONE... and you should be very specific. Although if your a guy and you say "Chartruse" I will raise one eyebrow. LOL I even added a category for Coca-Cola on this forum... ;-)
  15. I personally LOVE dolmas Speaking of that.. maybe a friend in Greece will share a wonderful recipe on how to make these authentically in English? (Please post your recipe in the food section though.... below is for other's photos of their favorite foods)
  16. no commenting on this thread unless you post your photo. Just to be fair. ;-)
  17. 20 State Attorneys are calling for a Special Prosecutor “We view the president’s firing of FBI Director James Comey in the middle of his investigation of Russian interference in the presidential election as a violation of the public trust,” the attorneys general wrote. “We urge you to consider the damage to our democratic system of any attempts by the administration to derail and delegitimize the investigation.” The letter called for the immediate appointment of an independent special counsel to investigate any Russian meddling. http://www.newsweek.com/20-attorneys-general-call-special-prosecutor-russian-election-interference-607752
  18. Video Replay: Loops of Fire - Incredible views from the surface of the Sun
  19. ZEMBLA - The dubious friends of Donald trump: King of Diamonds Although still in its early days, Donald Trump’s presidency is coming under fire. The Russians are alleged to be in possession of sensitive information about Trump. And that exposes Trump to blackmail. Fake news, tweets Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia – no deals, no loans, no nothing!” Trump swears he has no ties with the Russians. But is that actually the case?
  20. ZEMBLA - The dubious friends of Donald Trump: the Russians Although still in its early days, Donald Trump’s presidency is coming under fire. The Russians are alleged to be in possession of sensitive information about Trump. And that exposes Trump to blackmail. Fake news, tweets Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia – no deals, no loans, no nothing!” Trump swears he has no ties with the Russians. But is that actually the case? “Donald Trump’s business partners have included Russian oligarchs and convicted mobsters, which could make the president guilty of criminal racketeering charges,” wrote Steven Rosenfeld at AlterNet on Friday.
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