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  1. On February 8, 2016 at 7:23 PM, Alison rosser said:

    hi, how do i post a topic in the general discussion/chat forum.

    I hit on start new topic and wrote, submitted but it only posted to my profile and not the place I wanted.




    Look for a green button on any category called "Start New Topic"

  2. Cargo cults

    • John Frum
    • Johnson cult
    • Prince Philip Movement
    • Vailala Madness

    Mysticism and Occult

    Esotericism and mysticism

    Esotericism and Mysticism

    • Anthroposophy
    • Christian mysticism
    • Esoteric Christianity
    • Hindu mysticism
      • Tantra
      • Vaastu Shastra
    • Martinism
    • Melanin Spirituality
    • Rosicrucian
      • Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
      • Rosicrucian Fellowship
    • Sufism
    • Theosophy

    Occult and magic

    Occultism, Magic (paranormal), and Magick

    • Ceremonial magic
      • Enochian magic
      • Goetic magic
    • Chaos magic
    • Hoodoo (Rootwork)
      • New Orleans Voodoo
    • Kulam – Filipino witchcraft
    • National Socialism and Occultism
    • Pow-wow
    • Seiðr – Norse sorcery
    • Thelema
    • Wicca
    • Witchcraft



    • Adonism
    • Church of All Worlds
    • Church of Aphrodite
    • Feraferia
    • Neo-Druidism
      • Reformed Druids of North America
    • Neoshamanism
    • Neo-völkisch movements
    • Technopaganism
    • Unitarian Universalist


    • Baltic Neopaganism
    • Celtic Neopaganism
    • Finnish Neopaganism
    • Germanic Neopaganism
    • Hellenic Neopaganism
    • Kemetism
    • Roman Neopaganism
    • Semitic Neopaganism
    • Slavic Neopaganism
    • Taaraism

    Left-hand path religions

    • Satanism
      • LaVeyan Satanism
      • Theistic Satanism
    • Demonolatry
    • Luciferianism
    • Setianism

    Fictional religions

    Parody or mock religions

    • Church of Euthanasia
    • Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Pastafarianism)
    • Church of the SubGenius
    • Dudeism
    • Iglesia Maradoniana
    • Invisible Pink Unicorn
    • Kibology
    • Landover Baptist Church
    • Last Thursdayism
    • Butter Boy (comic strip)


    • Cult of the Supreme Being
    • Deism
    • Discordianism
    • Eckankar
    • Ethical Culture
    • Fourth Way
    • Humanism
    • Jediism
    • Juche
    • Kopimi (Kopism)
    • Native American Church
    • Naturalistic Pantheism
    • The New Message from God
    • Nuwaubian Nation
    • Raëlism
    • Scientology
    • Secular Humanism
    • Subud
    • Unitarian Universalism
    • Universal Life Church


  3. Prehistoric religion

    Ancient Near Eastern

    • Ancient Egyptian religion
    • Ancient Semitic religions
      • Canaanite mythology
        • Canaanite religion


    • Mesopotamian mythology
      • Arabian mythology (pre-Islamic)
      • Babylonian and Assyrian religion
        • Babylonian mythology
        • Chaldean mythology
      • Sumerian mythology



    Proto-Indo-European religion

    • Proto-Indo-Iranian religion
      • Historical Vedic religion
      • Persian mythology


    • Baltic polytheism
    • Celtic polytheism
      • Brythonic mythology
      • Gaelic mythology


    • Germanic polytheism
      • Anglo-Saxon religion
      • Continental Germanic religion
      • Norse religion


    • Greek polytheism
    • Finnish polytheism
    • Hungarian polytheism
    • Roman polytheism
    • Slavic polytheism
    • Hittite mythology
    • Persian mythology


    • Mystery religions
      • Eleusinian Mysteries
      • Mithraism
      • Orphism


    • Pythagoreanism
    • Gallo-Roman religion


  4. Paganism and Folk religion

    Traditionally, these faiths have all been classified "Pagan", but scholars prefer the terms "indigenous/primal/folk/ethnic religions".


    West Africa

    • Akan mythology
    • Ashanti mythology (Ghana)
    • Dahomey (Fon) mythology
    • Efik mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
    • Igbo mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
    • Isoko mythology (Nigeria)
    • Yoruba mythology (Nigeria, Benin)

    Central Africa

    • Bushongo mythology (Congo)
    • Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology (Congo)
    • Lugbara mythology (Congo)

    East Africa

    • Akamba mythology (East Kenya)
    • Dinka mythology (Sudan)
    • Lotuko mythology (Sudan)
    • Masai mythology (Kenya, Tanzania)

    Southern Africa

    • Khoisan religion
    • Lozi mythology (Zambia)
    • Tumbuka mythology (Malawi)
    • Zulu mythology (South Africa)


    Native American mythology

    • Abenaki mythology
    • Anishinaabe
    • Aztec mythology
    • Blackfoot mythology
    • Cherokee mythology
    • Chickasaw mythology
    • Choctaw mythology
    • Creek mythology
    • Crow mythology
    • Ghost Dance
    • Guarani mythology
    • Haida mythology
    • Ho-Chunk mythology (aka: Winnebago)
    • Hopi mythology
    • Inca mythology
    • Indian Shaker Church
    • Inuit mythology
    • Iroquois mythology
    • Keetoowah Nighthawk Society
    • Kuksu
    • Kwakiutl mythology
    • Lakota mythology
    • Leni Lenape mythology
    • Longhouse religion
    • Mapuche mythology
    • Maya mythology
    • Midewiwin
    • Miwok
    • Native American Church
    • Navajo mythology
    • Nootka mythology
    • Ohlone mythology
    • Olmec mythology
    • Pomo mythology
    • Pawnee mythology
    • Salish mythology
    • Selk'nam religion
    • Seneca mythology
    • Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
    • Sun Dance
    • Tsimshian mythology
    • Urarina
    • Ute mythology
    • Wyandot religion
    • Zuni mythology



    • Bon
    • Chinese mythology
    • Japanese mythology
    • Korean shamanism
    • Koshintō
    • Mun (Lepcha)
    • Siberian Shamanism
    • Tengrism


    • Asatru
    • Estonian mythology
    • Eskimo religion
    • Finnish mythology and Finnish paganism
    • Marla faith
    • Odinism
    • Hungarian folk religion
    • Sami religion (including the Noaidi)
    • Tadibya
    • Wotanism


    • Australian Aboriginal mythology
    • Austronesian beliefs
      • Balinese mythology
      • Javanese beliefs
      • Melanesian mythology
      • Micronesian mythology
        • Modekngei
        • Nauruan indigenous religion
      • Philippine mythology
        • Anito
        • Gabâ
        • Kulam
      • Polynesian mythology
        • Hawaiian mythology
        • Maori mythology
          • Maori religion
        • Rapa Nui mythology
          • Moai
          • Tangata manu


  5. African diasporic religions are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas among African slaves and their descendants in various countries of the Caribbean Islands and Latin America, as well as parts of the southern United States. They derive from African traditional religions, especially of West and Central Africa, showing similarities to the Yoruba religion in particular.

    • Batuque
    • Candomblé
    • Dahomey mythology
    • Haitian mythology
    • Kumina
    • Macumba
    • Mami Wata
    • Obeah
    • Oyotunji
    • Quimbanda
    • Santería (Lukumi)
    • Umbanda
    • Vodou
    • Palo


  6. A group of monotheistic traditions sometimes grouped with one another for comparative purposes, because all refer to a patriarch named Abraham.


    Bahá'í Faith

    See also: Bahá'í divisions


    Western Christianity
    Eastern Christianity

    Other Christian

    Certain Christian groups are difficult to classify as "Eastern" or "Western."

    No-longer-extant Christian groups

    Latter-Day Saints movement (Mormonism)[


    Many Gnostic groups were closely related to early Christianity, for example, ValentinismIrenaeus wrote polemics against them from the standpoint of the then-unified Catholic Church.[8]

    Main article: Gnosticism

    The Yazidis are a syncretic Kurdish religion with a Gnostic influence:

    Persian Gnosticism
    Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism

    None of these religions are still extant.

    Main article: Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism
    Neo-Gnostic Groups
  7. Rabbinic Judaism

    • Orthodox Judaism
      • Haredi Judaism
      • Hasidic Judaism
      • Modern Orthodox Judaism


    • Conservative Judaism
      • Masorti
      • Conservadox Judaism
        • Union for Traditional Judaism


    • Reform Judaism
    • Progressive Judaism
      • Liberal Judaism

    Karaite JudaismFalasha or Beta IsraelModern Non-Rabbinic Judaism

    • Alternative Judaism
    • Humanistic Judaism (not always identified as a religion)
    • Jewish Renewal
    • Reconstructionist Judaism

    Historical groups

    • Essenes
    • Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism)
    • Sadducees (possible ancestor of Karaite Judaism)
    • Zealots
      • Sicarii


    • Sects that believed Jesus was a prophet
      • Ebionites
      • Elkasites
      • Nazarenes


    • Sabbateans
      • Frankists


  8. tumblr_mmiso45TKH1qji9qro1_500.jpg.119fa


    Kalam Schools
    Main article: Kalam

    • Ash'ari
    • Kalam
    • Maturidi
    • Murji'ah
    • Mu'tazili


    • Ibadi (Only surviving sect)
    • Azraqi
    • Haruriyya
    • Sufri

    Shia Islam

    • Ismailism
      • Mustaali / Bohra
      • Nizari


    • Jafari
      • Twelvers
        • Akhbari
        • Shaykhi
        • Usuli
      • Alawites
      • Alevi / Bektashi


    • Zaidiyyah


    • Bektashi
    • Chishti
    • Mevlevi
    • Mujaddediyah
    • Naqshbandi
      • Jahriyya
      • Khufiyya


    • Nimatullahi
    • Tariqah
    • Quadiriyyah
    • Sufi Order International
    • Sufism Reoriented
    • Suhrawardiyya
    • Tijani
    • Universal Sufism
      • Dances of Universal Peace

    Sunni Islam

    • Hanafi
      • Barelvi
      • Deobandi
      • Gedimu
      • Yihewani
      • Xidaotang


    • Hanbali
    • Maliki
    • Shafi'i
    • Ahl-e Hadith or Salafi


    • Ahle Quran
    • Tolu-e-Islam
    • United Submitters International

    Black Muslims

    • Nation of Islam
    • Moorish Science Temple of America
    • 5 percenters


    • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
    • Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

    Other Islamic Groups

    • Ahl-e Haqq or Yarsan
    • Al-Fatiha Foundation
    • Canadian Muslim Union
    • European Islam
    • Ittifaq al-Muslimin
    • Jamaat al-Muslimeen
    • Jadid
    • Liberal Muslims
    • Muslim Canadian Congress
    • Mahdavia
    • Gohar Shahi
      • Messiah Foundation International
      • International_Spiritual_Movement_Anjuman_Serfaroshan-e-Islam


    • Progressive British Muslims
    • Progressive Muslim Union
    • Wahabi
    • Zikri

    Islamic State 

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    • Swaminarayan
    • Shrauta
    • Lingayatism
    • Shaivism
    • Shaktism
    • Tantrism
      • Ananda Marga


    • Smartism
    • Vaishnavism
      • Gaudiya Vaishnavism
        • ISKCON (Hare Krishna)


    • Hindu reform movements
      • Arya Samaj
      • Brahmo Samaj
      • Ramakrishna Mission
      • Satya Dharma
      • Satsang of Thakur Anukulchandra
      • Matua Mahasangha


    • Hinduism in Indonesia

    Major schools and movements of Hindu philosophy

    • Nyaya
    • Purva mimamsa
    • Samkhya
    • Vaisheshika
    • Vedanta(Uttara Mimamsa)
      • Advaita Vedanta
      • Integral Yoga
      • Vishishtadvaita
      • Dvaita Vedanta


    • Yoga
      • Ashtanga Yoga
      • Bhakti Yoga
      • Raja yoga
      • Karma yoga
      • Jnana yoga
      • Kundalini yoga
      • Hatha yoga
      • Siddha Yoga
      • Surat Shabd Yoga
      • Tantric Yoga
      • Sahaja Yoga





  10. Indian religions, also known as dharmic religions, are the religions that originated in the Indian subcontinent; namely Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism and religions and traditions related to, and descended from, them.


    Bhakti movement

    • Kabir Panth
    • Sant Mat
    • Ravidassia Religion



    • Din-i-Ilahi




    • Meivazhi


    • Khalsa
      • Nihang
    • Amritdhari original and real Sikhs
    • Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs
    • Sahajdhari Sikh
    • Ravidasi
  11. 56ca6f007d924_ScreenShot2013-11-02at3.48


    The Watch Tower 1865, published by J.F. Shaw & Co., for the proprietors of “The Watch Tower”, 158 Fleet Street, London.

    Sold at all booksellers and railway book stores during the mid to late 1860′s. This volume of The Watch Tower was first published on March 29, 1865, for the benefit of learned members of the Anglican Church.

    Some highlights include the poems “On The Watch Tower” (page 167) and “The Light-Bearers” (page 279). This volume was not published or produced by the Watch Tower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses/Bible Students) or any of their predecessors.

    The Watch Tower volume of 1865 (417 pages) has been recently scanned into PDF by Google as part of a project to make the world’s books discoverable online. The document comprises 417 pages in total. 

  12. tumblr_mbu9f97flX1qb2si6o1_500.jpg.58919

    Cave painting of Buddhas hands, in sacred Mustang Kingdom. 


    • Nikaya schools (which have historically been called Hinayanain the West)
      • Theravada
        • Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya
        • Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya
        • Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikaya
        • Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya
        • Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikaya
        • Burmese Thudhamma Nikaya
          • Vipassana tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw and disciples
        • Burmese Shwekyin Nikaya
        • Burmese Dvaya Nikaya
        • Thai Maha Nikaya
          • Dhammakaya Movement
        • Thai Thammayut Nikaya
          • Thai Forest Tradition
            • Tradition of Ajahn Chah
    • Mahayana
      • Humanistic Buddhism
      • Madhyamaka
        • Prāsangika
        • Svatantrika
        • Sanlun(Three Treatise school)
          • Sanron
        • Maha-Madhyamaka (Jonangpa)
      • Nichiren
        • Nichiren Shū
        • Nichiren Shōshū
        • Nipponzan Myōhōji
        • Soka Gakkai
      • Pure Land
        • Jodo Shu
        • Jodo Shinshu
      • Tathagatagarbha
        • Daśabhūmikā (absorbed into Huayan)
        • Huayan school (Avataṃsaka)
          • Hwaeom
          • Kegon
      • Tiantai
        • Tendai
        • Cheontae
      • Yogācāra
        • Cittamatra in Tibet
        • Wei-Shi (Consciousness-only school) or Faxiang(Dharma-character school)
          • Beopsang
          • Hossō
      • Chan / Zen/ Seon / Thien
        • Caodong
          • Sōtō
            • Keizan line
            • Jakuen line
            • Giin line
        • Linji
          • Rinzai
          • Ōbaku
          • Fuke Zen
          • Won Buddhism: Korean Reformed Buddhism
        • Kwan Um School of Zen
        • Sanbo Kyodan
    • Vajrayana
      • Shingon Buddhism
      • Tibetan Buddhism
        • Bön
        • Gelukpa
        • Kagyupa
          • Dagpo Kagyu
            • Karma Kagyu
            • Barom Kagyu
            • Drukpa Kagyu
          • Shangpa Kagyu
        • Nyingmapa
        • Sakyapa
          • Jonangpa
    • New Buddhist movements
      • Aum Shinrikyo (now known as Aleph)
      • Diamond Way
      • Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
      • New Kadampa Tradition
      • Share International
      • True Buddha School
      • Vipassana movement
      • The Osho or Rajneesh movement


    Unsourced photo....

  13. I know I am WAY behind all of you on this series..... I would love to visit Portwynn one day. The town looks very quaint.

    I'm only on season 3 though.

    What did you like about this series.

    I think it is funny how everyone still calls him Martin... even when he insists they call him Doctor. 

    Has anyone else had the thought that he should become a bloodless surgeon? LOL....


  14. You are warmly invited to meet with us to observe the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Find a meeting location near you.


    “You Will Be With Me in Paradise”

    How will this promise be fulfilled?

    In the hours before he died, Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would be with him in his heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:28-30) He later promised a condemned criminal: “You will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) How will those words come true?

    The fulfillment of both promises is possible because Jesus surrendered his life for mankind, even for sinners like that criminal. Jesus’ sacrifice was so vital that he commanded his followers to commemorate it.—Luke 22:19, 20.

    This year, the anniversary of Jesus’ death falls on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to meet with them on that date to observe the Memorial that Jesus instituted. You will hear an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family.

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