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    admin reacted to Queen Esther in Coca-Cola Hired This Man to Laugh Really, Really Hard on a Crowded Subway Train   
    WOW......   I  LOVE  SUCH  OF  FUNNY  VIDEO'S  IN  OUR  DREARINESS  WORLD !   Look,  how  he  changed  the  faces  of  ALL  people  in  this  train  ;o)    Hahahahahahaha  -    I  had  to  watch  it  more  times  here  and  was  laughing  with  all  others   Thank  you  so  much    LOLOLOL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  hahahahahahahaaa
  2. Like
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Coca-Cola Hired This Man to Laugh Really, Really Hard on a Crowded Subway Train   
    Why Coca-Cola Hired This Man to Laugh Really, Really Hard on a Crowded Subway Train Soda brand's latest stunt from Belgium By Tim Nudd
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    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Coca Cola delivery truck, 1909   
  4. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in El nuevo Luis Miguel: todo canoso y con la cara inflada   
    Luis Miguel 
    ofreció el primero de sus cuatro recitales pautados en las Vegas, Nevada, Estados Unidos, en el Coliseo del Caesars Palace y sorprendió con su look. El rostro más regordete, como si hubiera pasado por algún tratamiento estético (que días atrás él se ocupó de negar) y lleno de canas, algo muy inusual en él.  Más allá de la sorpresa de sus fans, lo que a las mujeres más les decepcionó fue saber que sigue de novio... Sí, es que el cantante de 49 años llegó a la ciudad con su novia Mollie Gloud, aunque se había dicho a través de una revista que ambos habían terminado porque el artista estalló de furia cuando le anunció que estaba embarazada y él le pidió que abortara. 
    Sin embargo, todo indica que el amor sigue en pie. Es una tradición que Luismi visite la ciudad del pecado, como se conoce a Las Vegas, donde como en todas partes en donde el Sol se presenta, agota localidades. Recordemos que la revista TV Notas de México publicó hace dos meses que Luis Miguel, “le gritó que había cometido un gran error, pues desde que empezaron su relación, él ya le había aclarado que no pensaba tener más hijos, que quería disfrutar la vida sin más compromiso, responsabilidades, ni problemas”.
    El procedimiento médico presuntamente se habría llevado a cabo en una clínica de Los Ángeles y por esa razón Mollie, quien es su corista, se ausentó a varios conciertos, siempre según low medios que lanzaron el rumor. Cuando esto sucedió, Mollie, se llamó a silencio y dijo en sus redes sociales: "Tengo una hermosa y feliz vida!!! Las noticias falsas son muy divertidas para mí", mencionó en su Instagram Stories, para después compartir un video de un concierto de su amor.
    Pero independientemente de todo lo que se ha dicho, la realidad es que, actualmente, la pareja parece estar feliz.

  5. Upvote
    admin reacted to Srecko Sostar in Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, New York   
    The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, facing potentially huge judgments for past sexual abuse by its priests and other ministers, filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday morning.
    some quotes from article:
    At the same time, some critics say a bankruptcy proceeding may limit the release of damning information about abuse and cover-up, leaving some victims feeling the process did not provide the public acknowledgment of their torment that they had sought.
    "Settlements provided through bankruptcy court typically allow church officials to keep disclosures of abuse in house. Without having to report these allegations to the police or otherwise making them public, a full accounting of the number of abusers and who may have concealed or ignored those crimes can stay hidden," asserted a statement released by SNAP, a nationwide support group for victims of church sex abuse.
    Another plaintiff's lawyer, Jeff Anderson, whose firm has filed more CVA lawsuits than any other to date, denounced the diocese's move as "very disturbing and disappointing.
    "Bishop Salvatore Matano’s choice is simply a legal tactic to protect assets and prevent jury trials, and an attempt to prevent the truth from being revealed," Anderson said.
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    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Watch as these carrots are harvested.   
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    admin reacted to Money & Finance in Waymo   
    Waymo is set to launch the world's first commercial driverless car service in the coming months.
  10. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Anna in A monarchy that has been promoting international terrorism was attacked   
    This will definitely stir the proverbial hornet's nest....
  11. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Some interesting quotes   
    Here are a few more:
    1. "I got kicked out of Riverdance for using my arms." - Michael Flatley (lead Riverdancer)
    2. (On the difference between men and women:) "On the one hand, we'll never experience childbirth. On the other hand, we can open all our own jars." - Bruce Willis
    3. "And God said: 'Let there be Satan, so people don't blame everything on me. And let there be lawyers, so people don't blame everything on Satan.'" - George Burns
    4. "What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? 'Hold my purse.'" - Sandra Bullock
    5. "The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in 'Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire' and the computer will ask, 'Specify type of goat.'" -Jason Alexander (from Seinfeld)
    6. "Luge strategy? Lie flat and try not to die." -Carmen Boyle (Olympic Luge Gold Medal winner 1996)
    7. "There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do." - Henry Kissenger (former US Secretary of State)
    8. "My cousin just died. He was only 19. He got stung by a bee - the natural enemy of a tightrope walker." - Dan Rather (News anchorman)
    9. "I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?'" - Arnold Schwarzenegger
    10. "Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in." - Courtney Cox (Monica on "Friends")
    11. "Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps." - Tiger Woods
    12. "I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves." - Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead)
    13. "I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a Great White or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot." - Axel Rose (Guns'n'Roses)
    14. "Capital punishment turns the state into a murderer. But imprisonment turns the state into a gay dungeon-master." - Rev. Jesse Jackson
    15. "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." - Jack Nicholson
  12. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in A monarchy that has been promoting international terrorism was attacked   
    Saudi Arabia, with the help of the United States and the UK, has been directly and indirectly killing civilians in Yemen and creating a humanitarian crisis that has become so bad, that the United States had begun to distance itself from direct involvement. This started back nearly a decade ago when the ruling party of Yemen was a very small minority that was very pro-Saudi. Yemen is poor, but still had economic deals with Saudi Arabia that were profitable to the Saudi's. That small minority rulership was ousted and this created kind of a civil war in Yemen, with the Saudi's backing the ousted party.
    The new party is sometimes called the Houthi rebels, but most of it has more likely been just a group of civilians who have realized that there is more than enough majority support from a larger portion of the country (for a show of strength) than there was in the small ousted minority. But Saudi Arabia has billions in weapons that it bought from the U.S. But Saudi Arabia was short on jet pilots, refueling tankers, military intelligence agencies, willing armies, etc. So the US offered jet pilots, military intelligence, targeting, refueling stations, etc., so that the bombing of Yemen is as much a US operation as a Saudi one.
    This has created more starvation, more disease, and more "accidental bombings" of children's school buses, hospitals, weddings, funerals, etc., for as long as the US was helping with the targets.  Of course, the Yemen people have been getting some help. Since the US helped to create the great humanitarian crisis through such terrorism, the Yemen people can't ask for help from the US, and have therefore gone to enemies of the US. (Iran? Russia? etc.) This is perfect for the US, because the Boltons and Pompeos have been able to say that it is therefore necessary to offer enough help to Saudi Arabia because anti-US forces must be dealt with somehow. 
    Also, we can probably expect that this particular "win" by Yemen in hitting Saudi Arabia in the pocketbook (Aramco oil) will result in a way for the Boltons and Pompeos to get back into a more hawkish position. Therefore it will probably get more Western press than previous "wins" by Yemen when missiles have slipped through the cracks. Although Bolton is personally out for the moment, his positions have a better chance of still winning out over Trump's recent moderations, and forcing Trump to go back to a Bolton/Pompeo position on Yemen, Iran, etc. This works for as long as Yemen is always tied as a proxy to Iran/Russia etc.
  13. Sad
    admin got a reaction from Jack Ryan in 'We all are Brothers" - Hymn of the United Nations   
    I bet within 5 years kids will be asked to sing this in school rather than the US National Anthem.

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    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in A 73-year-old woman in India has given birth to twin girls.   
    A 73-year-old woman in India has given birth to twin girls. Erramatti Mangayamma is believed to be the oldest person ever to give birth. She became pregnant through IVF and doctors delivered the babies via caesarian section.
  16. Upvote
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  18. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from JW Insider in An outstanding clip from Charlie Chaplin movie.This is the need for everyone in this world currently.   
    getfvid_56959746_825397327809043_2973141916100591616_n.mp4 Rare to see Chaplin speak. Most of his are silent movies.
  19. Confused
    admin reacted to Jack Ryan in 'We all are Brothers" - Hymn of the United Nations   
    International anthem of the United Nations
  20. Confused
  21. Upvote
    admin reacted to Arauna in Prepare For The Coming War: “It’s Going To Obliterate The Global Financial System… Our Economy Will Not Survive”   
    There are new (and serious) economic  and financial  developments on the world stage.
    China has been lending vast amounts  of money to countries in Asia, Africa, South America. Under the guise of  "assistance to develop" they have lent vast amounts  to poor countries to build infrastructure such as airports and harbours.  When counties cannot pay - they take over the infrastructure under  a 100 year lease. Predatory lending. In this way they have acquired ports in Africa,  Sri Lanka, Philippines, apart from building all those islands in the Asia sea.  They can suddenly put embargoes on trade in these seas - and have the capacity to enforce it.
    In this  predatoty lending"  manner they have acquired ports, airports all over and then send  their "police" in to protect the new infrastructure they now own. All the countries on the silk road too!  They built the road - when Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan could not pay - the infrastructure became theirs.  They build fast and are organized - unlike anything you have seen. Their engineers work long shifts as the Chinese people work like slaves. They tried to take over a gold mine too in Uzbekistan but locals fought this.
    Australia already feels threatened by China because they have financially taken over in their country - high rise cities have sprung up. 
    By the way Russia has also done some of this. They already have Ukraine, want Gottland (the swedes are in alert), have a port in Syria and have allies in Turkey and Iran (Access to their ports to control the seas).
    They have taken over many mines in Africa which produce rare metals for cell phones and batteries. It is therefore not a surprise that China, Russia and USA are vying to buy Greenland for its port possibilities as well as its  rare metals.
    USA corporations moved their manufacturing to China and (inadvertantly?) gave them our top technology.   Google, Amazon etc working with China.  China has been getting rich while USA manufacturing is getting less. To crown it all they found that most high level Chinese students in USA and government have access to our military RND etc.
    China has an extreme surveillance system on their people. The "social credit system" is so oppressive  that one cannot buy a coke, buy a plane or train ticket if you are perceived to  have the wrong attitude about the government.  Read up about the extreme credit system which the UN says is an example (a model to follow) in the West.
    China has 1 million muslims in brutal re-training camps which no-one can film. Christian's and some Buddhists are persecuted.
    Russia has financially started to block off Georgia.  China wants control of all the seas to block off trade or control trade. They can already do that to a large degree. Hence the financial "pushing" between USA and China. China is building many air craft carriers etc. These new measures by Trump is a last minute attempt to try to make China' s economy tank. So China is now using a new strategy to "lessen the perception of their "power". They are paying for many propaganda ads in USA newspapers. 
    The NWO  (under control of UN) is close as UN is pushing a "digital" monetary system on the west with digital currency. They want this done by 2022. The Petro-dollar will go. 
    When all people pay in digital currency then digital corporations will assist central UN federal government to monitor and punish any individual in the same way China is now doing. Fascism - the marriage between global organizations and world central government - the worst government ever!  Because at apex of human development and technology they have become Dr Evil. The new AI developments are frightening - the way they can now manipulate crowds and individuals.
    It is no surprise that G5 (short wave cell phone and internet) is being installed everywhere despite warnings of severe impact on human health and animal /bird/ insect deaths. China's Huawei company has been installing it all over Europe and had contracts in USA which Trump now tried to stop.  They can steal all technology with this, have surveillance and even weaponize it to kill targets.....
    So what is my point?  Read Daniel 11:40.  It is economic pushing.  Then read how the plan to control all wealth.... with sudden blockades if necessary. Read Daniel 11 from verse 41 to end.  Lydia and Egypt represent the south. The king of the north is the alliance between Russia and China and their other partners.  UN and EU  is using China as their model . They openly praise their system.
    The UN (UNESCO) has been overseeing the school and university curriculims for the last 20 years. This is why we see the dividing in "minority groups" such as black minirity groups and LGBTQ to name two groups. Divide and conquer.  The new feminism has been politicized by communism and the new post modern philosophy comes from the Frankfort school. It is a subversive  cultural communistic teaching.  Communism teaches revolution and destruction of all spirituality and religion so the state can be worshipped. The communist manifesto is similar to Zionism and "religion of peace"  because it wants world dominion.  The youth is ready (via their free school indoctrination) and curricula at universities to accept the new morals which will be put on them under the NWO. 
    Now read Daniel 11 from verse 36.   Worship of the state will be demanded or you will face the consequences. 
    This is my take of the frightful events we can expect  soon.  The petro-dollar will make place for  digital currency..... it will bring much upheaval BUT the UN and the corporate and extreme rich in the world feel that this revolution is worth all the loss if life and the loss of individual wealth. They are materialists. They believe when all are equal and own the same the world will suddenly become an "utopia" where human behaviour will be managed collectively. 
    As in previous communist regimes the revolution will go the same way. The educated (those who do not work with the government)  will be sacrificed for the sake of the revolution and millions will be starved to save the earth (meat production will stop as well as air flights etc.)
    It is their plan to lessen the human population on earth as UN  is actively trying to lessen births. Hence the new abortion rules. So much more I can mention..... but that is it for now.
  22. Upvote
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    admin reacted to JAMMY in Food Why do people hate Diner en Blanc? The word ‘pretentious’ keeps coming up.   

    Couples gather for a Diner en Blanc meal at the Trocadero gardens adjacent to the Eiffel Tower in Paris
    This is an older article which explains Diner en Blanc. I had never heard of it before. No wonder, I discovered it is supposed to be a SECRET event held each year with thousands attending across the globe. Some secret, huh? It started out as a small gathering .....
    The article continues the story. If invited, you must dress in all white, bring your own table, chairs, food, etc, and still pay admission to get in.
    The reason I wanted to post about this outrageous event is because I saw some pics in a magazine that I wanted to post here under Style and Fashion, and wanted some background info. to
    explain about the event.  The pics I will post will be found under Style and Fashion, and my first inclination was to post them to show what people in Dallas really wear to these kind of events.
     Some attenders  report that they really enjoy this yearly event, but I think I would much prefer to use my dollars some other way. How about you? lol
  24. Like
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in First computer mouse demo in 1968   
  25. Haha
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in This robot is training to become a construction worker   
    I will give it three minutes before it falls off the roof, and requires $37,000 in repairs.
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