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    admin reacted to JW Insider in World largest and strongest nuclear Icebreaker - 50 Years of Victory   
    I'm guessing that this person is on the right track:
    Meier decided to crunch some numbers and find out. While his numbers are an estimate, he said, they provide a helpful comparison of just how much icebreakers might contribute to summer ice loss. Meier said, “In late June, when the sun’s energy is strongest, the total sea ice extent is around 10 million square kilometers or 3.9 million square miles. An icebreaker cruising through the ice for 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and leaving an ice-free wake of 10 meters (33 feet) would open an area of water 10 square kilometers (3.9 square miles) over the entire cruise. In contrast, the Arctic sea ice cover decreases by an average of over 9 million square kilometers or 3.5 million square miles each year during its melt season—an area larger than the contiguous United States.  In total, researchers estimate that the number of icebreakers traversing the Arctic at any given time is usually less than three. So, Meier said, “The actual contribution is miniscule—only one part in a million of the total ice cover.”
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    admin reacted to JW Insider in How many miles does a Chevrolet Bolt gain by 110V charging at home overnight?   
    Agree with inefficiency of the battery powered car for the type of travel we are used to. I notice in Paris and London that a lot of parking spots have the charger hookup and they are constantly in use.
    The Chevy Bolt hardly even works on standard 110v (typically 15 Amp). You need an electrician to hook up a 240v 32 Amp line just as they would for an electric dryer or electric stove. Even then it's about 25 miles for every hour, thus 8 hours would get you 200 miles. and 9.5 hours would get you the full 238 miles that it's battery can make use of before recharging.
    You could only get 5 miles for every hour on a 110v. 8 hours on 110v should get you 40 miles.
    (That's about the same difference between 110v and 220vas many electric dryers. They run on 220/240, but if you don't have that hookup, you can plug many models into a 110v standard plug and it will take about four times as long to dry clothes as a 240v.)
    There are public DC-to-DC charging stations (for money) that can give you an additional 90 mile range in 30 minutes.
    Reminds me that my youngest son built some experimental DIY solar panels which each produce about 60 Watts and keep a stack of 4 deep-cycle batteries powered in the garage. We had to use them during hurricane Sandy (and a separate outage from a tornado) for low powered items (laptops, fish tanks, lights, clocks, radios, small TVs, phone charging) but to run my refrigerator I needed a generator, and since I don't have one, I hooked up one of the two cars with an inverter and used it as a generator.
  7. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in How many miles does a Chevrolet Bolt gain by 110V charging at home overnight?   
    .... let me know when they have a battery powered Airliner.
    The reason the WHOLE world runs off of petroleum is the amount of calolries that are available to do work, per unit of volume, and weight.
    To have the same automobile range you would need a U-Haul trailer for a battery, and the battery would cost more than the car.
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    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Like Movies where "Cardboard Man" fights "Franchise Girl" ?   
    For the past week, large and small headlines on all the Internet News sources have been hyping the controversy of a new movie by NBC ( The "Nobody But Clinton" ) network/ Universal Studios, about rich elite liberals kidnapping conservatives (the ones Hildabilly Clinton called "Deplorables" and putting them on an estate to be hunted like animals, for "sport". 
    It is SUPPOSED to be a satire ... and that is how it is being marketed, on political trends now operating in America, if they continue on the track they are now headed ... but others say it is just an evil movie,. 
    The movie is the 2019  "THE HUNT"
    I suppose some people will appreciate the satire, some the bloodshed, some the story line, or any number of factors, as varied as there are humans with different viewpoints. Some will despise the movie, for the same, or very different reasons.
    Satires push things to absurd scenarios and conclusions to get you to think, but many people cannot recognize satire without someone holding up a sign in front of them that says "SATIRE".
    I have not seen the movie, and may not see it ... certainly not at box office prices ... but about 65% of the people of the United States are mad as hell about SOME aspect of the movie.
    It might be worth the effort to actually know ... about what.
    My guess it is a Thriller Movie, about a possible future civil war. 
    But ... I am speaking now from complete ignorance, and LAWDY, Ah hates being ignorant!
    Since if you keep up with daily news, it is impossible to avoid learning about all the hub-bub surrounding this movie, which will be out September 27, perhaps you may be interested in one EXTREMELY intelligent and common sensical man's viewpoint, Mark Steyn.
    Mark Steyn on 2019 movie The Hunt.wmv
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    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The expedition that circumnavigated the globe via the oceans for the first time 500 years ago is...   
    At that time, a wooden sailing ship, capable of global navigation and sailing, was an INCREDIBLY complex mechanism ... as high tech for that time as a Space Shuttle and associated technology is  (or was ...) for OUR time.
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    admin reacted to JW Insider in French inventor Franky Zapata has successfully crossed the Channel on a jet-powered hoverboard for...   
    Where did he stop for customs? Where did he get his French passport stamped?
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    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Super glue lifts 17 ton truck in the air   
    via .ORGWorld News
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    admin got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Super glue lifts 17 ton truck in the air   
    I remember a super glue commercial from a long time ago with a man holding onto his super glued helmet and hanging in the air.
    I also remember sitting in the Montreal Olympic stadium and being told that the roof was held up by epoxy.
    I wonder if it is still held up that way to this day?
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    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Coke Ad from the 1890s   
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    admin reacted to JW Insider in Kamala Harris gets absolutely demolished by Tulsi Gabbard   
    I just watched a recording of this and the previous debate at about 3am this morning. What a mess. LOL. I don't trust a one of them, but Tulsi Gabbard at least prepared with some material on Kamala Harris that was very easy to obtain, and should have been easy for others to find, too, if they wished to pile on. The articles about Harris hiding DNA evidence that would have freed an innocent man was in the NYTimes. (As was material about her hypocrisy on marijuana, harshness on drug offenses, etc.) I'm surprised that there is so much "opposition info" on everyone, but that these politicians only treat the data superficially when it really COULD "demolish" opponents if they really took time to understand the whole picture and press these issues. Perhaps they are still interested in being another's vice president in case those opponents win.
    Curiously, the number one set of related trends on Twitter yesterday included "Assad" "Tulsi" and "Kamala." Why was "Assad" there? It's evidently because Harris attacked back by claiming that Gabbard had been no more than a defender of Assad. Getting Assad so high in the trends probably implies some help from bots, either foreign or domestic.  (This was based on the fact that Gabbard had done a fact finding mission in Syria and determined that things were not as the official US propaganda would have us believe. Being correct on this point will probably result in her downfall as a potential candidate.) The one thing I appreciated is that Gabbard, a former soldier, was concerned about overuse of war and US empirical policing around the world. But Gabbard herself has unfortunately shown inconsistency. I think she's one that voted for a recent hugely increased Pentagon budget last week.
  20. Haha
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Cake to celebrate the success of the atomic testing program 1946   
    Let's see...how do I make fun of this....
    Just add a mushroom?
    Yellow cake uranium?
    But I think the woman in the center still doesn't know that she has just leaned her her head a little too far forward. The man standing behind her on her left seems to know, however.
  21. Upvote
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Slow motion 138kV switching in ⚡️   
    via .ORGWorld News
  22. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in If you could pick one moment (like a week) to relive over and over for the rest of your life which week would it be?   
    My favorite scene was when, at the front door of the Piano teacher, Bill Murray offered her a thousand dollars (?) for a piano lesson, and the teacher threw the little girl student out the door.
  23. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in If you could pick one moment (like a week) to relive over and over for the rest of your life which week would it be?   
    It was that week that I had to stay in bed, up in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. They had a VCR/DVD player that only had one movie on it. So I ended up watching Bill Murray in Groundhog Day about 30 times in one week.
    Or maybe that was just a dream. . . . Or maybe I just made this up. . .😉
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    admin reacted to JW Insider in Dzhanibekov effect   
    Wow. As a kid we used to make spinning tops at my father's electronics lab, because he had lots of scrap equipment and tools to play with. We never knew why a perfectly good spinning top would completely flip over and keep spinning on the other side after a small wobble that didn't appear to change the center of gravity. Kinetic forces tied to angular momentum were a bit beyond me.
    I do remember our best model was a very large solid metal plate about three feet across, with a small 'bb' or ball bearing that we soldered to its exact center. We would then spin the plate with only the ball bearing touching the polished marble floor, and it could spin for nearly an hour. (And no chance of it flipping over.)
  25. Thanks
    admin got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in List of Watch Tower (Watchtower) Corporate Entities   
    Part of a series on: Jehovah's Witnesses
    A number of corporations are in use by Jehovah's Witnesses. They publish literature and perform other operational and administrative functions, representing the interests of the religious organization. "The Society" has been used as a collective term for these corporations.
    The oldest and most prominent of their corporation names, "Watch Tower Society", has also been used synonymously with the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, even in their own literature.[1] Particularly since 2000, Jehovah's Witnesses have maintained a distinction between their corporations and their religious organization.[2][3] About 4300 Jehovah's Witnesses in the USA provide voluntary unpaid labor, as members of a religious order (see logo below) and are part of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses
    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
    See Main article: 

    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania is a non-stock, not-for-profit organization[4] headquartered in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, United States. It is the main legal entity used worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses, often referred to as "The Society". It holds the copyrights of most literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses. The society was founded in 1881 with William Henry Conley, a Pittsburgh businessman, as the first president and Charles Taze Russell as secretary-treasurer.[5] The society was incorporated as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society in Pennsylvania on December 15, 1884, with Russell as president.[6] The corporation was officially renamed Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1896; similar names had been in unofficial use since at least 1892.[7]
    Personnel (as of September 1, 2005)
    President: Don A. Adams Vice Presidents: Robert W. Wallen, William F. Malenfant Secretary/Treasurer: Richard E. Abrahamson Directors: Danny L. Bland, Philip D. Wilcox, John N. Wischuk Name changes
    Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society (1881–1896) Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (1896–1955) Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (since 1955) See also - Trademarks owned by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
    United States corporations
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (originally called the Peoples Pulpit Association of New York) is a corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses, which is responsible for administrative matters, such as real estate, especially within the United States. This corporation is typically cited as the publisher of Jehovah's Witnesses publications, though other publishers are sometimes cited. The corporation's stated purposes are: “Charitable, benevolent, scientific, historical, literary and religious purposes; the moral and mental improvement of men and women, the dissemination of Bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and for religious missionary work.”[8] 
    See also: Watchtower Real Estate News and an example of it's investment portfolio strategy
    Selected Personnel (as of April 1, 2012)
    President: Leon Weaver Jr. (Replaced Max H. Larson) Vice Presidents George M. Couch, Lonnie R. Schilling Secretary/Treasurer Gerald F. Simonis Directors Gerald D. Grizzle, David G. Sinclair, Robert M. Pevy
    Originally known as the Peoples Pulpit Association, the organization was incorporated in 1909 when the Society's principal offices moved to Brooklyn, New York. In 1939, it was renamed Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., and in 1956 the name was changed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.[9]Until 2000, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses was president of both the Watch Tower (Pennsylvania) and Watchtower (New York) corporations, as well as Britain's International Bible Students Association corporation; in 2001, it was decided that the corporations' directors need not be members of the Governing Body.[2] In 2001 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York was listed among the top forty revenue-generating companies in New York City, reporting an annual revenue of about 951 million US dollars.[10]
    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
    Coordinates all service (i.e., proselytic) activities, including door-to-door proselytism, circuit and district conventions, etc.
    President William L. Van De Wall Vice Presidents Charles I. Woody, Leon Weaver, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer William H. Nonkes Directors Harold K. Jackson, Merton V. Campbell, Stanley F. Weigel Other US corporations
    Reorganization in 2000 resulted in the creation of several additional corporate entities to serve the needs of the United States branch of Jehovah's Witnesses. Since then, most written communication with congregations and individuals in the United States involves the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc; other corporations include, for example,
    Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses, New York. Incorporated in 2000 to give particular attention to those in special full-time service: Bethel volunteers, missionaries, traveling overseers, special pioneers; and assembly halls. See also their special Vow of Poverty and Obedience.      President Patrick J. LaFranca Vice Presidents Peter D. Molchan, Ralph E. Walls Secretary/Treasurer Joseph D. Mercante Directors Marvin G. Smalley, Kenneth J. Pulcifer, Eugene D. Rosam, Jr.
    Kingdom Support Services, Inc., New York. Incorporated in 2000 to deal with construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls, other engineering needs, and vehicles. President Harold L. Corkern Vice Presidents Alan D. Janzen, Robert L. Butler Secretary/Treasurer Alexander W. Reinmueller Directors James F. Mantz, Jr., Thomas Kalimeris, Alan G. Browning Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida President Leonard R. Pearson Vice Presidents Alejandro G. Rodriguez, Maurice C. Turcot Secretary/Treasurer Mark L. Questell Directors Jim Moody, Sr., Anselm J. Packnett, Donald R. Krebs Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey President Charles V. Molohan Vice Presidents James L. Bauer, J. Richard Brown Secretary/Treasurer Alan K. Flowers Directors Allen E. Shuster, David L. Walker, Vernon C. Wisegarver Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987) President Charles J. Rice Vice Presidents Kent E. Fischer, Robert L. Rains Secretary/Treasurer Albert L. Harrell Directors John R. Strandberg, Samuel D. Buck, Louis A. Travis LEGAL DEPARTMENT 
    It is assumed this team works on behalf of any of the corporations listed on this page
    Philip Brumley: Coordinator Mario Moreno Gregory Olds Don Ridley Carolyn Wah (Wah is Assistant General Counsel for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Ms. Wah is an attorney and was admitted to law practice in the State of New York in 1985. She has published numerous papers and given presentations on issues of religious practice, minority religions, mental health and family law.) Charles Creger Joseph Jandrokovic
    Listed as Watchtower attorneys practicing in New York: Attorneys at 100 Watchtower Drive in Patterson, NY 12563:
    Philip Brumley (home address 131 Brimstone Road,[ seriously ? ] Patterson NY 12563 although also given for him in another document was 2891 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2236; New York attorney registry: 2224871);
    Mario F. Moreno (home address 720 Route 292 in Holmes NY 12531),
    Carolyn Wah ,
    Adam Lett , ----- Is this Stephen Letts' son?
    Paul D. Polidoro,
    Donald T. Ridley,
    Robert C. James,
    Richard King,
    John Miller III,
    Richard Moake,
    Erna Neufeld,
    Gregory D. Olds (home address 79 Willow Street, Brooklyn NY 11201 involved with Religious Order of JWs),
    William R. Bell,
    Christine Benham,
    Max Custer,
    Michelle Dickinson,
    Lisa Douglas,
    furthermore: Michelle Dickinson at 27 Hudson Watchtower Drive, Ossining NY 10562;
    further: Christine Benham at 275 Tanner Marsh Road, Guilford Connecticut 06437;
    further, James M. McCabe can be mailed at 4817 Santa Monica Avenue, Suite B, San Diego, California 92017

    Judah Schroeder (son of former GB member Albert Schroeder was trained as an attorney by the WT Society) (I think he has left bethel to go live down in Florida)

    US Websites:
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Buffalo, NY Headquarters
    Mountainbrook Ltd Partnership (dba "Watchtower Educ Ctr") Patterson, NY Headquarters
    Watchtower (dba "Kingdom Farms") Lansing, NY (There are also other Kingdom Farms in Florida and Colorado, but I have not listed them at this time)
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Brooklyn, NY Headquarters
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Watchtower Health Care Sup") Brooklyn, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Construction Division") Brooklyn, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Watchtower Farm") Wallkill, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Bossert Hotel") Brooklyn, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible And Clergy, The (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Fortuna, CA
    Watchtower Associates Ltd Woodbury, NYWatchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania, PA
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania Brooklyn, NY (Headquarters)
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Trafford, PA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Clinton, IL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Mattituck, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses," "Kingdom Hall Jehovah Witnesses," "Kingdom Hall Inc") Fort Payne, AL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Lakeview Congrg Of Jehovahs W") Stanton, MI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Lake Ariel, PA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Sun City, AZ Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania Brooklyn, NY Branch
    ADDRESSES OF KEY OPERATIONS: Some of these seem like duplicates, but they "may" represent various operations and subsidiaries, such as printing factories, or shipping operations. Some of them, I do not yet know what their specific purpose is.

    MOUNTAINBROOK LTD PARTNERSHIP, 100 Watchtower Dr., Patterson, NY 12563 (Investment operation of Patterson site, including hotel)

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Brooklyn, NY Branch
    Jehovah's Witnesses Crown Point (Inc) (dba "Watchtower Society") Crown Point, IN
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Emmett, ID Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Hernando, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Clearfield, PA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses Brklyn") Brooklyn, NY Branch
    Watchtower Society (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Cleveland, OH
    Watchtower And Bible Society (Inc) (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses W S Spanish") Ocala, FL
    Watchtower Bb Tract Soc Of Ny Jasper, GA Branch
    Watchtower Bb Tract Soc Of Ny (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Libby, MT Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Baker, MT
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witness Lake Mangoni") West Palm Beach, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Saint Paul, MN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses(Inc)") Ashland, WI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Charlotte, MI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc West Palm Beach, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") El Toro, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Bishop, CA
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Soquel, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Fort Myers, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Toms River, NJ Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Pottstown, PA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Yakima, WA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Bemidji, MN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Clarkesville, GA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") West Des Moines, IA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses-Mont") Montgomery, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Knoxville, TN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Crystal Lake, IL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Watchtower Bible And Track") Tijeras, NM Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Memphis, TN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses," "Jehovah S Witnesses") Honolulu, HI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Anchorage, AK Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Portland, OR Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Cleveland, OH Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Saraland, AL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs
    Witnesses," "Jehovah S Witnesses") Reedley, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Austell, GA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Conyers, GA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Sandusky, OH Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovah Witnesses East") De Leon Springs, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Yerington, NV Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") San Antonio, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovah Witnesses") Denver, CO Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses Sandusky") Sandusky, MI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") San Antonio, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Vancouver, WA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Dowagiac, MI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Brookville, PA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc Boynton Beach, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible And Trackt Society (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses Bandera Soc") Bandera, TX
    Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Springfield, MA
    Watchtower Bible Society Of Pa (Inc) (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses Hillsboro") Hillsboro, TX
    Watchtower Bible Trac Society (Inc) (dba "Jehovahs Wtnesses Kingdom Hall") Kent, OH
    Watchtower Bible Tract Of Pennsalvania (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Pottsville, PA
    Watchtower Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") San Jose, CA
    Watchtower Society (Inc), The (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Plano, TX
    Wheaton Congrg Of Jehovah Inc (dba "Watchtower Bible And Track Soc") Wheaton, MN

    Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall (dba "Watchtower Bible & Tract Soc") Metuchen, NJ
    Watchtower Society (dba "Kingdom Hall," "Jehovah's Witnesses") Phoenix, AZ
    Kingdom Hall Of Jehovah's Witnesses (dba "Watchtower The," "Jehovah's Witnesses") BELFAIR, WA
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (dba "Jehovahs Wtnesses Kingdom Hall") Laurel, MD
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses," "Jehovah's Witnesses") Lompoc, CA
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses Kingdom Hall") Yukon, OK Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jehovahs Witness") Mc Cormick, SC Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Cortez Cngrgtion Jhvah Wttness") Cortez, CO Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Of Jehovahs") Woodward, OK
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Levelland, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses-Folsom") El Dorado Hills, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jehovahs Witness," "Kingdom Hall Jehovah S Witness") Wauchula, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall") Durango, CO Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Elk Rapids Congrtn Jehova") Kewadin, MI Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Columbus Cngrgtn Jehovahs") Lynn, NC Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Wtness S Congregation") Live Oak, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Congregation Of Jenovahs") Lake Wales, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Winterpock Congregation") Chesterfield, VA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Of Jhvahs Wtness") Lindsay, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Of Jhvahs Wtness") Minneapolis, MN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Of Jehovahs," "Kingdom Hall Of Jehovah S") Gallup, NM Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall," "Jehovah's Witnesses") Palestine, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Maquoketa, IA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jehovahs Witness") KYLE, TX Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Watch Tower Bible Track Soc Ny," "Kingdom Hall") NAPA, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Wtnesses Kingdom Hall") Alhambra, CA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Norfolk, VA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jehovah Witness") Atoka, OK Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovahs Wtnesses Kingdom Hall") Orlando, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Saint Edward, NE Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Wahoo, NE Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Spring Hill, FL Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdom Hall Jhovahs Witnesses") Schoharie, NY Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Jehovah S Witness Kingdom Hall") North Wilkesboro, NC Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Northwest Cong Jehovahs," "Jehovah's Witnesses") Nashville, TN Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of New York Inc (dba "Kingdomhall Jehovahs Witnesses") Scottsville, VA Branch
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Ny Inc (dba "Jehovahs Witnesses") Klamath Falls, OR
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Pennsylvania (dba "Jeovahs Witnesses Kingdom Hall") Buford, GA Branch
    Watchtower Bible Tract Society (dba "Kingdom Hall," "Jehovah's Witnesses") Hart, MI Single
    Watchtower Corp (dba "Jehovahs Wtnesses Kingdom Hall") Macon, GA

    Watchtower Society, New York acquires QCSTelecom Inc
    Corporations outside the United States
    International Bible Students Association

    International Bible Students Association is a corporate not-for-profit organization used by Jehovah's Witnesses in the United Kingdom. Some Jehovah's Witnesses publications cite this corporation as publisher or co-publisher.[citation needed]
    It was founded in 1914 as a corporation of the Bible Students by Charles Taze Russell in London, England, and was the first legal corporation representing Russell's ministry in Europe. Along with their Pennsylvania and New York based corporations, Watch Tower publications since 1914 have stated: "All three of these corporations were organized for identical purposes and they harmoniously work together."[20]
    Later corporations, such as in Canada, were similarly named. The name continues to be used for corporate entities (for example, in East Africa), but in 1931 the religion formally changed its name worldwide from International Bible Students Association to Jehovah’s witnesses.

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Ireland

    Other corporations
    Since the formation of the International Bible Students Association, many other legal entities sanctioned by the Governing Body have been used throughout the world to further the interests of Jehovah's Witnesses.[21]Typically these are synonymous with the branch offices in various countries. These include:
    Testigos de Jehová de Venezuela, La Victoria, Venezuela Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses of East Africa Associação Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados Iglesia Cristiana de los Testigos de Jehová - (Colombia) Testigos Cristianos de Jehova - (Spain) Congregación Cristiana de los Testigos de Jehová - (México) Wachtturm Bibel- und Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, e. V., Selters/Taunus (Germany, Austria) Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Of Australia, Inc. (Australia) Address: 12-14 ZOUCH RD, DENHAM COURT, NSW 2565 Macarthur-camden, Sydney Metro Tel: 02 98295600 Jah-Jireh Charity Homes - suspected connection Jah-Jireh Homes of America Świadkowie Jehowy w Polsce Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of The Philippines Administrative Centre of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia (Can someone write this in Russian here? Thank you.) Address: 186 rosevelt ave., sfdm, quezon city 1100, Tel: 24116090 The European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses Association religieuse des Témoins de Jéhovah du Bénin Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Canada
    In some countries, Jehovah's Witnesses use the corporation name Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, or a similar name translated into the local language. In 2005, the branch office in Canada began using this name for a separate Canadian entity for most correspondence, while retaining Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada for other matters. Literature of Jehovah's Witnesses has also referred to the religion generally as the "Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses".[22][23][24]
    Corporations used for International Conventions
    Detroit International Hospitality Committee. (Possibly a PR firm hired by WTBTS)
    Defunct Corporations
    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Lünen-Magdeburg of the new-apostolic sect - Prussia - Dissolved 1933
    Jehovah's Kingdom Corporation

    Watch Tower Society of Cuba
    Associations / Splinter Groups
    Association of Jonadab Class 
    ^ Such as in their book Worldwide Security Under the “Prince of Peace” (OCLC 15485620), ©1986 Watch Tower, pages 26-27, "That momentous date [that is, 1914] had been pointed forward to since 1876 by those who became associated with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. ... In all the warring nations [during World War I], the dedicated Christians who were associated with the Watch Tower Society came under tremendous pressure to abandon their resolve to keep free from bloodguilt." ^ a b "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower: 29. 15 January 2001. ^ Isaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind, volume 2, ©2001 Watch Tower, page 317 ^ "Pennsylvania Department of State". Corporations.state.pa.us. Retrieved 2012-12-31. ^ Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (Watchtower, 1993), p. 576. ^ J. Rutherford, //A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens,// 1915, p. 14. ^ "Printing and Distributing God’s Own Sacred Word", Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, page 603 ^ "The Warning Work (1909-1914)", The Watchtower, March 1, 1955, page 141 ^ "Early Legal Corporations", Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, page 229 ^ "Newsday.com article". Watchtowernews.org. 2001-09-17. Retrieved 2012-12-31. ^ Letter from Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., to All Bodies of Elders in the United States, dated February 27, 2001. ^ Our Kingdom Ministry, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 2002 January p7 ^ NYS Dept of State, Division of Corporations, site retrieved March 23, 2009 ^ "Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, site retrieved March 23, 2009". Sunbiz.org. Retrieved 2012-12-31. ^ Our Kingdom Ministry, September 2005, page 1 ^ The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 14-15 ^ The Watchtower, July 15, 2006, page 20 ^ Awake!, June 2006, page 19 ^ The Watchtower, April 1, 2007, page 25 ^ See “The History and Operations of Our Society,” Watch Tower, 1917, pp. 327-330, as referred by The Watchtower, March 1, 1955, page 141 ^ Brochure insert, Our Kingdom Ministry, January 2002, page 7. ^ The Watchtower, August 1, 2004, page 6 ^ Awake!, January 22, 2005, page 21 ^ Awake!, June 8, 2002, page 11
    See also:
    Bethel Personnel Assignments (2000)
    LDC Seminar from November 2014
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