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    admin reacted to Jack Ryan in China Threatens US With "Consequences" If It Does Not "Immediately" Revoke Sanctions Over Russian Weapons Deal   
    And what exactly would China do? increase tariffs?
    They consider themselves a superpower already and are about to learn a lesson in humility.
    Not yet China. You were still riding bicycles when I was kid.... you have just figured out how to drive cars thru drive thrus.
    Don't think Russian weapons systems will make you equal to US Military might.
    There has NEVER been another military in world history with the power and might of equal to the USA.
    The US Navy has the 2nd largest Air Force in the entire world after the US Air Force.
  3. Like
    admin reacted to Space Merchant in China Threatens US With "Consequences" If It Does Not "Immediately" Revoke Sanctions Over Russian Weapons Deal   
    Granted that China is a legitmate ally of Russia and Syria, it would be interesting to see how such things turn out.
    A fun fact: American Flags have been/still made in China.
  4. Upvote
    admin reacted to Jack Ryan in Painful Deceptions   
  5. Haha
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Huge Flaw Found in Intel Processors; Patch Could Hit 5-30% CPU Performance...   
    The other chip manufacturers use a technique known as "clean room" ... where there are two rooms isolated from each other.  In one room the hardware designers reverse engineer the Intel chips ... and without writing down the code .. write a set of SPECIFICATIONS of what that portion of the Intel chip is doing.
    Then they (AMD or ARM designers) pass the specifications to room No. 2, and with no hints of HOW Intel designed their chips, the reconstructors, from the specifications, design new chips that will exactly emulate what Intel's chips do ... without using ANY of the same code, never having seen it.  All this is heavily documented.
    Since 1995 this has been working well, until October of 2016, when one of the AMD disassemblers in clean room no. 1 was eating lunch, and  set a pack of specifications for clean room no. 2 in his chair , and sat down on and smeared a paper towel with six "Chips Ahoy!" cookies.
  6. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Hurricane Florence   
    UPDATE: 9/18/2018
    I had a tree about 150 feet tall and as big around as a barrel fall across my chain link fence in the side yard and crushed about three, ten foot sections of fence.
    When it gets cooler, I will chain saw it and repair the fence.
    90% of the tree is on my neighbor's property, but it is a big farm, so I will not have to move it.
    It looks like we missed "Stormageddon"!
    It was like being chased by a giant turtle.
  7. Like
    admin reacted to Space Merchant in How Rich is Steve Wozniak?   
    Steve Wozniak's (The Woz) Net Worth is estimated to be $100 million USD.
    Check this out: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/21/why-apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-doesnt-trust-money.html and https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/21/why-apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-doesnt-trust-money.html
    As for Bill Gates, I'd say he is still richer, he is sitting at a Net Worth of estimated to $97.9 billion USD.
    The only riches among them I can think of is Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, who is having an estimated Net Worth of $161.6 billion USD.
    Then we have Warren Buffet at $89.2 billion USD.
  8. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in FEMA will test a system that would allow Trump to text directly to your phone....   
    “The EAS is a national public warning system that provides the president with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency,” explained FEMA on its website.
    In England during World War II, they had mail service twice a day, and notified people of national emergencies BY MAIL!
    This EAS is a system set up to warn people of national emergencies, like thermonuclear war, where you have PERHAPS 15 minutes to take cover.
    FAKE NEWS is when it is alluded to that Trump is going to use it for ANY personal purpose.
  9. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Overdramatic Weather Reporters   
    I also don't think flippant reporters who make fun of cats and dogs on the same page that reports deaths:
    "Hundreds of dogs and cats defy mandatory evacuation order"
    along with Florence leaves at least 9 dead further down the page.

  10. Haha
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Overdramatic Weather Reporters   
    via .ORGWorld News
  11. Haha
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Hurricane Florence   
    Thanks for asking ....
    Here, near Charlotte, it was overcast today with no rain, and a 15 mph breeze.  Now, at approx. 12:30 AM Saturday, it's about the same, with no discernible wind noise.  Tomorrow it is an 85% chance of rain, with maximum 30 mph winds forecast. Sunday forecast is 30 mph and 100% chance of rain.
    I bought 26 candles in  glass tubes, 5 square yellow flashlights,  24 cans of beans and 60, 2.5 gal. freezer bags to fill with water.and 45 cans of dog food ( for relatives if they have to come over ... so they will leave ASAP).
    We live on a heavily wooded lot with very large trees, which I suppose will be the greatest danger, falling into the house, but we shall see.
    In 1954 I was 6 years old when Hurricane Hazel tore through Richmond Virginia,  and I went out and tied myself to a tree with a garden hose, and watched roofs peel off and flop down the street.
    It was fun!
    .... my Mom was not pleased .
  12. Upvote
    admin reacted to Space Merchant in “I know the depth of her depravity.”Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped as a 14-year-old...   
    Going after the real problem, that is the better solution. Such a thing cannot be 100% stopped, that is like saying you can end world hunger and famine at the flick of the wrist.
    We can only prevent some instances, but we cannot prevent all of them sadly.
    This is coming from a guy who's people's children were almost subjected to human trafficking by the Americans, although we stopped this one, we cannot say much for the others because stuff like this isn't easy to deal with. The same goes for the human black market and the vampires for project Ambrosia.
  13. Like
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in “I know the depth of her depravity.”Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped as a 14-year-old...   
    As regards this specific prisoner being released .... what is a better solution?
    I mean ... one that is legal.
    How would YOU solve this SPECIFIC prisoner's situation?
    The phrase "Going after the problem" is completely meaningless, without specifics.
  14. Like
    admin reacted to Space Merchant in “I know the depth of her depravity.”Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped as a 14-year-old...   
    Ms. Smart has also spoken up as this went live as of yesterday:
  15. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Intelstat   
    That would be my guess ... I have an Iridium Satellite Phone now, and could make a call from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, if I wanted ... but it is almost as big as a WWII walkie-talkie, and has a large folding antenna. 
    It's not so much getting a signal FROM a Satellite, its the return signal. 
    If memory serves, a cell phone has only .4 watts, and the power is turned up and down by the cell tower.
    Perhaps I should work on a quantum entanglement phone, as conversation can now be reduced to zeros and ones (or on/off). and reconstructed at both ends. 
    Perfect truly Instant communication across ANY distance,  even across the Universe, and it cannot be jammed or tapped.
    Hmmmmm .....
  16. Thanks
  17. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in El fósil de una tortuga sin caparazón que desconcierta a los científicos   
    Las tortugas no siempre tuvieron caparazón.
    La prueba de ello es el fósil de un ancestro de las tortugas actuales casi completo, que mide cerca de 10 metros de largo y tiene 228 millones de años de antigüedad.
    El fósil fue descubierto en la provincia de Guizhou, en el suroeste de China.
    "Tiene el aspecto de una tortuga pero no tiene caparazón ni en la parte dorsal ni en la parte ventral", señaló Nicholas Fraser, curador de ciencias naturales en el Museo Nacional de Escocia, en Edimburgo.
    "El fósil muestra la estructura donde iría el caparazón, pero este está ausente".
  18. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Así es ir al mercado en Venezuela: los billetes pesan más que la propia comida   
    Un kilo de pasta = 2,5 millones de bolívares = 0,38 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Venezuela espera el quinto reajuste del salario mínimo anunciado por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Tal y como informó el Despacho de la Presidencia en redes sociales, el valor del sueldo subirá de 5,2 millones de bolívares a 180 millones bolívares soberanos. En otras palabras, de menos de un dólar a 28 en el mercado negro. La medida entrará en vigor el 1 de septiembre, en palabras del propio Presidente. Con la paga actual, el venezolano medio no podía comerse ni una hamburguesa.
      Un paquete de harina de 1 kilo = 2,5 millones de bolívares = 0,38 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    El programa de recuperación económica de Venezuela estará supeditado al valor del Petro, una criptomoneda creada por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro respaldada por un barril de petróleo. Un petro equivale a 60 dólares.
    Un paquete de arroz de un kilo = 2,5 millones de bolívares = 0,38 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    El ingreso mínimo se ve directamente afectado por la devaluación de la moneda y la creciente hiperinflación que sufre Venezuela, comparable con la que padeció Alemania en 1923 bajo la República de Weimar tras hincar la rodilla en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Según el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el porcentaje anual en 2018 podría llegar al 1.000.000%.
      Un rollo de papel higiénico = 2,6 millones de bolívares = 0,40 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Un kilo de zanahorias = 3 millones de bolívares = 0,46 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    En un mercado de Catia, en el interior de Caracas, el saco de billetes que hay que llevarse para hacer la compra pesa más que los propios alimentos que se pueden comprar. Así, un kilo de carne cuesta más de 9 millones de bolívares, por lo que mucha gente no se lo puede permitir. Este es el dinero necesario para ir al mercado en la capital venezolana.
    500 gramos de manteca = 3 millones de bolívares = 0,46 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Una barra de jabón = 3,5 millones de bolívares = 0,53 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    1 kilo de tomates = 5 millones de bolívares = 0,76 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Un kilo de queso = 7,5 millones de bolívares = 1,14 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Un paquete de pañales = 8 millones de bolívares = 1,22 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Un kilo de carne = 9,5 millones de bolívares = 1,45 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
    Un pollo de 2,4 kilos = 14,6 millones de bolívares = 2,22 dólares
      (Foto: Reuters)
  19. Like
    admin got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Story Behind "Let it Be" with Paul McCartney   
    "I had a dream in the sixties, where my mom, who died, came to me in the dream and was reassuring me, saying: It's gonna be ok" - Sir Paul McCartney. ?Try not to get shivers while watching this video...  Love tribulation. Tribulation means setback. Success is a result of endurance and tranquility during the unavoidable setbacks.

    1507940147251-drlcss.mp4 When you hear/see behind the scenes stories (Jaime Cohen and Reena Friedman Watts is on to something really great, check their content out), no matter whatever the story is about, it becomes real and authentic and 10x more powerful.
    An example, Paul McCartney telling the story about Let it be to James Corden. Stories creates emotions. Shivers. Tears. Laughter. 
    When you find yourself in times of trouble, Let it be... And sometimes, Letting it be instead of being stubborn benefits everyone.
    (video credit: YouTube / Late Late Show) 
  20. Haha
    admin got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Monsanto   
    In this video, Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the landmark decision by a jury to find that Monsanto's Roundup weed killer and glyphosate, in particular, caused Dewayne Lee Johnson's cancer. This opens the floodgates for hundreds of lawsuits, it's all over for Monsanto
  21. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in AeroMobil 3.0   
    You just cannot take off and land this thing from a Freeway .... you still have to fly in and out of airports.
    For the daily INTEREST on 1.5 million dollars, you could have a limousine and driver waiting for you at both ends of the trip, and have money left over.
    .... not to mention the cost of collision insurance for a 1.5 million dollar car, where a 5mph "fender bender" could cost  a hundred thousand dollars in airframe repair.
    This may physically be done,  but they way things are ... probably should not.
    Can you imagine trying to park this thing on ANY city street?
  22. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Grand Jury Finds Over 300 Priests Abused More Than 1,000 Children In Pennsylvania!   
    I can imagine the paper shredders now working 24/7/365 ..... in both the Vatican, and in Warwick.
    The Statute of Limitations has run out on pressing criminal charges on all but TWO of the accused priests ... but I wonder about the CIVIL liability that the church itself has.?
    Just as Al Capone  was prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion, perhaps the Catholic Church itself can be prosecuted for conspiracy, organized mob activity, or some other thing RELATED to the great evil perpetrated here.
    In their "Secret Archives" ... I wonder if they use "Blue Envelopes", to report  these crimes to their equivalent of Branch Overseers ... the Bishops .....  as we do for OUR secret archives.?
    Several years ago the Catholic Los Angeles Diocese was sued and a lost 600 MILLION dollars, in the same sort of cases, and because they did not have the money, the courts confiscated their real estate, and sold it at auction.
    (That's almost 3/4 BILLION dollars ....  for those in Rio Linda.).
  23. Upvote
    admin reacted to The Librarian in Grand Jury Finds Over 300 Priests Abused More Than 1,000 Children In Pennsylvania!   
    This cover up goes all the way up to the Vatican!
    The Vatican is not even responding 
  24. Like
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in All in.   
    When I go through Las Vegas, I spend $100 gambling before continuing my trip.
    One time, years ago, after about 20 minutes, I had the "programming" of a $1 slot machine figured out, and was making $3.00 every 4 pulls.  Soon I had a bucket full of real U.S. $1 "silver" dollars.
    I had been there four hours.   THEN, I hit a small jackpot and the money clattered down into the tin tray, lights flashed, and I think I remember sound effects of some sort.
    A very attractive "cigarette girl"/waitress tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted a drink.
    I asked her how much were they?
    She said they were complementary ( I am thinking a coca-cola or a root beer ...).
    She explained I could have any kind of drink, would I like a cocktail?
    I said I sure could use a Southern Comfort Whiskey Sour.
    Every time my glass was empty, she brought another.
    after four, it occurred to me I had a BETTER "system"
    Next thing I knew, my buckets of silver dollars were empty.
    I figure those  free Whiskey Sours cost me about $400 each.
    Could be worse .... Obama said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and if you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor ... and every family would save $2,500 every year!
  25. Like
    admin got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Who is Q?   
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