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    admin reacted to JW Insider in Rotterdam’s Museum Boijmans van Beuningen is full of shit   
    When I was 16, an 18 year old friend played parts his favorite Cheech and Chong album for me. I recall about three things from the album that were funny and not too embarrassing to tell. One of them was an imaginary conversation between two dogs walking down to the street when one of them has to do his duty. The other dog is impressed by the shape and symmetry of the production. The conversation includes: "Wow! Did I do that?" and the response "Yeah! You're a real Rembrandt!"
    The fact that this is in Rotterdam seemed to trigger the fecetious memory.
  2. Sad
    admin reacted to Space Merchant in 2018 Volcán de Fuego eruption in Guatemala   
    Pyroclastic flow in this situation I believe to be about 5 miles long in that area, and such are incredible fast, going about 430 mph+ as it travels down, for anyone in the direct path of this flow virtually has no chance to react and or escape. The death toll may be higher because there is also a nearby village that is deemed unreachable, so we may not know until later on. It is very tragic.
  3. Upvote
    admin reacted to Bible Speaks in An actual sinkhole has opened on the White House lawn. It’s growing!   
    Truth or consequences? ????
    A sinkhole at the White House has given "drain the swamp" a whole new meaning.
    This week, part of the ground caved in on the White House's North Lawn, close to the briefing room and right outside a deputy press secretary's office. Journalists have noted that the sinkhole has grown larger by the day.
    The National Park Service, which oversees the White House grounds, said it is monitoring the situation and plans to bring in experts to determine a remedy.
    "Sinkholes, like this one, are common occurrences in the Washington area following heavy rain like the DC metro area has experienced in the last week," NPS spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles said in an email. "We do not believe it poses any risk to the White House or is representative of a larger problem."
    All of this has, naturally, led to groundbreaking observations and jokes.

  4. Like
    admin reacted to Bible Speaks in Devastating Hawaii! Pray for Hawaii!   
    Devastating Hawaii! Pray for Hawaii!
    Volcano ?.
    Tap on Video Link mp4 __________ ????
    #Repost @miguelsaravia89

  5. Like
    admin reacted to Bible Speaks in Devastating Hawaii! Pray for Hawaii!   
    Tap on Video Link mp4 _________ ???
  6. Like
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Bill Gates discussing meetings with Donald Trump   
    What could two self made, high energy multi-billionaires POSSIBLY have in common?
  7. Thanks
    admin reacted to Bible Speaks in Purple Flower in Vancouver, WA   
    Beautiful is it not?
  8. Thanks
    admin got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Purple Flower in Vancouver, WA   
    Anyone know the name of this flower/bush?

  9. Like
  10. Thanks
    admin got a reaction from Bible Speaks in A-list Celebrities   
    In popular usage outside the film industry, an "A-list celebrity" is any person with an admired or desirable social status. Even socialites with popular press coverage and elite associations have been termed as "A-list" celebrities. Similarly, less popular persons and current teen idols are referred to as "B-list" – and the ones with lesser fame "C-list". Entertainment Weekly interpreted C-list celebrity as "that guy (or sometimes that girl), the easy-to-remember but hard-to-name character actor".
    "D-list" (or sometimes Z-list) is for a person whose celebrity is so obscure that they are generally only known for appearances as so-called celebrities on panel game shows and reality television. In the late 20th century, D-listers were largely ignored by the entertainment news industry;
    I decided to start my own list of who I consider celebrities and in what ranking they are in according to $ and fame. Feel free to share your opinions with me as well and I will consider them.
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Matt Damon
    Keanu Reeves
    Robert Downey, Jr.
    Tom Cruise
    Tom Hanks
    Elton John
    Julia Roberts
    George Clooney (Amal is with him)
    Matthew McConaughey
    Will Smith
    Sandra Bullock
    Johnny Depp
    Brad Pitt
    Ryan Gosling
    A-List actors/actresses whose careers appear to be slowing down or even halted:
    Nicholas Cage
    Richard Gere 
    Bruce Willis
    Harrison Ford
    Sir Paul McCartney
    Jack Nicholson
    Jim Carrey
    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Mel Gibson
    Cameron Diaz
    Catherine Zeta-Jones
    Michael J. Fox 
    Jennifer Aniston
    Arnold Schwarznegger
    Sylvester Stallone
    Kevin Bacon
    Steve Martin
    Eddie Murphy
    Clint Eastwood
    Bill Cosby...... What a fall from grace and soon to be on the list below. Sad story.
    Oprah Winfrey.... She owns the media world... so I can't really say her career is in decline. But she isn't seen publicly as much as her TV days.
    Now deceased: (A List)
    Elvis Presley
    Michael Jackson
    Princess Diana
    Marilyn Monroe
    Christopher Reeves
  11. Upvote
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  13. Haha
    admin reacted to Arauna in All fish caught from Pacific test positive for Fukushima Radiation.   
  14. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Melinda Mills in “He gave them to me, he took them away, he did a good job, there’s no better person than him to do...   
    These are the words of the surviving father???   
    Who else thinks this is SICK way of thinking much less speaking publicly.
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses taught to think that a father has this right? Is it their studies of patriarchal times affecting his thoughts that his father in law somehow "OWNED" these women and children?
    He needs mental health treatment immediately himself.
  15. Upvote
  16. Like
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Computer translated Sign Language   
    That is SO cool! 
  17. Like
  18. Upvote
  19. Confused
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Why don't fashion models smile?   
    The reason for this is actually rooted in psychology. 
    Smiling in primates - and often in humans - is a sign of appeasement. It's saying "I'm very happy with what you're doing."
    Because of that, smiling when there is little reason to smile can be seen as a sign of compliance. It is thus a sign of low status.
    In other words, fashion models don't smile because it makes them seem lower in status.
    That's exactly how they don't want to appear. They want to project an image of being high status.
    They want you to think "I want to be that girl. I want to have the status she has. Maybe if I buy the clothes or makeup she has on I'll have her status too."
    [1] http://tierneylab.blogs.nytimes....
    [2] http://www.epjournal.net/wp-cont... / Smiles as signals of lower status in football players and fashion models: Evidence that smiles are associated with lower dominance and lower prestige | Evolutionary Psychology
    [3] Why it's good if your boss doesn't readily smile at you
    [4] OASIS
  20. Like
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Paleontologists exploring Scotland’s Isle of Skye have discovered dozens of jumbo-size footprints...   
    “ Gigantic dinosaurs frolicked and splashed some 170 million years ago in the lagoons of what is now Scotland. That’s what a team of paleontologists has determined after discovering dozens of jumbo-sized footprints belonging to long-necked sauropods on the Isle of Skye. .......  We’re actually seeing these dinosaurs interacting with each other and interacting with their environment,” he said. The team reported their findings Monday in the Scottish Journal of Geology. "

  21. Haha
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Microsoft tests forcing Windows Mail users to open links in Edge   
    I remember after Windows 7 came out, and before Windows 10 came out that Bill Gates was going to announce plans for Microsoft  to build a nuclear powered car, that would get 23,000 miles on a small, replaceable U235 based fission reactor about the size of a football, but there were concerns that every other product Microsoft put out, turned out to be a bomb.
    ... and sure enough, out came Windows 10.
    ( ... merely a lame attempt at a joke ... I mean ... about the car ..... )
  22. Upvote
  23. Upvote
    admin reacted to TrueTomHarley in Plastic particles found in bottled water   
    There was a study in the Sun not long ago that found nearly all teens were found to have the BHP chemicals of plastic in their systems, which mimic estrogen.
    Should we be surprised at the explosion of transgender cases in the last 2 or 3 years? It has been found that transitioning such does not spare them from a 40% higher suicide rate than the general population.
    And maybe even the explosion of homosexuality over the last few decades.
  24. Thanks
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in El "preocupante" hallazgo de partículas de plástico en botellas de agua de 11 marcas   
    Para las pruebas se utilizó un componente químico que se adhiere al plástico para poder identificar las partículas Crédito: BBC Mundo
    En todos lados, incluso en el agua. Las conclusiones de una nueva investigación son alarmantes: casi todas las botellas de agua de las principales marcas contienen pequeñas partículas de plástico.
    Se examinaron 250 botellas compradas en nueve países diferentes y se descubrió un promedio de 10 partículas de plástico por litro, cada una más grande que el ancho de un cabello humano, según una investigación dirigida por la organización de periodismoOrb Media cuyas pruebas fueron realizadas en la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York, Estados Unidos .

    Las compañías cuyas marcas fueron probadas dijeron a la BBC que sus plantas embotelladoras operan con los más altos estándares.
    "Botella tras botella"
    Sherri Mason, profesora de química en la universidad que participó del análisis dijo: "Encontramos (plástico) en botella tras botella y marca tras marca".
    No se trata de señalar a las marcas en particular, realmente está demostrando que esto está en todas partes, que el plástico se ha convertido en un material tan penetrante en nuestra sociedad que está impregnando el agua, todos los productos que consumimos en un nivel muy básico", afirmó a la BBC. Actualmente, no hay evidencia de que la ingestión de pedazos muy pequeños de plástico (microplásticos) pueda causar daño, pero la ciencia intenta comprender las potenciales implicaciones.
    Al comentar los resultados, la profesora Mason opinó que "los números que estamos viendo no son catastróficos, pero es preocupante".
    Expertos le dijeron a la BBC que las personas en países en desarrollo donde el agua del grifo puede estar contaminada deben continuar bebiendo agua de botellas de plástico.
    El año pasado, la profesora Mason encontró partículas de plástico en muestras de agua corriente y otros investigadores las detectaron en pescados y mariscos, cerveza, sal marina e incluso en el aire.
    Dónde se encontró?
    La investigación sobre el agua embotellada incluyó la compra de paquetes de 11 marcas nacionales e internacionales en diferentes en países elegidos por su gran población o su consumo relativamente alto de agua embotellada.
    Entre las principales marcas internacionales estudiadas están: Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life, San Pellegrino.
    Y las principales marcas analizadas por país son: Aqua (Indonesia), Bisleri (India), Epura (México), Gerolsteiner (Alemania), Minalba (Brasil), Wahaha (China).
    Crédito: BBC Mundo

  25. Like
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Wild Turkey Bourbon   
    This was my dad's favorite liquor. ;-)
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