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  1. Like
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Colt 45   
    My favorite beer is Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer ... which my much-more sophisticated children think is incredibly droll, and back woods.
    I make a point of telling people ... like I am doing now .... that I much prefer Pabst over any of the many very pricey and "cool" beers they drink, and watch them screw up their faces and go "Ewwwww!", at the very mention of Pabst.
    Then I mention "You know, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is the favorite beer of Clint Eastwood ....".
    It is interesting to watch their disgust turn to confusion and acceptance in just three heartbeats.
    ... such is the power of peer pressure.
    There is no one currently alive that is "cooler" than Clint Eastwood.
  2. Sad
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in What is the most painful thing you’ve endured?   
    The loss of a loved one. 
  3. Upvote
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Qualcomm - Broadcom takeover bid   
  4. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Concerns Rise of Trade War   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. ... your comment made me google this... and sure enough an article from yesterday is out there:
    "...Smoot-Hawley, Reynolds points out, passed the House in May 1929, and stocks were battered every time the act moved through the legislative process. On Oct. 23 of that year, a Wednesday, it became clear the tariffs would be much broader than first believed.
    The very next day, of course, was Black Thursday. Markets dropped 9% in a day and kicked off a yearslong stock meltdown.
    As Reynolds sums up, “market participants do not wait for a major law to pass” before retrenching their positions. In 1929, they were right to sell. Smoot-Hawley ultimately raised tariffs on tens of thousands of products, and trade policy analyst Bill Krist points out that by the end of 1934, global trade had tanked by 66% from 1929 levels.
    The parallels to the current moment are distressing. The Trump tariffs are not in effect yet, and so far they are officially limited to steel and aluminum. But in coming days, stock traders will be acting on their beliefs about what the future will bring. There are signals, just as there were in 1929, that tariffs could expand from their modest start — U.S. trade partners have already said they will retaliate if tariffs go into effect, while President Trump posits that “trade wars are good.”
    Even if we accept arguments like Reynolds’, tariffs were just one factor in the Depression, and most of the others aren’t substantial now. But history has provided us with a strong cautionary lesson about the real impact of tariffs, and the stock market is "
  5. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Concerns Rise of Trade War   
    Remember ... it was Tariffs that caused the American Great Depression, and money stopped flowing.
  6. Sad
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in The Opioid Epidemic   
  7. Sad
    admin reacted to admin in The Opioid Epidemic   
    I was recently told that the rate of people who are successful at dropping opioid addiction is around 2%.  Scary!!
    A local policeman told me that addicts have been known to go so far as to eat their own feces in jail in order to get that last bit of the substance back in their body.
    This is serious stuff folks. 
    Be careful.
  8. Sad
    admin reacted to admin in The Opioid Epidemic   
    Eric Bolling shares heartbreaking story about his son's overdose.
  9. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from E dub in JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentine's Day   
    A former public elementary school teacher who is a Jehovah’s Witness has filed a lawsuit against the suburban Detroit school district where she used to work because, she claims, school officials ordered her to organize a classroom Valentine’s Day party and then sacked her because she refused.
    People who belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a millenarian Christian sect, do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. Thus, the teacher, Yvonne Lemmons, is suing for religious discrimination reports Michigan Live.
    The defendant in the lawsuit is the Southfield Public School District in Southfield, Mich.
    Lemmons, 56, says in her lawsuit that she had been a fourth-grade teacher at MacArthur University Academy, a public magnet school, for 10 years and had faced no issues concerning her religious beliefs prior to the Valentine’s Day party kerfuffle.
    “She’s really a good woman devoted to teaching students,” Kathy Bogas, an attorney representing Lemmons, told Michigan Live. “Her abilities were never questioned until she challenged this directive.”
    According to the lawsuit, on Feb. 12, 2014 — a Wednesday — the principal at MacArthur University Academy instructed Lemmons to throw an in-class Valentine’s Day party.
    Lemmons refused, citing her status as a Jehovah’s Witness.
    In the past, Bogas noted, parents of the students in Lemmons’s classes organized Valentine’s Day parties.
    It’s not clear what was different about 2014. The lawsuit doesn’t say, and the school district would not comment on the lawsuit.
    In any case, Lemmons did not show up for work on the day of the party — presumably Friday, Feb. 14, 2014.
    Then, in June 2014, she was sacked.
    Lemmons believes her dismissal is directly related to her refusal to organize be any part of the Valentine’s Day party.
    “Defendant rejected all the Plaintiff’s suggestions that would have permitted students to have a holiday celebration without Plaintiff violating her religious beliefs,” the teacher’s court pleading states.
    Lemmons and her attorneys argue that the school district’s refusal to accommodate her genuine religious belief and her subsequent job loss amount to illegal religious discrimination.
    The lawsuit lists no specific dollar amount.
    Lemmons has found work at an unnamed charter school since she was laid off.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses object to Valentine’s Day because they seek a restoration of their notion of first-century Christianity. Valentine’s Day involves Cupid — the Greek god of erotic love — and one or more possibly martyred, third-century Roman saints named Valentinus.
    Other holidays that Jehovah’s Witnesses spurn include Halloween. There’s no love for the Easter Bunny, either, because said bunny is, of course, a rabbit, and thus “a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility,” according to the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website
    It’s not clear how Lemmons handled Halloween parties in her classroom, if they occurred.
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses website JW.org that there are 8,220,105 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the world. This figure includes Prince.
    The Notorious B.I.G. and President Dwight D. Eisenhower were reportedly raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  10. Like
    admin got a reaction from Raymond Atom in JW Teacher Sues School District For Being Fired Over Valentine's Day   
    A former public elementary school teacher who is a Jehovah’s Witness has filed a lawsuit against the suburban Detroit school district where she used to work because, she claims, school officials ordered her to organize a classroom Valentine’s Day party and then sacked her because she refused.
    People who belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a millenarian Christian sect, do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. Thus, the teacher, Yvonne Lemmons, is suing for religious discrimination reports Michigan Live.
    The defendant in the lawsuit is the Southfield Public School District in Southfield, Mich.
    Lemmons, 56, says in her lawsuit that she had been a fourth-grade teacher at MacArthur University Academy, a public magnet school, for 10 years and had faced no issues concerning her religious beliefs prior to the Valentine’s Day party kerfuffle.
    “She’s really a good woman devoted to teaching students,” Kathy Bogas, an attorney representing Lemmons, told Michigan Live. “Her abilities were never questioned until she challenged this directive.”
    According to the lawsuit, on Feb. 12, 2014 — a Wednesday — the principal at MacArthur University Academy instructed Lemmons to throw an in-class Valentine’s Day party.
    Lemmons refused, citing her status as a Jehovah’s Witness.
    In the past, Bogas noted, parents of the students in Lemmons’s classes organized Valentine’s Day parties.
    It’s not clear what was different about 2014. The lawsuit doesn’t say, and the school district would not comment on the lawsuit.
    In any case, Lemmons did not show up for work on the day of the party — presumably Friday, Feb. 14, 2014.
    Then, in June 2014, she was sacked.
    Lemmons believes her dismissal is directly related to her refusal to organize be any part of the Valentine’s Day party.
    “Defendant rejected all the Plaintiff’s suggestions that would have permitted students to have a holiday celebration without Plaintiff violating her religious beliefs,” the teacher’s court pleading states.
    Lemmons and her attorneys argue that the school district’s refusal to accommodate her genuine religious belief and her subsequent job loss amount to illegal religious discrimination.
    The lawsuit lists no specific dollar amount.
    Lemmons has found work at an unnamed charter school since she was laid off.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses object to Valentine’s Day because they seek a restoration of their notion of first-century Christianity. Valentine’s Day involves Cupid — the Greek god of erotic love — and one or more possibly martyred, third-century Roman saints named Valentinus.
    Other holidays that Jehovah’s Witnesses spurn include Halloween. There’s no love for the Easter Bunny, either, because said bunny is, of course, a rabbit, and thus “a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility,” according to the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website
    It’s not clear how Lemmons handled Halloween parties in her classroom, if they occurred.
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses website JW.org that there are 8,220,105 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the world. This figure includes Prince.
    The Notorious B.I.G. and President Dwight D. Eisenhower were reportedly raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  11. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Religion According to Napoleon   
  12. Confused
    admin got a reaction from The Librarian in Martin Luther King Jr.   
  13. Like
    admin got a reaction from The Librarian in Famous .ORG websites   

    Want to add another one to the list?
  14. Thanks
    admin got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Title Change (and an added bonus)   
    I changed the title of this website to .ORG as you can see above.
    I needed something multilingual / multinational.... and understood by many cultures and languages.
    It also can cover various organizations and belief systems from around the world.
    I like learning from everyone discussing topics on a wide range of topics.
    Enjoy everyone.
    Let me know if I can be of more help.
    p.s. - You'll notice that uploaded video now plays the same as Facebook and Twitter etc....
    The one thing that differentiates this site to those is that we don't try to keep you only on our platform. You'll see easy share buttons to every social media out there so that you can post once... and share ad infinitum.
    p.s.s. - Language is obviously a challenge for all global websites. I am trying to keep us all on one site rather than many different language sites. You should see a google translate button on the right hand side to assist with that. I know it's not 100% yet. 
    p.s.s.s. - The site is now translated for use by the main language groups in the theme itself. I will continue to try and expand it as more experts help me out. 
  15. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Por el frío se están muriendo los tiburones en una playa de Estados Unidos   
    Las autoridades ya confirmaron que las muertes fueron producto de un shock de agua fría.
    Dos tiburones murieron de frío en las aguas del Cabo Cod, en Massachusetts, al noreste de los Estados Unidos, después de que las temperaturas bajaran hasta llegar a un promedio de -6º.
    Los animales, ambos machos, sufrieron lo que se conoce como “shock de frío” y no es otra cosa que hacerle frente a la baja abrupta de temperatura en el agua, informó el sitio Newsweek.
    Los tiburones en cuestión eran de una especie conocida como “azotadores” porque usan su cola en forma de látigo contra los cardúmenes para matar peces. Aunque prefieren las aguas templadas en mar abierto no es extraño verlos en lugares más fríos.
    Sin embargo, el invierno de Massachusetts superó a los dos ejemplares y los expertos esperan que los demás hayan migrado a aguas más templadas, sobre todo porque se esperan lluvias y no más de 4º para la semana que viene.
  16. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    Geez.... You guys are a piece of work.
    If Watchtower Legal Dept. tells me to take something down that is their legal copyright I would immediately comply.
    You do all realize that Catholic.org considers all of you apostates as well.
    @The Librarian Thanks for letting me know.
  17. Like
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in The last words of Steve Jobs   
    Thank you for sharing.
    Such profound words and meaning.
    I found this on the web too...

  18. Like
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    2017's  FIRST  and  ONLY  supermoon  rises  on  Dec. 3. DEC.
    The supermoon will rise to begin the month of December. It is the only supermoon to greet the waning year of 2017.  -  Don't  miss  it.
  19. Like
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Weather   
  20. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Recruiting Agencies   
    If you are looking for a job do not contact a recruiting agency.
    What they’ll do is drag you in for an “interview.” Then make you an “MPC” — most placeable candidate— and literally try to sell you as a commodity with a huge fee tacked on your back. This makes it much more expensive to hire you.
    If a company actually expresses interest in hiring you they’ll throw as many candidates “like you” into the mix to compete with you so they can get a hire (commission). This screws you, the candidate, in so many ways.
    Job hunting? Contact an internal recruiter at the company you want to work for. They can tell you if you’re qualified.
    Big external recruiting firms require that their recruiters have upwards of 10 of these fake “MPC” interviews a week in hopes that they might sell you or someone like you for a huge fee somewhere. It's deceptive and despicable. Recruiting agencies should only be used when they contact you for an actual open job that is interviewing.
    That’s what they are supposed to be doing.
  21. Like
    admin got a reaction from The Librarian in Frank Sinatra - Come Fly With Me   
  22. Like
    admin reacted to Allegra Garrett in Jehovah’s Witness Bride Wears Simple Gown To Her White Wedding   
    The best gift Jehovah gives is free will. I was married in a blush pink gown 25 yrs ago. The talk was given by an elder (my father) at a local country club where we also had the reception. Since 3 different congregations were invited, having it at the Hall wasn't practical. We still managed to have an inexpensive happy occasion. Point is, Jehovah is the creator of marriage and does deserve to be involved, but no one should be stumbled if the bride doesn't wear a white pricy dress or they decide to move the venue to a larger location. 
  23. Like
    admin reacted to runtifus in Jehovah’s Witness Bride Wears Simple Gown To Her White Wedding   
    Wow it sure is easy to misunderstood on these things. I was simply commenting on someone else's post. Not necessary to marry in the hall with a brother presiding to get Jehovah's blessing.....each to their own. I will keep my comments to myself so as not to be musunderstood. No offense intended.
  24. Upvote
    admin reacted to SciTechPress in Snapchat   
    via ScitechPress.org
  25. Sad
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Former chairman of Joint Chiefs says the likelihood of nuclear war is rising:   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgWorld News
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