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  1. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Alexa in What is your favorite color?   
    Mine is Coca-Cola Red

    and yes... you must choose only ONE... and you should be very specific.
    Although if your a guy and you say "Chartruse" I will raise one eyebrow. LOL
    I even added a category for Coca-Cola on this forum... ;-)
  2. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Alexa in Personal Finance Tips   
    Make more money. You have to be able to make more money than you did last year. If you do this every year you work, you’ll end up ok. Invest 10% of your paycheck before anything else. Use a company 401(k) or automatic investment into an IRA to automatically invest 10% of what you make for your future. Retirement will be the biggest purchase you will ever make, be sure to prepare accordingly. Prepare for the worst. Don’t skip out on insurance and be sure to have an emergency fund. You should have disability, life, car, health, and home insurance. You also need to have at least 3-months worth of expenses in cash in a savings account as your emergency fund. Track your money. Use one of the million free money tracking apps to find out what you are spending money on. You’ll find out really fast if you are spending money on bullshit or on things you actually value. Be patient. Money does grow on trees, but trees take a long time to grow. Just keep watering that little hole in the ground and you’ll be good one day. Don’t borrow money to buy anything that won’t make you money. Don’t buy a car with a loan, because cars go down in value. Don’t buy clothes with a credit card, because clothes go down in value. Unless you are purchasing real estate or a business, you probably shouldn’t borrow money. Spend money. Life is meant to be lived. Spend money on what you care about. Travel the world, buy a nice pair of shoes, and go have a fancy dinner. Just be sure to pay cash.
  3. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Alexa in Post a Picture of Your Favorite Food (or one of them at least)   
    I personally LOVE dolmas 

    Speaking of that.. maybe a friend in Greece will share a wonderful recipe on how to make these authentically in English? 
    (Please post your recipe in the food section though.... below is for other's photos of their favorite foods)
  4. Like
    admin got a reaction from ARchiv@L in The World News Media .org Statistics and Growth   
    just in the form of an update "mile marker"

    Great Scott!!

  5. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Miastenia gravis   
    Hola:        Encantada de conocerte… Mi nombre es Miastenia Gravis y soy una enfermedad neuromuscular, autoinmune y crónica que he venido para acompañarte el resto de tu vida.          Tengo muchas e incómodas sorpresas preparadas para ti que harán que tu cuerpo deje de obedecerte sin que puedas hacer nada para evitarlo. Un día te levantarás por la mañana dándote cuenta que ves doble y te quedarás con cara de alelado pensando qué diantres te está ocurriendo.            En otro momento hago que tus ojos no puedan abrirse dejando tus párpados caídos ante la estupefacción de quienes te rodean; te preguntarán qué te pasa en los ojos y no sabrás qué responderles porque ni tú mismo lo sabes.           Si veo que me divierto lo suficiente, pronto sentirás que tus brazos y piernas no se moverán cuando vayas a realizar alguna actividad sea la que sea, desde la más sencilla hasta la más compleja e incluso te podrás caer sin motivo aparente. Haré que te sientas cansado (principalmente al atardecer) y poco a poco iré conquistando más lugares en tu cuerpo hasta llegar a poseerte por completo.        Tal vez si me lo propongo haré que no puedas hablar, masticar o tragar alimentos e incluso líquidos y finalmente el día menos pensado conseguiré que caigas en mis redes inutilizando tus músculos respiratorios haciéndote sentir verdaderamente mal.          Antes de que sepas quien soy habrás de recorrer en el peor de los casos varios especialistas para que puedan identificarme. Si tienes suerte y el médico de turno ha oído hablar de mí o me ha visto antes en otros pacientes podrá identificarme sin problemas. Si no es así, te espera un auténtico calvario de pruebas y un verdadero periplo de especialista en especialista hasta que den conmigo.        No tengo predilección por ningún sexo en concreto. Ataco por igual a hombres y mujeres; tampoco tengo preferencias por la edad de mi víctima. Lo mismo puede caer en mis garras un adulto, un niño o un anciano. No soy racista ni clasista de manera que afecto por igual a personas de diferentes razas y condición social. En algunas ocasiones puedo entrar en períodos de letargo y tal vez dichos períodos se prolonguen meses o incluso años. Sin embargo, cualquier acontecimiento fortuito, una intervención quirúrgica o una situación de estrés suelen conseguir que me despierte y quizás me haya vuelto más agresiva que antes de mi remisión.         En algunos casos soy más benévola y solamente ataco a los músculos oculares pero me divierto más cuando consigo generalizarme en el cuerpo de mi sufrida víctima.           Si el médico tiene sospechas de mi presencia habrás de enfrentarte a pruebas y tratamientos bastante molestos que probablemente logren contener mi furia hacia ti.              Espero que alguna vez te acostumbres a mi presencia. Lo siento pero mi naturaleza es hacer daño y los demás, en muchas ocasiones, no te comprenderán cuando cambies de planes repentinamente porque de pronto se agotaron tus fuerzas o cuando tengas pocas ganas de hablar o salir.            Por supuesto que puedo inducirte a una depresión por lo que en muchos casos las personas que te rodean creerán que todos tus malestares son de origen psicosomático o fruto de tu estado de ánimo alterado.               En fin, acabas de conocer a tu nueva e inseparable compañera de fatigas.     Firmado: Miastenia Gravis
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    admin reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Atlas Shrugged Starting? …. French Invented the Word...   
    Atlas Shrugging refers NOT to what the workers do or do not do .... but to the OWNERS and risk takers who by genius, sweat, and THEIR labor cause some engine of the world to exist ... when having their labors confiscated by Governments and Liberal perversions, shrug, and abandon their successful efforts to make life better for everyone, and make a profit while doing it.
    These "Captains of Industry" who make the world a better place, and hold it all together ... decide to drop the ball and let the incompetent and the stupid run the show into the ground, causing great equity and fairness, by reducing EVERYONE to poverty, and ruin.
    People demand "fairness" .... but if the world were truly "fair", the stupid and lazy would starve to death.
  8. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid   
  9. Upvote
    admin reacted to Ann O'Maly in Girl who was abused by her father from a age of 11 sought assistance from Jehovah’s Witnesses only to be molested by one of their elders   
    @Allen Smith - most can see through the sensationalist language used, but it is reporting a true story.
    How naive are you?
    Victim: "I was attacked and beaten, and I have life-changing injuries which will require therapy for the rest of my life!"
    Allen: "You are very brave to speak up. There, there. Now don't you feel better?"
    Victim: "So is my attacker to be penalized for what he did?"
    Allen: "You having a voice is enough. On your way."
    "Some here claim"? Hahaha. This is what Watchtower Australia claimed - they categorized the 1006 cases as child sexual abuse allegations. (Idiot.)
  10. Upvote
    admin reacted to Food & Drink in Hot Dog Styles From Around The World   
    Hot Dog Styles From Around The World
    Food and Drink
  11. Upvote
    admin reacted to Shon-tee Adabs in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    Here in Nigeria, beards are not allowed, its against our culture to keep beards...at least so it was the last time I checked. I guess it depends on the location and their culture. 
  12. Upvote
    admin reacted to ARchiv@L in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    I NEVER - NEVER HAD problems with any of the Librarians pages.. NEVER ... 
    it is only of recently that this FORUM has got thousands of visits from all over the world, that I could not even open a single page of this forum because of too many hits / visits / traffic.
    I only experienced problem with FIre-fox that the forum could not open for some days.
    now that problem is gone ., days ago .... both browsers firefox and chrome are working well for me (and my laptop)
    thank you very much @admin and @The Librarian

  13. Upvote
    admin reacted to The Librarian in Favorite Movies   
    I enjoyed "Seabiscuit" ... maybe it was about the storytelling method / narration.
  14. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from The Librarian in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    Because when our site was supposedly experiencing a DDoS attack during a very heavily trafficked day our hosting company decided to block ALL AT&T phones. My phone still shows “forbidden” as well.   Invision Power Services seems to think it is not them though but rather another service that is preventing ALL AT&T phones from accessing their website.   I wonder if this has blocked ALL AT&T phones from EVERY IPS 4.x website out there?   Are there any other admins experiencing the same problem?
  15. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Alexa in When I click on the site to see the topic it says. Forbidden. Why?   
    Because when our site was supposedly experiencing a DDoS attack during a very heavily trafficked day our hosting company decided to block ALL AT&T phones. My phone still shows “forbidden” as well.   Invision Power Services seems to think it is not them though but rather another service that is preventing ALL AT&T phones from accessing their website.   I wonder if this has blocked ALL AT&T phones from EVERY IPS 4.x website out there?   Are there any other admins experiencing the same problem?
  16. Upvote
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in What is the @UN Commission on the Status of Women @UN_CSW?   
    via TheWorldNewsOrg
    World News
  17. Upvote
    admin reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Auto Suitcase That Follows You   
    via TheWorldNewsOrg
    World News
  18. Upvote
    admin reacted to bruceq in Implications of the Supreme Court's decision 175,000 PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE   
    Implications of the Supreme Court's decision
    by Anton Chivchalov
    Radio Liberty, 25 April 2017
    On 20 April, Hitler's birthday, Russia became the first European country to prohibit the religious confession of Jehovah's Witnesses. Hitler also tried to do this, but did not succeed. A bit later Stalin tried, with similar results. According to the decision of the Supreme Court, for the first time since 1918 in Russia the property of a whole religious confession with countrywide reach will be confiscated, and this is hundreds of buildings, built on the voluntary contributions of believers themselves. The confiscation is an important point of the plaintiff's declaration of the Ministry of Justice. People do not request money from the government and they build houses of worship at their own expense, but the government confiscates them because it does not like how they pray.
    The cynicism of the situation simply cannot be comprehended. Back before the decision of the court, the police and FSB throughout the country conducted raids on houses of worship, searched believers, copied their passports, photographed them, and issued warnings about their criminal responsibility for "extremist" activity. I stress again: this began before the court's decision. Now that it has been announced, throughout the country hunting season has been declared.
    Police, the FSB, as well as an infinite number of vandals and goons of all stripes, all are out on the hunt for believers, women, children, and babas [elderly women]. In Cheliabinsk the police have already dispersed a meeting of deaf persons. In Taganrog believers have already received criminal sentences for reading the Bible. Vandals have already broken windows and even tossed grenades into houses of worship. All of this has already happened, and all of this now will be multiplied.
    We stand on the brink of a widespread religious genocide with unpredictable consequences. "The siege has now begun, since the confession has been 'liquidated,' but Jehovah's Witnesses will not renounce the faith," lawyer Anatoly Pchelintsev notes justifiably. Really, it is impossible to ban faith with the stroke of the pen. As a result the country simply has gained 175 thousand prisoners of conscience. In Pchelintsev's opinion, some will emigrate and some will go underground. Those who will not be able to do either will be imprisoned.
    It is amazing, but the majority of journalists and practically 100% of the public do not understand the reasons for this trial nor its consequences. The situation is understood thus: a) the Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous sect that commits actions that are dangerous to society; b) when they are banned, they will cease to do these actions.
    "It is the end of the world for Jehovah's Witnesses," RT writes naively. In reality the situation is as follows: a) the only basis for banning Jehovah's Witnesses is their "extremist," that is the incorrect, literature. Nothing concerning any other harmful acts has been discussed in court, except for questions of blood transfusion, but even on this issue the Ministry of Justice was not able to provide any evidence.
    The only basis for a ban is the disputable, in the plaintiff's opinion, wording in the literature and biblical interpretation. "It is not quotations from the Bible that are considered extremist but the interpretation of what is written in the Bible," the justice ministry's lawyer, Svetlana Borisova, declared frankly in court.
    Further: b) after the ban, in the future believers will believe just as they believed earlier. History does not know cases when Jehovah's Witnesses changed their convictions on order of the authorities. If someone thinks that with the aid of the ban believers can be "re-educated," remade to order, this is an extremely naïve prediction. It does not work.
    The only thing that will change as the result of the court's decision: it is necessary to imprison people. And it is necessary to imprison not a rock group of three persons and not a single Pokemon hunter, but almost 200 thousand citizens of the country. It is an incredible number of people who no single civilized state has imprisoned in modern history. It will be necessary to build new prisons and a whole network of prisons. But in any case, a whole new page in the history of state-confessional relations is beginning.
    Attorney Viktor Zhenkov told in court a morality tale: "In this courtroom there is a person who was born in prison. Because his mama, who was in the third month of pregnancy, was sentenced as an enemy of the people to eight years incarceration simply because she was a Jehovah's Witness. She gave birth in prison and the infant spent two years in the prison's children's home. His father could not take him because he had been exiled to Siberia. In 1991 the government acknowledged that the mother was a victim of political repressions, apologized to her, and assigned a pension. And now here in the court this man, born in prison, approached me and asked: 'Does the Ministry of Justice really want a repetition of this horrible history?' And I did not know what to answer. Even now I do not know what is motivating the representatives of the Ministry of Justice and those who are directing this trial."
    Today several people continue to say: there will not be any imprisonments; simply a legal entity is being banned; personal rights remain with the citizens. This is a misconception deriving from bad information. Already warnings have begun for believers simply for reading the Bible and prayers in their own home (!) under threat of criminal prosecution. The FSB has already begun warning that all adherents of Jehovah's Witnesses will be prosecuted on criminal articles. Earlier in Taganrog, 16 believers already received criminal articles for simply reading the Bible, and not all of them were members of the banned legal entities. The Ministry of Justice itself frankly acknowledged at the hearings that criminal cases may be initiated against believers. Religious discrimination (forbidden by the constitution) has been officially introduced into Russia: believers of some religions may assemble for prayer, and others may not.
    It is encouraging that ever more believers of other confessions understand that tomorrow they will come for them. Baptists, Pentecostals, and even Orthodox have spoken out openly in defense of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they have sent their appeals to the president. For many, their eyes have been opened to what is happening. It is necessary to open them faster; it may not make it.
    Immediately after the decision of the Supreme Court there began to be discussed in the corridors of power which religion will be next. "All organizations who exist in our country, with the exception of traditional confessions, should be examined to find protection of the interests of traditional morality, traditional values of Russia, in institutions of respect for the family, concern for neighbors, and love of the fatherland. In my view, very many organizations today do not accord with this criterion," said the chairman of the State Duma Committee for Development of Civil Society and Affairs of Public and Religious Associations, Sergei Gavrilov.
    Has everyone gotten the signal?
    (tr. by PDS, posted 26 April 2017)
  19. Upvote
    admin reacted to Guest-00 in How scientists managed to store information in a single atom   
    Can you imagine that sometime in the future we actually won't need mechanical storage, but information could literally be stored in the air around us  ala "Cloud" hehe
  20. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from bruceq in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Off topic alert.  
    Please start new threads or this topic will be locked. 
    Thank you. 
    I have repeatedly begged Invision Power Services to embrace threaded replies but they are still stuck in 1999.  Sorry.  
  21. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Live News Channels From Around the World   
    Click here to watch secular news channels LIVE from around the world.
    p.s. - You can comment on what you are watching in real time below each video to start real time conversations based on breaking news.
  22. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in TRT World LIVE   
    Replies below will be split off to form separate topics as needed.
  23. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Live News Channels From Around the World   
    Click here to watch secular news channels LIVE from around the world.
    p.s. - You can comment on what you are watching in real time below each video to start real time conversations based on breaking news.
  24. Upvote
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in Earth From Space LIVE Feed   
    @admin  ONE  time  being  on  board  there....   WOW,  SO  COOL ;-))  But  too  expensive
    Perhaps  in  the  future...   maybe?
  25. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Earth From Space LIVE Feed   
    How appropriate for a "World Forum" ....
    The International Space Station - ISS - circles the earth at 240 miles above the planet, on the edge of space in low earth orbit.

    The station is crewed by NASA astronauts as well as Russian Cosmonauts and a mixture of Japanese, Canadian and European astronauts as well.

    As seen from the Nasa space video ISS live stream on the International Space Station - 
    A real astronaut view of Earth!

    Live ISS stream of planet earth from space courtesy of nasa HDEV High Definition Earth Viewing Cameras aboard the international space station.
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