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  1. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Nope. They were under sniper fire from Bosnia (ask your mother for more details)...   
    Got to love the state of political discourse.
  2. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in “We Will Cease To Exist! Our Values! Our Identity! Will Be Taken Away By Islamization Of Our Society   
    I remember the talk shortly after 9/11 by a friend of mine from Bethel, who suggested that we seriously consider the possibility that Islam be considered the new "King of the North." I think he didn't have the right to express this, but the talk went "relatively" viral for a couple of years. (At least among some brothers I spoke to.)
    Interesting how this same interview above asked the candidate why he obsesses about Islam when non-Muslim Russian/Ukranian issues were the only source of "terrorists" death to Dutch in recent history. I imagine that Ciro got a similar speech as his talk was making the rounds.
  3. Upvote
    admin reacted to Arauna in “We Will Cease To Exist! Our Values! Our Identity! Will Be Taken Away By Islamization Of Our Society   
    Wilders only mentioned demographics because the interviewer was interrupting him more that allowing him to speak:  With the European population growth at  -1 ; and most Muslim men allowed 4 wives who are having 6 - 8 children - we can predict an  Islamic government within the next 25 years.  This Muslims youth - when coming of age to vote - will vote in Muslim  candidates... and when these candidates are in power they will bring in full Sharia Law.  
    Islam is not a race - it is an ideology.
    So Christians who will not bow to islam are facing a dire situation.   Most Muslim countries do not allow freedom of religion and most do not allow Bibles, preaching, or Christian places of worship.  Jews will face immediate death.
    My interest in this is merely to see where the world is going and the possible fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible.  A coalition of governments will turn against maybe one religion and then all the rest or against religion at the same time....  I understand that this clash of civilization/ religion / far-left versus far-right / is lying in the future of all governments and false religion.   True Christians will only keep busy with the work Jesus has given us and stay out of the fray when it blows up!
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in Greece - The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people. (read more)   
    The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people.
    Observing can be like in the photos, there is a cure unorthodox that many were against the witnesses!
    Some people were on the side of the brothers, as the "fat" gentleman on the left, who had to keep our brother with ties ... because they offended the witness.
    Another proof that the situation in the world will be this Enconando against our people up in democratic countries ....
    Οι αδελφοί της Ελλάδα μαζί μας στις φωτογραφίες σε ένα επιχείρημα, σε μια αγορά όπου οι αδελφοί ήταν, εκδόσεις που διανέμονται στους ανθρώπους.
    Μπορούμε να παρατηρήσουμε στις φωτογραφίες, υπάρχει μια ανορθόδοξη θεραπεία ότι πολλοί ήταν ενάντια στους μάρτυρες!
    Μερικοί άνθρωποι ήταν από την πλευρά των αδελφών, όπως το λίπος άνθρωπος στο αριστερό, το είχε ο αδελφός μας με την εκμετάλλευση γραβάτα ... επειδή προσέβαλε τον μάρτυρα.
    Μια άλλη απόδειξη ότι η κατάσταση στον κόσμο είναι αυτή η Enconando ενάντια στο λαό μας σε δημοκρατικές χώρες ....
    ( translated by google )
  6. Upvote
    admin reacted to Arauna in ALLAH – the Moon God   
    I have read so many books by the earliest and some of the modern archeologists (I had a massive collection of books and had to leave a few behind when I moved to Sweden) about the connection of moon worship to ancient Sumer and the entire middle east - even in Canaan.  I later read the Qur'an, Hadith and Siri  and studied Islam because all the original evidence pointed to this moon worship when I read about Ur and Harran and Tema in Arabia. This is how I started studying the Arabic language and I now preach in the Arabic field - mostly to muslim refugees.
    I speak the truth when I say that I absolutely love Arabic speaking people but I also promote TRUTH and I therefore have a desire to free as many people as possible from one of the most oppressive and unjust ideologies/religions around today - which had its origins in pagan and moon worship.
    I am sorry to say that in the academic world it has become fashion to bend the research to deny that Allah is in fact the moon god. In fact, most of the middle east departments of most universities in Europe and USA has been taken over by Islamo-philiacs who turn out  fake studies that deny the core beliefs of islam as set out in the Qur'an and Hadith.
    In fact, one is not allowed to say anything about Allah and Islam any more because Resolution 18-20 of the UN forbids it! Hence the popularity of the word: Islamophobia.  I watch all the news about developments in this field because Islam is part of Babylon the Great and will soon be destroyed.  30,000 terror attacks that has taken place all over the world since 9/11 and many have not been reported as Islam-inspired attacks in the media because left-politicians want their vote!.  It is the world's largest religion and is riding the beast (just as other religions are controlling the political systems).  Soon the political system will tire of religion and turn against all of them..... because the "security" of the world is being threatened by the radicalized version of most religions - which  is spreading. Far right Christians, who love their guns, voted for Trump!
    UNESCO (UN heritage council) has gone so far that they have officially said that Jews and Christians have NO historical connection to Jerusalem! at all!  The historical records that exist to prove this -  are no longer valid!  Look it up on internet and this is definitely not false news!
    This is how nutty and crazy the world has become.  But I do not need archeology to prove the connection of the Arabs with Moon worship, here is the biblical proof:  The Bible talks of Ishmael. The mother of Ishmael was Egyptian and Ishmael married an Egyptian woman according to the bible.  Midian and Ishmael were both offspring of Abraham and they sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt. They were merchants that moved in caravans. 
    Midianites and the Ishmaelite's are mentioned in the Bible as being very close (read Ishmaelite in the insight book)  The 6 sons that Keturah had also intermarried with these tribes and eventually became the Arab peoples.  Keturah was the concubine of Abraham after Sarah died.  She had 6 sons. (Gen 25)  Abraham sent them away with gifts and his son Isaac (by his legitimate wife Sarah) inherited the right to bring forth the messiah from his line of decent.... which would be the true prophet/ messenger of Allah  -  because Jesus  has a genealogy of 4025 years.
    Mohammad, who claimed to come from Ishmael, has NO historical genealogy to speak of except the short one given in the bible. So he is THE messenger of god only by his own word.  Mohammad claimed to come from Ishmael to try to legitimize his decent from Abraham and link himself as the last prophet from God - especially when he lived with 3 Jewish tribes in Jathrib (Medina) and wanted them to accept his as a prophet.  He killed between 600-900 of them (as spies) after they rejected his prophet hood.  Muslims today try to claim the Bible has been altered and that Jehovah is ALLAH. (This I can easily refute by the history of islam, the history of the city of Mecca as well as the Bible itself.)
    What is interesting is the jewelry worn by the Ishmaelites and Midianites.... and many scriptures in the bible indicate that these peoples were viewed as one tribe because these two names are interchanged often. Judges 8: 22 & 26 speaks of the gold nose rings and the "crescent-shaped" ornaments which seemed to be numerous.  These crescent -shaped ornaments are mentioned in 3 different places in the bible and are two of them specifically associated with Midian and Ishmael. The other scriptures proves how prevalent this worship was in the middle east as Jehovah shows how he hates it.
    Moses also wrote in Job 31: 26-28 that it was an act of idolatry to kiss the hand to the moon because this practice was prevalent already in the time of Moses/Job  amongst moon worshipers. Job lived in the land of Uz (Arabia).
    Another proof about moon worship is the Qur'an itself: I forgot to add information about the fatwah (order to kill) against indian writer: Salman Rushdie.  He wrote in his book about he Satanic verses which refer to Allat, Uzza and Manat:
    (Excerpt from Wikipedia for your information:) "[V]ehement protest against Rushdie's book" began with the title itself. The title refers to a legend of the Prophet Mohammad, when a few verses were supposedly spoken by him as part of the Qur'an, and then withdrawn on the grounds that the devil had sent them to deceive Mohammad into thinking they came from God. These "Satanic Verses" are found in verses eighteen to twenty-two in suraht An-Najim of the Qur'an,[14] and by accounts from Tabari, but is seldom mentioned in the first biography of Mohammad by Ibn Ishaq. The verses also appear in other accounts of the prophet's life. They permitted prayer to three pre-Islamic Meccan goddesses: Al-lāt, Uzza, and Manāt—a violation of monotheism.[
  7. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Superbowl 2016   
    44 yard field goal hits the post!!!!  Broncos take over...
    Those poor field goal guys must be under extreme pressure  (but I guess that is why they make the big bucks isn't it?)
  8. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Alexa in The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes   
  9. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Bible Speaks in I Still Cry To You For Help, O Jehovah!   
    The photos should begin to show up soon. Just bear with us during the transition of storage.
  10. Upvote
  11. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from ARchiv@L in I Still Cry To You For Help, O Jehovah!   
    The photos should begin to show up soon. Just bear with us during the transition of storage.
  12. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in I Still Cry To You For Help, O Jehovah!   
    The photos should begin to show up soon. Just bear with us during the transition of storage.
  13. Upvote
    admin reacted to Bible Speaks in A Big Hole On Sun Will Effect Earth February 1 St   
    A BIG HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large, canyon-shaped hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth.  Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the fast-moving stream arrives, probably on Feb 1st. This large "coronal hole" is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth. Image credit: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

  14. Upvote
    admin reacted to Arauna in U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops denounces Trump’s plan to favor refugees from persecuted religious minorities   
    Catholic Church has a large stake of money to loose.  They received 85 million dollars (total Revenue $85,506,950)  in 2014 from the government to resettle mostly Muslim refugees.  
    I worked with many refugees that were supposed to receive help from the catholic organization who brought them here.  I then discovered that the Lutherans are also receiving lucrative sums of money to handle the refugees.  They were bringing them in and dumping them on the social security system without much help to intigrate.  They were not giving them all the services they were supposed according to the agreement with government.
    These impoverished refugees have to repay their plane tickets from the monthly Social Security they receive.  One refugee received a bill from them which charged them more than a thousand dollars for 4 second hand mattresses which were filled with bed lice.  I wrote a letter to the organization (the refugees could not speak a word of English) to complain about this as the refugees had to pay high prices for something they could not use.  
    These Church organizations are complaining because they are going to loose a major source of income.....  not because they really care about refugees.
  15. Upvote
    admin reacted to Arauna in Pope says it wrong to identify Islam with violence   
    The Pope is head of a major false religion.  Teaches immortality of the soul and a nasty hellfire similar to Islam. Would one really listen to what he has to say?  Additionally, Islam puts their Imams in a very high position - they can declare a fatwa to kill someone.... so they literally have life and death in their hands.  The  Pope has more power than God - if you read what rights he has.
    Read the Sunna which comprises the Qur'an,Hadith and Siri. The ideology  expressed above by Ross is accurate.
  16. Upvote
    admin reacted to Ross Tinney in Pope says it wrong to identify Islam with violence   
    He should read what the Koran says.

  17. Upvote
    admin reacted to ARchiv@L in Was haben die Zeugen Jehovas in Bad Oeynhausen vor?   
    Was haben die Zeugen Jehovas in Bad Oeynhausen vor?
    Auch in Bad Oeynhausen soll ein Königreichssaal der Zeugen Jehovas gebaut werden. Bad Oeynhausen - Ein halbes Fußballfeld groß ist das Grundstück in Bad Oeynhausen. Dort errichten die Zeugen Jehovas momentan einen Königsreichssaal.
    300 Quadratmeter soll das Gebäude am Kornweg 1 laut Westfalen-Blatt groß werden. Der Grundriss ist schon gut erkennbar.
    Was will die Glaubensgemeinschaft damit? Hinter der prunkvollen Bezeichnung 'Königsreichssaal' stecken die Gebetsräume.
    Allerdings ist der Neubau in Bad Oeynhausen nicht der erste in der Region. Auch in Löhne gibt es einen Königsreichssaal.
    In 13 von 16 Bundesländern sind die Jehovas als Glaubensgemeinschaft anerkannt.
    Nur in NRW, Bremen und Baden-Württemberg nicht. Deshalb werden die drei Länder aktuell von der Glaubensgemeinschaft verklagt.
    Was haben die Zeugen Jehovas in Bad Oeynhausen vor?
    21.01.2017 16:50
  18. Upvote
    admin reacted to ARchiv@L in Ζωγραφίζοντας τα μεγάλα μάτια,   
    Ζωγραφίζοντας τα μεγάλα μάτια, της Χριστίνας Καλογεροπούλου
    Χριστίνα Καλογεροπούλου Ιαν 16,2015 0 Σχόλια
    Ο Tim Burton επιστρέφει, δύο χρόνια μετά το Dark Shadows και το animation Frankenweenie, με την -βασισμένη σε αληθινή ιστορία- ταινία του, “Big Eyes”. 

    Το Big Eyes αφηγείται την ιστορία της Margaret και του Walter Keane, που οι πίνακες με τα παιδιά με τα μεγάλα, θλιμμένα μάτια και την υπογραφή του επιθέτου τους, έκαναν μεγάλη επιτυχία πίσω στη δεκαετία του ’50 και ’60 στην Αμερική, μέσω της Amy Adams και του Christoph Waltz, στους πρωταγωνιστικούς ρόλους. Ο Walter Keane παρουσιαζόταν ως ο ζωγράφος για δεκαετίες, μέχρι που μία μέρα η Margaret αποκάλυψε πως η ίδια είχε ζωγραφίσει όλους τους πίνακες. Στην αρχή, έχοντας πειστεί από τα λεγόμενα του άντρα της, πως χρειάζονταν τα χρήματα από τις πωλήσεις των πινάκων, βοηθούσε κι εκείνη στην συγκάλυψη του ψέματος. Σταδιακά, ήθελε όμως να αποκαλύψει την αλήθεια, κάτι που ο Walter προσπάθησε να αποτρέψει απειλώντας την και υποχρεώνοντάς τη να μένει στο σπίτι τους και να ζωγραφίζει συνεχώς.
    Μέχρι που μία μέρα, η Margaret βρήκε το σθένος να πάρει την κόρη της, να εξαφανιστεί μετακομίζοντας στη Χαβάη. Εκεί, έγινε μέλος των μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά και αποφάσισε να ζητήσει διαζύγιο αλλά και να αποκαλύψει όλη την αλήθεια σχετικά με την αληθινή ταυτότητα του ζωγράφου των παιδιών με τα μεγάλα μάτια. Η υπόθεση οδηγήθηκε στα δικαστήρια, όπου και ο Walter και η Margaret υποχρεώθηκαν να ζωγραφίσουν από έναν πίνακα για να αποδείξουν ποιος ήταν ο πραγματικός ζωγράφος. Η Margaret τελείωσε τον δικό της σε 53 λεπτά ενώ ο Walter επικαλέστηκε τραύμα στο χέρι και αρνήθηκε να ζωγραφίσει. Έτσι, η υπόθεση κερδήθηκε από τη Margaret.

    Ζωγραφίζοντας τα μεγάλα μάτια,
    Big Eyes" film Wallpaper.
  19. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Se dispara la inflación y crece el temor al hambre en México   
    Como efecto secundario del gasolinazo, sube el precio de los alimentos. Especialistas advirtieron a Infobae que crecerá la pobreza y se dificultará el acceso a la comida para el sector más vulnerable de la población


    "Se viene un aumento de todo, muchas cosas ya están más caras: la tortilla, el huevo, la leche… desde que empezó el año ya no alcanza", dice este jubilado que al mes tiene un pensión equivalente a 109 dólares, 15 menos de lo que necesita para cubrir la canasta alimentaria básica mensual.
      Sabe que sus ingresos no son suficientes para completar su alimentación, pero también está consciente de que en unos pocos días tendrá que comer menos o reducir el gasto en otras cosas porque con el llamado Gasolinazo los expertos estiman que los precios de los alimentos registren un incremento de entre 20 y 40%, lo que pone a los 24 millones de mexicanos que subsisten con entre uno y dos salarios mínimos a un paso del umbral del hambre, coinciden expertos consultados por Infobae.
    A otros 26 millones de mexicanos se les considera en situación de "vulnerabilidad", es decir, que están en riesgo de caer en pobreza extrema.
    A partir del 1° de enero las gasolinas en México registraron un aumento de entre 15 y 20% que será el primero de muchos que se registrarán en el año como parte de una estrategia gubernamental para quitar el subsidio y liberalizar el precio del combustible.
    "Todo va a subir porque simplemente todos los productos necesitan ser transportados, algunos cámaras de frío, y como hasta ahora los comerciantes habían estado absorbiendo el costo el aumento del dólar, con el gasolinazo ya no van a poder contener los precios y las personas más pobres son las que van a quedar desamparados: estos 24 millones de personas que ganan entre uno y dos salarios mínimos corren un gran riesgo de pasar a una situación ya no de pobreza sino de hambre", señala María del Rosario Castro, responsable del Observatorio de Precios de El Barzón.
  20. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Proponen una huelga de sexo en Kenia   
    Una parlamentaria busca animar a votar en las próximas elecciones y pidió a las mujeres que no tengan relaciones con sus maridos hasta que se registren para participar en el proceso electoral

    "No hagan el amor con sus maridos hasta que no sean registrados" para votar en las elecciones presidenciales, previstas para el próximo 8 de agosto, expresó la diputada Mishi Mboko.
    La parlamentaria cree que ésa es la estrategia para empujar al mayor número de ciudadanos a votar y, por ende, darle más oportunidad al candidato de la oposición de derrotar al presidente saliente, Uhuru Kenyatta. La abstención, reportó la BBC, debería durar hasta el 17 de febrero, cuando finaliza el plazo para registrarse.
      "Sin tarjeta de votante, no hay sexo', se ha convertido en el eslogan improvisado de la parlamentaria keniana Mishi Mboko.
    No es la primera vez que se producen iniciativas de ese estilo con un objetivo político. En 2009, un grupo de activistas llevó a cabo una huelga de sexo por una semana para convencer al entonces presidente, Mwai Kibaki, y al primer ministro, Raila Odinga, a reconciliarse y poner fin a una crisis que ponía a Kenia al borde de hundirse en la violencia política.
  21. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Nació un bebé con el ADN de tres personas   
    Tiene material genético de su madre, de su padre y de una donante
    Una clínica ucraniana de reproducción asistida anunció en su página web el nacimiento de un bebé con material genético de tres personas, su madre, su padre y una donante.
    "Con ayuda de un método innovador, el traspaso pronuclear, una mujer de 34 años estéril durante más de 15 años dio a luz el 5 de enero de 2017 a un bebé sano", según un comunicado difundido por la clínica Nadya.
                                Según los médicos del centro, la mujer, que se había sometido a numerosos tratamientos de fertilidad, no podía desarrollar embriones en su etapa inicial, de blastocisto.
    El método utilizado por los especialistas de la clínica Nadya consistió en traspasar núcleos de la madre y del padre al óvulo de una donante, al que previamente se le había extraído su núcleo.
    Como resultado de esta manipulación, se obtuvo un óvulo reconstruido con el ADN de la madre y el padre (unos 25.000 genes) y con el ADN citoplasmático de la donante (37 genes).
    "La existencia de ADN de tres personas fue confirmada en análisis realizados durante el embarazo en laboratorios de Ucrania y Alemania", señaló la clínica ucraniana, que adelantó que el próximo mes de marzo se espera el nacimiento de un segundo bebé con ADN de tres personas.
  22. Upvote
    admin reacted to Raquel Segovia in Turquía: atacaron con un cohete la central policial donde está detenido el asesino de Año Nuevo   
    (Reuters) De acuerdo con medios locales, se trata de la misma oficina en la que está detenido el supuesto responsable del atentado en el club nocturno durante la noche de Año Nuevo, que se cobró la vida de 39 personas.
  23. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in What would you like offered on this website to make it more useful to you?   
    Just send me a message with the type of category you want .... and what to call it in your language.
  24. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in What would you like offered on this website to make it more useful to you?   
    @biddy2331@gmail.com Please see the site guidelines above. 
    Not sure what religion you are... however can you see where the Catholics on here would also want me to ban their apostates?
    That could get endless...
    Facebook for example doesn't ban Catholic apostates (aka Protestants) and neither do I.
  25. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Video: así luce ‘El General’ tras cambiar su vida y convertirse en Testigo de Jehová   
    Congratulations! Your post has been shared to other social media sites more than 3.6 thousand times! 
    That is a LOT of people.
    Thanks for sharing.
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