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  1. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in INSTRUCTION PLEASE   
    Try not to include the URL in the title when possible. ;-)   Another thing that adds value to a story is when follow up or additional info is later added to a story.... such as a video clip or outcome from a previous story.
  2. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in INSTRUCTION PLEASE   
    @Jerry A Miller
    A small quote from the article with a link below is nice. It informs us. I think what people really like to hear is how YOU feel about a news item and it's source.    I'm not sure what you mean about the symbol. It could be that your browser is not in English?
  3. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in What Went Wrong?   
    This is what is wrong with this world. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Upvote
    admin reacted to Ross Tinney in What Went Wrong?   
  5. Upvote
    admin reacted to JAMMY in Faithkeepers   
    Faithkeepers is an upcoming documentary film about the violent persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East
  6. Upvote
    admin reacted to JAMMY in Warning Labels on Shoes.   
    g00 6/8 p. 28 The Height of Fashion?
    Platform shoes, “a vital accessory for fashion-conscious young people,” together with high heels are responsible for about 10,000 injuries a year in Britain, observes The Times of London. Steve Tyler, a spokesman for the British Standards Institution, says: “The most common injuries are twisted or sprained ankles and broken legs, but these shoes may also cause back problems, especially in young girls whose bodies are still developing.” In Japan platform shoes have even been involved in the deaths of two women in recent months. In one case a 25-year-old nursery school worker wearing five-inch platform sandals tripped, fractured her skull, and died. Another young woman was killed when the car she was traveling in hit a concrete pole because the driver could not brake properly while wearing her six-inch [15 cm] platform boots. In a bid to avoid lawsuits, some manufacturers have taken to putting warning labels on their shoes.
  7. Upvote
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in Cadillac LCD Radio Screen Goes Blank   
    Awww....  ;-(
  8. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Frank & Nancy Sinatra - Something stupid   
  9. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from JAMMY in How to Navigate / Use this Website   
    @Jerry A Miller click on FAQ's up in the breadcrumbs to go up one level and the look for the green start a topic button. 
  10. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Memorial of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ   
    @Cheeto  I don't understand why you say Passover will never change. It's as if you believe there is only one correct way to determine when to add the leap month called "Adar II." Here is some evidence that the method is sometimes arbitrary.
    [BTW, I just noticed a typo in the Passover date for 2010: It was 3/30 not 4/30.]
    In my lifetime +/- a couple of years, according the Jewish calendar method, Passover has fallen on April 7 about 4 times.
    Whenever Passover fell on April 7th, it means that the month Nisan had started on March 24th, which was very close to the vernal equinox on about March 21st.. For every one of these 4 different years, the calendar NEVER added the leap month of Adar 2 at the end of that Jewish year (as an adjustment for the following year) even though, if they didn't, it would mean that the start of the month of Nisan was definitely going to slip back behind the vernal equinox in that next year. As you might expect, if Passover fell on April 9th, they also never did add it. As you might expect, if Passover fell on April 5th, they always did add the Adar II as the last month of that year. So you might get the impression that April 7th was the cut-off point for the earliest that Passover could fall before it became necessary to add the Adar II. In fact, if you check April 6th 1985, they did add it, and after Passover on 4/8/1982 they did not add it.
    So with just this info you would have:
    April 5th, ADD IT April 6th, ADD IT April 7th, DO NOT ADD IT April 8th, DO NOT ADD IT April 9th, DO NOT ADD IT So it might look like there is a uniform process that makes April 7th the cutoff, and any Passover that falls before 4/7 is an indicator that Adar II must be added to the end of that year, so that Spring and Passover doesn't come too early the next year.
    But here is the problem with that:
    April 6th, 1993 (and 1917, 1936) was a Passover date, and they did NOT add Adar II to the end of that year. April 6th, 1985 (and 2004) was a Passover date, and they DID add Adar II to the end of that year. So, although they never added after a 4/7 date, they sometimes DO and sometimes DON'T add one for a 4/6 day. Those exceptions made "Spring" start more than a month later in 2012, than it did in 1994. In other words, Passover does change. It can be more than a month later (or earlier) in some years.
    I think that the Watchtower acknowledged this very well all the way back in the yearly Memorial issue for 1908 where Russell said (pps. 35-36; Reprints pps 4127-8:
    From the foregoing it will be seen that, with every endeavor to reach exactly the date specified in their Law for the Passover, the Jews have difficulty, and often there is of necessity a choice between two days equally appropriate. However, they follow the guidance of their leaders in this matter and have a uniformity of celebration, instead of each one trying to fix the date and celebrating according to his personal knowledge, convenience or preference. And this measure of subserviency to leaders was endorsed by our Lord, who said, "The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat; whatsoever therefore they bid you observe, that observe and do." (Matt. 23:3.) The Apostle indicated the same course to the Gospel Church. (Heb. 13:17.) Two essential features of the celebration of the Passover were: (1) uniformity, and (2) that it begin as exactly as possible at the full of the moon--which symbolized the fullness of favor to Israel.
    So, one way of looking at it is: that by one person's reckoning the 14th of Adar (or Adar II) on one calendar is actually the 14th of Nisan  on the calendar of another person. Both are equally appropriate. One uses a certain method, to keep the start of Nisan as close as possible to the vernal equinox and another uses a different method. Most years, both methods will fall on the same date, , but some years, they won't. In those years when they don't fall on the same date, they are back in sync again the following year. Neither method is due to a Biblical command or injunction; both methods were developed and turned into a pattern over time, through some trial and error.
  11. Upvote
    Esta experiencia fue contada en una asamblea   “Valdir nació en Portugal. Cuando era pequeño, toda la familia se mudó a Brasil. Cuando él tenía 12 años su papá murió. Un año después, su mamá se casó de nuevo. Valdir no aceptó que alguien tomara el lugar de su padre así que surgieron conflictos entre él, su padrastro y su madre. Después de una terrible discusión, decidió irse de casa. Un corto tiempo después, el resto de la familia decidió volver a Portugal. Valdir tenía solamente 13 años cuando dejó la familia.

    Él decidió ser sacerdote. Empezó los estudios en un seminario y se graduó en teología y llegó a ser sacerdote. Gracias a su cargo, lo mandaron al Vaticano en Roma para trabajar y seguir educándose allá. Durante esa época fue mandado a 80 diferentes países y él aprendió hablar y escribir 6 diferentes idiomas. Él trabajaba con Pablo IV y Juan Pablo II. También recibío clases de ellos y los conocía en privado. Él también tenía mucho contacto con quien despues llegaría a ser el papa Bendicto XVI. Era muy respetado y fue mandado a diferentes países para hacer investigaciones y solucionar problemas dentro de la iglesia.

    Él también ha compuesto música religiosa. Por lo menos unas dos de estas canciones son conocidas en todo el mundo y unos sacerdotes brasileños famosos las cantan. Se han vendido en unos 2 millones ejemplares.

    En la mitad de los años 90 se le mandó a Sao Paulo en Brasil. Y poco después iba a ser consagrado (nombrado como obispo). Pero en ese tiempo empezó a sentirse decepcionado por el abuso del poder y la parcialidad que existía en la iglesia, por eso dimitió ese cargo. Un año después, recibió un mensaje del Vaticano donde se le informó que debería ser obispo con el propósito de seguir avanzando para ser arzobispo y cardenal. Pero, lo rechazó de nuevo. También se le dijo que un sacerdote con tan alta educación, no podría quedarse en una ciudad tan grande, sin tomar más responsabilidad. Tenía que cambiarse a una ciudad más pequeña. Él escogió una región muy católica cerca la ciudad Tatui. Quiso efectuar trabajo social. (Este lugar pertenece a la congregación Tatui oeste.)

    En los años 80 Valdir estaba en Los Estados Unidos durante un año, mandado por la iglesia. Su misión era estudiar las iglesias más influyentes en el país. Fue entonces cuando por primera vez recibió información sobre los Testigos de Jehová. Aunque no le agradó la enseñaza de la verdad, se convenció de que solamente los Testigos cumplen el mandato de predicar el evangelio públicamente y de casa en casa, aunque la gente se burle, los repudie y rechace ferozmente. 

    Después de un tiempo recibió una visita de un hermano que estaba predicando de casa en casa. El hermano le dejó un par de revistas. Después de leerlas, usó el material de ellas para su próximo sermón y también mencionó la fuente de la información. Algunos de los oyentes reaccionaron de forma negativa, incluso se informó a la sede de la iglesia en Sao Paulo. Recibió una reprensión, pero no se dejo intimidar, sino que siguió recibiendo visitas de los hermanos. También siguió leyendo las revistas y usándolas en sus sermones.

    Un precursor que había pasado por la escuela de siervos nombrados empezó estudiar con Valdir. Aunque experimentó mucha oposición (verbal, psíquica, también fue atacado algunas veces) continuó estudiando.

    Valdir solicitó la baja en la iglesia y empezó a frecuentar las reuniones. Sus amigos anteriores llegaron a ser enemigos y trataron de hacerle daño. Para obstaculizarle encontrar un trabajo, empezaron a mentir acerca de él. Hasta trataron de convencer a una persona de la congregación de que le acusara por haber cometido un delito. La persona lo negó, y le contó a Valdir lo que estaban haciendo.

    Como publicador no bautizado, tenía un promedio de 70 horas/mes en la predicación. En julio de 2005 expresó su deseo de bautizarse, pero se le aconsejó esperar un poco. En enero de 2006 fue aprobado para el bautismo en la asamblea que se celebraría en febrero en el local de asambleas del hogar Betel. Cuando fue aprobado para bautizarse (un mes antes del bautismo) sintió que necesitaba restablecer la amistad con su familia, la cual no había visto en 31 años. Pensó que un cristiano verdadero tiene que predicar la verdad a sus familiares.

    Durante todos estos años que él había tenido contacto con el consulado para renovar su permiso de residencia en Brasil, siempre había un saludo de su familia y un número telefónico para que él se pusiera en contacto con ellos, pero Valdir nunca los llamó. Ahora quiso llamar a su mamá. Pero cuando escuchó la voz de ella, no logró hablar, solamente lloró y tuvo que colgar. Después de unos minutos la llamó de nuevo.

    El siguiente diálogo se desarrolló:
    -La madre: "¿Cómo estás, hijo mío?"
    -Valdir: "Gracias a Jehová, estoy bien ahora".
    -La madre: ¿Qué nombre has usado? ¿Hablas de Jehová?
    -Valdir: "Sí. Ya no soy sacerdote en la iglesia". 
    Soy testigo de Jehová, y tengo mucho que contarte.
    -La madre: "Hijo mío. Toda la familia, incluida yo, tu padrastro y tus hermanos somos Testigos desde hace muchos años. Es por eso que hemos tratado de establecer contacto contigo".

    Durante unos minutos no podían hablar, solamente lloraron. Valdir llegó a saber que uno de sus hermanos sirve como anciano. Su padrastro, su mamá y uno de sus hermanos llegaron para su bautismo. Todavía no ha decidido si se va a quedar en Brasil o se va a mudar con su familia en Portugal.” 

    Contado por Georg y Mona Agren, misioneros en Betel, Brasil.

    ¡Tremenda experiencia!. Nunca subestimemos nuestra labor de celosos predicadores del Reino. Así este mundo podrido nos odie e insulte, nos maltrate y nos hiera, el mensaje del Reino se debe llevar. Solo Jehová, y nosotros sus Testigos, sabemos lo que es, un puertazo en la cara y quedar con una sonrisa a medio morir dibujada en el rostro, tener que recoger nuestros sentimientos y avanzar a la siguiente puerta esperando un recibimiento mejor. Por eso, bien lo dicen las Santas Escrituras: ¡Cuán hermosos sobre las montañas son los pies del que trae buenas nuevas, del que publica paz, del que trae buenas nuevas de algo mejor, del que publica salvación, del que dice a Sión: ‘¡Tu Dios ha llegado a ser rey!’" (Isaías 52:7) Sin lugar a dudas el pueblo de Jehová seguira declarando el juicio de Dios contra este sistema de cosas dominado por Satanás. Y no nos contristemos, pues bien sabemos nosotros, que si al Hijo de Dios lo odiaron a nosotros también nos odiarán, en algún momento y demasiado tarde la humanidad rebelde que no se ponga del lado de Dios, comprobará por si misma lo cierto de las Escrituras al decir: "Es cosa horrenda caer en las manos del Dios vivo". (Hebreos 10:31)
  12. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Memorial of the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ   
    As I'm sure you already know, the whole purpose of adding a second Adar is so that Nisan continues to start as closely as possible  to the vernal equinox. (Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.) When the lunar year starts slipping back behind the solar year, the Jewish method tends to correct the year with a leap month, one year before it's really necessary to meet the goal of keeping Nisan as close to the beginning of Spring as possible. So this results in a wider range of possible dates that's closer to a 5 week range of dates that includes the equinox, when it's actually possible to keep it slightly more accurately to within nearly a 4 week range of dates that includes the equinox. By correcting the year to align the equinox with Nisan a year before it was really necessary, they (the Jewish method) added the second Adar one year prior to when "Christendom's" method would have added it. But "Christendom's" method is slightly more accurate, astronomically. And it's a bit simpler to calculate, and a little more consistent. You'll notice in the last chart of my last post that Passover usually aligns with Memorial, and the 6 times that it didn't, it was always because Jewish "leap-year" Adar was a year earlier than the method we follow.
  13. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in How to Navigate / Use this Website   
    How to edit your profile
    As for navigation you will see "breadcrumbs" at the top of every page to tell you which section you are in: (in this case we are Home > Status Updates > FAQ's > and currently inside the post of How to Navigate....

    When inside a topic or question look for the green button to initiate an action.
    In this case to "Answer this question"
    In certain sections the same green button will let you start a topic of your own.
    There are many other features to this website. Members can even start their own blogs if they so desire. 
    Any other questions?
  14. Upvote
    admin reacted to Ann O'Maly in JW chef refuses to serve customer 'black pudding' in supermarket restaurant   
    Sainsbury's apologises after a customer was told he could not have black pudding in his Full English breakfast because the Jehovah's Witness chef would not prepare it
    Alan MacKay told he could not enjoy black pudding at Nottingham store He was offered a full refund and instead made his own breakfast at home Supermarket giant said its chef had no issue serving bloodied sausage  Chef took object to dish as Jehovah's Witness believe blood is sacrosanct  By Alex Matthews For Mailonline
    Published: 09:16, 24 March 2016 | Updated: 15:56, 24 March 2016
    Sainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its Jehovah's Witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his Full English breakfast.
    Alan MacKay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in Arnold, Nottingham.
    After receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so.
      Missing: This is the Full English Alan MacKay should have received while dining at Sainsbury's in Nottingham
    Jehovah’s Witness regard blood as sacrosanct and if an animal hasn’t been bled to their standards they won’t eat it. 
    Mr MacKay, who had popped into the store after dropping his wife off at work at 9am, said:  'I know it sounds trivial, but it's the principal behind it that's ridiculous.
    'If she refuses to cook black pudding because of her religion, what is she doing working in a kitchen that sells it? She shouldn't be employed if she won't cook the menu.
      'I was really looking forward to my black pudding. You get a good breakfast in there.
    'But when I went into the cafe to order my black pudding, like as I have done before, I went away hungry. I was really cheesed off.
    'I came home and had my breakfast at 11.30am. I had crumpets, a poached egg and beans. I didn't buy black pudding because it's quite fatty so I only have it once a week or so.
    'Sainsbury's does a wonderful black pudding, so that's why I was so disappointed. It's one of the few big stores that sells black pudding. Morrison's doesn't.'
       Mistake: A spokeswoman said Mr MacKay was forced to go without due to a mix up between the kitchen team
    Mr MacKay said he was 'cheesed off' when he was not served his full meal at this Sainsbury's cafe because it usually serves up 'wonderful black pudding'
    Mr MacKay was offered a refund by Sainsbury's who explained the error was down to a mix up between the kitchen team on duty.
    A spokeswoman said a member of staff had misunderstood that the chef had asked them to prepare the black pudding, not that black pudding could not be served.
    'We have apologised to the customer for the misunderstanding.' she added. 
    Jehovah's Witnesses are a worldwide brotherhood amounting to over eight million members.
    Jehovah's say that as Jesus Christ did not limit his kingdom to a certain part of the world, they do not allow themselves to be attached to a country, ethnicity or political belief system.
    Members believe that the bible was inspired by God or 'Jehovah' and is completely historically accurate. As a result, if a theory clashes with the bible they believe it to be wrong.
    Jehovah's do believe in Jesus, but they think he died on a stake rather than a cross. This is because of the Greek word used for cross in the bible which translates to 'stake' or 'tree'.
    Members say that when someone dies their existence stops completely and as a result they do not believe in Hell. Their other reasoning for this is that God would not want to punish humans for eternity.
    Members do not accept blood transfusions because they believe God has forbidden this in the bible (In particular making reference Genesis 9:3-4 and Acts 15:19-21).
    Jehovah's say that God believes blood represents life, so out of respect and obedience they do not tamper with it.
    Source: Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3507433/Sainsbury-s-apologises-customer-told-not-black-pudding-English-breakfast-Jehovah-s-Witness-chef-not-prepare-it.html#ixzz43qzjk9F2 
  15. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Ana Maria Blanco in All about deworming for kids and adults   
    I am wondering why this isn't done in the USA?
  16. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from The Librarian in Larry Graham - One In A Million You   
  17. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Death of a lovely sister   
    She is very missed.... my condolences to her family.
  18. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from dinamarie in Death of a lovely sister   
    She is very missed.... my condolences to her family.
  19. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from mkrsnow28 in Blessings soon to be here   
  20. Upvote
    admin reacted to Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης in Avgolemono   
    I liked very much the http://healthandmedicine.org
    Yes avgolemono in Greek and agristada in Ladino, I think is a Jewish sauce !
  21. Upvote
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in RAINBOW BAGELS... A NEW HYPE IN NEW YORK !   
    How "Rainbow Bagels" are made...
    It takes five hours of consistent hands-on time to make a batch of 100 of the intricately designed multi-colored bagels. In that same amount of time, the shop can make 1,000 traditional bagels (which are really delicious by the way—I especially loved the satisfying chew and flavor of the onion version). But bagels are Rossillo's canvas and like any other artist, time is not a factor when it comes to creating a masterpiece. Up until all hours of the night, he's constantly coming up with new seasonal versions like these vanilla-flavored Candy Corn Bagels for Halloween. The shop will ship bagels anywhere in the U.S. and Rossillo will create custom designed colored bagels for anyone, like these Blue Healing Bagels that are a special request by Kathy Wakile from "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" and just happened to be at the shop.
    The shop will ship bagels anywhere in the U.S. and Rossillo will create custom designed colored bagels for anyone, like these Blue Healing Bagels that are a special request by Kathy Wakile from "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" and just happened to be at the shop.


  22. Upvote
    admin reacted to Evacuated in Memorial Attendance   
  23. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in 2016 Memorial of Jesus’ Death   
    You are warmly invited to meet with us to observe the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Find a meeting location near you.
    Find a Location Near You  
    “You Will Be With Me in Paradise”
    How will this promise be fulfilled?
    In the hours before he died, Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would be with him in his heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:28-30) He later promised a condemned criminal: “You will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) How will those words come true?
    The fulfillment of both promises is possible because Jesus surrendered his life for mankind, even for sinners like that criminal. Jesus’ sacrifice was so vital that he commanded his followers to commemorate it.—Luke 22:19, 20.
    This year, the anniversary of Jesus’ death falls on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to meet with them on that date to observe the Memorial that Jesus instituted. You will hear an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family.
  24. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Evacuated in Is it a lie when the Watchtower Society teaches that Jesus and the disciples ate the unleavened bread when in fact that bread was leavened?   
    @Eoin Joyce good answer.  Although please remove the formatting in your response as much is off the page. 
    @the poster.  Please ask Questions in the section for questions. You are just trying to make statements. I changed your title to a question. 
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