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  1. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Silva's Story   
    Young Czech woman becomes a JW. Please share her story with others.
  2. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Andrew J.Clements in Silva's Story   
    Young Czech woman becomes a JW. Please share her story with others.
  3. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from g@gmail.com in Silva's Story   
    Young Czech woman becomes a JW. Please share her story with others.
  4. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Silva's Story   
    Young Czech woman becomes a JW. Please share her story with others.
  5. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in 2016 Memorial of Jesus’ Death   
    You are warmly invited to meet with us to observe the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Find a meeting location near you.
    Find a Location Near You  
    “You Will Be With Me in Paradise”
    How will this promise be fulfilled?
    In the hours before he died, Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would be with him in his heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:28-30) He later promised a condemned criminal: “You will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) How will those words come true?
    The fulfillment of both promises is possible because Jesus surrendered his life for mankind, even for sinners like that criminal. Jesus’ sacrifice was so vital that he commanded his followers to commemorate it.—Luke 22:19, 20.
    This year, the anniversary of Jesus’ death falls on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to meet with them on that date to observe the Memorial that Jesus instituted. You will hear an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family.
  6. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Death of a lovely sister   
    She is very missed.... my condolences to her family.
  7. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Pilot ejects & AIRCRAFT LANDS ITSELF amazing US Air Force story   
    Amazing story of a US Air Force pilot who ejected from aircraft and the aircraft maned to recover from dive and land in a corn field.
  8. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Richteresa in Remember Jesus' Death   
  9. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in 'THE WATCH TOWER' - 1865 - Volume 1 - (Downloadable PDF 417 pages)   
    The Watch Tower 1865, published by J.F. Shaw & Co., for the proprietors of “The Watch Tower”, 158 Fleet Street, London.
    Sold at all booksellers and railway book stores during the mid to late 1860′s. This volume of The Watch Tower was first published on March 29, 1865, for the benefit of learned members of the Anglican Church.
    Some highlights include the poems “On The Watch Tower” (page 167) and “The Light-Bearers” (page 279). This volume was not published or produced by the Watch Tower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses/Bible Students) or any of their predecessors.
    The Watch Tower volume of 1865 (417 pages) has been recently scanned into PDF by Google as part of a project to make the world’s books discoverable online. The document comprises 417 pages in total. 
  10. Upvote
    admin reacted to Queen Esther in South Carolina, Woman bears twins, calls them DONALD & TRUMP... Febr. 20th 2016   
    Myrtle Beach | A South Carolinian family made headlines today after giving birth to twins and naming them  Donald and Trump.
    The birth of the twins occurred this morning at Grand Strand Medical Center, only hours before South Carolina’s Republican voters will show up to the polls across the state to cast ballots in the GOP’s third presidential nominating contest.
    “We weren’t planning on naming them after Donald Trump at first, but it is clearly a divine sign that our next president shows up in our state on the day my little sunshines are born” explained Latifa Huxley, proud mother of the two. “Donald Trump is a bright, wealthy, successful man with strong moral values that represents what America is all about. This man is a symbol of the greatness of what America once was and shall be again” she told local reporters, visibly emotional.

    A divine sign
    Both parents strongly believe the timing of the South Carolina GOP primary with the birth of their twins is no coincidence.
    “It is truly a blessing and a God-given sign” says Damian Huxley, father of the twins. “After all the division Obama has brought upon this country, it is a great privilege to have my children born on this auspicious day,” he explains with pride. “I don’t care if my president is black or white, all I know is that Trump is a man of his word and we believe him when he says that he will make America great again,” he adds.
    The time for change
    Although Donald Trump was not available for comments, Donald Trump’s campaign supervisor, Adam Goldberg, was enthused by the news.
    “I think Americans are ready for real change. Eight years of Obama in the White House  has left the American dream in shambles and Americans want a president that will unite the country and make things better as they used to be. These twin babies will one day be very proud to be named after a great man and a great leader that will spare no expense to make America great again,” he told reporters when joined by phone.
    Recent polls show Donald Trump maintaining a wide lead in the South Carolina primary  with Ted Cruz and  Marco Rubio in a fight for second place.
  11. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in New Song 150 "Reaching Out"   
    Jehovah's Witnesses > WTBTS of Pennsylvania  > Archive of Publications > 2016 C.E. > Kingdom Music Archive
    Song 150 – Reaching Out
    Sång 150 – Vi gör allt i tjänsten för Jehova 
  12. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Remember Jesus' Death   
  13. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης in Scientists find link between cat ownership and schizophrenia   
    JW's have a section on this World News Forum. Not everybody on the forum is a JW. 
  14. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης in Church elder who sexually abused vulnerable children was invited to speak at first victim’s wedding   
    That is a sick thing to say. More news like this? We want LESS news like this. 
    Yes. There are some bad apples in every corporation. This man happens to be one.
    Please refrain from such vitriol toward any religion.
    The Librarian
  15. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Remember Jesus' Death   
  16. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Remember Jesus' Death   
  17. Upvote
    admin reacted to JW Insider in Epilogue - Ruminations of a Cantankerous Old Barbarian   
    I just found this, and I feel like I'm losing a friend. A friend I never met, that is, and a friend with whom I probably disagree with on more subjects than I can remember right now  Forums aren't the same as "real-life" congregations, and friends on forums aren't the same as friends in "real life" either. Still, it's a bit like when one of your favorite elders steps down or moves away.
    There is something liberating about being free to speak about whatever we find interesting. The freedom of speech that you, JTR, have enjoyed here was a true achievement. I'm sure it turned away a lot of friends here (I know the feeling) but it also made some points that will forever be remembered for good.
    Thanks for what you've done. I hope I'm still here when and if you decide to find your way back for some additional rounds. I doubt you've run out of ammunition.
  18. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Daniaux Johann in Modèles de présentations 2016   
    Merci beaucoup!
  19. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from John Houston in Forums vs. Social Media   
    Forums, like email, is one of those "killer applications" that made the Internet so powerful. Social media came along and it appeared that forums would be pushed aside as "old technology" like IRC chat etc...
    Using the more modern forums though, such as this one, is a different experience than the forums 1.0 of the past.
    Videos can now easily be embedded with just a click (just like Facebook and Twitter) and there are even more options for editing text than possible on FB currently.
    Images are very easily shareable now on forums compared to previous years.
    I will posit that social media made forum 1.0 technology to innovate and keep up. 
    Going forward people may soon remember how refreshing categories and topics can be versus the firehose of information people typically get on a FB newsfeed which their algorithims select what you see. (think big brother 2.0)
    There is also the possibility of allowing people to talk about things they don't want thier real names attached to. The USA was started in part due to "anonymous free speech". At times it is necessary. Granted, Twitter offers this already but forums had this 25 years ago and still do.
    Forums like this one are also innovating with ideas on how to learn more from social media's success with such things as status updates etc...
    Will we someday see the resurgence of massive forums where information is exchanged without a nauseating newsfeed?
  20. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from dinamarie in Death of a lovely sister   
    She is very missed.... my condolences to her family.
  21. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in Death of a lovely sister   
    She would kill me if I published her photo. :-)  But rest assured she is a BIG part of the reason we are all gathered in here together.
  22. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Queen Esther in This Glass Disc Can Store 360 TB of Your Photos for 13.8 Billion Years   
    If you back up your photos on optical disks or storage drives, there’s a good chance your data won’t last as long as you do due to things known as “disc rot” and “data rot“. But what if you want to ensure that your precious photos live longer than you? Good news: a new “eternal” storage technology may be on the horizon.
    Scientists have created nanostructured glass discs that can storage digital data for billions of years.

    Researchers at the University of Southampton announced this week that they’ve figured out how to store huge amounts of data on small glass discs using laser writing. They call it five dimensional (5D) digital data because in addition to the position of the data, the size and orientation plays a role too.

    The glass storage discs can hold a whopping 360 terabytes each, are stable at temperatures up to 1,000°C (1,832°F), and are expected to keep the data intact for 13.8 billion years at room temperature (anything up to 190°C, or 374°F).

    It’s a discovery that “opens a new era of eternal data archiving” because the discs have “virtually unlimited lifetime,” the university says, and museums, national archives, and libraries could benefit from having this eternal storage.
    So far, scientists have preserved important documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Magna Carta, and Kings James Bible on individual discs that will likely survive the human race.
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recorded on a 5D glass disc.
    The researchers are now looking for companies to help bring this data storage technology to market. No word on when it might appear or whether it will be available and affordable to ordinary photographers, but perhaps one day we’ll be able to store our entire lifetime body of photos on a single disc that is guaranteed to survive us (and all our descendants).
    Image credits: Photographs by the University of Southampton
  23. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from alecia2902 in Death of a lovely sister   
    She would kill me if I published her photo. :-)  But rest assured she is a BIG part of the reason we are all gathered in here together.
  24. Upvote
    admin got a reaction from Sarah Montagna in Phelicity Sneesby (girl in Feb broadcast)   
    Thank you for the update Sarah.
  25. Upvote
    admin reacted to Daniaux Johann in Schemi per le presentazioni 2016   

    Ecco la nuova compilation di schemi per le presentazioni gennaio, febbraio e marzo 2016, in francese, inglese, spagnolo, portoghese, italiano, tedesco, mongolo, arabo, vietnamita, turco e cinese (mandarino).

    Disponibile da questo link

    Sentitevi liberi di condividere!

    Il tuo compagno di fede.
    Johann Daniaux
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