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  1. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in Convention 2017 — DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—   
    I know it's been said before, but, each year the Regional Conventions just keep on getting better than before. "That was the best ever!" has often been said by appreciative brothers and sisters after the conventions end. Without a doubt, we will be saying the same again after this upcoming series of sessions. So many spiritual riches are being given from our "Grand Instructor" (Isaiah 30:20) Jehovah! The Governing Body of brothers do great work in dispensing Jehovah's "banquet of rich dishes." (Isaiah 25:6)All of these reasons and more, explain why Jehovah's Witnesses are happy! (Isaiah 65:14) 
  2. Upvote
  3. Upvote
  4. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bonita Hunter in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   
    What are the lyrics to music video from May 2017 broadcast "I keep your reminders"?
  5. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in German Bundeskanzlerin, Angela MERKEL, mentions "homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses" with Putin. Sochi May 2017 - video...   
    German Bundeskanzlerin  Angela MERKEL, mentions "homosexuals & Jehovah's Witnesses" with Putin. Sochi May 2017
    2 May 2017 - Post Sochi Russia press conference meeting. German Bundeskanzler (Federal Chancellor) Angela Merkel is fluent in Russian, President Vladimir Putin is fluent in German. Angela Merkel is head of the CDU Christian Democratic Union party in Deutschland. It is spoken in German but i think there are subtitles. It is mentioned by Merkel before the ten minute time mark. Between 9 minutes and 10 minutes in the press meeting. The German premier raised issue with "homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses" (Zeugen Jehovas) in Sochi Russia with the Russian premier.
    What a historical act. The bible is becoming more and more true. One of the penultimate prophecies. If the world hates you, you know that she hated me before she hated you. If you were a part of the world, the world would be yours dear. Because you are now no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, so the world hates you. Keep the word that I said unto you, If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you ( Joh 15;18 )
  6. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Τετάρτη 3 Μαΐου, εδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Τετάρτη 3 Μαΐου,     εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Γέμισαν όλοι άγιο πνεύμα.—Πράξ. 2:4.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Wednesday, May 3    daily text
    They all became filled with holy spirit.—Acts 2:4.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Miércoles 3 de mayo    texto diario
    Todos se llenaron de espíritu santo (Hech. 2:4).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Quarta-feira, 3 de maio    texto do dia
    Todos ficaram cheios de espírito santo. — Atos 2:4.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Среда, 3 мая    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Все они исполнились святого духа (Деян. 2:4).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Środa 3 maja    tekst dzienny
    Wszyscy zostali napełnieni duchem świętym (Dzieje 2:4).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Mercredi 3 mai    texte du jour
    Ils se remplirent tous d’esprit saint (Actes 2:4).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Mittwoch, 3. Mai    tagestext
    Sie alle wurden mit heiligem Geist erfüllt (Apg. 2:4)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Mercoledì 3 maggio    scrittura del giorno
    Furono tutti pieni di spirito santo (Atti 2:4)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    woensdag 3 mei    dagtekst
    Zij allen werden met heilige geest vervuld. — Hand. 2:4.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Onsdag 3 maj    dagens text
    De blev alla uppfyllda av helig ande. (Apg. 2:4)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    3 Mayıs Çarşamba    gunun ayeti
    Hepsi kutsal ruhla dol[du] (Elçi. 2:4).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E mërkurë, 3 maj    shkrimi i dites
    Të gjithë u mbushën me frymën e shenjtë.—Vep. 2:4.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Сряда, 3 май    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Всички те се изпълниха със свети дух. (Деян. 2:4)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Miercuri, 3 mai    textul zilei
    Toți s-au umplut de spirit sfânt. (Fap. 2:4)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Miyerkules, Mayo 3    teksto ngayon
    Silang lahat ay napuspos ng banal na espiritu.—Gawa 2:4.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  7. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Środa 3 maja   
    Wszyscy zostali napełnieni duchem świętym (Dzieje 2:4).
    Był to dzień święta Pięćdziesiątnicy 33 roku n.e. W pewnej górnej izbie w Jerozolimie zebrała się grupa około 120 chrześcijan, którzy „trwali na modlitwie” (Dzieje 1:13-15). Miało ich spotkać coś, co stanowiło spełnienie proroczej zapowiedzi Joela (Joela 2:28-32; Dzieje 2:16-21). Na tę grupę chrześcijan zgromadzonych w górnej izbie został wylany święty duch Boży (Dzieje 1:8). Następnie zaczęli oni prorokować, czyli świadczyć o wspaniałych rzeczach, które zobaczyli i usłyszeli. Wkrótce tłumnie zebrali się wokół nich ludzie, którym apostoł Piotr wyjaśnił znaczenie tego, co się wydarzyło, po czym rzekł do nich: „Okażcie skruchę i niech każdy z was da się ochrzcić w imię Jezusa Chrystusa ku przebaczeniu waszych grzechów, a otrzymacie wspaniałomyślny dar ducha świętego”. Z tego zaproszenia skorzystało wtedy około 3000 osób, które dały się ochrzcić i otrzymały obiecanego ducha świętego (Dzieje 2:37, 38, 41). w16.01 3:1-3

  8. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Sign Language Midweek Meeting 2017-05-01   
  9. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in Invision Power Board IPS 4.x   
    @admin it would be nice here on your IPS 4.x forum for us to see on each post when opened just how many people have viewed it. Currently we have to find the listing on the forum list to see the number of views.
    Thanks for the great sharing tool however. I can see where stuff is getting shared from this forum all over the world.
  10. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bible Speaks in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   

  11. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Request...   
    @The Librarian  Oh  yes,  I  want  some  more  categories  in  the  Gallery  area....   I  will  thinking  about  and  write  you  my  idea's  ;-)   Thank  you !
  12. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   
  13. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   
  14. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   
    Music video for may/17 : “I keep your reminders”
  15. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting—May 2017   
    Brother Geoffrey Jackson serves as the host.
    just a "preview" ...


    the images are from the internet ....

  16. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in JW Broadcasting—April 2017   
    Faith Can Make Things Happen MP4 (50 MB)

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    Faith Can Make Things Happen —(subtitles)— MP4 (50 MB)
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    Patrick LaFranca: Faith in Jehovah Makes It Happen - MP4 (49 MB)

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    MP4 (92 MB)
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    MP4 (125 MB)
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    MP4 (182 MB)
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      Tillie and Leona Lachmuth: We Lacked Nothing MP4 (57 MB)

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    Rocky Webb: All of Us Will Be Tested MP4 (88 MB)
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    South Africa—Supporting God's Kingdom by Neutrality MP4 (79 MB)
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    Izak Marais: Seek First the Kingdom (Matt. 6:33) MP4 (85 MB)
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      Patrick LaFranca: Faith in Jehovah Makes It Happen —(subtitles)— MP4 (49 MB)

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    Patrick LaFranca: Faith in Jehovah Makes It Happen —(subtitles)— MP4 (92 MB)
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    Patrick LaFranca: Faith in Jehovah Makes It Happen —(subtitles)— MP4 (125 MB)
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    Patrick LaFranca: Faith in Jehovah Makes It Happen —(subtitles)— MP4 (180 MB)
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      Tillie and Leona Lachmuth: We Lacked Nothing —(subtitles)— MP4 (57 MB)

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    Rocky Webb: All of Us Will Be Tested —(subtitles)— MP4 (88 MB)
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    South Africa—Supporting God's Kingdom by Neutrality —(subtitles)— MP4 (78 MB)
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    Izak Marais: Seek First the Kingdom (Matt. 6:33) —(subtitles)— MP4 (85 MB)
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    Special Witnessing Campaigns in Central America - MP4 (63 MB)

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    Mark Noumair: Deep Study Draws Us Close to Jehovah (Ps. 73:28) - MP4 (108 MB)

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    Special Witnessing Campaigns in Central America 
    —(subtitles) MP4 (63 MB)

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    Mark Noumair: Deep Study Draws Us Close to Jehovah (Ps. 73:28)
    —(subtitles) MP4 (108 MB)

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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    MP4 (88 MB)

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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    MP4 (169 MB)
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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    MP4 (230 MB)
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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    MP4 (334 MB)
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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    —(subtitles) MP4 (89 MB)

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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    —(subtitles) MP4 (169 MB)

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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    —(subtitles) MP4 (232 MB)

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    Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision! 
    —(subtitles) MP4 (335 MB)

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  17. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Am. Sign Language Weekend Meeting 2017-04-22   
    Y E S  !!!!
  18. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Κυριακή 30 Απριλίου, εδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Your  picture  is  very  nice  too....  I  like  it ! 
  19. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Κυριακή 30 Απριλίου, εδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Κυριακή 30 Απριλίου,     εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Αυτό είναι το όνομά μου στον αιώνα.—Έξοδ. 3:15.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Sunday, April 30    daily text
    This is my name forever.—Ex. 3:15.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Domingo 30 de abril    texto diario
    Este es mi nombre hasta tiempo indefinido (Éx. 3:15).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Domingo, 30 de abril    texto do dia
    Esse é o meu nome para sempre. — Êxo. 3:15.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Воскресенье, 30 апреля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Это мое имя на века (Исх. 3:15).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Niedziela 30 kwietnia    tekst dzienny
    To jest moje imię po czas niezmierzony (Wyjścia 3:15).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Dimanche 30 avril    texte du jour
    C’est là mon nom pour des temps indéfinis (Ex. 3:15).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Sonntag, 30. April    tagestext
    Dies ist mein Name auf unabsehbare Zeit (2. Mo. 3:15)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Domenica 30 aprile    scrittura del giorno
    Questo è il mio nome a tempo indefinito (Eso. 3:15)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    zondag 30 april    dagtekst
    Dit is mijn naam tot onbepaalde tijd. — Ex. 3:15.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Söndag 30 april    dagens text
    Detta är mitt namn till oöverskådlig tid. (2 Mos. 3:15)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    30 Nisan Pazar    gunun ayeti
    Devirler boyu ismim budur (Çık. 3:15).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E diel, 30 prill    shkrimi i dites
    Ky është emri im në jetë të jetëve.—Dal. 3:15.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Неделя, 30 април    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Това е моето име до безпределни времена. (Из. 3:15)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Duminică, 30 aprilie    textul zilei
    Acesta este numele meu pe veșnicie. (Ex. 3:15)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Linggo, Abril 30    teksto ngayon
    Ito ang aking pangalan hanggang sa panahong walang takda.—Ex. 3:15.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  20. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Σάββατο 29 Απριλίου, εδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Σάββατο 29 Απριλίου,     εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Είθε ο Θεός της ειρήνης . . . να σας εξοπλίσει με κάθε καλό πράγμα για να κάνετε το θέλημά του.—Εβρ. 13:20, 21.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Saturday, April 29    daily text
    May the God of peace . . . equip you with every good thing to do his will.—Heb. 13:20, 21.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Sábado 29 de abril    texto diario
    Que el Dios de la paz los equipe con toda cosa buena para hacer su voluntad (Heb. 13:20, 21).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Sábado, 29 de abril    texto do dia
    Que o Deus de paz . . . os equipe com toda coisa boa para fazerem a Sua vontade. — Heb. 13:20, 21.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Суббота, 29 апреля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Пусть же Бог мира... снабдит вас всем хорошим для исполнения его воли (Евр. 13:20, 21).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Sobota 29 kwietnia    tekst dzienny
    Bóg pokoju (...) niech was wyposaży we wszelkie dobro ku spełnianiu jego woli (Hebr. 13:20, 21).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Samedi 29 avril    texte du jour
    Que le Dieu de paix [...] vous équipe de toute bonne chose pour faire sa volonté (Héb. 13:20, 21).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Samstag, 29. April    tagestext
    Der Gott des Friedens rüste euch aus mit allem Guten, um seinen Willen zu tun (Heb. 13:20, 21)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Sabato 29 aprile    scrittura del giorno
    L’Iddio della pace vi prepari con ogni cosa buona per fare la sua volontà (Ebr. 13:20, 21)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    zaterdag 29 april    dagtekst
    Moge de God van vrede u toerusten met al het goede om zijn wil te doen. — Hebr. 13:20, 21.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Lördag 29 april    dagens text
    Må nu fridens Gud ... rusta er med allt gott till att göra hans vilja. (Hebr. 13:20, 21)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    29 Nisan Cumartesi    gunun ayeti
    Barış Tanrısı, Kendi isteğini yapmanız için sizi her iyi şeyle donatsın (İbr. 13:20, 21).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E shtunë, 29 prill    shkrimi i dites
    Perëndia i paqes . . . ju pajistë me çdo gjë të mirë për të bërë vullnetin e tij!—Hebr. 13:20, 21.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Събота, 29 април    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Нека Богът на мира ... ви даде всяко добро нещо, за да ви подготви да вършите неговата воля. (Евр. 13:20, 21)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Sâmbătă, 29 aprilie    textul zilei
    Dumnezeul păcii . . . să vă înzestreze cu orice lucru bun ca să faceți voința sa! (Evr. 13:20, 21)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Sabado, Abril 29    teksto ngayon
    Nawa’y ang Diyos ng kapayapaan . . . ay magsangkap sa inyo ng bawat mabuting bagay upang gawin ang kaniyang kalooban.—Heb. 13:20, 21.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  21. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Am. Sign Language Weekend Meeting 2017-04-22   
    send my greetings too ... 

  22. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in Request...   
    Someone asked me for my "best" photos of Warwick.
    Please assist me with building a gallery of photos here:
    Thank you and Agape!
    Let me know if you want more categories in the Gallery area:
  23. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bible Speaks in Request...   
  24. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in NEWS RELEASES | Nearly 400 Attend Open House at Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New World Headquarters   
    Nearly 400 Attend Open House at New World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.pdf
  25. Upvote
    @JMax Definitely Fake News. 100%    I added the tag "Fake News" to his post as well.
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