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  1. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in 2017 Memorial Invitation   
    We warmly invite you to attend the annual Memorial of Jesus’ death with us on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. A free Bible-based talk will explain how Jesus’ death can benefit you and your family.
  2. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in 440 million invitations   
    THE Memorial invitation



  3. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in 2017 Memorial Invitation   
  4. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Russian authorities break into Kingdom Hall   
    Instructions for Letter-Writing Campaign

    have you seen the "instructions" ?
  5. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Russian authorities break into Kingdom Hall   
    Instructions for Letter-Writing Campaign

    have you seen the "instructions" ?
  6. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in 440 million invitations   
  7. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in 440 millions d'invitations   
    L’INVITATION au Mémorial
  8. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in 440 millions d'invitations   
  9. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 million invitations   
    THE Memorial invitation



  10. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 milioni di inviti   
    L’INVITO alla Commemorazione
  11. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Abel Castro in 440 milhões de convites   
    convite da Celebração



  12. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 millones de invitaciones   
    LA INVITACIÓN a la Conmemoración



  13. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 milyong mga imbitasyon   
    ANG imbitasyon sa Memoryal 
  14. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 millions d'invitations   
    L’INVITATION au Mémorial
  15. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in Jehovah and the Spider   

  16. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 миллионов приглашений   
    ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ на Вечерю —
  17. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 440 Millionen Einladungen   
    DIE Einladung zum Gedächtnismahl
  18. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    Link is on video! ? ?????
  19. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    @ARchiv@L If I need to delete let me know? @Kurt Thank you! ?
  20. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Σάββατο 1 Απριλίουεδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Σάββατο 1 Απριλίου    εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Να είστε σε εγρήγορση. Ο αντίδικός σας, ο Διάβολος, γυρίζει σαν λιοντάρι που βρυχιέται, ζητώντας να καταβροχθίσει κάποιον.—1 Πέτρ. 5:8.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Saturday, April 1    daily text
    Be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.—1 Pet. 5:8.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Sábado 1 de abril    texto diario
    Sean vigilantes. Su adversario, el Diablo, anda en derredor como león rugiente, procurando devorar a alguien (1 Ped. 5:8).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Sábado, 1.° de abril    texto do dia
    Sede vigilantes. Vosso adversário, o Diabo, anda em volta como leão que ruge, procurando a quem devorar. — 1 Ped. 5:8.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Суббота, 1 апреля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Бодрствуйте. Ваш противник, Дьявол, ходит, как рычащий лев, и ищет, кого поглотить (1 Пет. 5:8).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Sobota 1 kwietnia    tekst dzienny
    Bądźcie czujni. Wasz wróg, Diabeł, krąży jak ryczący lew, starając się kogoś pożreć (1 Piotra 5:8).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Samedi 1er avril    texte du jour
    Soyez vigilants. Votre adversaire, le Diable, circule comme un lion rugissant, cherchant à dévorer quelqu’un (1 Pierre 5:8).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Samstag, 1. April    tagestext
    Seid wachsam. Euer Widersacher, der Teufel, geht umher wie ein brüllender Löwe und sucht jemand zu verschlingen (1. Pet. 5:8)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Sabato 1° aprile    scrittura del giorno
    Siate vigilanti. Il vostro avversario, il Diavolo, va in giro come un leone ruggente, cercando di divorare qualcuno (1 Piet. 5:8)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    zaterdag 1 april    dagtekst
    Weest waakzaam. Uw tegenstander, de Duivel, gaat rond als een brullende leeuw, op zoek om iemand te verslinden. — 1 Petr. 5:8.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Lördag 1 april    dagens text
    Var på er vakt. Er motståndare, Djävulen, går omkring som ett rytande lejon och söker någon att sluka. (1 Petr. 5:8)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    1 Nisan Cumartesi    gunun ayeti
    Uyanık olun. Düşmanınız İblis, kükreyen bir aslan gibi, yutacak birini bulmak için dolanıyor (1. Pet. 5:8).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E shtunë, 1 prill    shkrimi i dites
    Jini syçelë. Kundërshtari juaj, Djalli, vjen rrotull si një luan që ulërin, duke kërkuar të gllabërojë dikë.—1 Pjet. 5:8.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Събота, 1 април    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Бъдете нащрек. Вашият противник, Дяволът, обикаля наоколо като ревящ лъв и търси кого да погълне. (1 Пет. 5:8)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Sâmbătă, 1 aprilie    textul zilei
    Rămâneți lucizi, vegheați! Vrăjmașul vostru, Diavolul, dă târcoale ca un leu care răcnește, căutând să devoreze pe cineva. (1 Pet. 5:8)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Sabado, Abril 1    teksto ngayon
    Maging mapagbantay. Ang inyong kalaban, ang Diyablo, ay gumagala-gala tulad ng isang leong umuungal, na naghahanap ng masisila.—1 Ped. 5:8.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  21. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    thanks !!

  22. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    the video is the song singing .....
    the man ..... perhaps you see another video (by mistake?) from adds?

  23. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    (it means what is already on the main title on top) I mean that @Kurt already added the information... 
    thank you @Kurt .... am adding this for another 2 languages  !!!
    GREAT !!
    THANKS !!
  24. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Bible Speaks in Letters to Russia/Письма в Россию   
    @Kurt What does it mean? Can't translate? Thank you, Bible Speaks 
  25. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Do you still remember that beautiful, young, married JW couple ???   
    hahaha.....  yes,  thank  you  dear  ARchiv@L
     It  was  now  4,5 years !  On  16. Oct. 5 years   very  sad....
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