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  1. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Bible Speaks in 2017 Convention Program   
  2. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Alexa in 2017 Convention Program   
  3. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in 2017 Convention Program   
    See the schedule for each day of this convention, which will help you to keep doing what is fine and to endure trials.
  4. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    I like this song very much .... or I love this song ... every time I hear this ....
    and I want to hear this together with all of you in the new world .....
  5. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in 2017 Convention Program   
  6. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Alexa in 2017 Convention Program   
  7. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου   
    Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου    εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Τύραννοι ζητούν την ψυχή μου.—Ψαλμ. 54:3.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά  ----------     
  8. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in INVITATION MEMORIAL 2017 Tuesday, April 11.   
    This year, according to the Bible’s lunar calendar, the anniversary of Jesus’ death falls on Tuesday, April 11.   Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to meet with them on that date to listen to   an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family.
    Memorial of Jesus’ Death
    Peace, Health, and Prosperity—Everyone’s Dream...
  9. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Pinoy Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia face deportation   
    thank you @Nicole ... for the article ...

  10. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from The Librarian in 2017 Memorial Invitation   
  11. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου   
    Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου    εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Τύραννοι ζητούν την ψυχή μου.—Ψαλμ. 54:3.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Sunday, February 26    daily text
    Ruthless men seek my life.—Ps. 54:3.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Domingo 26 de febrero    texto diario
    Hay tiranos que de veras buscan mi alma (Sal. 54:3).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Domingo, 26 de fevereiro    texto do dia
    Homens cruéis buscam tirar a minha vida. — Sal. 54:3.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Воскресенье, 26 февраля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Тираны ищут моей души (Пс. 54:3).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Niedziela 26 lutego    tekst dzienny
    Ciemięzcy nastają na mą duszę (Ps. 54:3).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Dimanche 26 février    texte du jour
    Des tyrans cherchent mon âme (Ps. 54:3).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Sonntag, 26. Februar    tagestext
    Tyrannen trachten mir nach der Seele (Ps. 54:3)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Domenica 26 febbraio    scrittura del giorno
    Ci sono tiranni che cercano la mia anima (Sal. 54:3)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    zondag 26 februari    dagtekst
    Vijanden (...) staan mij naar het leven. — Ps. 54:5 [3], ‘Groot Nieuws Bijbel’.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Söndag 26 februari    dagens text
    Tyranner traktar efter min själ. (Ps. 54:3)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    26 Şubat Pazar    gunun ayeti
    Zorbalar canıma kastetti (Mezm. 54:3).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E diel, 26 shkurt    shkrimi i dites
    Tiranët kërkojnë shpirtin tim.—Psal. 54:3.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Неделя, 26 февруари    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Потисници ... искат душата ми. (Пс. 54:3)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Duminică, 26 februarie    textul zilei
    Niște tirani caută să-mi ia sufletul. (Ps. 54:3)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Linggo, Pebrero 26    teksto ngayon
    May . . . mga maniniil na humahanap sa aking kaluluwa.—Awit 54:3.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    
  12. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου   
    Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου    εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Η πίστη, αν δεν έχει έργα, είναι από μόνη της νεκρή.—Ιακ. 2:17.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Monday, February 27    daily text
    Faith by itself, without works, is dead.—Jas. 2:17.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Lunes 27 de febrero    texto diario
    La fe, si no tiene obras, está muerta (Sant. 2:17).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro    texto do dia
    A fé por si só, sem obras, está morta. — Tia. 2:17.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Понедельник, 27 февраля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Вера, если не имеет дел, мертва (Иак. 2:17).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Poniedziałek 27 lutego    tekst dzienny
    Wiara, jeśli nie ma uczynków, sama w sobie jest martwa (Jak. 2:17).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Lundi 27 février    texte du jour
    La foi, si elle n’a pas d’œuvres, est morte en elle-même (Jacq. 2:17).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Montag, 27. Februar    tagestext
    Der Glaube, wenn er keine Werke hat, ist in sich selbst tot (Jak. 2:17)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Lunedì 27 febbraio    scrittura del giorno
    La fede, se non ha opere, è in se stessa morta (Giac. 2:17)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    maandag 27 februari    dagtekst
    Zo is ook geloof, indien het geen werken heeft, op zichzelf dood. — Jak. 2:17.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Måndag 27 februari    dagens text
    Så är också tron, om den inte har gärningar, i sig själv död. (Jak. 2:17)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    27 Şubat Pazartesi    gunun ayeti
    İşlerden yoksun bir iman . . . . aslında ölüdür (Yak. 2:17).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E hënë, 27 shkurt    shkrimi i dites
    Besimi, nëse nuk ka vepra, është i vdekur.—Jak. 2:17.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Понеделник, 27 февруари    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Вярата, ако няма дела, сама по себе си е мъртва. (Як. 2:17)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Luni, 27 februarie    textul zilei
    Credința, dacă nu are fapte, este moartă. (Iac. 2:17)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Lunes, Pebrero 27    teksto ngayon
    Ang pananampalataya, kung wala itong mga gawa, ay patay sa ganang sarili.—Sant. 2:17.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    
  13. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου   
    Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου    εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Αυτή είναι η οδός. Περπατάτε σε αυτήν.—Ησ. 30:21.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Tuesday, February 28    daily text
    This is the way. Walk in it.—Isa. 30:21.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Martes 28 de febrero    texto diario
    Este es el camino. Anden en él (Is. 30:21).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro    texto do dia
    Este é o caminho. Andem nele. — Isa. 30:21.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Вторник, 28 февраля    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Вот путь, идите по нему (Ис. 30:21).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Wtorek 28 lutego    tekst dzienny
    To jest ta droga. Chodźcie nią (Izaj. 30:21).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Mardi 28 février    texte du jour
    Voici le chemin. Marchez-y (Is. 30:21).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Dienstag, 28. Februar    tagestext
    Dies ist der Weg. Wandelt darauf (Jes. 30:21)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Martedì 28 febbraio    scrittura del giorno
    Questa è la via. Camminate in essa (Isa. 30:21)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    dinsdag 28 februari    dagtekst
    Dit is de weg. Wandelt daarop. — Jes. 30:21.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Tisdag 28 februari    dagens text
    Detta är vägen. Vandra på den. (Jes. 30:21)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    28 Şubat Salı    gunun ayeti
    Yol budur. Bu yoldan gidin (İşa. 30:21).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E martë, 28 shkurt    shkrimi i dites
    Kjo është udha. Ecni në të!—Isa. 30:21.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Вторник, 28 февруари    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Това е пътят, ходете по него! (Иса. 30:21)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Marți, 28 februarie    textul zilei
    Iată calea! Umblați pe ea! (Is. 30:21)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Martes, Pebrero 28    teksto ngayon
    Ito ang daan. Lakaran ninyo ito.—Isa. 30:21.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  14. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to The Librarian in Does anyone have a copy of this file in PDF?   
    Here is a pdf for when they take this version down
  15. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Gertrud Pötzinger: Jehovah’s Name Is Most Important   
    Gertrud Pötzinger: Jehovah’s Name Is Most Important

    Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
  16. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Alan Murdock in Does anyone have a copy of this file in PDF?   
    The link is at the bottom of the page.
  17. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Yes... we will sing together   but often with tears in our eyes, bec. SO nice songs ! ????????
  18. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in A blind Brother on the stage with his loving, needing dog ❤ more info's about Guide dogs & the humans !   
    @Queen Esther thanks for adding these photos .... not many know this ....it is really exciting to know that some brothers and sisters really appreciate the meetings and the conventions , AND THEY DO NOT MISS any part of the program !!! 
  19. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Awww...  that  is  touching  my  heart,  dear  Brother  Barltrop ❤  Thank  you  so  much !  You're  always  welcome,  yes   By  some  Kingdom  songs  I  get  also  tears  in  my  eyes,  thats  normal  and  okay....  Enjoy !   I  will  look  on  &  off  for  nice  songs,  yes.
  20. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Yes,  thats  true !!   Thank  you  dear  Blanchie ❤  You're  always  welcome
  21. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    It just takes your breath away!! This is amazingly beautiful!! Thanks for sharing ??? 
  22. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Queen Esther in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    I like this song very much .... or I love this song ... every time I hear this ....
    and I want to hear this together with all of you in the new world .....
  23. Upvote
    ARchiv@L got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    I like this song very much .... or I love this song ... every time I hear this ....
    and I want to hear this together with all of you in the new world .....
  24. Upvote
    ARchiv@L reacted to Queen Esther in A blind Brother on the stage with his loving, needing dog ❤ more info's about Guide dogs & the humans !   
    Its so amazing, a  deaf-blind  human can learn, it does give the loving God, Jehovah❤️ and all around him, all about the Bible. Yes, all nice things, we learn too.  A wonderful language Jehovah gave for these special humans❤️ What a loving gift ! 
  25. Upvote
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