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  • Birthday 10/12/1962

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  1. Hon', are you sure ??? I'm looking at his nose and they don't look the same..... I wish you had a speech he has given so we could hear his voice !!!!!
  2. He set a perfect example of the theme for the regional convention..... he didn't give up !!!!! Like the little Energizer bunny, only this battery is ''Powered by Jehovah'' !!!! Â
  3. good timing, Bible Speaks..... just wrote this down into my notebook. thanks again for the reminder.
  4. Bible Speaks, I have this on my wall in my bedroom above my bureau.... but it's still a nice reminder. Especially now for the folks in Russia. I feel bad for the Russian government.... they have NO IDEA who exactly they are playing with, and I don't want to be in their shoes when they suddenly find out. By the way, just did the first 2 days of the convention in Newburgh, New York.... have to wait till next week, the 30th to do the 3rd day.... but BOY, was that good !!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of Agape !!! Sharon Lee
  5. Do you work for Boeing? Just curious.



      no, hon'..... my father worked for United Airlines....lemme' rephrase that.... the REAL United Airlines... not the joke it has become since being taken over by Continental.    He worked from March 12, 1962 to September 27. 1997, starting in Newark, when the airport was on the other side of the highway,  then a small stint in Raleigh-Durham, and finally up here in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, at Bradley International.    I think that aviation - starting with our feathered friends - and culminating in these beautiful behemoths - is one of Jehovah's finest creations.....  from the Wright Brothers and on.   I am soooo hoping that after Armageddon, as the clean-up is progressing along and loved ones are being resurrected, that Jehovah will do for me, like He did with Bezalel and Oholiab - Exodus 31: 3-5 - to fill me with all the knowledge needed to fly a McDonnell-Douglas DC-10, my favorite aircraft,  and fly brothers and sisters all around our beautiful Paradise, to see loved ones, make new friends, meet with those from the Bible, and for me personally, to head down to Raleigh-Durham, and pick up my grandmother and grandfather [mother's side].  My grandmother was in the Truth, she was living in Somerville, New Jersey in the late 60's, early 70's when she was baptized.   They were living in Pinebluff, North Carolina, in 1992 when she fell asleep in death, follow by grandpa in 1994.   Of course, the first thing she would probably say is, ''Were you part of the Great Crowd?'' and I would say, ''Yes, grandma, and... I became a Witness.''  Added treat would be to find out where she was baptized - Allentown, Philadelphia, Trenton - and do the same.   Then just after telling her that I am a Witness, that I too, was baptized in the same city as her.    I can just imagine her laughter and tears of joy.   So far, I am the only one of her grandchildren who has studied, and is progressing towards getting myself into the Theocratic Ministry School, then on to becoming an unbaptized publisher, and then baptized.   

      So..... getting back to Boeing, here's a quick history lesson for you.    

      If you can see the DC-10 down at the bottom,  you will notice 4 stars on it...  

      That's not ''4-star service'', it's the 4 airlines that combined to make ''United Airlines'', and they are....

      Varney Air Lines, Pacific Air Transport, National Air Transport and......Boeing Air Transport.    Add to that, at one time, one of the largest ''parent'' companies in the world was UAL Corp., comprised of Boeing, United Airlines, Pratt & Whitney and Hamilton Standard  -  Hamilton located just across the street from Bradley International Airport. 

      Drag.    Thrust.    Lift.    Weight.         the 4 forces of Flight.      Forces working together, that can lift aircraft such as the Antonov AN-225, AN-124, and the C-5 Galaxy off the ground, fully loaded, weighing over one and a half million pounds,  and make it all look so effortless......

      I stand in awe of one of Jehovah's creations everyday.    He is just so awesome. 

      oh..... and I like the way it rhymes.... too cool.    

      okay..... I think I babbled enough - LOL.    


      Sharon Lee 
















      ual DC-10 Friendship.jpg

  6. The ''Independance Day'' that I am looking forward to, is , Armageddon, when all wickedness and injustice are wiped out forever. And then we can begin the clean-up to make our Earth a true Paradise, the Resurrection when we welcome all our loved ones back who are now asleep in death, and for all to come to know Jehovah for the wonderful Father, righteous Sovereign Ruler, and great God that He is.:x:D

  7. I told this to my dad a couple of days ago when he called me at work.... Father's day, or Mother's day.... is EVERY DAY. and for that matter, seeing how Jehovah is our Heavenly FATHER, you only show him appreciation one day a year ??????!!!!! NOT !!!!! you show Him appreciation every day, in everything we do.
  8. I've seen this one before !!! just sat here crying..... of course, now the problem. He no longer has his computer. Got think of another way to get this to him.....
  9. Bible Speaks, this would be a good one to use with my Dad..... he was recently complaining about the pacemaker he has, and how the doctor stated that it would be another 7 years before he would have to change the battery. Dad told him he won't be around that long, and I told him you're gonna' see Armageddon, and then I'm gonna' watch you getting younger before my eyes. Dad will turn 80 on September 22, and he was telling me that his Aunt Mary, his father's younger sister just past away --- at the age of 102. I told him again he's gonna' see it..... then I will see him becoming this handsome young man of 24 years, with this beautiful lady of 22 years... my mom. She died from malignant melanoma on June 21, 1980, 36 hours after I graduated from high school.... So do I have hope ??? Do I have faith ??? AYUP !!!!!!!!!! I just wish I could be with him in Pennsylvania, so I could give him more ''examples'' of me.... but for now I'm up here. So, I'll have to do it from afar. [wedding picture - December 23, 1961 - Aberdeen, North Carolina] But again, and as always, thanks for the reminders, Bible Speaks.
  10. I think something else that would go well along with pursuing kindness, is that, we end up with a clean, and clear conscience. ''As tough as it was, or is, we did the right thing.'' We have done the will of Jehovah.
  11. this is something to hang on to and to use out in service..... and even better, with informal witnessing, with those who don't truly understand what Armageddon is, seeing how they have been ''blinded'' by themselves, others, and Satan. this is a big help, thanx Bible Speaks.
  12. that was great !!! I think I'll sub him over on YouTube.... sat here crying ''happy tears'' with the ''heart''.....
  13. Queen Esther, it makes me think of Paul's words, where he states that in weaknesses, he is made strong. Don't remember the verse at the moment, but I think that's the gist of it. Nice encouragement.
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