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E dub

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  1. Haha
    E dub reacted to Colin Browne in The Cross   
    The above covers of Watchtowers with a cross and crown in the top left corner ended during the year of my birth. As a young lad of 16, I stayed at the Dunroamin Private hotel in Pretoria while at my first job. The landlady Mrs Kinsella may have been a Jehovah's Witness, or Witnesses called at the hotel. Bedsides various magazines, her library contained a few Watchtowers. Although schooled at the Catholic Marist Brothers, I only had basic Bible knowledge but was keen to learn more, so I took one of the above magazines to my room. At that stage it was believed that all religions lead to God, so the contents didn't impress me, but the picture at the top left of the corner did, so, like all adventurous young boys I sewed together three needles and tattooed the cross and crown on my left arm.
    Mrs Kinsella came into my room just as I had finished and busy cleaning my arm. She was shocked and gave me a hard slap as well as a lecture. The tattoo has remained there ever since.
    Cross and crown.docx
  2. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Have You Ever Seen A River Reborn? ???   
    In this real video, you can see how fast you can flood a torrential valley in Israel. Perhaps you are thinking ? ? Is this how quickly Pharoah's chariots turned from dry ground to mud? ?????
  3. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in First death of a Russian Brother – Dzhanskoy Vitaly Arsenyuk, 67 ?????   
    First death of a Russian Brother 
    Dzhanskoy Vitaly Arsenyuk, 67, who was accused of illegal missionary activity, died of a heart attack after an audience at the local court, carried out by the peace commissioner alkhaz tulpar against him.
    The man was charged with the offence in part 4 of article 5.26 of the Russian code of administrative offences (the conduct of missionary activity in violation of the requirements of the law).
    According to the publication, arsenyuk led the local committee of Jehovah's witnesses until the organization was banned in Russia and Crimea-Russia Deputy.
    Along with all the believers, who carried out religious services, prayed, sang, read and discussed the Bible. In May, he was called several times to the Russian prosecutor's office; the first hearing was held on June 27, which had been postponed for the following month.

  4. Thanks
    "The dead themselves do not praise Jah."—Ps. 115:17.
    “How are you feeling?” This common expression betrays a grim reality. Because our first parents allowed Satan to distance them from Jehovah, we are all subject to illness. Sickness serves Satan’s purpose, for when we are sick, it is harder for us to serve Jehovah. And if we die, we cannot serve him at all. (Ps. 115:17) 
    Naturally, then, we want to do what we can to stay healthy.* And we should be concerned about our brothers’ health and welfare.
    It is important, however, to avoid going to extremes. Some have zealously promoted certain diets, treatments, or products—even more zealously than the good news of God’s Kingdom. 
    They may sincerely believe that they are helping others. Even so, it is not appropriate to promote health or beauty products and practices before or after meetings at the Kingdom Hall or at assemblies or conventions. Why not?
    We meet together to discuss spiritual matters and to increase our joy, a product of God’s holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22) On such occasions, offering health advice or products—solicited or unsolicited—can detract from our spiritual purpose and rob others of their joy. (Rom. 14:17) 
    How a person addresses health concerns must be his or her own decision. Further, no one has a solution to all illness. Even the finest doctors get old and sick, and eventually they die. And worrying excessively about our health cannot extend our life. (Luke 12:25) On the other hand, “a heart that is joyful does good as a curer.”—Prov. 17:22.

  5. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in "No crushed reed will he break, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish."—Isa. 42:3. ???????   
    "No crushed reed will he break, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish."—Isa. 42:3.
    Jesus’ tender heart moved him to speak tenderly to others, especially to the downtrodden.
    Mild-Tempered but Courageous
    Jesus was a zealous Kingdom proclaimer who was mild-tempered but courageous in dealing with people. (Matthew 11:29) He reflected the spirit of his heavenly Father, who urges the wicked to turn from their bad ways. (Isaiah 55:6, 7) 
    In dealing with sinners, Jesus took note when there was evidence of a change for the better, and he encouraged such individuals. (Luke 7:37-50; 19:2-10) 
    Rather than judging others on the basis of outward appearances, Jesus imitated his Father’s kindness, forbearance, and long-suffering with a view to leading them to repentance. (Romans 2:4) It is Jehovah’s will that people of all sorts should repent and be saved.—1 Timothy 2:3, 4.
    Giving Jehovah’s view of Jesus Christ, the Gospel writer Matthew quotes these prophetic words: “Look! My servant whom I chose, my beloved, whom my soul approved! I will put my spirit upon him, and what justice is he will make clear to the nations. He will not wrangle, nor cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the broad ways. No bruised reed will he crush, and no smoldering flaxen wick will he extinguish, until he sends out justice with success. Indeed, in his name nations will hope.” (Matthew 12:17-21;Isaiah 42:1-4) 
    Consistent with those prophetic words, Jesus did not indulge in noisy arguments. Even when under pressure, he spoke the truth in a manner that appealed to honesthearted ones.—John 7:32, 40, 45, 46.

  6. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Our Creator will Save Us! ??❄️??   
    Our Creator will Save Us! 
    "Every breathing thing—let it praise Jah. 
    Praise Jah!" (Psalms 150:6) 
    What Some Predict
    Many believe that human activities are a major cause of global warming, which may have catastrophic consequences for the climate and the environment. For example, large-scale melting of land-based ice and the expansion of the oceans as water warms could cause sea levels to rise drastically. 
    At the same time, rising temperatures could intensify storms, floods, and droughts. In the Himalayas, disappearing glaciers—from areas that feed seven river systems—could cause shortages of freshwater for 40 percent of the world’s population. Also at risk are thousands of species of animals, including polar bears, whose hunting grounds are largely on the ice. Indeed, reports already indicate that many bears are losing weight and some are even starving.
    Rising temperatures may also foster the spread of disease by enabling mosquitoes, ticks, and other disease-carrying organisms, including fungi, to spread farther afield. “The dangers posed by climate change are nearly as dire as those posed by nuclear weapons,” says the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “The effects may be less dramatic in the short term . . . , but over the next three to four decades climate change could cause irremediable harm to the habitats upon which human societies depend for survival.” Adding an even more ominous note, some scientists believe that changes attributed to global warming are occurring faster than they had expected.
    What are we to make of these predictions? Is life on earth really at a crossroads? Skeptics of global warming say that such dire predictions are groundless. Others are not sure. So, what is the truth? Is earth’s future—and ours—in peril?
    Polar Bears on ‘Thin Ice’
    “The polar bear’s existence is seriously endangered by climatic warming,” says Germany’s Nassauische Neue Presse, reporting on a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) study. According to the WWF, the amount of Arctic sea ice, or pack ice—the main habitat and hunting ground of polar bears—is shrinking as a result of warmer weather. Experts say that the average air temperature over the Arctic has “increased by 5 degrees [Celsius] [9 degrees Fahrenheit] over the past 100 years.” 
    What is more, “pack ice has decreased by 6 percent over the past 20 years,” and “a 60-percent reduction in summer sea ice could be expected by the year 2050.” Less sea ice and longer ice-free periods restrict the polar bear’s opportunities to hunt and thus accumulate needed fat reserves. Hardest hit are pregnant females and cubs. In some areas “not even half of the cubs survive the ever-extending ice-free period,” reports the newspaper. Other problems the bears face are “hunting, toxic chemicals, and oil pollution.”
    Earth’s Future—In Good Hands!
    There is only one Leader who can successfully address the problems confronting the world. Concerning him, the Bible foretold: “Upon him the spirit of Jehovah [God] must settle down, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and of mightiness, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah . . . With righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, . . . and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death.”—Isaiah 11:2-5
    Yes, our planet may appear to be in peril, but its continued existence as a home for mankind is not in doubt. Rather, peril awaits those who continue to show disrespect for God’s creation and who refuse to obey Jesus Christ. Hence, Jehovah’s Witnesses encourage you to take in the knowledge that leads to everlasting life. 

  7. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in ::: The Antennae ::: ?????   
    ::: The Antennae :::
    Some 60 million light-years away in the southerly constellation Corvus, two large galaxies have collided. But stars in the two galaxies – NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 – don’t collide in the course of the ponderous, billion year or so long event. 
    Instead, their large clouds of molecular gas and dust do, triggering furious episodes of star formation. Spanning about 500 thousand light-years, this stunning view reveals new star clusters and matter flung far from the scene of the accident by gravitational tidal forces. Of course, the visual appearance of the far-flung arcing structures gives the galaxy pair their popular name – The Antennae. 
    Recorded in this deep image of the region at the tip of the upper arc is a tidal dwarf galaxy NGC 4028S, formed in the cosmic debris.
    #OurCreatorJehovahGod? #UniveralSovereign?
    Why I Believe the Bible—A Nuclear Scientist Tells His Story ?
    LOVE THIS STORY!!! ❤️?❤️
  8. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Amazed at His Wisdom. Knowledge and Wisdom! - A Gift from Jehovah! ~ ?????   
    King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Amazed at His Wisdom. Knowledge and Wisdom! - A Gift from Jehovah! ~ 
    (Sol′o·mon) [from a root meaning “peace”]
    (1 Kings 10:1-25) . . .Now the queen of She′ba was hearing the report about Sol′o·mon in connection with the name of Jehovah. So she came to test him with perplexing questions. 2 Finally she arrived at Jerusalem with a very impressive train, camels carrying balsam oil and very much gold and precious stones; and she came on in to Sol′o·mon and began to speak to him all that happened to be close to her heart. 
    3 Sol′o·mon, in turn, went on to tell her all her matters. There proved to be no matter hidden from the king that he did not tell her. 4 When the queen of She′ba got to see all the wisdom of Sol′o·mon and the house that he had built, 5 and the food of his table and the sitting of his servants and the table service of his waiters and their attire and his drinks and his burnt sacrifices that he regularly offered up at the house of Jehovah, then there proved to be no more spirit in her. 6 So she said to the king: “True has the word proved to be that I heard in my own land about your matters and about your wisdom. 
    7 And I did not put faith in the words until I had come that my own eyes might see; and, look! I had not been told the half. You have surpassed in wisdom and prosperity the things heard to which I listened. 8 Happy are your men; happy are these servants of yours who are standing before you constantly, listening to your wisdom! 9 May Jehovah your God come to be blessed, who has taken delight in you by putting you upon the throne of Israel; because Jehovah loves Israel to time indefinite, so that he appointed you as king to render judicial decision and righteousness.” 10 Then she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold and a very great deal of balsam oil and precious stones. There never came anymore the like of that balsam oil for quantity such as the queen of She′ba gave to King Sol′o·mon.
    11 And Hi′ram’s fleet of ships that carried gold from O′phir also brought from O′phir timbers of algum trees in very great amount and precious stones. 12 And the king proceeded to make out of the timbers of the algum trees supports for the house of Jehovah and for the house of the king, and also harps and stringed instruments for the singers. Timbers of algum trees like this have not come in nor have they been seen down to this day. 13 And King Sol′o·mon himself gave the queen of She′ba all her delight for which she asked, apart from what he gave her according to the openhandedness of King Sol′o·mon. After that she turned about and went to her own land, she together with her servants. 
    14 And the weight of the gold that came to Sol′o·mon in one year amounted up to six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold, 15 apart from the men of travel and the profit from the traders and all the kings of the Arabs and the governors of the land. 16 And King Sol′o·mon went on to make two hundred large shields of alloyed gold (six hundred [shekels] of gold he proceeded to lay upon each large shield), 17 and three hundred bucklers of alloyed gold (three mi′nas of gold he proceeded to lay upon each buckler). Then the king put them in the House of the Forest of Leb′a·non. 18 Further, the king made a great ivory throne and overlaid it with refined gold. 
    19 There were six steps to the throne, and the throne had a round canopy behind it, and there were armrests on this side and on that side by the place of sitting, and two lions were standing beside the armrests. 20 And there were twelve lions standing there upon the six steps, on this side and on that side. No other kingdom had any made just like it. 21 And all the drinking vessels of King Sol′o·mon were of gold, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Leb′a·non were of pure gold. There was nothing of silver; it was considered in the days of Sol′o·mon as nothing at all. 
    22 For the king had a fleet of ships of Tar′shish on the sea along with Hi′ram’s fleet of ships. Once every three years the fleet of ships of Tar′shish would come carrying gold and silver, ivory, and apes and peacocks. 23 So King Sol′o·mon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. 24 And all the people of the earth were seeking the face of Sol′o·mon to hear his wisdom that God had put in his heart. 25 And they were bringing each his gift, articles of silver and articles of gold and garments and armor and balsam oil, horses and mules, as a yearly matter of course."
    Subject: SOLOMON

  9. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in WHAT ABOUT THE DEAD SEA? WHAT HAPPENED THERE? ???????   
    Take note that the Dead Sea was not always dead. At one time it was known as the beautiful land with great forests and trees. When Abraham and Lot first separated Abraham gave Lot the first choice of where he wanted to go. Lot said that that the land was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, Gen 13:10.
    The first thing we notice here in these photos are the white ash figures as they compare to brown earth of the land. The rectangular white shapes are not made up of rock or dirt. It's white ash, made from materials completely burned through.
    Carl found the area filled with millions of sulfur balls, small balls pressed with powder. They were all over the place. The sulfur balls had a brown burn ring surrounding them. It was like the sulfur ball was in an egg shell. After further scientific investigation. he figured out that these sulfur balls were burning between 4-5,000 degrees. It was so hot that they literally burned through everything. As the material they burned through turned into ash the ash smothered the sulfur balls taking all the oxegen away and leaving a smaller ball. The ash around the balls became so hot that it became liquefied ash turning it into an egg shell surrounding the sulfur ball.
    This is the only place on planet Earth where sulfur balls have been found in Egg shell type coverings, which means that it does not follow the normal pattern for volcanic sulfur. As Jon was seeking the Lord in all this trying to understand it. He awoke in the morning after a rare desert rain. The rain was just enough to uncover millions of sulfur balls all through the city. They were shinning in the sun as the rain was just enough to wash off the ash. Gen 19:24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.
    Carl had his proof. These sulfur balls rained down out of heaven in four very particular spots; the four cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoboiim, and Admah. They still stand here today as a living testimony to God's righteousness. 

  10. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in "You yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."— (Ex. 19:6). ???   
    "You yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." Ex. 19:6.
    Was Jehovah’s promise that the Israelites could furnish “a kingdom of priests” an empty one? Not at all. If they sincerely tried to obey, they would have this opportunity—but not under the Law. Why not? (Gal. 3:19-25) 
    For those who faithfully endeavored to observe it, the Law had the effect of preserving pure worship. It made the Jews aware of their transgressions and of the need for a sacrifice greater than their high priest could offer. It was a tutor that would lead them to the Christ, or Messiah, titles that mean “Anointed One.”
    However, when the Messiah arrived, he would introduce the new covenant foretold by Jeremiah. Those who accepted the Christ were invited to become party to the new covenant and would actually become “a kingdom of priests.”
    w12 1/15 5:5, 10
  11. Thanks
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Preaching Despite Infirmities! ?????   
    From England. Our brother has been on dialysis at a hospital for 12 years. We can see how it was organized to preach with posts at a table. He calls it "his own territory".
    Rejoice in your work Brother!

  12. Like
    E dub reacted to The Librarian in A Message From Behind the Iron Curtain   
    A Message From Behind the Iron Curtain

  13. Sad
    E dub reacted to The Librarian in JW Brother Beheaded in Kansas   
    Decapitation defendant claims religious conflict, seeks new lawyer

    The Wichita woman who sought an exorcism before being charged with murder in a decapitation has asked for a new lawyer based on an argument about religion.
    Rachael Hilyard contended that she and her defense attorney have an “extreme religious conflict” and that he has kept her from getting a psychological evaluation.
    In a court hearing Friday, a judge denied her request for a new lawyer.
    Hilyard, 35, is charged with first-degree murder in the April 9 decapitation of 63-year-old Micki Davis. One of Davis’ sons was Hilyard’s ex-boyfriend. Officers responding to a 911 call found Davis’ severed head in Hilyard’s kitchen sink.
    In a neatly organized and handwritten letter Hilyard addressed to a Sedgwick County judge earlier this month, she laid out her concern about her attorney, Jason Smartt.
    “The victim in my case was a Jehovas Witness. I think he is one as well,” Hilyard wrote in the June 9 letter. “I am Catholic & this was a crime of God. I am requesting a change of counsel.”
    Later in the letter, Hilyard expounded. “On a different case, this would be irrelevant. However, I am Catholic & and the head of a Jehovas Witness was found in my kitchen sink. I think she may have been a high ranking member in this religion.”
    But one of Davis’ sons, Jeremy Rush, said Tuesday that Hilyard is wrong about his mother: “At no time whatsoever in her life was she a Jehovah’s Witness.” Davis’ daughter, Jacona Gillespie, agreed, saying that Hilyard is “absolutely wrong.”
    At another point in Hilyard’s letter, with occasional typos, she wrote, “Its a known fact about Jehovas Witnesses & brainwashing. The less contact I have with Jason Smartt the better.”
    Hilyard also said she has been attending Bible study and getting substance abuse treatment in jail. “If I was really a danger to society I would have trouble doing those things!”
    She remains in jail on a bond that has been raised to $500,000.
    Hilyard said she needs a psychological evaluation “due to my history” and has been asking Smartt “for two months to order one.”
    She wrote that Smartt has told her lies, including that if she went for an evaluation, “I’d be stuck in Ossawatamie or Larned” for 10 to 15 years “waiting for trial! (That was what scared me away from the eval in the 1st place)”
    In a postscript, she added: “Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but he keeps talking about this ‘neurological’ assessment coming up. Is he trying to get me hypnotized? I’m scared my lawyer is not on my side at all, he is on the side of the victim.”
    At a court hearing Friday, Hilyard argued the points in her letter, but Judge Jeff Goering denied her request for a new lawyer. So Smartt is still her lawyer, Smartt said Tuesday. Smartt is Hilyard’s co-counsel, with fellow assistant public defender Chris Omlid.
    Smartt said he couldn’t comment on any religious belief he might have.
    Police said Hilyard summoned Davis to Hilyard’s home on West Rita near South Seneca to get her son’s property. Hilyard began attacking Davis in the garage before Davis’ 9-year-old grandson fled, police said
    Hilyard’s case drew extra attention after she said in a jailhouse interview with The Eagle that she had sought an exorcism for “evil spirits” in her house just a few days before the killing.

  14. Like
    NORTH KENSINGTON, London – Not less than four members of Jehovah’s Witnesses survived the inferno that ravaged the 24 storey Grenfel Tower, London killing at least 79 people.

    None of the witnesses died in the inferno, which has led to revolution and evacuation of about 25 other blocks that have failed fire resistant test in London.
    The 4 witnesses however lost their apartments and properties in the fire. 
    “Witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected. The Witnesses are also offering spiritual comfort to the grieving members of the North Kensington community”, the JWs said on their website.Jehovah’s Witnesses are known worldwide for their speed in mitigating the affliction of their neighbours worldwide.See full statement below.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are assisting victims of a catastrophic fire that engulfed the Grenfell Tower, a 24-story apartment building in the North Kensington area of London, in the early morning hours of June 14, 2017. Authorities are reporting that at least 79 people were killed.
    Four Witnesses were evacuated from the apartment building, two of which were residents of Grenfell Tower. Fortunately, none of them were injured, although the Witnesses’ apartments were among those completely destroyed in the blaze.
    Witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected. The Witnesses are also offering spiritual comfort to the grieving members of the North Kensington community.
  15. Like
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in "Get Out of Her My People!" - Babylon the Great v. Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Better,  to  be  in  the  small  ship,  entering  the  *NEW  WORLD*  ;-))
  16. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Almaty, Kazakhstan Former Republics of the Soviet union persist in imitating their political mother, Russia, by disturbing Jehovah's witnesses.Despite the authorization of the authorities to conduct an Convention of more than 5000   
    Almaty, Kazakhstan Former Republics of the Soviet union persist in imitating their political mother, Russia, by disturbing Jehovah's witnesses. Despite the authorization of the authorities to conduct an investigation of more than 5000, the police are involved in disturbing the 20 buses carried by brothers to the assembly centre.At 6 a. M a number of police cars arrived at accommodation hotels and waited for the buses to pull out to stop them and make them arrive with 3-hour delays to the assembly. Many older brothers and sisters waited hours on the street without having basic services. Bus drivers were subjected to alcohol controls.The organization accuses the harassment police of religious discrimination.

  17. Thanks
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in Merkel met Putin... FINALLY I FOUND BACK THE VIDEO - she was talking about "JW " and more !!   
    Merkel  met  Putin....  Raises Treatment  of  Gays  and  Jehovah’s Witnesses !!    ( 1:30 min.)
    FINALLY  I  FOUND  BACK  THE  VIDEO.....     English  text  in  subtitles !
  18. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Victims in Portugal Fires Claim 2 JW's, Fire Not Under Control — Please Pray For All! ???   
    Fire in Portugal
    As far as information comes to us, our 38-Year-old brother has died with his 5-Year-old nephew. Another sister is admitted to a hospital. Pray for Portugal
    Pray for Relief! ??????????
    Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra in central Portugal. More than 2,000 firefighters continue to work to control the flames of a forest fire that killed at least 62 people this weekend. Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Gerry Images

  19. Sad
  20. Sad
    E dub reacted to Jack Ryan in Road Sweeper vehicle ploughs into JW Carts   
    In Newcastle town centre. UK.
    The Chronicle Live. 15 June 2017.
    A council worker will stand trial after he was accused of being drunk at the wheel of his road sweeper in Newcastle city centre.
    John Paul Carruthers, who has since resigned from his post at Newcastle City Council, was allegedly over the legal drink-drive limit when he ploughed into a Jehovah’s Witness stand on Northumberland Street near to Haymarket Metro Station.
    Prosecuting, James Long told Newcastle Magistrates’ Court: “The allegation is that he was driving a Newcastle City Council road sweeper when he collided first with a Jehovah’s Witness stand next to Haymarket Metro Station. He carried on then a short while later was detained on Ridley Place and was said to be aggressive.

    READ MORE: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-council-roadsweeper-drink-drive-13183193
  21. Like
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in THE END IS VERY NEAR ! TURN TO JEHOVAH GOD ❤   


  22. Like
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in A Partial Solar Eclipse over Texas.... BEAUTIFUL ❤   
    A  Partial  Solar  Eclipse  over  Texas....   beautiful ❤

    Image Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College) & Linda Westlake
    Explanation: It was a typical Texas sunset except that most of the Sun was missing. The location of the missing piece of the Sun was not a mystery -- it was behind the Moon. Sunday night's partial eclipse of the Sun by the Moon turned into one of the best photographed astronomical events in history. Gallery after online gallery is posting just one amazing eclipse image after another. Pictured above is possibly one of the more interesting posted images -- a partially eclipsed Sun setting in a reddened sky behind brush and a windmill. The image was taken Sunday night from about 20 miles west of Sundown, Texas, USA, just after the ring of fire effect was broken by the Moon moving away from the center of the Sun. Coming early next month is an astronomical event that holds promise to be even more photographed -- the last partial eclipse of the Sun by Venus until the year 2117.Astronomy
    Picture of the Day.....
  23. Like
    E dub reacted to Queen Esther in Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon...... WOW !!   
    Eclipse  over  the  Temple  of  Poseidon......  WOW !!

    Explanation: What's happened to the Sun? The Moon moved to partly block the Sun for a few minutes last week as a partial solar eclipse became momentarily visible across part of planet Earth. In the above single exposure image, meticulous planning enabled careful photographers to capture the partially eclipsed Sun well posed just above the ancient ruins of the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece. Unexpectedly, clouds covered the top of the Sun, while a flying bird was caught in flight just to the right of the eclipse. At its fullest extent from some locations, the Moon was seen to cover the entire middle of the Sun, leaving the surrounding ring of fire of an annular solar eclipse. The next solar eclipse -- a total eclipse of the Sun -- will occur on 2010 July 11 but be visible only from a thin swath of the southern Pacific Ocean and near the very southern tip of South America/Astronomy Picture of the Day.....
  24. Sad
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Police forces interrupted a meeting in Orel, Russia, just a few hours ago.   
    Police forces interrupted a meeting in Orel, Russia, just a few hours ago.Our brothers and sisters, who evidently are already trained, remain calm while two seniors are required to show the list of the publishers. It may be noted that the board are practically empty of information.Since this group publicly denounce the abuse of authority on defenceless people and peaceful, persecuted for their faith in a country that boasts of religious freedom. Government's hypocrisy
  25. Like
    E dub reacted to Bible Speaks in Glowing Pinwheel Galaxy ????   
    Wow! Perfect Harmony! Look Up?
    Our Creator is Perfect in Every Way! ⭐⭐⭐ Thank you Jehovah!
    Glowing Pinwheel Galaxy
    The face-on spiral galaxy M101, or the Pinwheel Galaxy, is seen at ultraviolet and optical wavelengths in this image taken by ESA’s XMM-Newton space telescope. The picture is composed of images taken by XMM-Newton’s Optical Monitor telescope using different filters: red (200–400 nm), green (200–300 nm) and blue (175–275 nm).
    Image: ESA/XMM & R. Willatt [high-resolution]

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