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Gnosis Pithos

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  1. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What kind of Cosmetics can you use if you are TWO FACED?   
    I have edited two points of the quote of my above referenced comment  (click read more), changing  two points to red and bold to highlight what two ideas  go together.
    ... but of course since you are looking at anything I say trough AGENDA DRIVEN sunglasses, you do not comprehend what you read, so I will try to be clearer.
    Ahem .... the following six lines quoted are separated by "air spaces" ... that means they are SEPARATE  definitions ... that means they are SEPARATE judicial systems.
    1.) Transylvanian dictator Vlad the Impaler had a definition of "due process"
    2.) Soviet Josef Stalin had a definition of "due process".
    3.) The Nazi Gestapo and Department of Justice had a definition of "due process".
    4.) The WTB&TS has a definition of "due process"
    5.) The USA court systems have their definitions of "due process"
    I clearly was talking about six completely separate and distinct forms, styles and characteristics of applied "Justice".
    Completely different....completely separate.
    I find it VERY SAD AND TELLING  that you, yourself made the connection, true or false, or partially true or partially false, that
    " I mean, that last remark was as long as it was just plain unhinged - comparing the Watchtower to Stalin, the Gestapo, and to ...... Vlad the Impaler?! "
    You AND YOU ALONE are the one that made that connection between deliberately isolated points ... you and you alone ... when my point was ONLY ... and what was also clearly stated :
    " If your life was on the line, which system would YOU choose to get what approximates Justice?"
    Which as usual ... as always ... the questions you NEVER answer.
    I do know WHY you never answer my  questions, but go off on a tangents of misconstruction.
                                                            It's painful                                                                                                       
      although I deliberately kept the ideas separate ... with your own mind you saw that connection.
    TTH: ".. period of silence"?
    You look for meaning in personal attributes, like dissecting a picture of a guy taking off a sleeve stained suit coat and becoming more worldly, as in Sunday's WT, and see nuances where there are none whatsoever.
    You might have well have said he was being chased by bees!
    ".. period of silence"?
    I do have to sleep and eat, and go to the ..... grocery store, and do yard work, etc., etc., etc.
    Besides ... it's not the swing of the pendulum, as it goes to and fro ... but the essence that drives it, that makes us go.
  2. Confused
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Are you just noting, TTH ... or chastising ... that one person has not answered another's questions?

  3. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Or, it has reached perfection through another spirit.  2 Cor 11:2-4; 2 Thess 2:9,10
  4. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    BUT Jesus promised "the Holy Spirit", Comforter until He come again. But perhaps WT GB got idea how Jesus was come in 1914 Holy Spirit is not need to operate and guide people at all, or specifically Christians or more specifically FDS aka GB. So, in that line of logic it is normal that FDS aka GB are not inspired because Holy Spirit are out of job from 1914. And by same logic "food can not be perfect"  because source of that "food" is not Spirit but imperfect human. :))))))))) At the end GB not lie about who, what, which "spirit"  guide them and w,w,w not.  
  5. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Witness, you are a despicable HORRIBLE person, evil through and through ... trying to confuse the issue with irrefutable FACTS!
  6. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    “Fine fruit” refers to teachings from the mouth of anointed ones. Mal 2:7 It doesn’t refer to numbers or physical accomplishments but to pure teachings following the laws of Christ, but you may already know this.  Matt 7:24; John 6:57,63
    Examine just two teachings of the GB:
    Wt. 1968 May 1 p.272
    "Some of the generation that discerned the beginning of the time of the end in 1914 will still be alive on earth to witness the end of this present wicked system of things at the battle of Armageddon.-Rev. 16:14, 16." 
    Is this what you believe today?  Or has this piece of “fruit” rotted and fallen off the tree?
    Wt. 1966,10/15 pp.629,631  "It did not take the brothers very long to find the chart beginning on page 31, showing that 6,000 years of man's existence end in 1975. Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about everything else. "The new book compels us to realize that Armageddon is, in fact, very close indeed," said a conventioner. Surely it was one of the outstanding blessings to be carried home!" .. Brother Franz. 'Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished, with Satan bound, by 1975? It could! It could! 
    God does not make false promises; playing with lives through men’s doctrines, and filling their mind with false hopes. Jer 23:26;14:14  The GB use the excuse, ‘Jesus didn’t promise perfect food’.  According to scripture, he gave us a precise illustration to discern a good “tree” from a bad “tree” showing us that yes, he did promise perfect food. 
     “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly (within the heart) they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
    Thornbushes and thistles are weeds, are they not?  Jesus is saying those who offer “bad fruit” are false prophets - weeds. 
     "Let both grow together until the harvest. At harvest time I'll tell the reapers: Gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles to burn them, but collect the wheat in my barn.'   Matt 13:30
    Each failed teaching by the Wt’s leaders/GB is bad fruit, which should tell you that they are no longer “part of the vine” of Christ, even if they appear “lamb-like” (Rev 13:11)   Jesus’ teachings of life should fill the heart, causing those anointed that are part of the vine, to also speak words of life.
    “ Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4 (Luke 8:15)
     “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:7
    Can you see this?  Can you see that failed teachings are rotten fruit, not to be associated whatsoever with Christ, or excused by either Christ or God?  Phil 2:16; John 5:24 
    “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”  John 15:16 (James 1:21)
    Watchtower’s historic and recent teachings are full of bad fruit!
    It is the image of the organization as “spirit-directed” that is revered/worshiped; yet, with the work of man’s hands, the image is physically sustained.  It is taught it has been given divine authority – the path to salvation.  It is called “Jehovah’s arrangement”, proposing that the elder body represents and demonstrates the physical part of this image of authority over the anointed and brethren.  Rev 13:14-18; Isa 2:8
    It is considered to be “Zion”. 
    Wt. 15/7/15  pp. 7-11 – “Regardless of how long we have been in the truth, we must tell others about Jehovah’s organization. The existence of a spiritual paradise in the midst of a wicked, corrupt, and loveless world is a modern-day miracle! The wonders about Jehovah’s organization, or “Zion,” and the truth about the spiritual paradise must be joyfully passed on “to future generations.”
    “Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven,  and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being.”  Heb 8:1,2
    Can you point to a scripture that describes Zion as an earthly organization? 
    Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 6:19;  Eph 2:20-22; Heb 3:6; Rev 3:12;14:1
    You should be able to discern from scriptures that Zion is God’s “Temple”/Holy City/sanctuary, and encompasses the faithful anointed. Rev 14:5
     No photo needed.  Their “fruit” tells all.  
    “The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the Governing Body, they are in fact following their leader, Christ.  Wt 9/15/2010”
     “Of course, those taking the lead in the earthly part of God’s organization are not perfect—but neither was Moses.”  Watchtower 11/4/15 pp. 3-5
      Moses, a prophet of God.  Christ, the Son of God.  And then we have the GB professing not to be inspired, who stumble over their own doctrine, and who cover errors in direction by putting the blame on Jesus.
    Rom 14:4; Gal 1:10; Acts 5:29; Luke 16:13; Matt 15:8,9
  7. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    sorry, i have wrongly supposed that all this bro and sis working for God or Jesus :))))))
  8. Downvote
  9. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Witness' view of the GB   
    All those watching this dialog appreciate that effort ....

  10. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Shiwiii in Witness' view of the GB   
    It is truly sad when one cannot express their belief, but rather can only try and attach negativity to anyone who opposes a view that has been given to them. You seem to disagree, but can't quite get the thought out as to why. My only conclusion, since you cannot elaborate, is that you don't know why other than "because we (the gb) said so" 
  11. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Witness' view of the GB   
    The last one is really twisted.  "Jesus encouraged his followers to love their enemies, but God's Word"...    Jesus did more than just "encourage" loving one's enemy, he said:   "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven"  Matt 5:44,45     Even though Jesus is the "Word", Wt. took his command and lessened its impact by stating it as, encouragement.  It is therefore, okay to hate.  John 1:1
    "Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you."  1 John 3:13 
  12. Haha
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Srecko Sostar in Witness' view of the GB   
    Is this sound like hate speech?
    Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.11 
    "Apostates “quietly” bring their ideas into the congregation, like criminals who secretly bring things into a country. Apostates use “counterfeit words.” This means that they say things that make their false ideas sound true, like criminals who make false documents look real. They try to get as many people as possible to believe their “deceptive teachings.” Peter also said that they like twisting the Scriptures. They explain Bible verses in the wrong way to make others believe their ideas. (2 Peter 2:1, 3, 13; 3:16) Apostates do not care about us. If we follow them, we will leave the road to everlasting life. 
    ... The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers. We must always be determined to follow his warning. 
    Watchtower 2004 Feb 15 p.28 
    "It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments. Their twisted poisonous reasoning can cause spiritual harm and can contaminate your faith like rapidly spreading gangrene. (2 Timothy 2:16, 17) Rather, imitate God's response to apostates. Job said of Jehovah: "Before him no apostate will come in." - Job 13:16." 
    Watchtower 1993 November 1 p.19 
    "True Christians share Jehovah's feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance." 
    Watchtower 1992 July 15 pp.12-13 Christ Hated Lawlessness-Do You? 
    "The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates. Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David, who declared: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you " 
    Watchtower 1961 July 15 p.420 A Time and Place for Everything 
    Jesus encouraged his followers to love their enemies, but God's Word also says to "hate what is bad." When a person persists in a way of badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of his make-up, then in order to hate what is bad a Christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked. Indicating that Jesus did not mean for us to love the hardened enemies of Jehovah, David expressed this God-approved attitude: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies."-Matt. 5:44; Amos 5:15; Ps. 139:21, 22. 
  13. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Witness' view of the GB   
    I have a friend who is not anointed.  She has left the organization, is disfellowshipped; not for sin, but for rejections of lies.  She now feels she knows the truth through Christ, by listening to him as God directed us. Luke 9:35   She happened to pray about one person she loves and who is still in the organization.  Normally being someone who resists going to town, she was convinced by her daughter, a to go to the market with her.  She went, the next day after praying for the individual.  Surprisingly, she saw the very person in the market she had prayed for and was able to get a note to her discreetly even though another JW family member was there; a note about truth.   
    Was my friend blessed by Holy Spirit, does Holy Spirit reside in her?  She feels her prayer was answered by the grace of God, as do I.   Is it the same spirit that an anointed one receives?  Yes.  There is only one spirit that gives life from God and Christ (John 6:63); only one spirit that brings us to truth, (1 Cor 2:12) but the way we receive Holy spirit can differ, but it always reaches the heart.   In the anointed ones, the Holy Spirit from God dwells within them.  1 Cor 6:19; John 14:17; Matt 10:20; Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 3:16
    We can all be children of God, but the “firstborn” pave the way for the rest of God’s children, just as Christ’s sacrifice opened the way for life for those of His anointed Body/Bride through the New Covenant.   Through them, through their sacrifice of denying themselves, submitting to purification through affliction caused by Satan’s demand to sift them as wheat, acknowledging God’s decrees written on the heart and living in harmony with them, brings about their “sealing” into the “heavens”.  The early priesthood offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people.  The “holy priesthood” (1 Pet 2:5,9) offer themselves as a sacrifice on behalf of the rest of God’s children. 1 Pet 2:5; Rev 12:11  In this way, they imitate Christ fully.  Christ and his Bride, will bring life to the rest of Abraham’s seed. She will be the fulfillment of the New Covenant – the heavenly “mother”  of Gal 4:26
    You mentioned Rom 8:9-11
    If we read further:
    “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God (the sealed anointed ones). “
    Doesn’t “creation” include mankind?  Can you see the “sons of God” are separate, to be revealed?
    “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;  because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
    Isn’t mankind in general under Satan’s corruptive rule? 
     “For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.” 
    Once New Covenant promise/”woman” “gives birth”,  God’s Kingdom arrives. Gal 4:26,27
    23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 
    This tells us that the Spirit is the same for all; but the anointed who must sacrifice their life for God’s other children, are the first recipients of life, just as the oldest child born in a family receives life first. As I had mentioned before, each anointed one under the New Covenant faces these “labor pains” of affliction and refinement. 
    Both covenants with the nation of Israel and Abraham, “Hagar”and “Sarah”, (Gal 4:24,25,31,36) were fulfilled by Jesus; who was the promised “seed” of Abraham (Gal 3:16).  His mother was the covenant with the Jews (Israel), and Sarah.  His Father was God and Abraham.  Matt 3:17; Matt 1:1
    The New Covenant promise – the “woman” who is in labor, is “Sarah”. Gal 4:26; Rev 12:1,2
    Once the anointed have offered their “sacrifice”, and the “Bride”/Temple is complete, the “woman” promise/covenant “gives life” to the rest of God’s earthly family.(Rev 6:9; 14:1; Eph 1:10; 2:21; 1 Pet 2:5)
    Heaven is not a final destination for the Bride/”144,000”.  Rev 1:6; 5:9,10  Just as  Srecko Sostar had commented on, they will walk among all God’s children upon the earth, since the earth is also their inheritance.  To be “born again” as a “new creation” is both as a human and a spirit, which we saw Jesus do when appearing to the disciples after he rose from the dead. John 3:5,6,3 When they are called to heaven, it is to learn God’s decrees, and share with all his children, just as the early priesthood taught his people.  Mal 2:7; Jer 31:33,34   Jacob had a dream of this when seeing the ladder and God’s angels “ascending and descending” from heaven to earth. Gen 28:12 Jesus also spoke of this in John 1:51, when they would be “ascending and descending on the Son of Man” – Jesus Christ.  These angels are “messengers” – the anointed ones and Christ’s Bride, who worship Christ. Mark 14:62; Heb 12:1;Mat 25:31; Heb 1:6; Rev 21:2 
    If you read Isa 60, you can see “New Jerusalem”/ the Holy City/Temple/Zion will be on the earth through Christ and his Bride and among mankind. They are the dwelling of the spirit of God, which is how he will “dwell” among his children.
     “But it happened that night that the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying,  “Go and tell My servant David, ‘Thus says the Lord: “Would you build a house for Me to dwell in?  For I have not dwelt in a house since the time that I brought the children of Israel up from Egypt, even to this day, but have moved about in a tent and in a tabernacle. 7 Wherever I have moved about with all the children of Israel, have I ever spoken a word to anyone from the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’ 2 Sam 7:4-7
    “When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom.  He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”   2 Sam 4:12,13
    Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?”
     But He was speaking of the temple of His body”  John 2:20-21 
    “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,  having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,  in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” Eph 2:19-22 
    “And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”  Rev 21:3
  14. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Srecko Sostar in Witness' view of the GB   
    i think how number problem of 144000 in the year 1935 give reason to WT leaders of those days to make solution on issue and found verses in bible to confirm idea of heavenly class. Just  opinion that exist among people. If Jesus want rulers (kings and priests) they can do that job living on Earth too. Must not go to heaven. To rule " above, on, upon" the earth. Rulers must not be 500 km in earth orbit be able acting as kings. They can do the same job walking in midst of their subjects. But real relation between 144000 and people must be better and higher than king-subject relationship. But not like in old Israel time, that people must working for kings and their courtiers. :))))))))  give them food, gold, sons and daughters, ahahhaha. You never know, people are perishable goods, especially when they have money and power over  other human. 
    Why would God need them in the heaven? They can do the same job on earth too. Jesus as man show how this is possible. He was the ruler, king and priest - walking with his feet on earth, on dust and water. And people liked him :)) 
  15. Confused
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Witness' view of the GB   
    Hi Shiwiii, I'm getting to it.  I want to make my response as clear as possible.  Thanks for your patience.  
  16. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Shiwiii in Witness' view of the GB   
    I wonder why there has been no response to your post here. While I agree with some of what you said, not all of it. I'd really like to see what current jws think about this post of yours and the claims you make. I agree with your view of the gb, but I disagree with your view of the wt and their/your interpretation of anointed. Can we discuss? 
    I will put this out here and wait and see if there is any reply by you or by anyone willing to dive in and give their understanding. 
    First up is Galatians 4
    " I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by his father. 3 In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. 4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God."
    So if one has the spirit of Jesus within them, then they are heirs/sons/daughters/children of God. Now I would make the assumption here that you would agree, since you also state you are anointed. Is this anointing of the Holy Spirit or of the Spirit of the Son (Jesus)? Is it the same? if not, why not. Take into consideration the scriptures found in Matthew 1:21, John 6:53-58, John 14:16-21, John 15:4-7 and just one more Romans 8:9-11. This last set of scriptures tell the story pretty clear, specifically verse 9, if you do not have the Spirit of Christ IN you, you do not belong to Him. 
    Does these scriptures have a limited number of participants who can belong to Christ Jesus? I don't see any. So those who have the Spirit of Jesus within them are called heirs according to Galatians 4.
    Continuing on in Galatians 4:
    "21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman. 23 But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh, while the son of the free woman was born through promise. 24 Now this may be interpreted allegorically: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar. 25 Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. 27 For it is written,
    “Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear;
        break forth and cry aloud, you who are not in labor!
    For the children of the desolate one will be more
        than those of the one who has a husband.”

    28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise."
    So when we look at this part of scripture, we see two groups. The group from Sarah, who are from Jerusalem from above (heaven) and the group from Hagar, who are from the earthly Jerusalem. Is this the two class system? Is this the heavenly vs the earthly destination? Lets keep looking.
    Galatians 4:29 "But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now. 30 But what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman.” 31 So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman."
    So here scripture says that the "we" in verse 31 are of Sarah, free woman, Jerusalem from heaven (above). What did verse 27 says about those from Sarah? "“Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear; break forth and cry aloud, you who are not in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than those of the one who has a husband.” The one depicted as the one having a husband was Hagar, as the barren one would be Sarah. Sarah's children will be more than Hagars! In verse 30 the Bible says that the sons of Hagar will NOT be heirs with the sons of Sarah. This is one of those scriptures that has a dual meaning. Sarah's children were Jews and Hagar's children were not. How can this be reconciled with the context of the NT? What is being said to us? 
    To reconcile this one has to also incorporate more scriptures and similar symbolism.
    Revelation 21:9 Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues and spoke to me, saying, “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, "
    The Bride of Christ is the Heavenly Jerusalem, as stated here in Revelation 21:9-10. The number of those who belong to the Jerusalem from above outnumber those of Hagar according to Galatians.
    Genesis 15:3 And Abram said, “Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir.” 4 And behold, the word of the Lord came to him: “This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir.” 5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”
    This puts an immeasurable number to the number of those who can be anointed/Bride of Christ/from Heavenly Jerusalem. This also pulls into question the idea of earthly calling vs heavenly calling, but I'll wait for your response to dig deeper. 
  17. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Witness' view of the GB   
    Librarian, I would move this post under new topic, but truthfully, I just don’t know how.  Please, can you kindly do it before this whole house comes down on me?  Thank you  
    JR., how many scriptures have you given me?  One.  2 Thess 4:3-4.  I have given you ample, to search out for yourself whether my words are true or false.   
    I use to have pity on the GB; actually shedding tears over what they have done to themselves, my anointed brethren in Christ, and my friends.  I no longer “feel” anything toward them, only hatred for the deceit they utter from their mouth. 
    I live in an area where mountain lions are a common occurrence.  There is a small school through the woods where about 80-100 children attend year after year.  Up until about 8 or so years ago, the playground was not fenced in and children could wander into the brush if a watchful eye wasn’t on them.  At that time period, when a lion was seen around the school, teachers would gather the children quickly, back into the classroom where it was safe.  It is not unusual to receive a phone call from a neighbor saying a lion was seen in their yard – make sure your children are inside and your animals are safe. 
    What about a pack of wolves, standing in your yard?  Would you call your neighbor who may have livestock, and warn them?  Matt 7:15
    The members of Christ’s Body, God’s Temple, are the anointed ones.  Each member should have the same care and concern for one another as Jesus does.  They are many members of one body.  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22   Besides these chosen "priests",  are all the JWs within the organization that are in jeopardy, because wolves are among them, wearing sheep's clothing. Although they may appear “tame”, they have a secret desire to destroy God’s Temple.  This is what it is all about, JR.  The GB, who has usurped the headship of the anointed ones by proposing they are that Head, are wolves; thieves of Christ’s sheep.  John 10:7-10
    Read this quote again:
    “The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the Governing Body, they are in fact following their leader, Christ.  Wt 9/15/2010”
    Do you realize how spurious these words alone are?  On the one hand, they say they are not inspired, which is what an anointing is.   1 John 2:20,21; Acts 10:44-46  On the other hand, they say following them is following Christ, the source of Holy Spirit to the members/branches of the Body.  John 15:5-8; 1 Cor 6:19; 6:17    This is sheer hypocrisy.  
     “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”  1 Tim 2:5,6
    By one rejecting such false doctrine, the GB rejects members of Christ’s Temple. They come down hard on them – disfellowshipping (spiritually deemed as “dead”) They keep them quiet while in the organization by expecting their obedience to be given them and the elder body, when all obedience should only be given to Christ, their true Head, the ONLY Head that God recognizes.  For upholding such truths from scripture, affliction comes upon not only anointed ones, but all.  And, it is the same type of affliction Jesus experienced among his own people.  John 12:25; Mark 10:29,30; Matt 7:1,2; Rom 14:4
    I have no love or hate for the Beast that has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, mouthing deceit.  Rev 13:11,12   I am compelled to warn all that he is present in their neighborhood. Rev 11:3,4; Zech 4:14 This is an expression of love shown to my brothers, who consider me their enemy.  Matt 5:44-48 
    You might want to read Paul’s words in 1 Thess 2, then compare them with ostentatious attitude of the GB, who slyly slip in their doctrine to change the meaning of scripture; and who are men who have no idea what it is to suffer for one’s testimony to Christ. 
    “For you yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our visit with you was not without result. 2 On the contrary, after we had previously suffered and were treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, we were emboldened by our God to speak the gospel of God to you in spite of great opposition. 
    3 For our exhortation didn’t come from error or impurity or an intent to deceive. 
    4 Instead, just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please people, but rather God, who examines our hearts. 
    5 For we never used flattering speech, as you know, or had greedy motives—God is our witness— 6 and we didn’t seek glory from people, either from you or from others. 
     13This is why we constantly thank God, because when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you welcomed it not as a human message, but as it truly is, the word of God, which also works effectively in you who believe.
    For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, since you have also suffered the same things from people of your own country, just as they did from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and persecuted us. 
    They displease God and are hostile to everyone, 16 by keeping us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. As a result, they are constantly filling up their sins to the limit, and wrath has overtaken them at last. 
    LetÂ’s look again at the scripture you gave me.
     Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching. 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear what they want to hear. 4 They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths. 5 But as for you, exercise self-control in everything, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
    There is a plethora of false teachers/priests in the Watchtower, teaching what the flock wants to hear – that the organization will provide protection and peace if they continue serving its needs.   Matt 6:24; Jer 5:31; Rev 13:15-17
    The GB’s ‘testimony’ is not to Jesus, but to the organization, the other Beast of Revelation that the GB “rides”. ‘Who is like it?’  Who can wage war with it?’  Rev 12:6; 13:4; 2 Cor 11:4 (Rev 12:11)
    1 Sam 2:2; Dan 12:1-3 (Michael, “Who is like God?”);Zech 2:1,2,6-9; Rev 11:1,2; 18:4-8
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    Gnosis Pithos reacted to JW Insider in Is it ok to boast?   
    @TrueTomHarley and @Matthew9969. I got a little off topic and forgot that my original point was going to be about the once-common claim that we are the only religion that gives TRUE charity.
    I know very personally that individuals have been counseled about giving to various charities, especially when they didn't realize the religious or political nature of some charities. If you suspect that your car might be on the verge of having more troubles than it's worth, but it still is worth several thousand in the "blue book" you might hear about a charity that gives "sight to the blind" or something like that and give it to the charity for a $5,000 receipt that you can use on your taxes. But one such charity has taken in millions of dollars by putting these cars up for auction and creating large-print "Old Testament" Bibles to send to people in Israel with poor eyesight. This is not a bad thing in itself, but one such charity apparently made millions for the family members in Brooklyn, NY who were involved, and they had not been able to provide proof that they ever sent more than ONE of these large-print Bibles. And charity scams became much more common again, especially bursting onto the scene again in 2008/9 with the great recession. But they have always been a part of the charity scene.
    I don't think we are wrong to point this out, although we don't go out of our way to denigrate charities. There was a time when we did. For years, the Watchtower could not mention charities without highlighting bad examples. The farther back you go toward the 1940's the more common this theme was. For example, here are some excerpts from an older Watchtower:
    *** w50 12/15 pp. 505-507 Religious Charity versus Good Works ***
    EVERY year hundreds of millions of dollars are contributed by the public to what are termed reputable, legitimate and worthy charities, many of which are sponsored by religious organizations. The question is, Should true Christians, who are under the godly commandments to do good, contribute to these supposedly humanitarian money-raising schemes? . . . But the question was, What was he going to do with what he had? How was he to use his wealth? Said Jesus: ‘If you give to the poor you will have treasure in heaven, provided you come and follow me.’ Thus it becomes clear that donating to charitable causes as a philanthropist is of no value in God’s sight unless one goes farther and becomes a true footstep follower of Jesus. It also appears that the possession of wealth is in itself of no particular harm. The question is, How is that wealth used? If you are rich in this world’s goods will you do what Jesus said? Are you willing to give up your material wealth and follow the course Jesus did, work in the interests of the poor and with the Kingdom message comfort those who mourn? . . . A blind beggar, sitting beside the road, cried out as Jesus passed by, “Have mercy on me.” Now, what did Jesus do, reach down and give the poor fellow a couple of Roman coins for a crust of bread? No, not at all. He gave him a far more valuable gift in restoring his eyesight! (Mark 10:46-52; Matt. 20:30-34; Luke 18:35-43) Jesus’ “charity” was not measured out in money to religious organizations for questionable distribution. . . . To the poor and downtrodden he untiringly preached the good news about God’s kingdom.—Matt. 11:5; Luke 7:22; 4:18. The apostles Peter and John followed a similar course when they came upon a poor cripple who requested a donation. “Peter said: ‘Silver and gold I do not possess, but what I do have is what I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!’ With that he took hold of him by the right hand and raised him up. Instantly the soles of his feet and his ankle bones were made firm, and, leaping up, he stood up and began walking, and he entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.”—Acts 3:1-8, NW. GOOD WORKS, NOT ADVERTISED CHARITY The gaudy practice today of bestowing honor and praise on heavy contributors to charity drives is directly opposed to Jesus’ counsel. “But take care not to do your good deeds in public for people to see, for, if you do, you will get no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you are going to give to charity, do not blow a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do, in the synagogues and the streets, to make people praise them. I tell you, that is all the reward they will get! But when you give to charity, your own left hand must not know what your right hand is doing, so that your charity may be secret, and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you.”—Matt. 6:1-4, AT. Judas Iscariot, one of those hypocrites that liked to make a show of his generosity, well represented those today that criticize Jehovah’s witnesses for not building hospitals, setting up food kitchens in slum areas. Such Judaslike ones announce with a blare of horns their personal gifts of mercy to the poor. The people have been robbed and beaten and left half-dead by the ruling elements of this world, just like the “certain man” that Jesus told about who fell among robbers on his way down to Jericho. The Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religionists have observed the spiritual condition of these poor people but have steered clear of them, held aloof and passed them by on the opposite side of the road. Jehovah’s witnesses, on the other hand, like good Samaritans, have searched out these spiritually sick, maimed and half-starved people and, when they were found, have bound up their wounds, have fed them and cared for their needs.—Luke 10:29-37. It is no secret, many so-called “charity” organizations operate a fraud and racket. For example, the New York Times, September 6, 1950, carried an account of how certain “religious charitable organizations” operating in Brooklyn, New York, are giving the poor only 15 per cent of the money they beg from the public. The other 85 per cent goes for what they call “overhead” expense. God’s faithful people cannot afford to donate to such organizations. They must use what they have to preach this gospel of the established Kingdom for the benefit of the poor everywhere, as commanded.—Matt. 24:14. It takes much time, energy and money to carry out this divine command, but Jehovah’s witnesses are happy to use their substance to do it. Investing their money in Bibles and other life-giving literature, they take these to the people at great personal expense. But this is really a sound investment on behalf of the poor, for by so doing Jehovah’s witnesses are storing up treasures in heaven and helping others to do the same thing. And just as the ancient brethren of Macedonia and Achaia contributed material things for their needy brethren at Jerusalem, so also do Jehovah’s witnesses. (Rom. 15:25, 26; Gal. 2:10) All of these things are good works done out of love for and to the honor of Jehovah God. I can't say that the above article says anything that is specifically wrong, but it does focus on how giving to charities is not TRUE charity in the way that our "good works" are true charity. Yet, there were many Bible verses that emphasized that good works actually referred to charitable giving alone, and NOT preaching the good news, which is a different, but necessary, type of giving. Even the parable of the good Samaritan had been re-explained (in separate Watchtower articles) so that it only applied to spiritual giving, not physical giving.
    I know this wasn't the theme of this particular topic, but it's a chance to make a scriptural point. Too often, we feel that our "good works" or "fine works" refer to the "public declaration of our hope," (Heb 10:23) the preaching of the "good news of the kingdom." (Mt 24:14) But these are separate from one of the primary reasons that we should be meeting together:
    (Hebrews 10:24, 25) 24 And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near. The "fine works" that we meet together to incite and encourage one another to do is the same phrase as "good works" elsewhere in the scriptures, and it refers to charitable actions and charitable activities. It's easy to lose sight of this if we think it means "preaching the good news."
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    Gnosis Pithos reacted to JW Insider in Is it ok to boast?   
    @Matthew9969 We rarely talk about charity except for those related to us in the faith. But if we have limited resources for charity, then surely this is not unreasonable:
    (Galatians 6:10) 10 So, then, as long as we have the opportunity, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. When we have spoken about charity, we don't claim to be the only ones who provide charity, although I know we have been quick to demean charitable organizations and religions who think that by their great works alone they will make it through the narrow gate. But this too may be based on some scriptural reasoning:
    (Matthew 7:22) 22 Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not . . . perform many powerful works in your name?’ I recall counsel against giving to charitable organizations, especially religious charitable organizations. Whenever I asked my parents about it they would say that we were the only religion that provides TRUE charity.
    I don't recall much counsel against giving to charity after about 1990, and it seems to be about that time that we began more regularly announcing our own charitable works after disasters, and always regularly adding the fact that we not only gave to support our brothers in need and the rebuilding of local Kingdom Halls, but that there was more than enough left over to help non-JWs. I never lived in Oklahoma, but we had friends in OKC, and I was baptized at an assembly in Tulsa. Back in the 60's and early 70's, from our congregation in Missouri we sometimes helped out when Oklahoma had a bad tornado, and would take a pickup truck loaded with some old clothes, canned goods, 2x4s and a few squares of shingles. But I remember that the brother driving (who owned a small construction company) would just dump any bags of clothes that no one wanted and would even bring back any of the 2x4's or squares of shingles, which we could have given to those non-JWs who needed them much more. But except for some out-of-style neckties, and my old plaid suits that my mother wanted to give away anyway, I had no personal stake in the charity. And as I think about it, the brother who drove his truck had every right to hold back what the brothers didn't need. It was never his purpose to give to non-JWs. I questioned it at the time, but as I look back now, I have no problem with what he did.
    But I do remember that even then, the experiences of such events retold at the Circuit Assemblies almost always "bragged" that the brothers had given so much that we had plenty left over to give to other needy persons. I recall one such CA announcement about a tornado site that we were personally involved with, and the announcer never made the claim that we had plenty of leftovers to give to non-JWs, which was correct (sort-of). But the same announcement had at least a minute devoted to the fact that others had seen how well we looked after each other and how these onlookers had even come up to us and praised us for our cooperation and diligence putting God's love into action. It didn't occur to me then, but, over the years, having seen how these experiences are developed for assemblies especially, I now wonder whether onlookers had actually used any of those words.
    I would have to agree that bragging of an unnecessary nature has undoubtedly been behind several of such experiences. But there is also an element of wanting to build one another up, and show the positive side of every experience. Pointing out the numbers of hours and placements and number of pioneers can seem unnecessary too, but these are also encouragements. A brother at Bethel (D.Songer) actually used all these numbers adjusted seasonally and compared them with the timing of various literature campaigns to decide how many of any particular book, booklet or magazine to print. It therefore helped maximize the efficiencies of scale in production, but also avoided unnecessary waste.  This can be considered to be a part of being a good steward.
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    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Is it ok to boast?   
    Who would have thought?
    God.  Jesus. The Prophets. The Apostles. 
     Jer 23:29; Jer 5:14; Rev 11:3,5;Hos 6:5; Matt 24:50,51; 2 Cor 10:4,5; 2 Cor 6:7;  
    Eph 6:17; Rev 1:16; Heb 4:12; 1 Tim 1:18; 2 Tim 2:3; Rev 19:11,14; 17:14
    The Beast/Watchtower boasts of using scriptures as weaponry; which you already know as the “silver sword”.  However they twist the scriptures, it is used to “kill” through disfellowshipping. 
    And yes, Matthew 9969 is right about the boasting.  It is an inherent characteristic of the Beast.
    Rev 13:5-7,9,10; 11:7; 13:7;12:11; 6:9,11; 19:8 
    Using scriptural weaponry, the Beast/Man of Lawlessness is revealed, “the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming” Thess 2:1-4,8-11…
    This “breath” is Holy Spirit given the “two witnesses” (symbolic for "truth") who are “killed” by the Beast.  John 20:22  
    Yes, scriptures, the Word of God, can be weaponized by Holy Spirit. 
    Mal 3:1; Mat 10:40,20; Luke 21:15; Rev 22:16,6; Zech 4:6,14
  21. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Matthew9969 in Is it ok to boast?   
    In all my years of discussions with people of all faiths, it is only the Joe's who constantly remind everyone of how many of them there are, how many people show up at the memorial, how many hours they spend in field service, and worst of all boast that they are the only religion that provides charity. I believe you misunderstood the meaning of my post
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    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Witness in Is it ok to boast?   
    How will you know they wouldn't be relevant, if you choose not to read them anyway?
    Here's one made easy for you:  Matt 7:5
    If JWs boasting was in unchangeable truth, Matthew 9969 would most likely have a different view.  The contradictions made on the website in various articles concerning pride and boasting is enough to make one's head spin.  
  23. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Matthew9969 in Is it ok to boast?   
    I take it then that those verses don't apply to the Jehovahs Witnesses? It is ok for them to boast?
  24. Downvote
    Gnosis Pithos reacted to Matthew9969 in Is it ok to boast?   
    The WTBTS on a regular basis boast of how many of them there are, how many hours they work, how they are the only ones to do this or that. They really really like to boast of themselves, even speak more of themselves and their governing body than Jehovah or Jesus. Is this ok according to the bible?
    James 4:16 - But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.

    Jeremiah 9:23 - Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise [man] glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty [man] glory in his might, let not the rich [man] glory in his riches:

    Proverbs 27:2 - Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.

    2 Timothy 3:1-5 - This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.   (Read More...)

    Proverbs 27:1 - Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

    Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:

    1 Corinthians 4:7 - For who maketh thee to differ [from another]? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive [it], why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received [it]?

    2 Corinthians 11:30 - If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.

    Psalms 94:4 - [How long] shall they utter [and] speak hard things? [and] all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

    2 Corinthians 10:12-18 - For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.   (Read More...)

    Ephesians 2:9 - Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:   (Read More...)

    James 3:5 - Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

    James 4:13-16 - Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:   (Read More...)

    Proverbs 25:14 - Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift [is like] clouds and wind without rain.
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    Gnosis Pithos reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Saying "Peace and Security!" before sudden destruction. (1Th 5:3) What does it mean?   
    Have you seen the new Caleb and Sophia Pistol Targets?
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