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Jim Meyer

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  1. World Jehovah’s Witnesses in Crimea Ordered to Renounce Faith or Fight for Occupying Russian Army By Jason LE MIere 06/23/17 Part 1 of 5: The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses The issue of military service is a separate issue and, yes, they profess political neutrality; however, in the past they have been allowed to bribe public officials in Mexico (in the late 60s or early 70s) to obtain political cards saying that they had completed military service when, in fact, they never participated. Their fellow witnesses in Malawi never had that opportunity. During the same time in Malawi and hundreds, if not thousands of Witnesses, were killed under President Banda. The witnesses were told not to buy a political card for 25 cents. Death for 25 cents. It is interesting that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses were more interested in saving their material possessions e.g. halls, printing presses and branch facilities in Mexico while not giving the same opportunity or consideration to their brothers in Malawi, where such facilities were either absent or of little to no value. Aside from that they are an extremist cult. Governments of ALL nations are ruled and directed by a corrupt angel named Satan the Devil. They are told what clothes are acceptable and not for both men and women; what music they can listen to, what games are acceptable or should be avoided, what foods they can eat, how long hair can be for men and that the men cannot wear beards, how long skirts or dresses must be for women, wives are to be completely compliant to their husbands with regard to sexual intimacy and not challenge their headship at all. These women are told that they have ‘smaller brains’ and therefore have not the capacity to usurp their husband’s authority. They have ‘curves’ in the right places for their husbands to enjoy. They also allow corporeal punishment for the children. Hitting their children to make them obedient, compliant and morally astute adults. In addition, they are told to view those who are not JWs as poor, if not bad association, who will be destroyed at Armageddon unless they become a Witness. Their literature is filled with such pronouncements with lurid and vivid illustrations. Part 2 of 5: The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses They are told to not be drinking or transfusing blood in hospital settings due to medical emergencies. They are willing to die, (or be shunned if they take a transfusion and live) as such, by refusing to accept a blood transfusion; however, even more egregious, adults will under severe pressure from their Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC) refuse to give live saving blood transfusions to their minor children and in most cases without any regard for the child's permission. Children are to obey and nothing more. Thousands of mothers at birth, children die each year at birth and from preventable illnesses or accidents that could have spared their life with a blood transfusion. Some of these cases are being referred to various countries' supreme court by non-witnesses’ relatives. They are not allowed to question their elders over any scriptural matters; women are to learn in ‘quiet.’ Questions could lead to their being excommunicated or disfellowshipped should they pose a threat to the local elders, congregation or Governing Body. They are told to watch each other and report anything (George Orwell’s 1984) that would be contrary to their beliefs to the elders for investigation. Part 3 of 5: The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses With regard to children, especially young girls and women, they do not report to the authorities any allegation of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. They regard child sexual abuse as a sin, rather than a civil and criminal offense. Elders (who have absolutely no training regarding sexual matter and the psychological affects of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE) may investigate and if they have no second witness THEY DO NOTHING; absolutely nothing, to protect the child, this is true even if the abuser is a close relative as a father, brother or uncle etc. The children must go back home with the abuser and NOT SAY ANYTHING about it to anyone else. If they are baptized they themselves could be disfellowshipped, regardless of how old they are e.g. 7,8,9-years-old etc. If they are disfellowshipped they are cut off from their immediate and extended fleshly family and members of the congregation. They are shunned and completely isolated, regardless of the psychological and sociological ramifications. They may attend the Kingdom Halls; however, they are not to talk to anyone and this may be for months, if not years, so as to prove that they are repentant. Many of these witnesses have committed suicide rather than go through this complete loss and denial of their existence. Part 4 of 5: The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses Currently, the organization has been spending millions and millions of dollars out of court to settle CHILD ABUSE CASES and place a gag order on the plaintiffs who are immediately ‘shunned’ by the congregation; this even though the organization made a monetary settlement to avoid public scrutiny and a possible backlash from the community at large. They have been told to view those that leave the congregation or organization as ‘apostate, dead, ‘mentally diseased and poison;’ to be avoided at all cost. If someone disobeys and starts to associate with a shunned member, they are disfellowshipped and shunned by the community of witnesses, which is in theory all seven million plus witnesses. This shunning is a predictable way of CONTROL in this organization. (I have not spoken with my son for about four years. I left this cult and he refuses to have anything at all to do with me. I have no idea if he is even alive.) Part 5 of 5: The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses I was part of this cult and brainwashed for several decades. I was an Elder, Vacation Pioneer, Regular Pioneer, Special Pioneer and gave talks at local Congregations, Circuit and District Conventions for about twenty deeply regretful years. I am ashamed of how I allowed myself to be bought by this cult concept rationalizing itself as a religion. I have little regard for religion and am now an atheist. I cannot undo my past; however, I can help ones now who may be investigating whether they want to get involved with this cult. Please do not subject yourself and your children to this cult. The individual people in this cult may well be good people. They simply have been programmed and conditioned with so much propaganda and fear they cannot see any way out. I suspect if the ‘shunning’ policy were lifted thousands would leave; however, as of now losing their family is too much to bear. Believe me, it is extremely difficult when an organization as this can destroy family bonds. I hope this will help someone. Jim
  2. World Jehovah’s Witnesses in Crimea Ordered to Renounce Faith or Fight for Occupying Russian Army By Jason LE MIere 06/23/17 The CULT of Jehovah’s Witnesses The issue of military service is a separate issue and, yes, they profess political neutrality; however, in the past they have been allowed to bribe public officials in Mexico (in the late 60s or early 70s) to obtain political cards saying that they had completed military service when, in fact, they never participated. Their fellow witnesses in Malawi never had that opportunity. During the same time in Malawi and hundreds, if not thousands of Witnesses, were killed under President Banda. The witnesses were told not to buy a political card for 25 cents. Death for 25 cents. It is interesting that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses were more interested in saving their material possessions e.g. halls, printing presses and branch facilities in Mexico while not giving the same opportunity or consideration to their brothers in Malawi, where such facilities were either absent or of little to no value. Aside from that they are an extremist cult. Governments of ALL nations are ruled and directed by a corrupt angel named Satan the Devil. They are told what clothes are acceptable and not for both men and women; what music they can listen to, what games are acceptable or should be avoided, what foods they can eat, how long hair can be for men and that the men cannot wear beards, how long skirts or dresses must be for women, wives are to be completely compliant to their husbands with regard to sexual intimacy and not challenge their headship at all. These women are told that they have ‘smaller brains’ and therefore have not the capacity to usurp their husband’s authority. They have ‘curves’ in the right places for their husbands to enjoy. They also allow corporeal punishment for the children. Hitting their children to make them obedient, compliant and morally astute adults. In addition, they are told to view those who are not JWs as poor, if not bad association, who will be destroyed at Armageddon unless they become a Witness. Their literature is filled with such pronouncements with lurid and vivid illustrations. They are told to not be drinking or transfusing blood in hospital settings due to medical emergencies. They are willing to die, (or be shunned if they take a transfusion and live) as such, by refusing to accept a blood transfusion; however, even more egregious, adults will under severe pressure from their Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC) refuse to give live saving blood transfusions to their minor children and in most cases without any regard for the child's permission. Children are to obey and nothing more. Thousands of mothers at birth, children die each year at birth and from preventable illnesses or accidents that could have spared their life with a blood transfusion. Some of these cases are being referred to various countries' supreme court by non-witnesses’ relatives. They are not allowed to question their elders over any scriptural matters; women are to learn in ‘quiet.’ Questions could lead to their being excommunicated or disfellowshipped should they pose a threat to the local elders, congregation or Governing Body. They are told to watch each other and report anything (George Orwell’s 1984) that would be contrary to their beliefs to the elders for investigation. With regard to children, especially young girls and women, they do not report to the authorities any allegation of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. They regard child sexual abuse as a sin, rather than a civil and criminal offense. Elders (who have absolutely no training regarding sexual matter and the psychological affects of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE) may investigate and if they have no second witness THEY DO NOTHING; absolutely nothing, to protect the child, this is true even if the abuser is a close relative as a father, brother or uncle etc. The children must go back home with the abuser and NOT SAY ANYTHING about it to anyone else. If they are baptized they themselves could be disfellowshipped, regardless of how old they are e.g. 7,8,9-years-old etc. If they are disfellowshipped they are cut off from their immediate and extended fleshly family and members of the congregation. They are shunned and completely isolated, regardless of the psychological and sociological ramifications. They may attend the Kingdom Halls; however, they are not to talk to anyone and this may be for months, if not years, so as to prove that they are repentant. Many of these witnesses have committed suicide rather than go through this complete loss and denial of their existence. Currently, the organization has been spending millions and millions of dollars out of court to settle CHILD ABUSE CASES and place a gag order on the plaintiffs who are immediately ‘shunned’ by the congregation; this even though the organization made a monetary settlement to avoid public scrutiny and a possible backlash from the community at large. They have been told to view those that leave the congregation or organization as ‘apostate, dead, ‘mentally diseased and poison;’ to be avoided at all cost. If someone disobeys and starts to associate with a shunned member, they are disfellowshipped and shunned by the community of witnesses, which is in theory all seven million plus witnesses. This shunning is a predictable way of CONTROL in this organization. (I have not spoken with my son for about four years. I left this cult and he refuses to have anything at all to do with me. I have no idea if he is even alive.) I was part of this cult and brainwashed for several decades. I was an Elder, Vacation Pioneer, Regular Pioneer, Special Pioneer and gave talks at local Congregations, Circuit and District Conventions for about twenty deeply regretful years. I am ashamed of how I allowed myself to be bought by this cult concept rationalizing itself as a religion. I have little regard for religion and am now an atheist. I cannot undo my past; however, I can help ones now who may be investigating whether they want to get involved with this cult. Please do not subject yourself and your children to this cult. The individual people in this cult may well be good people. They simply have been programmed and conditioned with so much propaganda and fear they cannot see any way out. I suspect if the ‘shunning’ policy were lifted thousands would leave; however, as of now losing their family is too much to bear. Believe me, it is extremely difficult when an organization as this can destroy family bonds. I hope this will help someone. Jim
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