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Noble Berean

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  1. Like
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Shiwiii in Is this legit? Is there a kingdom hall/assembly hall in Helsinki, Denmark shaped like the Eye of Providence (Illuminati)? Perhaps our Denmark brothers/sisters could chip in...   
    This is what the "assembly hall/kingdom hall" looks like on Google Maps.
    Here's a link to the Google Maps listing. I've never seen a kingdom hall with a Facebook Page either. I also noticed there is an image of peculiar private rooms on their FB page.
    If this is true, it is very concerning to me. I do not agree with our organization using a masonic/illuminati symbol and would like an explanation.
  2. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Anna in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    The topic bellow is not accepting any further comments so I have no choice but to start another topic, although this thread will probably be really short...
    I  wanted to comment on this remark made by @Alessandro Corona : "Russell was also involved in the distribution of a book written by a demon through automatic/angel writing called seola, later renamed to of angels and women. Samuel Herd has even come out and said it was a fantastic novel. So you can see the type of judgment the leadership of bethel really has".
    That the book was written through automatic angel writing is mere speculation and not based on any know facts.  The publishers Leopold Classic Library commented on its re- print: ....."our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades...... We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book”  I have the book, and agree with both Leopold publishing and Br. Herd (if he really said anything like what was quoted). It is a romantic novel of the caliber of well known classics and if you can get a hold of it (Amazon has it) then I recommend it for your library.
    I think the rumour originally got started because it was said that  Ms. Ann Eliza Smith, the author, had never read the Bible and despite that, her observations regarding that time (antediluvian) were remarkably accurate so much so that is was deemed she must have had this information communicated to her via an angel. I find it unlikely that she didn’t know anything about the Bible since most people at that time did, and one of her other novels (From dawn to sunrise) apparently deals with “the historical and philosophical religious ideas of mankind”. She herself says that : “the theory upon which the story is founded is in strict accordance with the sacred writings of the Hebrews and traditions of other ancient nations”.
    Anyway, for those who want to know more about the novel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seola
    Note what the footnote says about the music that she said had inspired her: “A book review publisher called, "Good Company-Sunday Afternoon: A magazine for the household" released an article on the novel Seola in 1878. The magazine believed the compositions that motivated Smith to write the novel was the prelude to the “Creation”, one of Strauss’s waltzes, a scrap of a symphony of Saint Saens, and Wagner’s Centennial March, all played simultaneously in a small room”. 
    Also note the reason Br. Russell recommended the book was because: "we believe it will be of interest to Bible Students, who are familiar with the machinations of the devil and the demons and the influence exercised by them prior to the flood and also now in this evil day. The book throws light on the subject and is believed, will aid those who carefully consider it to avoid the baneful effects of spiritism, now so prevalent in the world".
    Of course this kind of reasoning was very popular at the time because as was said "spiritism was now so prevalent in the world"*. However now, we would just consider the novel an interesting read as any other, well written story, (that was made up but based on facts), would be.
    *It seems the popularity of spiritism (called spiritualism by wikipedia) got it's modern start in Europe and the USA in the late 1800's with the "help" of the Fox sisters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_sisters
  3. Like
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    The theory isn't difficult to understand, but where's the Biblical evidence? Br. Flodeen gave the concluding talk at the convention and discussed the new theory--not one scripture was referenced! Very strange...
  4. Upvote
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Anna in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    The theory isn't difficult to understand, but where's the Biblical evidence? Br. Flodeen gave the concluding talk at the convention and discussed the new theory--not one scripture was referenced! Very strange...
  5. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to JW Insider in The book "Seola" aka "Angels and Women", mummies, and a plethora of other curiosities from the 1800's onward   
    He did. I found a copy. Attached below. Try from about the 6 minute mark through the 9 minute mark.
    Also note this picture from Rutherford's book Religion (1940) p.16. Notice the plumes on the head of the giant on the left?

    This came from Seola:
    "Mounted upon the back of each huge beast was a black dwarf robed in scarlet and holding a guiding wand in his hand. In front and rear were seen a band of gigantic men, clad also in scarlet, with black plumes upon their heads, and marshalled in battle array. These I knew must be the terrible beings of whom my father had spoken, Darvands, the offspring of angels and women..." (Seola - 1878, Page 63,4). The original Seola had two additional races joining humankind, giants and black dwarfs as slaves (because the author was a little bit racist). A&W got rid of the black slaves, and also got rid of all references to storms, clouds, and rain prior to the Flood, even references to clear skies, and changed them all to references about the hard-to-see-through firmament or "water canopy."
    Other references to the giants in Seola describe them with headbands (as shown here and still shown in recent publications) and with leaves (shown here) and with talismans (perhaps shown here as what appears to be a rock in the hand).

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  6. Upvote
    Noble Berean got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses applaud 10 year old girl for shunning her sister   
    Your comment reminded me of how Br. Geoffrey Jackson told a prosecutor at the ARC that it would be presumptuous for the GB to claim it is God's sole channel. They back down under public scrutiny, because they realize how messed up and cultish it sounds.
  7. Upvote
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah’s Witnesses applaud 10 year old girl for shunning her sister   
    Your comment reminded me of how Br. Geoffrey Jackson told a prosecutor at the ARC that it would be presumptuous for the GB to claim it is God's sole channel. They back down under public scrutiny, because they realize how messed up and cultish it sounds.
  8. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to JW Insider in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    I know that the counsel about not exposing dirty laundry is sincere, and for this I thank you. As far as I can tell, such counsel should not apply to this particular situation. Obviously, then, we see our duty in this regard quite differently, and so, in the spirit of 1 Peter 3:15,  I feel I should explain. 
    The dirty laundry is already hung up for everyone to see. This is the Internet. Anyone can simply Google the information claimed in the original post of this topic, and they will discover that there is plenty more information out there. As usual, some of it is true and some of it is false.
    So we are back to discussing the old dilemma about whether we should reveal truth in response to falsehood, or just ignore it. For the most part, we just ignore it. But there are times when it is obvious that the person posting does not necessarily know that the claims contain false charges. Or perhaps they know for sure that the information is skewed toward the false but that there is still some truth in it, and yet, other people who read the skewed information may not know what to believe. Perhaps they think it's all true, or all false. Perhaps their first instinct is to call the whole thing "rubbish." But what if calling something "rubbish" is not really honest either, because perhaps it contains more truth than falsehood? Is there any value to pointing out the error? What if an interested person who has Googled the information now sees us as a people who are just too anxious to cover up facts?
    Through private messaging on this forum someone just asked me why I think JWs have so much turnover. I know that we are always anxious to say that our moral standards and expectations are very high and we are expected to judge those people who leave on their own as persons who just didn't want to live up to those expectations. But in speaking to many of these persons, we often come away with a different picture. I think it's more of a matter of realizing that nothing is quite as perfect as it appears at first. When people first study and are baptized, it is with the understanding that we have the only true religion in the entire earth. Therefore, it is expected to be the most perfect. Even though they are warned that it isn't perfect, it still sets up the highest expectations. Then they learn that not all the brothers and sisters live up to the moral standards as well as they expected. They learn about or perhaps see examples of lack of love, or even racism, shunning, child abuse, or gossip. When they are disappointed, they often start to believe that there is no religion that is really what it claims to be, and they often leave all religion altogether. In spite of the focus of ex-JWs online, I think it's rarely about past JW or IBSA history, or related issues with doctrine.
    If this were merely about the error of a brother or sister who made a false step in the past, then we would do best to just ignore it. Love covers a multitude of sins. But what if the errors are being denied specifically because it would reflect on the trustworthiness of current doctrine?
    That last question reminds me of your own statement here:
    Does telling the truth about the past undermine respect for information we now get from the same channel? What you said appears to be an inadvertent admission that it does. If it does, then it is probably all the more important that we offer a true and honest perspective. I should mention that personally, I don't even see much real importance in wallowing in the problems of yesterday or last week, much less the problems of 100 years ago. This applies to the Governing Body, too. I know that one person here often comments that no one should try to use the past examples of Bible Students to shed light on our current beliefs as JWs, even if we consider the same "Governing Body" to have begun in 1919. But I don't even consider the Governing Body of last year to be the exact same "channel" as the Governing Body of this year, even if they be the same persons. That's partly because none of us are expected to be the same from day to day:
    (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) 16 . . .  certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. . . . 18 while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting. On the other hand, it must necessarily be the case that if an honest approach to the Governing Body's past can undermine the respect for the present Governing Body, then this is almost a direct admission that both the present and the past is being misrepresented. And, of course, it's easy to show that we regularly misrepresent our past almost every time we print a book about it or make a claim about it. We do it as individual humans and we do it as an organization. It's a common human failing to want to be seen as better than we really are. It's what's behind the instinct to call something "obviously rubbish" and "nonsensical gobbledygook" even if it's more true than false. (That's the reason that I included that paragraph about Rutherford that you reviewed as you did. In fact, there was a lot more truth to it than falsehood. Not just as a Bible Student, but as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Rutherford really did believe that the holy spirit was no longer available to us after 1918, and that new truths could now be revealed with the direct help of angels. And the idea that Jehovah's throne was in Alcyone, the brightest star of Pleiades, was still being promoted and taught from the 1880's into the 1930's, and not dropped officially until well into Knorr's presidency in November 1953. Details available upon request.)
    One of the most dangerous problems among many Witnesses that we can see today is the equivalence that is made between the Governing Body and Jehovah. Surely this is what serves the same interests of the one behind spiritism. Idolatry is also something Jehovah hates.
    On this forum, several persons who have presented themselves as sincere Witnesses have recently said that the way we "follow the Lamb wherever he goes," is to follow the Governing Body wherever they go. They have said that they would rather follow the Governing Body into KNOWN ERROR than to accept the Bible where it is known to differ from the current teachings of the Governing Body. The slave has become greater than his master. Witnesses here have defended having this kind of faith in men even where they KNOW personally that something is amiss.
    This is a good reason to be completely honest, and not try to whitewash either the present or the past. I think it's important to show that we are not trying to please men, and to make it clear why we should NOT put our faith in princes, nobles, or any humans, where we feel that faith is related to salvation:
    (Psalm 146:3) “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." (Luke 16:15) “. . .For what is considered exalted by men is a disgusting thing in God’s sight."
  9. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Shiwiii in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    i'm in i'm in!      Wait.................... which generation is this for? 
  10. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Shiwiii in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Tell me how the overlapping generation is a matter of personal opinion? 
    Didn't everyone think those old folks on the cover of that mag were not going to die? This was doctrine. Then it became those who were alive and could perceive the events of that time would not die. Next it was those who were born then would not die, and now it includes people not even in the same generation? how absurd. I can dig up the wt references if you'd like. 
  11. Upvote
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Anna in Another international blow to the Russian government Oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Words will mean something to Russia when it's the voice of Jehovah speaking on behalf of his people.
  12. Like
    Noble Berean got a reaction from SuziQ1513 in I'm 24, I'm Gay, I'm a Virgin, I'm Your Brother, and I'm Very Scared & Alone   
    @ImStrugglingBad I am so, so sorry you are struggling with this. 
    My heart breaks for our young JW brothers and sisters that are struggling with their sexual orientation. There is little sympathy in the organization towards gay people, and it doesn't feel like the "Christian love" we always here about in the mags. 
    But I want you to know that you ARE loved. Don't forget that. You are loved by God, and by me, and by so many other Christians! You are loved for trying so hard to do the right thing when giving in would be so much easier! That's something to be proud of! 
    Throw your burden on Jehovah God. Don't worry about what others say. Lean on him alone. He can give you a power greater than human strength.
  13. Confused
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Alexa in Is this legit? Is there a kingdom hall/assembly hall in Helsinki, Denmark shaped like the Eye of Providence (Illuminati)? Perhaps our Denmark brothers/sisters could chip in...   
    This is what the "assembly hall/kingdom hall" looks like on Google Maps.
    Here's a link to the Google Maps listing. I've never seen a kingdom hall with a Facebook Page either. I also noticed there is an image of peculiar private rooms on their FB page.
    If this is true, it is very concerning to me. I do not agree with our organization using a masonic/illuminati symbol and would like an explanation.
  14. Like
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Alexa in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    YES! I think it's wonderful! I hope this becomes common. I've noticed a lot of women are doing roles like passing out literature now.
  15. Thanks
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    YES! I think it's wonderful! I hope this becomes common. I've noticed a lot of women are doing roles like passing out literature now.
  16. Like
    Noble Berean reacted to SoF in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    In a foreign language group I know of the sisters are used to read the Watchtower, control the sound equipment etc because there are not enough qualified brothers.
    I don't see why sisters should not be more extensively used in a standard congregation setting as long as it does not involve teaching from the platform, (yes I am a brother).
  17. Like
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Queen Esther in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    YES! I think it's wonderful! I hope this becomes common. I've noticed a lot of women are doing roles like passing out literature now.
  18. Like
    Noble Berean reacted to Bible Speaks in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    Doing microphones as a sister in our English group in Slovenia! We just moved there because the need is great, so not enough brothers to cover all duties.”
    Many Sisters rejoice to be used in this way to help out! 
    What are your thoughts? ??

  19. Upvote
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Alexa in Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the belly of the fish.—Jonah 2:1. / Sat.day, Sept. 16.   
    beautiful illustration @Queen Esther
  20. Thanks
    Noble Berean got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the belly of the fish.—Jonah 2:1. / Sat.day, Sept. 16.   
    beautiful illustration @Queen Esther
  21. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Bible Speaks in 6th grader says rights violated when forced to stand for Pledge ?   
    6th grader says rights violated when forced to stand for Pledge 
    An 11-year-old boy says his decision not to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at school got him roughed up by a teacher and lectured by another. Now both are facing disciplinary action for their actions.
    Stone Chaney, 11, says he's been choosing to sit for the Pledge of Allegiance since 2nd grade. He said people have asked him in the past about hsi decision not to stand but has never had an issue - until now.
    On the third day of the 6th grade, that all changed. "A teacher just comes up, puts her arms under my armpits and snatches me out of my chair. I say I don't stand for the pledge, she just glares at me and walks away," Stone said. "I just feel like my rights were violated. And she was the teacher consultant; the person who teaches other people not to put their hands on students. So who knows what other teachers she's taught her way of thinking." The rough start to his first year at East Middle School got even worse when he says he returned the next morning to a substitute teacher driving the point home and ordering him to stand. She also told him he would need a special note to be allowed to sit. "God said don't worship anything other than me, don't worship any idols, and pledging to a flag would kind of be like worshiping it," he said. "It's not if I have a reason or not, it's my right." His parents demanded action at a school board meeting, now both teachers have been placed on administrative leave.
    His mother, Phillina Mullin, said the teacher should not have put her hands on Stone.
    "One of the main issues we're having a problem with is the fact that an adult felt the need to put their hands on my child,
    "Very proud of my son. He's a national hero right now," Brian Chaney, his father, said.
    FOX 2 reached out to Farmington schools for a comment. The superintendent said it supports the rights of all students with this statement:
    Farmington Public Schools offers every student the opportunity each day to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. The District fully supports the right of each student to participate or not in the daily Pledge.
    In this particular instance, school leaders began their investigation as soon as they were made aware of the situation, which was the day before the most recent Board meeting. The teacher allegedly involved in the incident has been placed on administrative leave pending the conclusion of the investigation.
    At Farmington Public Schools, we expect every child and adult in our district to be treated with dignity and respect. At this time, the District cannot speculate about the outcome of the pending investigation.
    We assure our parents and families that when any situation like this occurs, we remain committed to providing an education of excellence to every student.
    -Dr. George C. Heitsch
    Farmington Public Schools
    Although the family is encouraged by the district's recent action, they're focusing now on the bigger picture.
    "I have three younger brothers and hope it never happens to them, nobody in East (middle school). Nobody in Michigan, nobody all over the country," Stone said.
    Stone is getting national attention for this, doing interviews all day long, and getting attention on social media. He's hoping now to get the attention of Colin Kaepernick. He will likely not be returning to the school.
    The school district is expecting to release another statement tomorrow.

  22. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Bible Speaks in New feature of the Mid-Week Meeting From January 2018   
    New feature of the Mid-Week Meeting
    From January 2018, the Weekly Meeting will include study notes and media of the online edition of the study of the translation of the new world of the Holy Scriptures (Nwtsty), even if the study edition is not yet Available in your language. This information will undoubtedly enrich the preparation of its meeting. More importantly, get closer to our loving father, Jehovah!
    The study edition will be added to the application of the jw library after this year's annual meeting. There was an announcement at jw broadcasting, during the interview that Geoffrey Jackson had with the three brothers of meps programming on the inclusion of nwtsty at jw library as one of the future improvements in the application.
    Since we will begin the Christian Greek Scriptures in our weekly reading of the bible next year, this will encourage the brothers to make more use of this useful tool.

  23. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to Bible Speaks in The Quebec court requests the adoption of a collective demand for sexual abuse against Jehovah's Witnesses   
    The Quebec court requests the adoption of a collective demand for sexual abuse against Jehovah's witnesses
    A trial proposes to accuse the leadership of the religious organization in Canada and the United States to protect alleged abusers
    The lawsuit is looking for $ 250.000 per plaintiff for moral and punitive damages.
    Radio-Canada says that, if approved by the court, collective action will be the first of its kind against Jehovah's witnesses, a religious movement that is already the subject of several individual trials in the United States.
    It is now up to the québec high court to determine whether the application is sufficiently substantiated to authorize collective action.

  24. Upvote
    Noble Berean reacted to TrueTomHarley in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Are they trinitarian or not? That's all you need to know. If they are trinitarian they will hate the NWT, because their beliefs dictate their scholarship.
    If they are not trinitarian they will be okay with it. They will recognize it as a legitimate translation, with both strengths and weaknesses.
    You have just answered your own question. If it was in the Septuagint, then it should be in the NT, because when OT verses are quoted in the NT, the quotes are taken, not from the Hebrew, but from the Greek translation of the Hebrew - the Septuagint.
  25. Haha
    Noble Berean reacted to Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    The Watchtower has maintained a steady relationship with demonism, one just needs to consider how often they cite occult sources to support their doctrines and teachings!
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