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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. @George88

    Answers are in this comment, again:

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Through WTJWorg baptism, a person begins to bear the "burdens" placed on him by religious leaders. 

    The developed Society Method goes in the direction of a person convincing himself that such a "burden" is his own choice and that it was not imposed on him, but that the "burden" was created by the individual's own actions.

    Something along the lines of; "God wants it", or "God wants me to carry this "burden", or "I want God to "burden" me like this.

    The "Burden", which became the Real Burden, became the result of a wrong choice made by the person himself by allowing the religious leaders to convince him of the necessity of the choice itself.


  2. 9 minutes ago, George88 said:

    Galatians in 6:5

    Through WTJWorg baptism, a person begins to bear the "burdens" placed on him by religious leaders. 

    The developed Society Method goes in the direction of a person convincing himself that such a "burden" is his own choice and that it was not imposed on him, but that the "burden" was created by the individual's own actions.

    Something along the lines of; "God wants it", or "God wants me to carry this "burden", or "I want God to "burden" me like this.

    The "Burden", which became the Real Burden, became the result of a wrong choice made by the person himself by allowing the religious leaders to convince him of the necessity of the choice itself.

  3. Tell me, please, how can imperfect people be perfectly frank in their statements about own mistakes?

    Doesn't imperfection imply the constant possibility of error, by the own admission of these church leaders? How, then, can the alleged sincerity in statements be spared from mistakes?

    Is there really such sincerity among religious leaders that does not hide a touch of falsehood?


    dieter uchtdorf quote 2013.jpgimage.jpeg

  4. 8 hours ago, George88 said:

    You have yet to provide evidence that proves the connection between baptism and the potential hazards of deceiving children.

    Proof, evidence of this is all those "JW kids" who left WTJWorg years or even decades later.

  5. 1 hour ago, Many Miles said:

    But I must ask, what is "scriptural maturity"?


    "Scriptural maturity" means understanding the meaning of the WTJWorg statement which reads: 

    Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger. (1 Cor. 13:11) 

    After that, the person will also understand the mentioned biblical quote.

  6. 16 minutes ago, BTK59 said:

    No matter how you choose to present your argument about the concept of "spiritual maturity," ultimately, it all comes down to the process of spiritual growth.


    17 minutes ago, BTK59 said:

    *** w22 August p. 2 Young Ones—Continue to Make Progress After Baptism***

    According to WTJWorg the alleged "spiritual growth", progress is conditioned by a good understanding and daily reading of "spiritual literature". If we exclude the Bible, which people in general and even JWs themselves will not be able to understand without the aid of WTJWorg, i.e. the huge amount of written material that explains and interprets the Bible, we arrive at the following:

    "Spiritual growth" in WTJWorg means constant change of theology, clarification and abandonment of "incorrect truths" because of some new "incorrect truths".

    Indeed, all those baptized children were indeed not "spiritually mature" when they agreed to accept the WTJWorg conditions for baptism.

  7. 4 hours ago, George88 said:

    Only a very few recognize that Satan has directed the course and path of human culture and trends.

    GB refers to the culture and trend of the business world and politicians, so it allowed the wearing of beards. GB is what the threat is. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, George88 said:

    That's just your subjective viewpoint.

    All personal opinions are subjective.

    All collective opinions are objective.... from the perspective of the group.

    25 minutes ago, George88 said:

    What is the meaning behind your repeated actions?

    The saying goes that repetition is the mother of wisdom. That's why I'm repeating it to you, so that you can learn new knowledge. lol

    27 minutes ago, George88 said:
    The absence of specific mention of young individuals being baptized in scripture does not negate the possibility of young people being baptized by John the Baptist, unless scripture explicitly states otherwise and can be proven by you.
    Recognition of the concept of the sword cutting both ways is crucial.

    WTJWorg's biggest argument against (infant and children, too) baptism in the Catholic Church is all the Bible quotes that, while describing "Biblical Baptisms," do not include infants and children, but only men and women (Act 8:12). You are now making the argument that the "absence of a specific mention", in the Bible, "does not negate a possibility of" certain practice.

    So you really want to go with such a clumsy way of proving that the Bible doesn't forbid something or how Bible allow something, just because it doesn't talk, write about that something? The Bible does not say anything against, say, celebrating birthdays. God nowhere forbids you to celebrate the day of your birth. So how could WTJWorg, based on the absence of a prohibition in the Bible, claim that God hates birthdays?

    You now claim that "young people" may have been baptized in the time of John the Baptist. Does the group "young people" include young men and women or minor children? ("Minor" in possible biblical terminology, and also "minor" in today's terminology) And why don't you use the only term that is correct in the context of this topic, which is the term "children"? .....,"Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger." 

    Children, not "young people"

    Paul said: “John baptized with the baptism in symbol of repentance,a telling the people to believe in the one coming after him,b that is, in Jesus.” . Act 19:4

    "But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women" - Act 8:12

    Bible purport of term "people" here are "men and women", not children

  9. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    Jesus showed great spiritual maturity when he was found at the temple by his parents. Even at a young age, Jesus had a clear understanding of his true Father's will.

    "Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger."  - claim made by by WTJWorg

  10. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    How is the article on adult deceit related to baptism?

    WTJWorg claims that children are not enough mentally competent.

    quote: "Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger."

    Consequently, this means that they are not mature enough to make decisions about their religious affiliation with the WTJWorg through the act of baptism, because; "they are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason and to recognize and avoid danger" for dedicating his life to the Religious Corporation.

    1 hour ago, George88 said:

    Are you suggesting that deception can't occur beyond anyone's control, even among adults?

    No. How on earth you came to such conclusion? 


  11. 13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    7 Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger. (1 Cor. 13:11) 


    WTJWorg has made a public statement with very clear meaning regarding the mental capacity of children. They made a general statement that covers all children.

    As  supposed proof that their claim is justified and correct, they used one biblical verse.
    In what context is Paul's statement from this biblical quote applicable? 

    Its 13th chapter deals with the spiritual and religious aspects of one's understanding of God's dealings with men. He talks about knowledge and love and faith. Paul is not talking about CSA. Nor is there any indication that he was alluding to the CSA.

    WTJWorg used it in the context of a life situation that can affect the youngest members of a family and society in general.

    Why do you think that this is the only application that this Bible passage can cover? Don't JWs teach that the Bible is the Word of God that helps people in ALL circumstances of life?

    I dismiss your criticism as baseless. I am horrified by your ability and desire to try to selectively apply what WTJWorg baselessly uses only for their current needs of religious domination over people. This shows that you are a successful "student" of your spiritual "teachers".

  12. 7 Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger. (1 Cor. 13:11) 



    However, contrary to statement above they should be baptized as soon as possible as we can see from article bellow, said by WTJWorg.



    Should My Child Put Off Baptism?

    Occasionally, even when children qualify for baptism, their parents may decide that it should be postponed. What may be their reasons?

    I fear that if my child gets baptized, he might later fall into serious sin and get disfellowshipped. Is it reasonable to believe that a young person who puts off baptism will not be accountable to God for his conduct? Solomon directed the following words to young ones: “Know that on account of [your actions] the true God will bring you into judgment.” (Eccl. 11:9) And with no exception as to age, Paul gave this reminder: “Each of us will render an account for himself to God.”—Rom. 14:12.

    Both baptized and unbaptized worshippers are accountable to God. Do not forget, Jehovah protects his servants by ‘not letting them be tempted beyond what they can bear.’ (1 Cor. 10:13) As long as they ‘keep their senses’ and fight temptation, such ones can count on God’s support. (1 Pet. 5:6-9) A Christian mother writes: “Children who are baptized have more reasons to stay away from the bad things of the world. My son, baptized at 15, feels that baptism is a protection. ‘You don’t think about doing something contrary to Jehovah’s law,’ he said. Baptism is a strong motivation for righteousness.”

    If you have trained your children by word and example to obey Jehovah, you can be confident that they will continue to do so after they are baptized. Proverbs 20:7 states: “The righteous is walking in his integrity. Happy are his sons after him.”

    I would like to see my child reach certain goals first. Young people should learn to work so that, in time, they can be self-sufficient. But there is danger in encouraging them to take up a lifestyle centered on education and financial security instead of true worship. Regarding a “seed,” or the word of the Kingdom, that does not grow, Jesus said: “As for the one sown among the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, but the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.” (Matt. 13:22) Plans for a life that subordinates spirituality to worldly goals can snuff out a young person’s desire to serve God.

    Commenting on youths who qualify for baptism but whose parents do not agree, an experienced elder said: “Preventing a young one from getting baptized can break his spiritual momentum and lead to discouragement.” And a traveling overseer wrote: “A youth could begin feeling spiritually insecure or inferior. He might look to the world to gain a feeling of accomplishment.”




  13. Related to the beard issue is the issue of tattoos on the body. The Law of Moses forbade the Jews from tattooing. But, JWs do not care about the Mosaic Law to such an extent that its rules would guide them through today's life. JWs today tend to adapt the Bible's permissions and prohibitions to fit their circumstances.
    Although I am not a supporter of tattoos, it will be a new experience to observe how GB will regulate this segment of the free will of its members, when it becomes so current that it captures GB's attention.

  14. In his latest  Update, Gb member "clarified" that JW should emulate, follow the example of "political and business world" when it comes to beards. Well, I guess that also applies to women's fashion. lol

  15. 11 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    Now they understand. Hopefully, witnesses will no longer raise uninformed questions about the discrepancies with other countries. International assemblies host many foreigners who are exposed to diverse cultures and their acceptance.

    It is to be assumed that members do not need to question their elders for every dispute or ambiguity, because then the elders go to Bethel and Bethel to HQ for answers.
    On the other hand, people in positions of power, and ultimately GB, should stop with the idea that they are "guardians of doctrine" for banal things like beards.

    Consequently, everyone in the JW organization bears responsibility for the immaturity that prevails among the believers.

    11 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    Maintaining a polished and presentable appearance is crucial for portraying oneself as a responsible individual; this is the image that should be prioritized.

    I have nothing against neatness.

    11 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    What was once considered unseemly in the past is now acceptable in the present.

    This fact shows the senselessness of striving for rules and religious doctrines and instructions presented by GB. 

  16. 15 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    agreement between fellow believers

    Fellow Christians in JW have a mutual agreement about beards? 

    15 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    Watchtower takes the matter of global trends

    Well, well. This is Funny and/or Alarming.

    15 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    Do you believe that everyone in Jesus's time, including the apostles, had beards? This idea seems irrational.

    In the time of Jesus, there were people in both Greenland and Australia. What do they have to do with beards in the Jewish nation? Jesus is role model ... with his beard? Or not?

    Since JWs want to be like the first Christians who were mostly Jews, then it is important to remember that the Jews did not follow the world's trends in hairstyles, beards and clothes but stood out as different from their contemporaries. What do JWs want? To be different or the same as people from "nations"?


  17. According to WTJWorg teaching, men who are called (appointed) to positions of responsibility and authority in the congregation are called to that position because they have fulfilled spiritual values/conditions, and therefore HS has appointed them through the existing elders.

    The practice over the past almost 100 years has not allowed bearded men to be called into such ministry. We can publicly say that they were not appointed by HS and the elders because these individuals had beards. They were not "spiritually mature" because they showed/manifested this with their beards.

    S. Lett says, in fact, that beards are not a prerequisite for spirituality and not prevent the HS from appointing such bearded persons. He says this has never been the case because there is no Scriptural obstacle for bearded "brothers" to take "responsibility". This, consequently means, that the HS did not appoint bearded men, not because beards, but because the elders and the GB prevented/stopped the HS from acting freely in the church. They (GB) admitted this publicly in their update a few days ago.

    JWs, are you wondering if, whether at all, the power of HS rests over your congregations or is all power and governance in the hands of GB with their earthly subjects aka elders.

  18. 42 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    that is a very important point…… Here in the United States people think that the Constitution gives or takes away freedoms and liberties. It does not. What it does is guarantees by law the freedoms that we as people have naturally because we are humans, and God has allowed us these freedoms and liberties.

    The Constitution  identifies natural rights and protections, but it not create them or “give” them to us.

    Since WTJWorg and GB should operate within the USA Constitution, we come to a point where we have to ask;

    1) What does God guarantee to all people?

    2) What does GB guarantee to its people?

  19. 7 hours ago, BTK59 said:

    However, getting into arguments over insignificant things like beards seems rather trivial and immature. Let's leave that type of thinking to schoolchildren and focus on the true matters that make a difference.

    You seem to me to be forgetting WHO brought forth the Doctrine of that Trivial Thing.

    Any attempt, by you or by anyone else, to mitigate the seriousness of the idiocy that has been and continues to be carried out in the name of God YHVH, now after decades of torture on this issue, is shameful.
    We see at least two ways of tyrannizing. One dragged on for decades in such a way that it was Forbidden to wear a beard. Now they continue with the tyranny through Permitting the wearing of beards.

    Taking away or giving someone Freedom is a kind of tyranny, because they (GB) have taken a place that does not belong to them. They are not placed by God in a position to take away or give someone freedom of choice.

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