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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Is it possible to assume how life span from Adam to nowadays are not falling in some mathematical order or in order to be shut down in full at some moment .... like Tom's fan ? What this huge difference in years of life span in various time periods says, explains? We would expect how life span, now (because of global end aka Armageddon), would be miserably law, to the point that babies dies at birth. But that not happens. Obviously, something else we need, and not fan, as more understandable explanation why psalmist speaking about 70-80 years as sort of proper normative for measuring that amount of years in human life as some normal length. Would be any difference if life span is 455 years and then go to dust?
  2. I forget. Apologize. Old Testament is just shadow of new things that will come and replace Old Law :)) Old Testament : Don't count! New Testament: Count!
  3. One ordinary day in a Paradise. Eve said: "Adam, what shall we do today? If you have plan go fishing, don't stay whole day by the river". I have new recipe, and will prepare fine supper, but you have to come before day ends. Just watch at the sun and when sun come two ell measure above the top of the red tree, that is moment when you have quickly walk back for meal.
  4. Death was punishment for Adam sin. I don't recall what verse said Adam and Eve will live this or that number of years before they die. Verse that say: “in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die" not giving specific number of how long human will live. "Day". This is something that is under interpretations. No one know for sure of what day JHVH thought about. And what Moses thought when wrote word "day" or whatever that word had been. And what did translators understand later, word "day" is. WT Society interpreting day as 1000 years. But that is not only calculation that word "day" have. Genesis context also speaking about "day", seven of them. And no one of bible scholars today in WT Society don't say how such day is 1000 years long. Adam lived in Genesis context, not in some other Bible book context when one day is one year or other similar and not similar parable, prophetic day - year etc.
  5. purpose is: pay money and you will be spared purpose is: to serve in the army purpose is: to serve in the army purpose is: the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, “Go, number Israel and Judah." What is context, why WT Society count members? Does secular authority need such informations? Does WT Society preparing for war? Does WT Society calculates how much money can each member bring into organization? Or how much calendars have to print? Or how much money they will send as a gift to each member?
  6. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. - John 10 Yes, here exist a risk how sheep imagine how he/she is a Jesus' sheep, but in fact belongs to some other flock. Perhaps "to gather" in spiritual context? Not necessary to be counted, numbered while be on meeting or convention. You already know how God hate that "his people" to be counted. We have Bible precedents on that. Perhaps WT Society should to stop count how many JW's are worldwide. :)) While doing that WT leaders shows attitude how They Know who belong to Jesus' flock. Do they know? Do you know? ......with all due respect, i really don't know what are you talking about :))
  7. Sorry, your illustration with car driving is funny. Go, please, on YT and you will learn a lot how not to drive. Auto-school is place for first lessons. .....if you didn't know before :)) I suppose how his flock is made of people who put faith in him and listen to his voice and how he directs them by his spirit (for example, when two or three gathered in my name i am with them). We don't need to turn around nothing. Few words is enough, don't you agree?
  8. 1) The stars are under Jesus' full control, power and direction. 2) If someone on a body of elders needs correction, Jesus will see to it that this is done in his own time and way." Deceiving and in manipulate form. In first sentence writer showing idea how Jesus will fix all things and give justice and proper help to people who are hurt by elders. In second sentence comes new message: Do not have hope how Jesus will do it because of you (or in your lifetime). You are not of His primary interest, you are just sheep. Bigger picture is more important than you as individuum. The idea of "spirit guided organization" is also a trick?? We don't have any clear Bible example from 1 century or earlier how elders today should or need to handle CSA. Perhaps we can find some other modern problem too,that is not pictured in Bible. In spirit of this words i would give serious question about JW doctrine how elders are appointed by holy spirit. Here you said how elders are people who need to be in spirit and recommendations and guidelines of laws, principles and boundaries. Again, very stretchy and with strong human influence on things. It seems to me, how JW members have to decide in own mind, do they want to continue with idea of God's appointments or human appointments of church servants. We misunderstand each other. I gave point on subject; Do Jesus have interest to be First and Last in decisions that are about His Flock and Congregation, or He leave that to elders. In fact i ask, WHO RUN church? Jesus or WT Society with elders? You gave answer down: "snow globe" in general beliefs of JW's
  9. I am not talking about "dodos" ... and you know that very well. :))) You showed little attempt to redirect my words. This is something what i wouldn't expect from you :)) The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. Hmmm, i would understand how person who are born of Spirit KNOW exactly who he/she is and where he/she is going. If so, then WT multiplication of all sort of knowledge is so "dodo". :))
  10. They didn’t know that at the time, you dodo. It is only after the fact that their letters were collected and included in the Bible canon. This is possible what you said Tom. To be inspired but not have awareness of that. Of course, we can make some more thoughts on that too. But i wish to ask: if Inspired individual is not aware of own state of inspiration, how individuals who are not inspired by God can made, make claims about God's manifest of inspiration in other persons? Have in mind that devil can make inspirational miracles too. How you who are not inspired by God recognize that someone else is inspired by God? We are not speaking about "miracles" as walking on water and feeding 5000 people with few fish, but about doctrines. After uninspired men have collected some letters from dust and caves, their eyes were "opened" to see how what they have in hands are "inspired" by God????? Amazing! Or do you suggesting how Pope and other bishops were "inspired", while choosing letters, but also not been aware how God inspired them for this task?
  11. On first question answer would be: Behaviour and decisions are human freedom, and Jesus not need to "control" this aspect. But Congregation is His Work, He made Congregation, and i guess He has interest that this body to be as much as possible without blame. On second question answer would be: Elders want to be elders by own will, no one force them to be on that position, i guess. Did Jesus choose them or GB? What ever be the case, both of this group claims how Jesus is their Lord. About "control". Elders working as "controllers", because they try to correct and dfd all individuals who not behave in harmony to rules. Well, i see a little contradiction about your claim how Jesus not want to "control" behaviour and decision of people in the congregation. If Jesus as Master and Lord not want to control human behaviour and decisions, as you said, why you think that elders have that right? In continue question comes: Why you think that Jesus have no interest to "control" those who "controlling" sheeps in HIS Flock? Maybe we can go to use other words instead word "control"?
  12. Does this means how GB and elders have no doubts today, and never did. And was/are in agreement (fully convinced) in all false teachings from past to today and to tomorrow, and how such false and error teachings still deserved to be called "Past Truth", "Old Light", "Temporary Truth", "Present Truth" and similar ????. :)))) So, many are willing to wait and keep on preaching errors in various modes as individuals who have; doubts, are not fully convinced, are in disagreement or are in full agreement? It is possible, but then what about verses who speaking about Jesus as Shepherd of his congregations, Master, Lord who have stars aka elders in his hand. ?? And how He is the One who sets and removes elders from position?? This sounds to me how He should be in control. :))
  13. To be wrong in understanding, in expectations and beliefs, is normal human business. To revise things we see as wrong is also normal and beneficial. What is NOT normal is when leaders, in this endless process of revision, condemn and exclude all those who disagree. Church leaders and elders proclaims all such individuals as spiritually weak, unfaithful, apostates, usurpers ..etc. And all other rank and file members join to them in this judging and shunning. And for what? For things described as ""positive and progressive trait" of "wrongs". Until today, all this JW's elders who are long enough in organization, should learned till now how they judging people on basis of unstable truths and knowledges which continue to change. In that respect, elders are NOT humble and not admitting their mistakes and they not correcting matters - because all those who are dfd and shunned because of doctrinal issues needed to have a different treatment, and should be rehabilitated, amnestied . Treatment that would show how JW "truth and knowledge" is in process of revisions and changes .... to some future confirmation. And how "open minded" elders see and understand this reality.
  14. I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle,+ nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches,+ nor do those with knowledge always have success,+ because time and unexpected events* (unforeseen occurrence) overtake them all. It seems how Bible writer here, spoke about: Coincidence or about Miracle. Or maybe he didn't know how some "unexpected events" were in fact "miracles". :)) But if we seriously accept how his words are inspired and unmistakable, than he say how "miracles" (as intervention made by God) not likely to happen, not exist. Then I said in my heart: “What happens to the stupid one will also happen to me.”+ What, then, did I gain by becoming excessively wise? So I said in my heart: “This too is futility.” This is very significant thought. It is not just about how fool and wise will die one day. It is about how wise man also can find himself to have foolish wisdom. Let me to translate that in this way: WT Society wisdom is found to be foolish many times. Many topics on these forum revealed this matter.
  15. What Translation of Bible you prefer? :))) Choose one and please read all what including His teachings. After that, You will have no need for my answers.
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