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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. On 12/1/2019 at 6:08 AM, Anna said:

    They tried hard not to be dogmatic,


    11 hours ago, Anna said:

    Dogmatism: "the tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others".

    I like this description. Can we make agreement how Truth is not Dogmatic. Because Dogmatism of any sort has no chance to be Truthful at all. 

    If we have religious men (GB in this conversation) who giving direction to members we learned this from them: 

    They decide to say how they are not inspired. They explained how because that particular reason (not been inspired) they err in doctrines and teachings and instructions. 

    How sounds this to you? It sounds very nice. These are definitions that no one would named as Dogmatic. You agree? I also agree. But what is reality? GB have mechanisms to implement all uninspired, err and wrong doctrines, teachings and instructions in life of congregants and to successfully hold them (members) in obedience, not to Truth, but to Dogma. Because many GB doctrines, teachings and instructions based on False Ideas are Dogmas not Truth. That means how Dogmas in form of Religious beliefs are dogmatic itself (Dogmas are not Doctrines or Teachings, because we aspect this last two to be truth), and people who pushing Dogmas on other are Dogmatists. 

    As we see, when GB talking about self as people who can err, sounds as very reasonable people. But still, despite that, they want you to obey their dogmatic ideas.

    11 hours ago, Anna said:

    So I think Jesus had the right to be dogmatic because he had authority from God to lay down principles, and he didn't need to consider evidence or opinions of others for the same reason.

    No, i would not go to such level of comparison. Many of us here agreed with statement how Jesus taught Truth only. Because of that he didn't need to be dogmatic. He left to people choice to choose will they accept or reject his teachings. Authority from God, you mentioned, not give him right nor he want to used such authority to demand from people, not even from those who followed him, to blindly follow and obey him. And because of this reason we don't consider him to be dogmatic. He didn't spread dogmas. But his followers did and doing that today.

    11 hours ago, Anna said:

    However, in areas that didn't demand it, he did consider others, and at no time was he arrogant and haughty. Arrogance and haughtiness are negative synonyms of being dogmatic. Same goes for the apostles, but of course since they were imperfect, they didn't succeed as Jesus did. 

    All areas in Jesus' teachings i don't put on two or more levels. As we would need to see some of teachings to be more and other as less important. Do we have some examples from which we can conclude how he considered meetings as more important than preaching or vice versa? Or, to give money in temple box to be more important than helping needing one (brother or not brother) with that same money? If you know Bible text who give more light on this it will be good to read. 

    What is more important for Christian to do today? Going to Betel service or to preach? If preaching Kingdom is of ultimate importance for JW members you don't need Betel buildings. So redirect all money to preaching and if you need building for some reasons, make it smaller and less expensive and employ 10 people not 400. Just illustration. :)))  

    In what areas Jesus give you freedom and in what he is demanding?

    In what areas GB give you freedom and in what they are demanding? 

    Try to make comparative list! :))  

    I am interested to see result you or any other will have.

    8 minutes ago, Anna said:

    Obviously Holy spirit was unable to influence that.

    I guess how this is not sin against HS, but just opinion ..... about fact how people's spirit are stronger ... sometimes.

  2. GB members are responsible not only about CSA cases in Organization, but also for many misconceptions on doctrinal matters and interpretations of Bible.

    For example, how old humans are. Before few moments TV program on one channel giving documentary about archaeological research in Emirates and how they found place where people lived, not before 10.000 years as they thought previously, but before 125.000 years. Until that moment my JW wife looking with interest on program, but after this "detail" she said, "now they are boring" and switched program on other channel   :))))

  3. 18 minutes ago, admin said:

    This playing with cups thing is somehow extremely popular with youth culture....

    I like how she used it in this song.

    The music video must have been extremely expensive to make. I do like the message and the ending.

    Yes, guests in restaurant have to be very talented too. :))

    Message of the song is something that we need to try to use sometimes in a life.   

  4. On 4/19/2016 at 7:50 PM, Guest Nicole said:

    Poetry class in elementary school just got a lot more real. 

    The National Autism Association shared a poem by a 10-year-old boy living with autism spectrum disorder on its Facebook page, and it's making a lot of people very emotional. 


    I am odd, I am new
    I wonder if you are too
    I hear voices in the air
    I see you don't, and that's not fair
    I want to not feel blue
    I am odd, I am new
    I pretend that you are too
    I feel like a boy in outer space
    I touch the stars and feel out of place
    I worry what others might think
    I cry when people laugh, it makes me shrink
    I am odd, I am new
    I understand now that so are you
    I say I, "feel  like a castaway"
    I dream of a day that thats okay
    I try to fit in
    I hope that someday I do
    I am odd, I am new.


    Source: http://mic.com/articles/141033/this-poem-by-a-10-year-old-boy-with-autism-is-giving-people-all-the-feelings#.UxTVXSfQ3


    Thanks for sharing !

  5. I found something, but there is a lot of text. It need a lot of time and concentration. Song is full of symbolic, metaphors, concepts and writer' position about life and  reality of his (our's) living. 

    The lyric of Donna Donna song was written by Aaron Zeitlin in Yiddish and composed by Sholom Secunda. The song contained a universal message, especially about freedom.


  6. 2 hours ago, Anna said:

    I am aware that our mothers would say we would never go to school, that Armageddon would be here by then.

    She had not been alone in that reasoning. My wife' mother gave same lesson to her ;))) Imagine how many miles Croatia and your country have distance, but The Same Teaching moves around heads of JW's. Tell me someone, please, how is possible that some individual in USA start to make gossips about 1975 and how that wrong idea ended in one little town in one communist Balkan state ???  :)))))

    Have in mind how we talking about generation borne in 1961. In 1968/69 they start to go to Grammar school. Here we have 8 years (you have 10) of this school. And 1975 is so close .... There is no chance to finish school before 1975 Armagedon :)))))

    Definition of dogmatism

    1: the expression of an opinion or belief as if it were a fact : positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant
    2: a viewpoint or system of ideas based on insufficiently examined premises
    Merriam Webster source
    stating your opinions in a strong way and not accepting anyone else's opinions:
    Cambridge source
    Every ideology we facing is dogmatic !! 


    translation Croatian - English


    Oh, let me play for you
    The soul is dying from silence
    Don't be afraid of the noise
    It's the hands that are playing
    This morning
    You forgot everything
    That was holding you together
    This day that is knocking on the window
    Is not yours
    Things are silent around you
    Your bed and your table are silently
    Watching you
    Baubles hanging from the walls
    Just so that they would roughly
    Remind you
    In the shadows of those times with those times
    You are anticipating a fraud
    A treason
    Oh, let me play for you
    The soul is dying from silence
    Don't be afraid of the noise
    It's the hands that are playing


  8. It still exist and can be found beautiful nature outside of big towns, and in less industrial areas. I am living in Zagreb, Croatia. We have many parks and gardens inside town, but of course and to much buildings that "eating" greenery. Because of "progress" in someone's money pocket. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, LNN said:

    Beautifully sung... but I don't quite understand the full meaning of the song. You?

    You find me unprepared for question :)) Almost always is about man-female relations. We have to do more research :)) 

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