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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. I am not sure about this idea. If 3 elements run world (religion, politic and money) they need each other, if not for anything else but for exactly this - to run the world, to govern the world. East Europe communism try to live without religion for decades, but religion lived on "lower" level and survived. Elements will stay, only some individuals inside them, will be changed (bring down or up), because in interactions inside group of who have or want to have, more power and money. If you mean, partially, and on WT Society too, you need to have in mind that WT and JW have The Best of All Legislative - Bible, as they claim. But despite this "FACT", this same Organization show same or similar "weakness" as any other secular or religious organization !! In that sense, no new "proper legislative" made by governments will not Upgrade and make Better WT-JW Internal Legislative. How not? Because, WT Lawyers call for US Amendment on free religion practice and doctrines. By that, US Courts (and perhaps European too) are not place to discuss about religious and doctrinal aka spiritual handling about "sins" that elders doing in child abuse cases. Retroactively be held - maybe is not possible through the Secular Laws, but for True Believers, IT IS possible, because despite the fact how God is ready to forgive, but in the same time, He have to give Justice to Victim and make that wrongdoer pay for bad deed. That is His law from the old time that work until today.
  2. Google Translation: According to the woman, during a meeting with two of the elders in the congregation, she was informed that she would be excluded because of fornication. She thinks the reaction came after she said she had been sexually abused by a person outside the church. Article not say that she told: Repeatedly abused. Next what i would ask: Why she went to elders and told them about abuse? Perhaps because elders are "Shepherds" who will help? Did she went to police too?
  3. Here, after this two quotes you bring, i have to ask: Did rank and file JW members of those period have read also Non-WT publications about 1975? When you say: "I had several friends ask me...", well, you mean on your JW friends or Non-JW friends? Also, Betel Bible scholars have custom to read "worldly" publications on various topics, and it would be no surprise how some of influence and ideas were copied or/and modified and presented as "Bible Light" to JW's. Apostates and ex-witnesses (generally is the same group to WT Society), according to your presentation, are in fact JW members from 1975 period who became "apostates and ex-witnesses" because they are reading works of Non-JW authors of books???? :)))) Yes, WT dfd many who was confused and questioned religious doctrines and ideas about 1975. THAT IS considerably different from others. :))
  4. This came to my stupid head while reading again about terminology: "6000 years of human creation". This is very close to wording - Birthday. Birth of Adam and Eve. In that "day" 4026 BCE Adam was "Born". Timeline “In the beginning . . .” 4026 B.C.E. Adam’s creation - source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102009479 Well, it seems to me how WT Society was "involved" in sort of "celebration for Adam Birthday". Why to bring so much attention on Adam Birthday. This is pagan custom. Even to mention when your birthday is/was (only for administrative reasons) may be to understand as promoting idolatry :)))))))
  5. This are beautiful attributes of personality. Soooo .... it is not important do you (or anyone else) in JWorg or not ?
  6. @BillyTheKid46I found this on internet: It seems how Structures in WT are well educated in talking about end of the world. :))
  7. 1) I don't think how WT is only who believe in 6000 years of human existence. 2) It is personal decision on what individual find reasonable to believe. 3) I don't think how any Structure (Institution, Organization, Religion, Company, Corporation) receiving HS. Only thing to believe as possible is, how person as individual, or as group of people are in position to receive HS.
  8. Do you suggest, how WT can calculate and predict future events because of "prophetic cycles" ?
  9. Read more carefully what i wrote, please. I didn't connect "6000 years cycle" with cyclical events of any sort. Science can tell us more about "cycles" in nature, on Earth or in Space.
  10. Do you want to say how i am mentally unstable, too ? :)) ... so, listed name of people are not the Only Ones? :)) According to Science and Experts on various fields on Human, cells of every organism changed everyday. Changing are at various cycles, from every day (or shorter) to every few years. Looking on your question in that way, Human Not Stayed the Same, all has been Changed. But nature of people Stayed as before, there was good and bad as before. Also, Events you mentioned are Cyclical. So, that Stayed as was Before too. Quantity of Events? I don't know. Written History is too short to provide us information, and Humankind have no Statistic about all Events of any Sort (for example people have no records about how much rain failed before 756 years in land now called North Texas?). Deteriorated? If you ask, such question, people who are in food shortage, conditions are bad. If you ask the same, people whose ancestors were slaves to their masters, perhaps it is better now.
  11. One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) I the same time teaching was: This "generation" (of 1914) will not pass away - but Kingdom will rule Over the Earth instead satan's worldly system. Well, we can ask now: About what "generation" Jesus speaking? And more important - about what "generation" WT Society speaking? 1) About "generation" who will see end of 6000 years of humankind? 2) Or about "generation" who will see the end of wicked system and establishing of Kingdom rule as New Government on Earth? Revision of history? Or almost all JW of those period misunderstand "generation" issue. Do we have "overlapping generations"? One generation who saw 1914 events who overlap with generation who saw end of 6000 years of human history ? .......and again overlap with ...................... with overlapping generation of today? :))
  12. Ohh, sorry then. I thought how "insightful expertise" and source of wisdom for leading Organization was "empowered" by holy spirit :)) When you say "public" you specifically mean on JW Community ? Because "this public" was the first who had needed to be convinced and believed in 1975 end, and then with such zealous faith to present the message of end to another "public" aka worldly people. Secular experts believe in the same stuff today too. JW members believe in the same stuff today too. I can do compare because i was stayed alive until 1975 ... and until 2019. Generation of 1914 can not compare nothing, i guess.
  13. Obviously i am not in group of enough clever people, but what you present with plenty Awake magazines is this: WT Society worked hard in Spiritual Concepts trying to find answer about The End. With the little Help of "worldly people", listed in various Awake magazines, Organization find way how to support "1975 Concept" (in their's or in your's interpretation, what ever, it doesn't matter to me, at the end of day). This sound somehow like; all those authors ,of articles and books of WT Society publications, found the way how to wrote all that material in a Revelation Book symbolism pattern, for only "chosen one" who will understand true meaning. :)) Commenting on this is not recommended :)))
  14. I am confused. Do you support WT Society and their doctrines or not ? What ever your answer will be, i respect your choice. But, from your comments, from time to time, from subject to subject, your speaking is not in harmony with JW Organization teachings. :)) Or perhaps, this "Sabbath" issue was changed in WT Theology from 2015 until now?
  15. This "Concept" is not fixed, not fixed even from Bible aspect. For in Your sight a thousand years are but a day that passes, or a watch of the night. - Psalm 90. From this Bible based "Concept" 1000 years is as 4 hours not 24 hours or 1 full day (Jew Concept, 12 hours of day light and 12 hours of night). This would mean how One Day is 6000 years. And not 7000 years as in some Calculations WT Society explained (as time was passed Length of "Creation Day" had various calculation - 1000 years, 7000 years and as "Contemporary Light of Today" explained, that is: Unknown Period of Time) Well, basically, if we want to take in consideration all this changes in JW Organization on Doctrines about Time and Periods, you based your "Concept" on WT Society "Concept", ..... and this is untrustworthy.
  16. http://www.theocraticcollector.com/1969_-_Awake.pdf Awake 1969, May 22, pages 14,15 (302 and 303/768) Author of article, under authorization of Top Spiritual Leadership, "prophesied" how world will end in next few years. Now and today you @BillyTheKid46 made claim how GB will never again do the same mistake? :))) And we doing good if we believe you? :))
  17. :)))) such enlightenment ....but "life-saving information" have to come from WT Society and have to be spread among members despite 1975 err. If they will not do it again (to warn people about imminent end and danger) how and when will people go to basement and hide?? :))
  18. Needed to be? WT Representatives aka Elders already acting in similar kind. They, according to WT articles, fulfill the role of those who are: The shepherds and dukes (or, “princes,” NEB) in this implausible army are the congregation elders. (1 Pet. 5:2) Today, Jehovah certainly has provided an abundance of spiritual men to shepherd his precious sheep, to strengthen his people for the future attack of the modern-day “Assyrian.” Elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered: (1) The most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of “the Assyrian” is that of strengthening our faith in God and helping our brothers to do the same. (2) When “the Assyrian” attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us. (3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith. - https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20131115/seven-shepherds-eight-dukes/ Article claimed how GB (Organization) will provide Life-Saving Direction through Elders. And Elders must stand ready to help...... Well, somebody here have Expertise of sort :)))
  19. I am witness to some elders comments about 1975. That what i was heard was between 1977 and 1980. In short, they have explanation why nothing had happened in 1975. Because time gap between creation of Adam and Eve is The Answer :)))) So, obviously they waiting for Armageddon in 1975 :))
  20. Agree, no one here ...... and if you don't mind to add, No One in WT Society and in JW Congregations.
  21. Some participants made comments on this and on that, what "helped" or contributing to going in some sort of different subjects. But, at the end of any subject or issue we speaking, about WT Society and JW Organization actions, ending exactly in this wording - "In the name of .....", because, in declarative way, everything what this Organization doing and speaking, supposedly IT IS in The Name of .....GOD. :)).
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