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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. When i was arrested by Civil Police and handed to Military Police and after they transported me to place where i have to serve army, they treated me as Soldier even i was in civil clothes. Later i understand that all young people who passed age of old (17) when they went to medical examination /recruitment / and been put in evidence for serving in army, were under the law and considered as future soldier, especially in moment when you are literally, physically inside Military Camp.
  2. causing insubordination, disloyalty and refusal of duty in the military and naval forces of the United States of America when the United States was at war . . . by personal solicitations, letters, public speeches Please, what do you know about this?
  3. Clearly I do not, therefore unlike you, I do not call a people with the accusation of being under demonic influence In Trinity topic you used such accusations, this are quotes of yours (addressed to me): 1) Your own claims are forfeit because there were merely lies, more so, satanic lies ... 2) For he is a Satanic hypocrite to the highest degree in this sense. Something is wrong with your mirror ! :))
  4. You said 2 classes GROUP: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/group a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/group a number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship CLASS: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/class to consider someone or something to belong to a particular groupbecause of their qualities https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/class a group of persons or things having characteristics in common:
  5. .... this means that it is not problem if you are not "inspired"? Because you are "spirit led"??? :))) What is this? All this what you described looks like this, to me: top level 1) Inspired middle level 2) spirit led lower level 3) uninspired lowest level 4) all other Ones again. Give me 1 or 2 Bible verses where is stated in clear and simple words to understand: A) Paul is inspired B) Paul is infallible Just that, not an essay with 1679 words.
  6. Well, well.... you addressed your displeasure with @Witness and me. But @Space Merchant is excluded from your feelings ? :))) Do you agree Tom, about idea SM offered in his "revelation" ? Would you be so kind and offer Bible verses on SM claims? Perhaps he is right, but again, he offered no verses that give some possibility to think of "inspired and uninspired" Christians in 1 century. And especially about INFALLIBLE followers of Jesus. :)) SM speaking about Paul as Infallible : ))) Who will be next??
  7. Practically regarding what the Bible says, which is the proof right there. And this is answer? :)) Extraordinary ! Do you want to tell here how (Paul was both inspired and infallible) means: 1) He became infallible because he was accept Christianity 2) He was infallible because he was inspired 24/7 3) He was inspired because he became infallible or Paul was came down from Heaven like Jesus and that is reason for his infallibleness :)) And of course, you offer NO SINGLE VERSE that say/quote: Paul was INSPIRED or Paul was INFALLIBLE. !!!!! Maybe such verses exist, i don't know. But you prove nothing - NO BIBLE VERSES - ONLY Practically regarding what the Bible says, which is the proof right there. - Later you just made DESCRIPTION about some names in scriptures. And put those names in TWO GROUPS, Inspired and Uninspired Christians. You can be "academic" how much you want, but so many words you put in comments, without any Bible verse that supports your opinions. And as result of this statement you made: i think that i can't believe in your teachings/explanations because: you are not "inspired" ... and you are not "infallible" !
  8. I see this from text. First, they "Compromise their Neutrality" by Obeying Censor and Not God. :))) Second, why to speak about Worldly things (wars and weapons and politics) IF they want to be "Neutral" about Politics and Worldly Things? :))) IF someone want to be Neutral about something then He/They Have NO Opinion on something or at least They must "shut their mouth" and NOT to Tell WHAT IS Their Opinion, Thinking, Attitude. :)))) With this behavior you show your "neutrality"! :)) and not taking sides.
  9. Perhaps The WT Society (as New Government on Earth after Armageddon) similarly misunderstand many ex JW who want to be "neutral" on acts and laws of WT Society. And try to act according to own Conscience. By that they were, in eyes of WT Society, acted as "traitors" aka apostates. Sedition, crime against the state. Though sedition may have the same ultimate effect as treason, it is generally limited to the offense of organizing or encouraging opposition to government in a manner (such as in speech or writing) that falls short of the more dangerous offenses constituting treason. - https://www.britannica.com/topic/sedition Sedition is the illegal act of inciting people to resist or rebel against the government in power. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/sedition
  10. huh.... if you sure about that as your personal belief , it is something that is possible to accept. But only as your Interpretation and personal attitude ..... of hope. Now, when Writing Department and "Minister of Internal Truth" gave green light on text to be print with wording that IT IS in magazine, your argumentation is not so powerful. Because, all those smart people in Betel and around the Betel who working hard on wording in articles would used different lexis with clear and sound meaning IF they want to tell what you tell here. :))
  11. Yes. In fact WHY they have to call Legal Department for advice on - to call or not to call - if Bible PRINCIPLES and GUIDANCE of holy spirit are powers SUFFICIENT for Elders when making decisions? :))
  12. If, then, the clergy-laity distinction is not based on the model set by Jesus’ apostles and other early Christians, does that make it wrong? According to the Bible, yes....... Spiritually older men did, of course, serve as overseers, which included being shepherds and teachers. (Acts 20:28) However, these men were not paid clerics........ Sadly, when people disregard that divinely inspired directive, spiritual harm usually results, and that is true of the clergy-laity arrangement. How so? Please consider the following six points. 1. The separation of a clergy class implies that one must have a special calling to be a minister of God. 2. The clergy-laity distinction exalts the clergy class, an evidence being adulatory religious titles. 3. A paid clergy class can impose a heavy financial burden on the laity, especially when the former have lavish lifestyles. 4. Because a clergyman may depend on others for financial support, he might be tempted to dilute the Bible’s message in order to please parishioners. 5. The clergy-laity distinction tends to cause lay people to relegate religion to the clergy, while the laity just turn up for weekly services. 6. When the laity are Biblically uninformed, they can easily be misled by clerics, even exploited by them. source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009288 When GB, Elders and WT Lawyers defend themselves before Courts how in JW Congregations Worldwide existing clergy penitence as answer to Judges why they not want to give verbal or written testimony to Court, than all this what was said in Awake is worth NOTHING. We can also discuss some other claims here about this 6 points and found it problematic. Dear @Anna answer would not come by WT Society loud public claim how clergy penitence WILL STOP TO exist in congregations. Well, according to Awake that same THING doesn't exist at all in WT Society or JW Church. :))))..... because JW have not CLERGY :)))) ... only on Courts cases when millions of $ are at stake.
  13. What evidences and proofs you have to offer us for such claim? By which/what standards and methods you came to conclusion who was and who wasn't "inspired"? What Paul is and have done to be called "inspired"? .... and what Clement, Chloe and Epaphras are not and not done that you put them in group of "uninspired" Christians? Question come for our time. Who are "inspired" and who are "uninspired" Christians TODAY? Give us some names or tell us, where we can find this individuals in places we live today? Another question. You separate Christians in TWO CLASSES. What is the role of each one class ?
  14. It seems sometimes how this "chariot" making speedy turns in ALL Directions IN the Same Time
  15. As i understand you Frida, you are young JW member. I am little surprised with your way of participation here. :)) You, as Witness in JWorg congregation have been taught to defend WT doctrines, not to defend religious beliefs of people who not belong to JW religion. :)) Also, if you have some doctrinal/religious questions your congregational elders would be glad to help you Frida. :)))) Of course, i said this just for fun. You are free to do what ever you want.
  16. You never know what can be from "blurring". Maybe they prepare terrain for introducing "new light" how 144000 will stay on Earth and rule above Earthly class from much closer distance. Of course, this idea would be acceptable too. Because New Government Administration is better to be seen with literal eyes of Subjects, than with spiritual imagination. :))
  18. Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible You mean this? :))))) Again, please go to https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/preach ... dictionary said what are the meanings of word PREACH.
  19. preach verb UK /priːtʃ/ US /priːtʃ/ preach verb (IN CHURCH) [ I or T ] (especially of a priest or minister in a church) to give a religious speech to try to persuade other people to believe in a particular belief or follow a particular way of life: to give unwanted advice, especially about moral matters, in way: preach US verb [ I/T ] /pritʃ/ preach verb [ I/T ] (SPEAK IN CHURCH) to give a religious speech: to try to persuade other people to do or accept something To preach is also to try to persuade other people to have particular beliefs or behave in particular ways: Well, preach is not always about Gospel :)))
  20. Find where and when i made this explicit quotes, word by word. :))))) You adding, doing this all the time, in every new sentence you made, a new "element" of my supposedly claiming this and that. You are comedian :)) and want to prove something that NOT EXISTING :)))
  21. @Space Merchant Bible verses defending or destroying Own statements, and Ideas in Interpretations made by Readers, too. Accept that if you like. If you don't want, what I have with You :)) Your's and other people comments are free to be read by other people because all that comments are Open to Public. So, if i "jump" in it by my cleverness or stupidity why you are upset so much? Because you want to defend so called "truth"? What "truth" .. in final conclusion? Opinions more likely. :)))
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