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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. When we find differences and similarity of this two laws (God's and GB's) and to be able to make distinction about what authority supports and stand behind each "laws", and to be able to give resistance to human "laws", but on other hand to respect Higher Law, examples will be visible to us. :))
  2. "Light get Brighter" only for WT Society Leaders in Bethel, and stopped at Bethel Place. Congregations was left to be in "Darkness Light" of previous doctrinal standpoint. :))))) Question is: Why would God want for minority of His people to know "The Truth" and to be able and in position to offer "unspoiled sacrifice, sacrifice without blame", ...... but for majority of His Flock He don't care and left them to be "unclean" spiritually and physically?? Irrational and illogical God? Or people can not understand His strange instructions ....from human standpoint of view ? Or, all is about Human Leadership who playing games/experiments with life of people/members/followers.
  3. Oh, but i think how this reasoning can be problematic. Because, many past Servants of God received "direct revelations" of every sort and in various shapes and forms, but was/were still living in own errors daily, and their errors has been reflected many times on other people life.
  4. I said this too, with other wording :)) Of course not. Imagination and associatively connecting this two sort of "badges" in your mind is not what i mean. :))) Purple triangle is forced by "Enemies" who made segregation by their normative. Convention Badge is voluntary identification of belonging to some group (religious in this case).
  5. We are on Forum that caries this name: Jehovah’s Witnesses Open Club · 365 members well, it is quite ok that we steer into direction of WT an JWs :)))) Open Club · 365 members
  6. Ok, Ok .... just calm down, i wished to upset you ...but not so much :))))
  7. 1 Pet 2:5 - As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men+ but chosen, precious to God,+ 5 you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house+ to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices+ acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. this two sort of stones preaching too (offer up) :))))
  8. Of course, it depends on listeners at convention how seriously they will take what was said From Platform! All what was said from Platform should be, need to be taken very seriously, and as such it have some sound, some sort Of Obligation to JW Members. In this Context @Jack Ryan have good point. I don't now how "seriously" elders want and have to empowered this thing about badges after convention program. But every "good" JW will take that very seriously and wearing his badge all days in purpose of Witnessing. I think how that is main point about badges, to promote JW religion. Of course, we have various perception on how that can look sometimes in some circumstances as @Anna mentioned. I remember International Convention in Nuremberg in 1998 i think. I saw a large group of delegates (think Germans, but not sure any more) who returned from restaurant. It is normal condition, after whole day of sitting, summer temperatures, big evening meal, beverages (wine or beer) slowly walked through road, a little sloppy because of the tiredness of each and every type, the clothes were no longer so neat, somehow looked under power of drink or tired or both :)) ,.... but they had badges.
  9. SM, I gave you Bible verses. What you will do with them is your free will and choice. But you will not command other people here what to accept and what to not accept about it. You will not mastering over people here to play "debate games" by your rules or by "debating rules". If you feel yourself as "a winner" in "a debate" and as "a winner" over other people comments, and if such Idea in You gives you Permission to Insult.... ........i will not spoil your personal happiness about that :)))
  10. Not really. It has been a issue only for the last 30 years, 30 years? ...this is funny i think. Issue was from Judge Rutherford era who was against Russell influence on Society. After Russell dead and after he prevailed in taking Presidency, he introducing changes (good or bad .. it is for Historians to describe) One of them is - NO beard! :)) Thanks for such deep, contemplative inspection of other people spirit and soul :)))) In just two sentences you done amazing job. Investigative Journalism?
  11. GB is run by Witnesses ? This is exclusive new information! Shall we wait Official Announcement from JWTV? or to believe You? :))
  12. This time? I find it funny coming from a depraved fool Thanks a lot for this. You made strong arguments against my opinions :))))) according to SM link:https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-common-signs-of-a-person-that-is-losing-an-argument #6: Ad Hominem (Abusive) - resorting to abusing someone and calling them names because at this point you are running on fumes #7: Poisoning the well - The deux ex machina of logical fallacies. When everything else fails, go on a tirade to tarnish the image of your opponent.
  13. I also asking myself, more and more, why spending time here on arguing with people about JW Issues :))
  14. .... the hand of justice is slow but attainable ..... after cca 100 years. or ... God is Almighty and He decide how His People is finally ready to accept this big change in theocratic instruction matter or ....Finally Heavenly Chariot made 180 degrees move and surprised JW Brotherhood because this news will strengthen their Unity :))
  15. ohhh yeah, you are right, where was my head ? It was something about Restaurant :)) that confused me
  16. It seems how @Space Merchant and @Equivocation find common religious language on this and other topics. I wonder does this belong to "interfaith dialogue" because two members of different, even opposite religions support each other in doctrinal matters. :)) As i know JW Church forbidden to his members any kind of Ecumenism :)) Equivocation (also known as: doublespeak)
  17. It seems how @Space Merchant and @Equivocation find common religious language on this and other topics. I wonder does this belong to "interfaith dialogue" because two members of different, even opposite religions support each other in doctrinal matters. :)) As i know JW Church forbidden to his members any kind of Ecumenism :)) Equivocation (also known as: doublespeak)
  18. Absolutely agree, and one main reason for that is: Our points and conclusion can be err. Well, your conclusions that opposites mine can be wrong as well as mine :)))))) lol, this time you are Absolutely right :)))) Fine, but I am not academic and this site is not academic place. So, what you are doing here? Share your academic knowledge with people who have few years of school education? :))))) "find with me" ..... what language is this ? :)))) I know, this is Academic freedom of expression and talk :))
  19. I guess that Legal Department with whole Team/s of Lawyers will stay on Earth to support elders :))))
  20. The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. source: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-february-2017/who-is-leading-gods-people-today/ This is general and public prove, that GB made such (not only minor mistake, but life important) mistakes in doctrines and instructions while leading people (members) with some "commands" that went/going against God and people. They can call that "adjustments", "brighter light", "path of righteous".... or somehow else. But GB Responsibility is complete on that. They have no excuse!
  21. Well, why you continue debate with me ? :)))) You belong to Restoration Group, and i see that you Restore some words into your vocabulary :)))
  22. he sits down in the temple of God TTH, in what Temple of God, and where is this Temple of God, where your Atheistic Man siting? I would assume how Paul was talking about Christ Church as Temple?! Or you have another perspective? If we take this thought as new way of thinking, then we can say that one Class of man existing in WT Society (because JW people believe how this Organization is God's Temple on Earth) that acting as god , showing himself to be a god, and governing over God's people. So, this fits well in your idea of Atheistic Man who negate any divinity to any other gods, but consider themselves as god. In final result they are atheistic, as you suggest, because atheism in their own eyes/mind, annuls the existence of any other god - in fact reverses the existence of any other god on them alone to be god. But term Atheistic, in lexical meaning, refers to person who not believe in existence of god as supreme being. By this general, and acceptable meaning of word "atheist", this idea of yours Atheistic man who sits in Temple, will be of short living. Maybe, you will find another name or substitution name for Man of Lawlessness. :))
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