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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. No crime TTH. :)) WT Society Literature reflecting, also, various sorts of morality through doctrinal teachings changes. Especially this is interesting with flip-flop instructions. In one period of time JW members moral is good under one sort of instruction, but when different, opposite instruction about same thing come to power, than JW members, who lived and made action according to First Instruction, has not been "moral" person in his/her past. :))
  2. Does parents of this girl get that idea from Bible only ... ... or from WT Society literature/video lessons based on Bible only ?
  3. But God is the same and one, unchangeable ... before and after Christ :))) For I am the Lord, I change not; ..... Malachi book
  4. But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. I agree how people (me) do not understand many things and can blaspheme because that fact. Peter wrote those words some 4000 years after Adam and Eve stuff. So, he was also under reasoning that prevailed in human society until then. Animals, he said, are "unreasoning", run by instinct... so animals, Peter conclude, are BORN to be caught and destroyed (slaughtered and eaten). That is in opposition to reports in Genesis where we can't see any verse who would said that God create animals to be born for for final purpose - to be destroyed. No verse, in this 3 chapters of Genesis, content some claim or possibility that animals are born to be hunted and eaten by other animals or by human. But Bible say this: Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. According to this direct JHVH words, it seems how Peter wrote information that is not quite full about relationship between human and animals and animals to animals from the begining!. He forget to mentioned how JHVH determined in advance what the food would be to humans and animals (fruit, plant and seed). Of course, reason for his mentioning animals in this chapter was another issue. I just want to put some other perspective about animals and their purpose and position before God and human. Peter based, i guess, his description about animals on other elements, as God's words to Noah, People Nature and People's mastering over nature and animal. Yes, God created land animals and after he finished with those species, He said, Hey why not to create something different. I made several type of monkeys and this construction can be base for a little advanced Creature and I will give him much more than i gave to all other Dusts. I will put him to be Manager of all this. At the end of Day 7, He not gave to Human more praise than to other animals. He "just" conclude how All created is Good. :)))
  5. Possibility exist, but no Bible verse speaking about this idea, known to me, in that way. No Bible report exist about what Adam knew about death or about some other things. This is also just in sphere of our interpretations. :)) and on our conclusions about what they ,supposedly, see, know, understand etc, .... based on our own experiences and/or based on conclusions made by people lived before us. Where and when JHVH promised Adam such thing, everlasting life ? He promised him/them dead if eating fruit. We don't know what JHVH "promised" to animal :)) .... at loud or in His own Thoughts. Because they not sinned :)) They not sinned because some other laws ran their living.
  6. One of Problem is in idea of 6000 years old history of human (and many animals where been created in 7th Day too, that ended in 1975 Anno Domini according to JW Scholars) from Adam and Eve to nowadays. But for many years now, WT Society speaking about how NO ONE Knows How Long was Lasted Each of Creative Days described in Bible. That gives open hands to calculations how each of Days and the Last Day can be much, much more longer than 7000 years. By this "new view" on Bible chronology, it can be partially answered on so many evidences and artifacts of people who are much older than 6000 years. JTR with two kinds of humans Societies on same Planet is good to consider. Problem with Moses reports about genesis in Genesis Book is specific. Because He never made claim how this descriptions about Adam, Eve, Creation Days and other things, came to him under (direct) INSPIRATION from God which would be without errors and trustful. Moses never and nowhere mentioned, as to my memory, about how he get all this "knowledge" or "information" , aka how he did get to know this Things.
  7. Very Understandable and Acceptable Explanatory Statement :)))) .....with all questions and answers that this sentence - JW’s are now allowed to have - contains in itself.
  8. No, i do not think you are ..... we are not Vegetarians, so we have to learn how to move on Next Level. :))
  9. I will start with this WT Society quote from https://wol.jw.org/hr/wol/d/r19/lp-c/1102003023 : Tell him to stop and listen to the bird singing. Then ask him, "Who created the birds and taught them to sing?" God did this. God created heaven and earth and all living beings!He gives life. Here we see how publication speaking about one special ability, among many others, ability to learn. So, by this quote we see how animals have ability to learn, and that, in a direct way, personally from God! :)) Yes, this WT Society book is for children, but as simplified edition it could be for adults too. :)) Let's go to article named: “His Invisible Qualities Are Clearly Seen” Paul said, "[God] invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and deity, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, because they are distinguished by what is created, so that these people have no excuses" ( Romans 1:20 ). If we look closely at these words, we will be convinced that the Creator is like an artist who signed his masterpiece. - source: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/wp20130801/believe-in-god/ It is also interesting that in same Creative Day, God has made land animals and humans - together. For First Humans God was not given one Special Day and Separate Day for creating this The Crown of His Creation - humans. No, He made them in the same day. Are Humans the Only Bearers of God’s Image? Humans are not made with some special materials, but also from dust as animals. Also, Genesis not telling us about how in Paradise existed predators and prays. But how all living as Equal Creatures, with no Mastering from first Human above any of animal. They all had equal position in Paradise. To live and be happy. Only after the Flood we see how God speaking about huge change - Permission to kill animals for food: Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. Mastering over them in: The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. But something is also very interesting: And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. Lifeblood of animals and of humans are on same Level before God! And next thing is interesting: “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. Why would God made covenant with Animals as the same with Human. Why if Animals have no Qualities that God gave, supposedly, only to Human? Why, if Animals have no brain, conscious, heart, ability as Humans? Humans are Unique in Degree but Not Kind. The capability differences between humans and other creatures seem finally to amount to differences of degree and not kind. The differences among creatures pertain to complexity. There are good reasons to believe humans share basic attributes with other creatures. - source: http://thomasjayoord.com/index.php/blog/archives/animals-made-in-gods-image Obviously, we have a lot to learn about Animals as creatures made by God Himself. :))
  10. Speaker missing to tell some things. Animals has not ability to do things as humans, but if God created them, He incorporated some qualities similar to humans. Or same as to humans but on different level. Searching for food, or even growing and collect food, creating family and offspring, care of them, fight for survive, showing affection to same and other species, etc. Cows give more milk after listening classical music :))) Speaker didn't done enough research on subject. Don't elevate humans to status of gods :)))) Message has same principle, but speaker, i guess, missed to highlight and used The Same Principle and to made Parallel Lesson about same trap in spiritual interaction inside congregations and WT Society.
  11. ....and i am legitimate to not answer if i do not want :))) the serpent said to the woman the donkey said to Balaam the very stones would cry out and now appendix about Animals and Praise to Lord ... go to read complete Psalm 148 :))) every wild and tame animal, all reptiles and birds, come praise the Lord! So, please read more your Christendom Bible :)) If you have The Problem with The Bible statements and quotes, put your complain to Writers of The Book , not to me, i am just reader. :))
  12. hehehe, do not forget - you are in this "lion cave", "prison" voluntary, you entered in it by your own free will and choice. :)) ....i am not sure about part where - but if a spirit or an angel spoke to him - because that would be contrary to official teachings how people in JW Church are not "inspired". If someone today would go with claim how spirit or angel spoke to him, people, not only worldly but JW people especially, will be very suspicious about mental health of that individual. :)) But you are Writer of books. You have licence to write what ever you like. Artistic freedom..... i almost wrote Arctic freedom but google translate put red line under word to alarm me. :)))))
  13. Why not? Are GB theories something like Medo-Persian Laws of unchangeable things.....or Immutable data? :))))
  14. Don't be worried about, because Overlapping will be here for a while.... I mean, enough long for computer to unfroze. :)))))
  15. I was almost choked from laugh on comment of yours :))))))) Well @JW Insider now you have new task, to put INCH Measure, and perhaps we shall get new length result for years. Urim and Thummim - Millimeters and Inches... hahhahaha.
  16. Amazing! :)) I like it, how you know to use all this digital tools and incorporate measuring strip in millimeter division on picture so precisely. Excellent work :))
  17. It is also very possible that @Bubba Johnson Jr would like to know When Great Tribulation will start :))
  18. Asking about, for example, how many JW witnesses groups exist, can bring us to answers as: Past and Present, Loyal and Not Loyal, Zeal and not Zeal, Discreet and Non Discreet, Died and Alive .... etc. What would be benefit of such research? You can used the same methods for "anointed". And come to similar answers. What is the purpose for your question, and by what methods, by what tools, you want to making operation upon verses to see what is the content under the skin? :))
  19. my opinion :)) : Only one group, and that is - The Anointed Group.
  20. @JOHN BUTLER and @Witness explained enough to open readers mind. WT Society making constant "wind teachings" under explanation/justification of "Brighter Light" mantra. All previous teachings that JW members stop to believe were exactly this: falsely called knowledge. In other words, past knowledge is not/was not Truth. It is False Truth. Otherwise it/doctrines would stay to be applicable and accurate until today. Do I see your jealousy and envy? :))) ... you offer "empty" explanation TTH, ... sorry, have to tell you this :)) .... but seriously, you again going to transfer blame from GB (WTJWORG Management) to holy spirit.
  21. In all of 85% content and in all of 15% content, what i like is honesty and sincerity, everything else is questionable and not impressed me any more :)) When You or any other JW member speak (preach) how we people have to be honest, good, love our neighbor, not to kill, not to lie or about some other moral quality i can Upvote for that. If you mean on JW Theology..? .... that is something else and it deserve Downvotes many times. ....... And You already know this :))
  22. JW must defend The Same Truth :))))) ..... you mean on today, present, temporary, official in this moment ... truth ?
  23. This is so good statement and must be saved for past, present and future evidence and proof about your claims how you defend JW Church from "attacks" of those who are talking against them :)))
  24. SM, please stop speaking things that you know nothing about . :))) You are not JW member and have no enough knowledge about them :))) Go please, to another place to "defend The Truth about JW" :))) It is through his organization that God provides this light that the proverb says is the teaching or law of the mother. If we are to walk in the light of truth we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother. -source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1957325 WT Society as Main Legal Entity (with all sister companies) is The Mother to JW members.
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