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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1.   @Space Merchant  stones

    “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

    So, did apostles when heard this for first time, understand this literally or figuratively?  And how long time has passed when they truly understand that Jerusalem will fall. Even than, after destruction, i guess that some (or many) stones were still stand on another stone, despite Jesus prophecy. Well, please, what we today have to understand and how about past and about future in connection to some Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

    If you don't like to receive message from "Donkey", nobody can do nothing about this. :)))    

  2. GB claims how they are not "inspired". They also claim that the Organization is "spirit-guided". There is also an idea that God has always had his organization on Earth, the first being the Old Nation of Israel, and then First Assembly at the time of the Apostles, and after long centuries of darkness organization appeared again in 1879 as WT Society. So, we have three organizations in three time periods.

    Who has guided, led these organizations? We see that organizations were guided by people. The first was Moses, then the Judges and Prophets, the Kings, and then the Apostles and today is The GB. According to the present claims of this modern organization of God, it is logical to conclude that both of the previous two organizations had been guided by God by the same principles too, meaning, that no inspirational/uninspired people were at the forefront of a spirit-guided organization.

    Which tools are used to run today's organization? Thousands and thousands of pages of written text and public and private talks. All of these published texts and speeches were/are not "inspired", in fact, they presented many erroneous teachings and instructions, in the face of claims, that the organization is/was spiritually driven at the same time. So we have a God's spirit-guided organization that teaches the wrong things.

    What does this have to do with past God's organizations? In the past, members of those two perished Organizations also wrote texts and held public and private speeches. Did those texts and the words been "inspired". If we judge according to today's GB teachings and the way how God, supposedly,  leads a modern organization, we could rightly say that, how past leaders were not "inspired" when writing and gave speech. Because God has no need to "inspire" imperfect servants when He already has "spirit guided organization" :))

    What is "inspired" in that, if someone had wrote what he has seen or heard during her life? Or if they write down their memories after a few years after the event? Most of the biblical text is precisely this - writing what someone saw and heard personally or that writing came through the oral tradition, something that other people have seen, heard, and spoken in some period of time. Only in exceptional cases, the authors of certain parts of the script, claimed that the instructions/revelations/prophecy  were received through dreams, visions or God or angel directly addressed them. So, for a very small part of the text in the Bible, we can say that it is "inspired" by divine supernatural power. The vast majority of the text in the Bible is actually a retelling  of the events that have been experienced - either from oneself or from other people. And for such, there is no need for extra "inspiration", but a good memory of those who recount the event and a good memory of the one who later writes it.

    To bring claim that God, with his spirit, has led each of these three organizations, but that only the Israeli representatives (and writers) and representatives of the 1st Assembly (and the writers) had "inspired" directly with His spirit to make the written and spoken content, but how God changed his mind in the 19th century and gave up from doing the same way of managing his organization, it seems strange. Why would God be inconsistent with his principle of how to lead his earthly organizations? Why would God "inspire" Moses and the John (and all the rest between) to speak and write, but today he does not want to "inspire" his Anointed Representatives who sitting in GB? Was theirs time more difficult than today? Do not we live in the end time when all is much worst than before? :)))

    If JW  members considers that it is quite right and normal for God to lead his organization through "not inspired" texts of today's "servants of God" whose "research and knowledge was multiplied" and become far greater, clearer and safer because of more and more "Brighter Lights" that is far more advanced than before, of all what previous generations of God's servants knew and understand, then it is strange that today's texts and public speeches are so inaccurate and unsafe and need to be continually changed and corrected.

    From this WTJWORG idea of how God has kept his earthly organization in continuity since Moses' time, it is not difficult to doubt the accuracy of the texts that people have collected and incorporated into a single book, the Bible. In fact, if today's WT Society (WT is equal to God's Organization) texts contain both, accurate and incorrect things, then we could assume that the old records,  "publications" and "public and private talk" of Old Time Organizations, in their content were subject to the influence of the human factor too. The idea may seem strange and impossible (because "God with the spirit" leads his organizations) but that not give guaranties that such Organizations will not End Up in Some Form of Slavery (to inside and/or to outside Masters). Recall yourself how had ended previous 2 God's Organizations. 

    But what do you think that after 1 or 2 thousands of years from now, when we all become old dust and ashes, someone came up with the idea of choosing certain WT Society texts and create a modern "Bible" for JW?

  3. On 7/12/2019 at 1:50 AM, Space Merchant said:
    On 7/11/2019 at 3:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

    29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

    30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

    “No,” he said.

    Numbers 22

    Read more  

    Lol, and now you have proven this point time and time again, if you cannot speak of JWs and focus solely on the Bible, you make yourself appear foolish, ignorant, and silly, as well as dense.

    Obviously, Moses as Writer of Pentateuch have some "problem" when he was state how Snake and Donkey has spoken in human language :)))) perhaps his "inspiration" was in question, according to You SM. I just repeat what he wrote - that is, animal can talk to human :))) ...... if not for real than in figurative way, hahhaha. But, sometimes some sort of people are called that they are animal not human been, or that they have animal behavior. So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

    About Stones, same stuff. Luke was "inspired" to write what he heard from Jesus. So, who failed? Jesus or Luke? :)))))  


  4. @TrueTomHarley

    How about lifesaving glass  of water in desert with few drops of dangerous substances in it ? :)) perhaps drops of purple color :))

    Or, we can make agreement how nothing is wrong with previous WTJWORG "brighter lights". Because ...

    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    In this case it is that “spiritual food” should not change. Why should it not? It represents the light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight, as in Proverbs 4:18. When you are “keeping on the watch” in light that is not so good, you see a lot of things that turn out to be wrong.

    If I understand you enough, here you sad how "previous light was not so good" and as result, your "keeping on the watch" turn out to be wrong because you saw lot of wrong things in poor light.

    Well, does this mean how JHVH as Source of that Light, that was not enough Bright (that was not so good) should take a blame for that wrong understanding of His servant?

     And how is possible that WTJWORG "spiritual food" represents "light that grows brighter" ? What is the cause here and what is the result?

    Did published "spiritual food" caused "brighter light" for person to see better around him? Or "brighter light" caused publishing good "spiritual food" for person to better understand what is happening around him ? 

    But you bring right idea, how poor "previous light" was not Sufficient for  healthy "spiritual food" ... because Source of the Light for such Err, Not Perfect spiritual food was not in God or Jesus, but in Humans.  

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    “Spiritual food” resembles physical food in that it exists to be consumed. It powers you for the moment. It has a shelf life. Who here has items of physical food on the shelf from 50 years ago? It serves its purpose and it is gone.

    What purpose? To our conclusion how previous BS and JW generations died in false and err doctrines, hopes and beliefs? To our conclusion how present, current JW members will also die in false and err doctrines and hopes?? :))

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    If General Mills stops selling Wheaties, it is not a conspiracy. It is not a ban on Wheaties. It is simply providing food more relevant to the present age. So it is with spiritual food. If HQ instructed ones to destroy all copies of the Aid book, for example, that would be a ban. But they don’t. They simply let things go out of print that are no longer relevant. 

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Destroying bad food in shop store is not a ban. Destroying  published publications as evidence would be a crime. :)) But internet provide possibility to save material for searching and redefinition of WT doctrinal history. 

    Of course, current JW members, in general, have no time, no wish to read old publications and put effort to critical thinking on past and present teachings.

  5. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Books that have gone out of print are not “banned.”

    Yeah, because GB in USA is not like Russian's Judges who banned "problematic" books, no matter when were printed :))))

    But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

  6. @Space Merchant

    You asked for Bible Verse: I delivered you Bible Verses. Interpretations and explanations of verses is not the point. Because you can interpret what ever you wish :))) 

    You asked where Bible said that animal can preach gospel. 

    I state that animal can preach. After word "preach" i stopped. I found Bible idea that animal can preach (talk to people). What they can preach? Gospel, Rocket science or Psychology? That was not issue from my position. I found Bible verse where animal can preach (talk to people) Snake in Paradise also spoke to Eve and preach some sort of doctrine (another "gospel" if you want,... haha, not "gospel" in strict way about Jesus and his death and his life and what he has said and done. But "something" that have connection about God and People).  

    If you don't like it, we can agree how we disagree and to stop this discussion :))))

    If you want that your words be last words, please make some final comment to show yourself how you are right and i am wrong :))))))))))))


  7. “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

    Luke 19

    :))) Jesus promised that stones will cry out.  Do you have problem with His promises? :)))

  8. Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

    29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

    30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

    “No,” he said.

    Numbers 22  

    Man and animal conversation, (don't you never heard about Dr Doolittle) :))) 

  9. 6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Is it about spiritual enlightenment? Their behavior and comments contradict that scenario. Then what are they teaching children themselves. To be fake members? To oppose God? To criticize everything that pops into their head?

    I am hoping that you are "aware" how no one is Immune on this. I, You or They. :))

  10. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
    23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    f that is the case with Your Bible Unitarian Religion, would you like, have wish, that people here on this Forum, and other people, join You to be Unitarians? :))

    Join me? Since when? And I really do not care of what they follow, my only concern is slander and stupidity, and utter shenanigans that demands a refutation, nothing more.

    That being said, it is humorous to see you speak of Unitarianism, if the last time you assumed all of us are the same, as in accepting of interfaith ideologies that was never part of the church of the Christ, a mistake Butler paid when he used that same source. Alluding to such will reap nothing for you and it is evident by my own responses I am against the interfaith practices, and my absolute hatred for the Kairos Movement.

    And I really do not care of what they follow,

    Upps, well by such feelings in your heart, you expressed in your own words .......... reveals a lot to me, and maybe to others who will read your text too. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    When a person reaches the age, they can make the choice to leave or to remain,

    WHY to leave if they, at age 6,  were been "AWARE" how they get "the truth"  ??? :)))

  12. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    A child, who is aware, can speak and able to understand can do what is mentioned above however, such as a 6-year-old, nowadays some as young as 4 or 5 can do these things, taken, they are raised right, i.e. reading, playing the piano and knowing all things regarding such.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart knew music notes before letters with 3 year of age, with 5 made simple composition and gave concerts. Well he was better candidate for baptism than many children today :))) 

     A child, who is aware, ....Aware of WHAT? That his parents are deceived by religious leaders and teaching him uninspired, error doctrines and instructions that he and his parents MUST OBEY even if THEY ALL TOGETHER, AS PARENTS AND FAMILY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY, BUT DESPITE THAT MUST OBEY AND LISTEN??? !!!

    AWARE .... please who is silly? Me? :))) Or you who gave statement that CHILD is Aware ......of adult people wrongs and religious misconceptions ??!!

  13. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
    On 7/10/2019 at 7:00 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    According to your reasoning sprinkling with water is big problem but to be minor candidate is just by Bible principles :)))   

    Not my reasoning, but okay for making yourself look silly.

    If you can show me some hermeneutics of John sprinkling water unto Jesus, perhaps you can convince me otherwise.

    That being said, one should question your reasoning when you make accusations against Jesus, his followers as well as prophets of God on occasion.

    Main issue of our conversation is - baptism of children, and NOT water. :))) 

  14. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Can you show me a verse whereas Ba’laam’s donkey was preaching and teaching the gospel truth and the Messianic Age to the people of the nations?

    I guess how this Inspired Donkey, inspired by holy spirit, preached God's Words (you can call that gospel, message, warning or else) no matter was this Donkey preached that words to one person or to the people of nations :))) 

     :)) animals today also praise the Lord :))  with or without "preaching and teaching", in forms and shapes that perhaps you would expect - :)) (talking about forms when individuals or organized groups spreading, what they call, god's words)

    Of course i don' t like how this god's creatures kill each other for food but i can't do nothing about it !

  15. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    We can take into example the people of whom John the Baptist had baptized, all of them were brought underneath the water and back up as well as proclaimed the word of God to the people (Matthew 3:1, 2; Mark 1:4; Acts 19:4, etc.),  Maybe Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch as seen in Acts 8, perhaps the example concerning Jesus, for John put him under, and brought him back up, and as soon as he came out of the water, God gave the spirit to Jesus and had spoken, for John the Baptist became witness to God speaking at this point of time, even acknowledged this event taking place (Matthew 3:13:17); this also correlates with an elementary question that is deem complex for anyone when it comes to why John the Baptist baptized his people in the Jordan River.


    May i ask, How many 6 year old male and female has been there, according the Bible books you used here, to support this practice and your standpoint - baptizing children (minor, under age children, not to mention Jesus cca 30 years of old as TRUE EXAMPLE  to follow, verified by written words in holy book :))) 

    According to nowadays standard we can talk about age 18 (in Europe) as lawful  age to make independent, competent DECISIONS. 

  16. 2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    This is one dimensional dense ideology. There are kids more spiritually mature than you James! There are more spiritually  mature kids than Anna, and "Winsider 

    I truly believe that kids are great. And how they are sincere little people. In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people, like You or me, or @James Thomas Rook Jr.,  @Anna and @JW Insider you had mentioned. 

    We all here, can be or not have to be "spiritual" by your' or someone else Measurement Tool , but more important question is: Are we always Sincere ... like children??!!  

  17. Perhaps 1914 have same significance as 1975. According to calculations made by JW Scholars those two dates means something to them. Maybe to JW Scholars of past time those dates was very important to them and JW members of those period.

    It would be interesting to know what JW Scholars of present time thinking about 1914 and 1975 dates? Are those dates have real value for events they represent - 1914 as  end of one period and beginning of another, Kingdom rules and similar. 1975 as 6000 years of humankind on Earth ??!!

    Or JW Scholars "rowing" to some new unknown island, where they will find new dates and new meanings for old dates.

  18. JW people are receiving ample spiritual instruction ... (err instructions as "new light" statement tell them :))

    Thus, "the FDS" does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversights.    (GB have plenty ideas how to deceive own people, so members not need other sources of deceit :))

  19. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    being against infant baptism.

    Difference between infant and 6 year old is enormous. When 6 year old decide to join some Religious Structure to be life time member that must be blessing for that child and his parents. To be Unitarian, in your case, or to be Seven Day Adventist or to be JW from such young age is good, firm platform that such individual will stay, in most, Member for Life Time in Particular Organized Religion, and that such Individual will not Changed his Religion when get older. Because such Individual already knows, from age 6, that Only his Religion is Only True One. And how SDA and JW are not True Religions. :))

    If that is the case with Your Bible Unitarian Religion, would you like, have wish, that people here on this Forum, and other people, join You to be Unitarians? :)) Or, Unitarianism allows people to be separated in various Religions that hold similar teachings and as such are close to /part of Restoration Movement Family? 

    If some JW want to be Biblical Unitarian, what he have to do? What teaching of JW he would need to left, to change? Does he have to be baptized again in your Church?    

  20. 6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Animals cannot preach

    Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible.

    6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Yes, and it is reasons as such Baptismal Regeneration exist as well as infant baptism, in addition, sprinkle of water when Scripturally, and even in the Didache, you are to submerge the one who sought baptism.

    Well, you put very big importance on how much water have to be used for baptism of some individual. According to your reasoning sprinkling with water is big problem but to be minor candidate is just by Bible principles :)))   

    You have great mind, but in some details you failed, again. :))

  21. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    baptized into at 6

    ... well, your religion, also as WT Society, not follow Jesus' example about baptism of mature  individuals (men and women). Your religion support baptism of under age kids, and, as to my knowledge, that is in opposition to Bible examples on this issue, in fact it is in opposition made by Jesus' example. It seems how your religion is deviate in this (and perhaps in some other subjects) as many others too. So, your religion is similar to Roman Catholic church and JW's in this  theological "truth" :)) even without my mental gymnastic contribution on issue :))

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