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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible. Well, you put very big importance on how much water have to be used for baptism of some individual. According to your reasoning sprinkling with water is big problem but to be minor candidate is just by Bible principles :))) You have great mind, but in some details you failed, again. :))
  2. ... well, your religion, also as WT Society, not follow Jesus' example about baptism of mature individuals (men and women). Your religion support baptism of under age kids, and, as to my knowledge, that is in opposition to Bible examples on this issue, in fact it is in opposition made by Jesus' example. It seems how your religion is deviate in this (and perhaps in some other subjects) as many others too. So, your religion is similar to Roman Catholic church and JW's in this theological "truth" :)) even without my mental gymnastic contribution on issue :))
  3. maybe you will like this :)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ANkHGn3-NE
  4. Destiny for this Overlapping Generation theory is same as to, for example, 1975 issue. After some period of time WT magazine and JWTV will explain, how some brothers (brotherhood worldwide), in their great zeal, misunderstand what has been published and were read between lines of text (and add own Drawings to Official Picture Drawings) :)))
  5. which group you belong to Yes, thanks, again :)) But You did not tell me, again :)) which Restoration Group You belong to? Under what banner You are?
  6. What Restorationist Christian Group among of all this on Wikipedia, you find is the best for You? If You would be asked to choose one as Your Religion, which one will be?
  7. Does this mean how such JW person will/ have to preach what GB told him to preach contrary to his Understanding?? Because if so, his trumpet not giving clear sound to people around. In other words, such sound is clear only in the ears of GB but not clear in the ear of particular JW and "unbeliever". Also, in that circumstances, JW person who is not convinced in such doctrine, spreading "false truth" that is against his own conscience. Or, in some particular examples we have JW members who NOT Preaching (all sort of preaching, inside and outside congregation) that questionable doctrines and instructions. So much about Unity and Harmony of WT Society if members are not happy with some doctrines. :)) When it's not merely a personal opinion or idea but a clear unambiguous Bible teaching. Own views, personal opinions, private ideas, other people's opinions, unambiguous Bible teaching ..... In contrary to JW Private views are ..... Collective GB views, opinions, ideas that they marked as Bible teachings :)))
  8. You mentioned many times in many various topics that JW are Restorationist. Is this religion? Or some sort of conglomeration of few religions? Do they all teaching "The Truth"? Do they have same or similar "truths"? Are they in some sort of competition among themselves? Do they existing in some sort of mutual understanding and respect? Do they have some "interfaith" dialog? i am curious :))
  9. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one. - John And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. - 1 John ... but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.......These are the things that he says, ‘the First and the Last,’ who became dead and came to life again: - Revelation In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. {2} He was in the beginning with God. {3} All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. {4} In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. - John
  10. As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God’s way of ruling.- https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010047#h=22 This much about Cut of Own Thinking :))) Or you belong to rebellious individuals who never allow elders to tell you how and what to do ... in the name of God and Worldwide Unity ?? :)) ....... and this quote is not from 1900th but from 2010 :))
  11. Sorry to interrupt this way of reasoning you display, because by such logic we can ask, why to talking about Bible and all that stories from old age, .... that were written much, much longer ago than it is 1900th ?? Speaking about past WT publications contents, shows people of today (JW and non JW) how shall look like the future for WT Society, and what people can expect from this Organization about teachings and internal rules.
  12. Rank and file, ordinary people, Am Haarets reading Bible and Clergy say: We shall explain you what you reading and how you should to understand. I am reading WT article and you say: Let GB and me explain how you should to understand. :)))) Ohhhh man! :)))
  13. I don't care for your problems with @JW Insider About Source, mark the text and with right mouse click Search Google for ....and you will find source. :)) https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402016046 “We Want to Go With You” The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Simplified)—2016 January
  14. Because clearly they are not inspired prophets, they are spirit led prophets who never claim inspiration. Now you spin your breaks for you were leaning towards them being inspired... Do you by this answer suggesting, how in the same time here on Earth, beside not inspired prophets, existing also inspired prophets?? And please stop with this WTJWORG Mantra, how people are NOT INSPIRED but in the same time they are LED BY SPIRIT :))) This sort of logic is out of Mind. Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. - Psalm For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. - Romans But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. - Galatians How does WTJWORG stand is when faced with this meanings of LED? How looks LEVEL GROUND of WT Society? Or are they below ground level, and rowing to surface with constant error mandate instructions that members have to obey? What sort of sons they are if they making claims/spread doubt, under spirit led guidance; Do the other sheep need to know the names of all anointed ones still on earth today? No. Why not? Because it is not possible for anyone to know for sure that these ones will get their reward... Anointed Christians cannot be sure that they will receive their reward until Jehovah makes it clear to them that he has judged them as faithful... So anointed ones do not think that they are better than others. They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. And they do not feel that they can understand Bible truths more deeply than anyone else...They also know that when Jehovah anointed them, he did not let everyone else know about it. So an anointed person is not surprised if some do not believe right away that he has been anointed...Unlike Jehovah, the brothers who count the number of people eating the bread and drinking the wine at the Memorial do not know who truly is anointed. So the number includes those who think that they are anointed but are not. For example, some who used to eat the bread and drink the wine later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems and believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven. Clearly, we do not know exactly how many anointed ones are left on earth. - JWorg library source - They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants... This Act of/when JHVH Giving His HS, to me means, giving inspiration. It is ACTION that God making to someone, This God's decision to Give NOT depends on some person who wish or want HS, who working in Betel or study Bible 12 hours a day or spend 90 hours in preaching with Tablet and magazines or who just sitting and waiting. Because even Donkey can be inspired and talk God's words. If God can make donkey to preach by act of HS Inspiration why is problem to accept possibility of Inspiration on human who are made on JHVH Image? Well, we have here (in WT Society) constant playing with terminology and lexis. We have people who showing their belongings to anointed class, who are, supposedly, appointed by God to be in Leading Position or Governing position as Body, but who denied even small possibility that God is powerful enough to put His Spirit on them and to be Source and Cause. In same time this people tell others to obey and listen to them as to God and Jesus because Organization (Corporation) is, imagine!!, led by this same Spirit, which they denied that have power over them. So we have here Donkey (WTJWORG Corporation) on whom God can put His Spirit, but can not put His Spirit on Balaam (Governing Body) :)))
  15. ... sounds familiar to idea that GB will be appointed Over All Jesus' Belongings, that means, at least, over All Things on Earth (things= material and spiritual + humankind)
  16. Until now, as SM and i had conversations, he never said his clear position to this question. I don't know what stops him to tell us to Whom He Belong? :)) He is man of integrity and don't want to lie, but in the same time not want to tell the truth... perhaps he is silent on this because of that reason.
  17. If we take in consideration that Paul has been in Higher Education Program of those time and societies (thanks to God, GB members of those time were not burdened themselves about Education Issue):)) as such was more familiar to Legal Questions,he can acted as "Lawyer" in some matters.
  18. What motivated WT Society as Publisher of religious publications to go with declaration, statement: "We are not inspired?" Who asked Them .... Who forced Them .... to take Public Position on this Issue? Who want to know are They Inspired or Not? :))
  19.  But nothing here shows a claim of inspiration. No utterance of them claiming to be inspired, in fact, no history of any Restorationist claiming to be inspired. Therefore, your claim is an absolute absurdity. .....No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. ... What this sentence expressed? It expressed Idea how All what was written in publications is given by God to the authors of these articles. After many years later, the same Publisher, WT Society, claim how All what was written in publication is not Perfect Food and have Errors because Inspiration, Guiding, Teaching, Leading not coming from God. Well, please, WHAT Was and Is Expressed in The Watchtower and other publications? :)))) Man's Opinion or God's Opinion?
  20. Does this statement is applicable to JW's too... because they claim how they are only true religion, and how God and Jesus supporting, guiding, empowering, leading, teaching (only) them, and how WT Society with all other Legal Entities that this Society established is His Earthly Organization and His Possession among all other Nations and Religions?? Don't need to answer !! :)) Because you defending every religion doctrine you find fit to your understanding of Bible and your models of acceptable (i don't think that you are wrong in some of your understanding). And by that you support "interfaith" (something that is blasphemy to WTJWORG), because many religions have some "Common, General, Universal Truths". Otherwise, you would join WTJWORG and become a member of Only One True Religion. :)))
  21. In this description we see how this movement (at least in the beginning) is not cult - like in comparison to some WTJWORG quotes and in comparison to list on page 1 made by @Outta Here .
  22. Tell us the names of those JW's who misunderstood, and we shall try to check that :))))
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