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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. It can be said how JW members generally reject the possibility that abuse occurs within the organization, and if that is a very rare case. On the other hand, they believe that the JHVH spirit will purify the organization in a way that will reveal to the elders the secret sins of such people and then they will expelled such from the congregation to remain congregation "clean". If the spirit of JHVH God reveals sins in WTJWORG, than the question arises as to, which spirit reveals the same sort of sins of people in the Catholic Church?
  2. I am an amateur in all and each areas of life. But as I understand climate change issue, the causes can be found in astronomy processes and in anthropological processes. Scientists speak differently than the official doctrines of the JW Church. Eg. The JW Church says that the Flood (Noah's day) was a great, global climate change caused by the action of God (not human, not Universe aka Sun, Moon, Stars and similar). This great global change, according to this interpretation, was not caused by the action of mankind on the nature and life of the planet Earth, nor was it the result of some astronomical activity and/or normal processes in the very life of Earth itself. -precession of the Earth's axis (period of about 20,000 years) -changes in the inclination of the Earth's axis (period of about 40,000 years) -change the shape of the Earth's path around the Sun (period about 100,000 years) Not so long ago, JW claimed that every day of creation lasted 7,000 years. Some older JW still believe it, perhaps. A small release from a theme with an illustration of the dinosaurs: When did the dinosaurs live? The Bible describes sea and land animals as being created during the fifth and sixth days, or epochs, of creation. * (Genesis 1:20-25, 31) Thus, the Bible allows for the appearance and existence of dinosaurs over a lengthy period of time. What happened to the dinosaurs? The Bible does not comment on the disappearance of the dinosaurs. However, it does state that all things were created “because of [God’s] will,” so God clearly had a purpose for making dinosaurs. (Revelation 4:11) When that purpose was fulfilled, God allowed the dinosaurs to become extinct. - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblijska-ucenja/pitanja/dinosauri-u-bibliji/ In my early period of being JW it was normal to believe how Dinosaurs was died in Noah Flood. In those time was Normal Official Doctrine to believe how each Creation Period was 7 000 years. So, by such old WT Doctrinal logic, Dinosaurs was old about 14 000 years and all died in Great Flood. Not millions of years as Science was told people. Today, JW Church not denied any more how Earth can be old UNKNOWN PERIOD of YEARS. That in other words means how it is possible that Earth and Life on it was OLD for MILLIONS of years. Perhaps we can found few ideas, possibilities on climate and life on Earth. And how "predictions" and Interpretations on predictions by WTJWORG is just one of interpretations. What does this all have with involvement, participation of JW Church and their members in activity about Environment and Climate on Earth? :))
  3. sorry for my haha to your post, but have to ask you, what "gender" issue have with this topic, and what my position on "gender" issue (if i have any position at all) have with this what i am thinking about JW and their passivity on climate movements in society?
  4. In various degrees of responsibility. Normal statement, also this is true for many other non JW people. WT publications openly teaching members to not be active in any social, ......etc. involvement for Changing this World (only when freedom of speech and religion is issue) Sorry, but in this sort of "conclusion" you advocate and call for, how all JW Society, even in this State/Condition of existence (in all aspects of regulations that exist inside WTJWORG Organization) is the Only Group on Earth that is Imperfectly Perfect. Even (according to religious ideas based on WT publications) only worth to live on Earth. And how there would be no need for efforts to make the world we live in a better place. This is pretentious and belong to arrogant statement - in my opinion :))).
  5. Although Jehovah’s Witnesses did not participate in the conference, they too are interested in the environment. Hundreds of them were involved in a special campaign in Paris to share their Bible-based hope of living on a pollution-free planet....that Jehovah’s Witnesses twice received a rating of Four Green Globes from the Green Building Initiative for their commitment to environmentally sustainable building design and construction for two new buildings at the Witnesses’ United States branch facilities in Wallkill, New York. - https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/activities/ministry/sharing-bible-based-hope-cop21/ In 2011, Daniel Asamoah, a Circuit Overseer of Jehovah's Witness, had this to say about the topic of global warming, as reported by Ghana Web: "The Earth is running a fever; man cuts trees indiscriminately, there is loss of fertile agricultural land, toxic waste introduced into the environment, global warming, deforestation, oil spillages. One day, very soon God's Kingdom will come and interrupt, solve these problems and give us lasting relief." - https://www.newsmax.com/fastfeatures/christian-global-warming-religion-climate-change/2015/05/06/id/642823/ Jehovah’s Witnesses stand out as an outlier, advocating for environmental action... - https://ncse.com/blog/2015/05/evolution-environment-religion-0016359 In article: The Earth Has a “Fever”—Is There a Cure? - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008647 NOTHING is said that JW people actively contributing in effort to less pollution of Earth. Just prayer for Kingdom. Here we see how JW people generally stay on PREACHING about climate in connection to Their Hope. Building two buildings in US with donated money not shows global JW efforts and commitment to contribute in active programs made by scientist about this issue.
  6. JW people often emphasize how old Israelite's were all educated and could read and write and nations around them are less educated. Question. What levels of education have existed at that time in the nation of Israel. Just to know read and write? Or, what was equivalent for education, in their time, we called today high school and university? Did elders of Israel congregation teaching young people /male and female/ not to educate self more in various knowledge's, that is not only spiritual aka religious? Did they talking to people; Israel Nation and State and Country is just temporary here on Earth, God will destroy all on Earth, so why to loosing your time in seeking for "worldly" knowledge, even inside Israel Land Boarders? :)) For a contrary, they believed how they will stay there Forever and have Kingdom Forever.
  7. "The best sign of truth is simplicity and clarity, the lie is always intricate, tawdry and eloquent." - Tolstoy "The lie does not kill with the mallet, but it runs through blood vessels like poison, slowly and cautiously, so it does not even notice how it works" - Ivan Cankar
  8. Is his nationality by birth as Polish above his Personal choice of belonging to Nationality of People of Jehovah's Witnesses? This is normal for prison and prisoners. I went through the same conditions and have no complain about it. My choice, my endure, my punishment. Prison authority just worked their job. ??? and what is main problem here. "Under duress" he signed? or Embassy staff was disappointed for not have visited him in first place? Again, JW brother is in negate state for all "Worldly Governments", Russian and Polish as well. As member of Kingdom Nation, Andrzej is not depending on "worldly" people help. Stay brave and endure!
  9. Ohh, than i can see this as an rare exception of the global, general rule on issue. :))
  10. Yeah, and in this Book is a law too, that one creature must kill another creature to survive.
  11. Job 14:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. .......perhaps only God can do this? Question is, would He using for such task; some of JW, some of Waking JW, some of ex-JW, some of Elders? .... and so on. Dear JW Insider, to set good example and shining - with good, proper, kind, truthful and loving deeds and words are necessary in all and every thing in our life. But would that be enough, would that be possible in Environment of JW Society and their Culture how to deal with Different even Opposite? Perhaps spirit of God can give such strength to some individual to Stay and to Survive in Such State, in such Organization. But...?! Recall Elijah 1 Kings 19. Israel people want to kill him because of his shinning. Is it different in "Spiritual Israel" today? Some JW made suicide, some was cut off socially/spiritually from other JW by Elders Judicial Judgement and suffer. Not me, i not suffer, because i decided to left. I suffer in other ways :))
  12. is not an idiot. Only used right tool to show to other Ox's how things are and looks if you standing on other side of fence. Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel. Perhaps Oscar, you spoke about, was/will save somebody life too. :))
  13. JW org flag replaced with Chilean flag ..............and all that was happened in Chile Land not in JW Land ? :)) It seems that these youths forgot how KH is in fact Embassy of Foreign Country and have Their Own Flag on Their Own Territory inside Chilean State.
  14. In my opinion, many things about "conscience" are problematic and causing questions. If it was original idea from God, when created human, to give to them that "conscience" as reliable instrument for making correct thoughts and deeds in ones life, than this have to be Unique thing and Only way for people how to live the life. In the meantime, from first days of human until now, we built empire of laws and rules, commands and similar. Why? To regulate people life in some society. By this we silently agree with conclusion how human conscience is not proper Divine instrument which is adequate to resolve things in mutual dealings, interactions between people. Even JHVH contribute to list of Law about what is forbidden and what is obligated. By such events, "freedom of conscience" was came under power of Ideology (Doctrine) described in The Law. Similar situation is also in JWORG. It can't be different. Idea of conscience in Society is in that range too. You can/may have your conscience, but your conscience have to be Trained and Guided by Bible Principles. What are Bible Principles? We (GBFDS) are authorized to explain you how looks and what are Bible Principles. So, your conscience are not any more Divine Instrument given by God, but Learned Behavior in particular group, society. Even in theoretically, religiously given explanation given to "worldly people" how you reject blood, flag salute, military service etc. because of your "Bible trained conscience" that is not as it was said that way. Because, here we have Ideology Law, Doctrine as fundamental stone mark for your choice. Your conscience as private belonging is submitted to One Idea (religious, political, social...). In such circumstances (rough, hard, under pressure) it is not our Conscience that giving Resistance, but our Knowledge about issue and/or our Membership to particular ideology or group. This Chile information's about Society and Conscience Matter are explainable in this frame of how society working and modeling or remodeling members conscience, builds and crashes ideology.
  15. If it is said in this way, it is not so surprising to be true. Some "clever" (read - spirit guided) individual/s from (??? HQ, Chile Betel, ...or somewhere else) found the new way how to run "theocratic warfare strategy". Inventive idea, for sure, but revealing to all of us, how deep some people are ready to go in manipulative behavior. Lies are untruths told for selfish reasons and which work injury to others. Satan told a lie to Eve that worked great harm to her and all the human race. Ananias and Sapphira told lies for selfish reasons. But hiding the truth, which he is not entitled to know, from an enemy does not harm him, especially when he would use such information to harm others who are innocent...The only way they can fulfill the command to preach the good news of God’s kingdom is by use of theocratic war strategy. By underground methods....Today God’s servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. God’s servants are sent forth as sheep among wolves and therefore need to exercise the extreme caution of serpents so as to protect properly the interests of God’s kingdom committed to them. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1957327
  16. Yes Anna, probably "wind of change" introduce new view on beard issue. So, "my truth" about it till the 2015, the year of my leaving JW, was true also. :))
  17. It is known to me too how congregations (read elders) in the same town have different views about same things. Wearing suits or not in summer time, long or short shirt sleeve, organized excursions to the assembly or nothing similar, whether the party is organized in a private house or brothers and sister would like to rent some place, beard you mentioned is mostly forbidden in every cong., or if you (not you but some bro :))) want to have it such person is almost less then sister,because sister can have presentation on stage, beard man not. Wearing a beard, for example, was/is in fact doctrinal matter,not just local, folkloric issue, because that was mentioned in study editions of Wt magazine and similar internal publication for week meetings. I just have unproven assumption how this issue was from Russel - Rutherford period. And dragging it to this days. Flag issue was raised to highly doctrinal matter because of significance for Neutrality Issue. And it is General Issue and not just Local Elders Dilemma. In this i have little different view than You. If elders by decision they made stumble congregant or more than one it is too long for waiting 6 or more months to solve matter. Bible say "before sun went down" aka sunset :))) :)))))) too many of them are blind and deaf and mute, only humans but on powerful position. Haha, complains comes to their ears because of whistlers. Thanks for correspondence.
  18. You gave strong evidence of your inside attitude and standpoint. Must be neutrality issue reasoning.
  19. Fine explanation for sure. You are anti communist but not anti capitalist ? :))
  20. Ok Billy, if this scenario is working in your imagination i have nothing against. But, give evidence that Elders Body of particular KH report this "trespassing" and "unauthorized access to building" to Secular Authority or at least that they have documents that such vandalism was happened. Because that would exactly been the case if your Explanation is true. But take in consideration how Elders Body in LACK of TWO WITNESSES perhaps would DROP the CASE in JHVH hand to resolve issue with flag and not want to involve Police in this the mysterious appearance of the flag. hehe :))
  21. As far as i know, all written materials (read dissemination of "spiritual food" and Instructions Letters as well) from HQ in USA to all other Bethels around the world are in English language. Why? Because every Bethel in some country that cover one or several language territory, has own Translation Department or at least Volunteers who Translate from English to domestic language. Zagreb Bethel has Translation Department too and I Personally know many Bro and Sis from Past Time to This Time who served and serving in TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH TOO CROATIAN language. Billy, Billy :))))))))
  22. Thanks for respond and expressed thoughts. I am aware that about some issues, elder body bring that in front congregation (and suggesting expected outcome too) and about some other they alone making decision as in this question. So we can ask question: what kind of arrangement is in Congregation, Is it Hierarchy by Position and Duties, Is it Democracy with votes, Is it Theocracy and God's spirit is power who guide personal and collective decision on some higher level , or is it something else? I ask this, because some issues in congregation are handled exactly by Votes of all baptized congregants. In the same time there is also questions that is matter of interest for all members but elders body not making matter public, to make Resolution, but they push own decision. This i see as discrepancy and intended changing of rules of those who have power when they see it is in their "interest" or if they perhaps not have "faith" in members. In last sentence you mentioned how they will take in account conscience of others. This is possible to found or to get to know by; Voting system or by Referendum or by some sort of Survey. Letter from HQ say nothing about this, but put on elders body exclusivity to decide. Well again, what sort of system is Congregation? Religious/democracy shape where people sometimes have privilege to vote and sometimes they don't? Management established by WT HQ in Elders body structure? Theocratic structure where all persons making unite decision UNDER lead of holy spirit? Or something else?
  23. Letter explained how Collective Conscience of Elders make Decision to Put or Not to Put Flag on KH in Chile. So, nobody asked Bro and Sis of particular congregation? Interesting. No Resolution regard Flag? But Collective Conscience of Elders is Imperative? This makes old-new aspect on JWORG. Who and what RUN your decisions? Your Natural/Artificial Conscience? JW Collective Conscience? Elders Body Conscience? GB Conscience? WT Lawyers Conscience? ....and similar.
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