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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Dear Tom, you over reacted, i expected more balanced understanding of my quote, from you after all at the end. But on other hand you revealed i am on good track with my observations on subject. I understand your worry, but you find my question stupid before, when i asked; Why JW not sending Letters for non-JW people, or would JW sending Letters not only on behalf other JW, but on behalf of other who not belong to JW community. Well now; Presentation of Galatians 6:10 as argument on standpoint you like to highlight with tendency to justify JW passivity about other social, religious, etc. groups falls down with more important moral lesson, given not by Paul, but by Jesus himself. Please, let me remind all of us here, on: 29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ 36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Jesus answered on your question what is wrong with that. You don't need stupid boy like me to answer on your questions :)))
  2. Thanks James, same feelings from my side too. Words, birds of a feather flock together, well says how things are. In ornithology aspects, human have loves for all or almost for all birds. But in aspects of "human birds", human "bird" making choice/choices about other sort of human birds. In common, general aspects that usually ending in prejudice, rejecting, "flocking" in separate societies, groups and similar. Such things around us are "normal". We all were borne in this "normal" life conditions and accepting these ideas as ours too. People of Earth "dreaming" one global, the same "dream". No, matter of the "flock" they temporary belongs, they have common "dream" as heritage from past generations. And in global terms, they all, almost all, are so deep in this dream, but so effective in so called awaken state, that they think they are awake. Dream so deep that make you thinking, feeling you are awake :))) In that sense, thoughts i am talking about, how your suffer, your tears, your pain, your happiness, your doubts and many other things, it should mean something to me too. "The sign", no matter of what origin, that others put on our forehead, or we have chosen it by ourselves, is an obstacle, not a blessing.
  3. This quote you provide can be more clearly put in this one substitute sentence, and thus reveals YOUR (or JW view in general ?) secret wishes of heart and state of mind: JW members are less concerned about suffer of people who are not JW.
  4. I am not sure is it "torture", of any kind, in police/military investigations, legal or illegal by the Law of particular country. Believe it is not. But, if police went over, above permitted methods in investigations of those JW people, than they must be called for accountability about violence, for sure !!
  5. Sorry, but i can not resist to make little fun on this, with question: Do they (JW) sending Letters to some government, political group or major of town where people and structures not protecting LGBT community enough or not protecting at all? Mine stupidity is great :))))) because, as i know, JW members, congregations or WT-HQ, Betel's, NOT sending Letters pro, in behalf of non -JW people who suffer under some system. Answer why,is in WTJWorg publications. But Letters to Politicians about JW in Russia is ok to send. It is not about my wrongs, but ....:))))
  6. By now, news of the vicious anti-LGBT campaign in the Russian republic of Chechnya has made its way around the world. The evidence is clear. Hundreds of men have been detained, beaten, humiliated and tortured — for the sole offense of being who they are. Russian reporters have confirmed at least three extrajudicial killings. Victims continue to share horrific accounts of torture facilities. The Chechen government’s efforts to deny its crimes are less than convincing. “You cannot detain and persecute people who simply do not exist in the republic,” as one spokesman put it. - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/democracy-post/wp/2017/04/25/eastern-europe-must-break-its-silence-on-russias-anti-gay-campaign/?utm_term=.d267c18b498e Would WTJWorg take stand for rights of these community too? They are also "persecuted" by the King of the North, and their human rights are violated. Inside WTJWorg comunity rules not allowed this way of living for people who are what they are, who not fit in. WTJworg bans that this sort of people come to be JW members and live and practice their way of living. Is this religious stand also sort of "extremism", Patriot law based on religious beliefs? Also, as another examples for illustration, we can count this - WTJWorg intolerant view; on worldly education, interfaith marriage, some medical treatments, social contacts with unbelievers (only for purpose of preaching). Very, very poor or complete lack of charity work for non JW community (preaching is not charity work). So, if WTJWorg are firm and ready to defend their view on who and how can be part of their community, WHY is so problematic for JW people to recognize and accept how similar and same right have Russian community, nation? Answer is; have, get your own country, territory and Land Law that suits to your Way of living and Beliefs.
  7. Sort of Patriot law, or anti-terror legislative as in other countries. Question is, what inspired, motivated Russian government to put JW on list. JW people "preaching"? JW Religious legislative and teachings can be in some aspects recognized as "extremism". And they are. So, why to be so surprised with measures of states? They protect their interests, as WT protects their interests too.
  8. Possible. Do you know where they removed literature? In recycling paper boxes? Or in basements? Maybe police playing this game with "theocratic warfare" rules.
  9. What reports, who confirms this claim? JW literature was always give reports and experience how members obeyed more god aka organizational WT instructions than governments. Secret meetings, secret preaching, secret transport of publications, hiding of all sorts. JW History not supports claim you presented. I am living Witness, because lived in part of the world where JW activity was cca 2/3 free, 1/3 not tolerated.
  10. Violence of all sort is unacceptable, intolerable. But, we all participate in it in some way, to some extent. Think about it!! Now please, go to past and recall how God's chosen people, named Israel, dealt with people who didn't fit in their society. Now, go in today reality of another God's chosen people aka Jehovah's Witnesses. In their society the rules are based on similar or same "principles". Person from out side, aka "worldly people", or "questionable" member, don't fit in also. Yes, JW members do not put problematic member or ex-JW into prison, Siberia etc, but they also have "violent" methods on how to deal with such one. These methods are shunning, ignoring, conditioning. Yes, exposing another man, your neighbor, even family member, to such types of church punishments because he/she do not fit to your religious ideas and customs (doctrinal matters) is showing strong violence and cruelty, with same or similar effects as physical violence. If some JW people try to look in desired future time, according to his/her hope, then we have another level of possible violence that major group, aka all JW worshipers in New World, will show to all individuals who will not fit to JW picture of life in Paradise under JW Society Condition. And what that will be, how will it look like? Maybe we can found out something from history and present time of all this God's Worshipers!
  11. If JW religion is ready to accept baptism of underage /minor children (5-17 year of age) maybe parents and elders will consider how marriage of such children isn't wrong idea too. :)))) If this children are able (read - mature) to make decision of dedication to God (for a life time), so what can be hard/difficult for them to dedicate life in marriage to other person? What a logic?! haha
  12. quote fact 1) people think it’s so simple to run a big corporation, quote fact 2) people think ...., and the corporation isn’t governed by local, state and federal laws. If i understand enough what you said, i am coming to conclusion how God have very hard, complicate job in running WT big corporation (emphasize is on "big"). And also, how God must be careful how to run WT, because He's corporational decisions need to be in harmony with local, state and federal laws. So much about "spirit directed/guided organization". :))) In WTJWorg case, when they talking about "spirit" who directing WTJWorg organization, they mean - JHVH God is that one who directing -guiding organization. But, after reading comments by JW people, we see how they assure us of true reality: how, in fact, some people and local, state and federal laws directing this big organization. Thanks to all JW defenders who by this sort of defending WTJWorg reveals us how things works. And more important Revelation is, how some JW members participating here "have little or no FAITH at all, that God's Spirit Directing their Organization. Coming From their mouth, not from "apostate" or "worldly" mouth.
  13. You made an excellent point ... WTJWorg is: just like any other religion. So, it seems how my bible verse answer is less important for you or any other person similar to you because, subconsciously, you accept second reality about JW religon, and that is .... just like any other religion and corporation. By this claim of your how WTJWorg basically Operate just like any other religion, JW idea how your organization is spirit-guided coming to next level conclusion. WTJWorg is under same "spirit guidance" just like any other religion. Next question about what is needed to think is: Does "spirit" guiding so called organization as legal entity, or real question is: Does "spirit" guiding person/persons in some social group? If second is real answer, and I believe it is, than problem is not society, organization or corporation itself, but leadership. By that "spirit-guided organization", in this case WTJWorg not existing and it is impossible to exist, because "spirit, spirits" of any sort is not interesting to have influence on imagine legal or illegal entity of any sort, but main task of any sort of "spirit, spirits" is to have influence, power OVER PERSON or GROUP of PERSONS who are or are not "organized". Because "organizing" is creative work of "spirit, spirits". Important thing that you negate, by laughing on bible verse in Mathew, is in fact that WTJWorg leadership, every single person in that group, and of course every JW member in the World, have to find The Truth about self and than The Truth about other members inside same group (family, friends, congregation etc. ... all long to a Top Hierarchy in Warwick) This sort of Truth is more important, essentially important than (in comparison to) "WT Organizational Doctrinal Truths" about this and that teachings, instructions, rules.
  14. Interesting is how some Corporations giving to their employees a document/contract to sign, how they are obligated to not Reveal to Public this or that (Confidential) Information. So, can somebody answer on question: Did elders or any other WT employees (or "full time servant" of any of WT Order) signed such obligation?? Second, if WT JWorg and any other WT Corporation around the World claims how they have not CLERGY - LAITY structure, classes, according to Public Claims in WT publications, than there is no need to producing/printing or verbally spreading any kind/sort of "secret spiritual food" that could not be/should not be suitable or recommended to be read and seen by every single JW member. EXISTENCE OF WT SECRET PUBLICATIONS, BOOKS AND OTHER VERBAL, PAPER OR DIGITAL DOCUMENTS, THAT ARE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN CONNECTION WITH MEMBERS, PROVES EXISTENCE OF CLERGY - LAITY CLASSES INSIDE JW RELIGION.
  15. Industrial espionage. Intellectual espionage. Intellectual ownership, property. Spiritual, religious truths. Spiritual food that is free and should be given free, to share it to all people without distinction. WT Corporation loses money and they need money for many reasons. Beside common methods of collecting money by donation of members they are ready to "earn" money even by suing people, or other institutions, even states. Contradiction of this GB directives is revealed by Bible itself. What "intellectual ownership" exist in WT Company??!! Of What Sort is such intellectual property?? This are: Doctrinal falsehoods, errors, failed ideas, instructional wrongs, misconceptions, flip-flop teachings, futile hope/hopes/hoping for millions of members and other sympathizers. Is that "food" worth anything? How much $ you will be ready to pay for past "new light" of WT publications? But JW members give money for similar "intellectual lies" today. Without any doubt! JW members pays with life and with money all such spiritual food from GBfds who "received (error) food for free from "God"", but after GB "Warwick kitchen cooking" they ask for money for distribution/sharing/dispensation process. Freely you have received; freely give. Mat 10:8 ....... But NO, they are so called OWNERS of INTELLECTUAL KNOWLEDGE that must be paid. :)))))))) Shameless and Brazenly!!!
  16. This JW members put their health and life to big risks and for what? For WT doctrines that will be changed very soon. Interesting. It would be understandable, to some measure, that JW as one of Christian Denomination, talking about Bible and Jesus Teaching. But to Incorporate, into Jesus Teachings, all WTGB doctrinal Errors, past and present, and future errors that will be visible in future time-frames, and to preaching such things to people in purpose to make them JW members, is tragedy.
  17. - link JW Insider provided, quoted this twice: No deben existir barreras porque los gobiernos y las religiones deben privilegiar la paz en la tierra, afirman in English; There must be no barriers because governments and religions must privilege peace on earth, they say In general can agree. But not understand what some/particular JW community has with giving opinion and standpoint about Political matters (The Trump Wall) and Interaction between Political and Religious parties. On other side, if reports are true, some immigrants groups, in Germany as i recalled, done serious crimes. As it can be seen on picture, Tlaxcala KH have Wall, Fence around building, as many of other houses have too. So what is the reason for talking about borders, barriers and giving "Lessons", to people outside JW community, about how Things should be among so called Worldly Nations?
  18. Hi TTH! Yes, I should have refrained from commenting on your long post. In that you are right. Some Other thoughts you provide are questionable :))) And yes, you are right in that how i am not your friend and not friend of JW members. But that is not obstacle for giving my opinion on matters about JW.
  19. OHHH Tom, i hoped that you can tell what you want to tell with 50, 100 or 200 words. But no, you need cca 4 000 words and make me not want to read what you want to say. Perhaps someone else will react different than me. :)))
  20. The World is one big Corporation, i see. ;)) WT must fight for own Material Possessions like in Brazil. Brazil is good precedent, established by WT. WT is good and experienced in making new Legal Entities that serve WT interests. So, it is possible to form, let say, Russian-American Cultural Society where people can learn social skills, ethnic music, knitting etc. All with warm cup of good Russian Tea. And they can make own identity cards for 25 kopejki ( Russian kopéĭka). Well Tom, you want to assure me how all is about Money and Real-Estate. In fact You are so right, correct.
  21. Dear Tom, when JW religion come to be ONLY religion in the world (as you hopes) than this religion would destroy any potential danger of other way of religious thinking, and not only DFD opponents, but make them to disappear. Or perhaps deport them to some island (New Australia maybe , haha). In that i find tragedy and irony about WTJWorg "future system". Today, WT members want all Religious Freedom ...for all (first for self) . Tomorrow, WT members will persecute all opposite religious opinion, another way of Worship and give NO Religious Freedom to future generation people in NW System/Order. Today WT implements spiritual killings in shape/model of dfd and shunning. Tomorrow ....?? That is main problem ... not my feelings about different religious affiliations.
  22. Here we have Russian Government who working their job in protecting their Nation from this and that. But this is also somehow similar to Malawi when GB instructed brotherhood in that country not to buy ID card aka Party card, because of "neutrality". With such "command" they was responsible (cca: 50% or more GB and 50% or less JW members) for bad outcome for all those who suffered and been killed. WT aka GB, GB aka WT was responsible for people's health and life. There, in Russia, similar situation took place. Secular authority made decision, justice or injustice, to ban one Religion/Corporation. What choices JW members have. To obey Secular authority or to obey GB? Or to find third way? If they find Third way, out of GB instructions, i am very sure how JHVH God will be last Person in Universe who would blame them for Alternative Decisions/Choices.
  23. Russian JW bro and sis love each other, i guess, and want to show it in a way to not say names of fellow believers. It is understandable. I guess they are "ready" to give their freedom, health and life for other JW. But in dry administrative words, we all can agree in idea, how this JW Russian people EXPECTED all this "persecution" and talking to each other about it and talking to people in Field Service how time will come when satan with his people will imprison, kill and beat JW, not only in Russia but in a whole World. Even Convention Programs Alarmed all JW people around the World how such time is very close. And that day has come, for Russian JW (come again in Russia, after USSR era ban and isolation). In countries where there is no such problems, JW people "eagerly" waiting Armageddon, but when this sort of Armageddon comes on JW people, than all come to be unhappy and blame satan, evil Government, Police, President etc. Going to UN, OSCE, Strasbourg for help and religious freedom. WT pressing charges and similar. Why, if "prophecies" must be fulfilled? Why if Bible say, "happy are those who are persecuted" ? But for what reason? For Justice, Righteousness. Of Christ. "Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires". Not for WT, human religious corporation and organization, requires. Again, it is not about to have "JW religion", organization. It is about to have Spirit and Truth, as Witness very well emphasized in her comment.
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