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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. What would it be if it were happened..... We do not need this imagination because we have real people with real events dear Anna.
  2. Did WT made change about need for TWO witnesses? Did WT allow that sisters/women be present in investigation process as support for male and especially female minors victims and other victims no matter of ages? Did WT allow that sister/women be involved in Judicial process that involve sex crimes and domestic violence inside and outside family environment when female victims are involved? Did WT open secret files and fully cooperate with police and Courts? .....etc.
  3. I like this thought very much. First time that i saw somebody put it in writing or say it aloud in this simple but distinctive sentence. Bravo John!
  4. If i can recall this post of John about this information (correct me if it is wrong) John has heard that from other person. So now, we here are in some similar, strange position, because we heard, about crime that has happened, from John. I think how some scientific discipline, like sociology and psychology, could explain what happens inside people in such situations we talking about. Why do we react or not react? How do we react? Why we do not want to interfere in someone else's problems? Why it easier to be passive and to go on other side? .... etc.
  5. Whether Manasseh was only sinner in Israel? Why sins of all other individuals has not been made public too? Definition of reinstate transitive verb 1: to place again (as in possession or in a former position) 2: to restore to a previous effective state JW Judicial Committee can REINSTATE only those JW who was been DISFELLOWSHIPED by that same Judicial Commitee. Repentance, as state of mind and heart, in a life of person who has made some "sin", secret or public, have nothing with 3 men sitting in a back room of KH with Manual Book.
  6. sudden or suddenly ..... or very slowly...... obviously much, much more than 7000 years. Why not about millions years? What is 100 000 000 year for God? What is 700 000 000 for Him? ..... or xy years ......? ...Nothing!..... But for you, Arauna, is a big PROBLEM :)))
  7. Terminology: judicial committee and reinstated are clearly, plainly Corporational words in WTJworg inc. Religion. The Bible calls people to forgive each other's sins. The Bible invites us to pray to God in this way: and forgive us our debts (sins), as we also have forgiven our debtors. By MESSAGE in Lord's Prayer, God is very willful to forgive all sins to people, .... in fact he has already done that, even before your birthday. By Jesus words, God is more interested for another thing, that people forgiving each other. Because Jesus speaks of a precondition; "Forgive your neighbor" ... then God will look at you mercifully too. If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” “Openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may get healed.” By this Bible logic in this 3 places it is not needed to give confess and/or ask for forgiveness from some Legal Religious Body. Ones "secret sin" will be "forgiven" if you in your mind and heart "confess" it to God, not to men. Another thing is our psychological side and our inside need to "tell someone" about our inside soul problem and turmoil. "Sin" aka injustice that ones have done to his neighbor is also separate thing. If you are aware of your bad act toward somebody around you, then you must go to this person who you offend, say bad words, done bad or evil thing. You must confess and ask forgiveness FROM HIM.
  8. If it is so as this declaration No 10 say, than WHY elders must contact Legal Department first on how this purely religious proceeding must continue. ?? How it is possible that mature elders can not decide (independently, according to their so called "Bible-educated" conscience or better - according to their Natural God given Conscience) how first thing, in benefit for the victim, is that POLICE have to secure PHYSICAL SAFETY FOR VICTIM, and then after this first step or parallel to this very first move that must been done, is SPIRITUAL SAFETY for victim that this so called "mature men" have to provide. According to your brother Asch in his deposition, he made this CLEAR DISTINCTION about PHYSICAL SAFETY and SPIRITUAL SAFETY and how WT GB and their Lawyers defending themselves and their money and their Organizational Honor. Your respond on John's post is how things he mentioned is from past, in 1980 es. ARC is from 2015 and WT elders in Australia are very bad role model as those elders from 1980 period. No progress was made in benefit for victims. All because of money and WTJWorg Corporation Public Picture. Face the TRUTH and Reality please!
  9. Sorry, but if we think how one part of science field is unreliable in one part of thesis and if you found one part of scientists as unreliable in some specific area of discussion, but other part is reliable, then we can come only to conclusion how probably we will not know nothing for sure. Always some doubts will be in air. Perhaps that is normal condition for humankind. But this looks as something normal, because the same condition i can see in WT World. Many using WT own evidence against them.
  10. "from wise and intellectual ones" Kingdom Interlinear translate this with "from comprehending ones" Definition of comprehend https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comprehend transitive verb 1: to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of unable to comprehend what has happened 2: to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount… philosophy's scope comprehends the truth of everything which man may understand …— Henry Osborn Taylor 3: to include by construction or implication Does not prudence comprehend all the virtues?— Thomas B. Silver Our civilization comprehends great variety and complexity …— Perry Meisel 4: to understand (something, such as a difficult or complex subject) 5: to understand (something, such as a difficult or complex subject) By this, in my comprehending of issue :))), Jesus say nothing against Education in human Society. GB has made wrong understanding and interpretations about this verse. Even if we using NWT Translation, here is nothing for Bible readers today, to say how Education is wrong. WT has completely erroneously using this verse for purpose to promote false teaching. Definition of intellectual (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: of or relating to the intellect or its use b: developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience : RATIONAL c: requiring use of the intellectintellectual games 2a: given to study, reflection, and speculation b: engaged in activity requiring the creative use of the intellectintellectual playwrights
  11. As to my knowledge, Judicial Committee will not disfellowshipp somebody because he/she going to University. But if father of such child is an elder some questions can be directing to him. Sometimes congregational environment, details of group interrelations, fundamentalism of some prominent individuals (elders) can be involved on how such persons will be treated. Some young bro or sis parallely going to University and pioneering. By that they softening some "attacks" and "disarm" those who would try to complain. General JW policy is against Higher Education, and that is evident from official statements in publications and public talks.
  12. Dear Felix, your gave your trust in "noble man" of GB. JW believe how only They are anointed to making interpretations on Bible text. I am not making "criticism" about WT but have Critical Thinking about WTGB doctrines and policy. My name is Srećko, in English Lucky, Happy and Successful, Latin is Felix :)))) Important!! Read this 3 times every day, every 8 hours, as antibiotic cure :)) Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God?
  13. I do not understand your position Arauna. You using so called "scientific" names, words, evidences .... but have big doubts about science and scientists. Well, why you talking about Cambrian period when you in your title put clear statement that send your strong belief how millions of years about fossils (and not only about fossils but all other things about Earth and Universe) is something impossible because Bible not support such view. Previous you said, quote: "It is a totally unscientific statement and even if you say you are a scientist 1000 times, it does not make you a scientist..." and "There are many kinds of scientists" Cambrian Period, earliest time division of the Paleozoic Era, extending from 541 million to 485.4 million years ago. The Cambrian Period is divided into four stratigraphic series: the Terreneuvian Series (541 million to 521 million years ago), Series 2 (521 million to 509 million years ago), Series 3 (509 million to 497 million years ago), and the Furongian Series (497 million to 485.4 million years ago). https://www.britannica.com/science/Cambrian-Period You give us impression you don't accept how fossils are millions of years old but you say this: There are no life forms in the evolutionary record which proves step by step development of feathers or flight etc. Cambrian explosion proves that. Many JW still believe in 7000 year period of Creative days. Here, you want to prove how Evolution is impossible because Cambrian explosion of life proves opposite. But in same time forget how Cambrian period last (happened - edited), few hundreds millions years, according to scientists. Well, 7000 years against millions of Cambrian years. What would you chose in fact, what you want to chose today?
  14. Teaching and inspiring, about this issue, is job for Spirit, not for me to care about. Because Word we talking about aka Bible aka God's and Jesus's teaching are not came in existence with my birth day. If you believe in Bible reports about Power of Spirit who made that people speaking various languages and in that way give testimony about God, then you can put your trust in this same Spirit. This Spirit, i suppose, is able to overcome language barriers, you talking about, because this same Spirit was causing language barriers in humankind before many centuries, according to Bible report. People run Corporations (GB run WTJWorg inc.) but I am not sure that Holy Spirit have interest to run any Human Corporation. I would rather be ready to believe how Holy Spirit wish to run human hearts. By such influence, on people's hearts .... all your doubts can be explained. :))
  15. Sorry, but it seems to me how speaker made wrong illustration. First and main reason of all --- you said that bottle is filled with TWO DIFFERENT oils. Here is the answer, Two Different oils. So, oils are already different, outside the bottle or inside the bottle. He used oils that are made of different substances (numbers of molecules and atoms and connections between them). But human specie is all the same. If you put people from Africa or those from Asia in North Pole area all of them will feel cold. If you put Christian or Atheist in some temptation, all of them will respond in similar ways. World is not black/white always, only sometimes. Most of the time is in colors. So, "not to be part of the world" in fact not existing, because all people are the same, making good and bad things and living in interactions with other "oils".
  16. i just went to my Kingdom Interlinear Translation Copyright 1985 by WTBTS of Pennsylvania and IBSA 800 000 copies. Publishers: WTBTS of New York inc. and IBSA Brooklyn Made in USA IN Greek text not existing word "accordingly"
  17. Dear JW Insider and Arauna! I would like to turn your attention on literal graphic of my letters "C14" is widespread tool, method, also used many times by GB in spiritual dating of various Bible events (607 for example :)))). "C14" here (is sort of parable, symbolic meaning) have meaning of how methods for age determination with Carbon 14, some people considered as unreliable and inadequate or insufficient for longer periods of time. When connected "C14" with GB, I mean on that part of spiritual methods and instruments in hand of GB who try to determine, reveal, explain things and concepts in Bible. And how GB using "tools" of all kind, but such instruments and methods they using are not provide All Time Truth, but repeating mistakes.
  18. If we take in consideration how "voice" of Spirit beside His powerful expressions have other side too, and that is that Spirit is very sensible, soft, coming to human individuals if we allow Him to come. Spirit is (i think) not pushy, demanding, Spirit not love to force other to accepting what He want, but He love our free will and He love to see our give Welcome to Him. To Spirit is easier to approach to us, if in us there is no noise, that kind of noise because of what, we can not hear his quiet and soft voice, call: "Come!, Hear Me!"... or else. But as i express myself in previous comments, Spirit can go wherever He want to go, when ever He want, and to "visit" all people no matter what they are in particular time. Even if you are in mess He can come to you. I see sort of "technical problem and spiritual problem" when you mentioned "purpose of meetings" in JW community. Program of meetings are in sphere of Uniformity under common believes how worldwide Unity depends on Same Program for All. This is, i think, one moment when Human Program makes barrier for Free Spirit to come. (two things i have in mind with Free Spirit, and that is Holy Spirit and your Personal Spirit). I am very sure how all of you (us) feel the need for something different when come to meeting. For example, need to sit in peace and silence and thinking about own stuff, or just looking around on other people and to observe, to notice and be perceptive about surrounding ..... But when things are ordered in advance, from day to day, week to week, your current needs, feelings and state of mind can not be satisfied. You became sort of Robot with idea how you must do this or that because other ask you that, it is Expected from you. Just for little illustration. :)) This is why i am pleased and have honor to have conversation with few of you here :)
  19. This is very motivating idea for all of us and i see it as result of Free Spirit. :))
  20. I can give example of some strange situation in 1 century. Act s 19:1-6 is first that fall on my head :))) In the course of events, while A·polʹlos+ was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland regions and came down to Ephʹe·sus.+ There he found some disciples 2 and said to them: “Did you receive holy spirit when you became believers?”+ They replied to him: “Why, we have never heard that there is a holy spirit.” 3 So he said: “In what, then, were you baptized?” They said: “In John’s baptism.”+ 4 Paul said: “John baptized with the baptism in symbol of repentance,+telling the people to believe in the one coming after him,+ that is, in Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul laid his hands on them, the holy spirit came upon them,+ and they began speaking in foreign languages and prophesying.+ Here we see how some disciple have legal status before God even without some knowledge, information or power to speak or doing things that some other disciple can and in fact they doing. It is strange that this disciple who learned The Truth from John knew nothing about Holy Spirit. Because John was man who was been inspired and guided by that same Holy Spirit??!! And people around them accepted him as Man from God. In last part of this verses we see how this Ignorant Disciples began speaking and prophesying under the Power Of Spirit. It is normal conclusion, to me, that this disciples did not know, have no clue what they are speaking and prophesying about. Because in one moment they are those who never heard about HS and in another second they have been INSPIRED, even without own will and wish to be inspired. Paul just laid hand on them. They have been baptized twice :))) ... very confusing situation how Spirit operates in human reality. John baptized Jesus and many other people. But to accept Jesus, Paul told them they have to be baptized again. Imagine possibility how these disciples were baptized on the same day as Jesus?! As you see, i can not give example how Free Spirit will or can operate. All i can do is just/only to make questions about.
  21. What is essence of my little/short essay is to highlight main question: WHO can be inspired, guided, motivated to speak and act under The God's Spirit influence? As a sub-question we can ask further question: Does God's Spirit have limitations in the self made choice about, to who he wants to inspire and how he wants to inspire him?
  22. This nice observation can be use for (from my perspective of looking) WT "scientists" aka bible scholars in general, or GB - FDS as origin, source, in role of those who giving permission for printing (and all other form of distribution) all past, present and future interpretations. "C14" is widespread tool, method, also used many times by GB in spiritual dating of various Bible events (607 for example :)))).
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