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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. https://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2018/jan/12/ticker-jehovahs-witnesses-settle-sex-abuse-case/#


    Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case


    Victim filed lawsuit six (6) years ago

    By Dorian Hargrove, Jan. 12, 2018


    A lawsuit is now settled between a former victim of sexual abuse and Jehovah's Witnesses. According to the court's website, the case is under a "conditional settlement." The terms and conditions of the settlement are not public.

    José Lopez filed the lawsuit back in 2012, nearly 20 years after church elder Gonzalo Campos molested him and several other young children who were members of the Linda Vista congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    As reported by the Reader, Campos, who fled to Mexico to escape criminal charges, admitted to committing the acts to Lopez’s and another victim's attorney, Devin Storey, while giving testimony in one of the cases.

    “I touched him in his private parts,” Campos testified.

    Attorney Storey: “Did you touch his penis?”

    Campos: “Yes.”

    Storey: “Did you penetrate him?”

    Campos: “Yes. Yes.”

    Storey: “How many times?”

    Campos: “More than once. I don’t know.”

    In 2009, five other alleged victims sued the Watchtower and Bible and Tract Society of New York, the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses, over the molestation by Campos and the Watchtower's refusal to act.

    That case settled for an undisclosed amount in 2012, the same year that Lopez filed his lawsuit and a year before another victim, Osbaldo Padron, filed his.

    Then, in 2015, a state court judge ruled that the Watchtower had failed to cooperate with discovery in the Lopez case. The judge awarded a $13.5 million judgment in favor of Lopez.

    The Watchtower later appealed the decision and managed to get the decision rescinded and promised to produce the requested documents.

    Meanwhile, a fight over documents was also occurring in Padron's case, the one filed shortly after Lopez’s lawsuit.

    At issue was Watchtower’s refusal to turn over a letter from headquarters that asked for the names of alleged sexual abusers in the church.

    But at the same time other documents had been released by the Linda Vista congregation, which showed the congregation and headquarters were aware that Campos had sexually assaulted young boys and a girl but still considered him eligible to return to the congregation.

    “In our meeting with him he said he was very repentant for what he did,” wrote an elder at Linda Vista's congregation to Watchtower headquarters in New York in 1999.

    “He stated that he wanted to return to Jehovah. He is willing to face the victims and ask their forgiveness. He now wants to obey Jehovah. Before, when he would speak to people on the platform he would not meditate on what he was doing. Although he needed to confess, he felt shameful and had fear of mankind. He would deceive himself thinking that he could continue serving as an elder. Now he realized that he could not change without help. Ever since his expulsion he has not abused anyone. He has read articles of the publications regarding his sin. He says he does not see or read pornographic information. He stated that ever since expulsion he has worked on having a relationship with Jehovah and the expulsion has served to strengthen him spiritually. He does not miss meetings, and he even takes notes of the program. He also said that he is willing to continue accepting Jehovah’s discipline.”

    While the two sides continued to fight over discovery in the Lopez case, another judge issued sanctions against the Watchtower for refusing to turn over documents in the Padron case.

    The Watchtower also appealed that decision as well.

    As covered by the Reader, in November a state appellate court rejected the appeal, sending the case back to state court and keeping the $4000-per-day sanctions in place.

    Meanwhile, as the Padron case was heading back to state court, attorneys for Lopez and Watchtower agreed to settle the Lopez case.

    Lopez’s attorney, Irwin Zalkin, did not respond to a request for comment prior to publication of this article.

    There is no word yet whether Padron's case has also been settled. A hearing is scheduled for next month.


    More stories by Dorian Hargrove

    Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case — Jan. 12, 2018

  2. 6 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    money and finance in the realm of trust funds does not care for your feelings,

    Very true! But not only to my feelings. I have for bread and water.

    But many people are starving and are sick because of LACK of care FOR THEIR feelings and situations .... of this money and finance, trust funds etc and those who run this things.

     So, please give lesson and correction to those who HAVE so called KNOWLEDGE about financial terms and RUIN LIFE of those who are "ignorant" or have lack of Knowledge How Money Works.

    Tell poor and hungry children who suffer, that they suffer because they and their parents have LACK of Knowledge. 


  3. 20 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Let's be serious Rook. Regarding self-defense and active protection, regardless of who you are, a workman, a priest, a cheerleader, an engineer, a dog walker, etc.

    What is the one key thing that all people in this realm of defense must know?

    This is common knowledge regarding self-defense.

    I'm asking you this one key thing in regards to self-defense and protecting oneself with or without the ability to inflict harm and or death.

    This is self-protection 101, why is it still you cannot answer when such a thing is of high importance?


    Krav Maga teacher in one school for self defense say:   Our motto is 'No egos! Stay humble!!'

  4. 2 minutes ago, Outta Here said:

    That is true, but while he sees fit to run it the way he currently does, I don't want a single red cent of my money going to finance anything other than what I donated it for. Rock on.....!

    YOU COVERING THE TRUE  with FALSELY quotes!!   If you want to be HONEST, then NOT CUT my Quotes :)))))) Your WT are Master in MISQUOTING ?? Please, DO NOT be like Them!

    I see i must give a pray for You tonight :))

  5. On 10/26/2018 at 9:37 PM, The Librarian said:

    Death and sin entered the human world. Adam knew what death was because the animals would die, which means he was aware of his eventuality. ( How Adam would have understand what the consequences were if there was no death

    According to some Bible verses and interpretations of them (JW org and Yours in comment), Death was already been/existed in Paradise Earth. According to this idea God is the one who Invented Death (in your interpretations only for animals, of all kind and sizes ....and plants to).

    In this view (animal issue) Death is not penalty for Sin, as some other Bible verses explains. Death, for you, is Normal because God is source of death for major part of His creations aka animals .... and in some other Galaxy/ies also for some other species unknown to us, too.  

    So, according to your view we have 2 sort of death in Genesis book. One is Natural and other is Unnatural. 

    You gave idea how Adam would not be able to UNDERSTAND what death is if he could not see dying and death of animals around. This looks strange for me.

    You are, and many in JW, told how Adam was PERFECT. So, how it is possible that Perfect Adam can not understand what death is? He has Perfect Brain, Perfect Senses, Perfect Imagination.....well it looks impossible that His Father was not Explain him What Death Is !!!! I guess they have had "perfect" Communication as Perfect Father and Perfect Son.   

    Now is time to mention how Genesis book not reveling any important details about pedagogical and parental methods of The Father with His Son and Daughter. Just ban of eating, disappointed feelings and than punishment words are the only written conversations between Father and Children.   

    If you find Adam as somebody who can not understand important things in life, as it is with issue of death, then I found understandable that his Father not spend more time with him to explain him how things looks and what is what in Perfect Paradise.

  6. On 10/26/2018 at 9:34 PM, The Librarian said:

    Adam and Eve were the only “perfect” creation

    This idea is questionable if you consider Bible as your Source of understanding, beliefs and faith.

    After all and every single "Creative days" God came to conclusion how All that He created is/was GOOD. So, in according to His view, all animals and all humans are reached the same degree -  GOOD. At the end of every single day he saw how all is good. 

    This word, -good-, perhaps have nothing with our "understanding" of "perfection" and ideas that we today, or JWorg, or some other people connecting with idea of so called "lost perfection" and what "perfection" can be, can mean and can carry in itself.

    Our personal or/and socially-religious ideas as members of specific group, JWorg, and wishes about  what will be, what could be ... if this or that will come, is more in sphere of imagination and fantasy than in reality. So it is with idea of "lost perfection" and with "future perfection", too.   

  7. On 12/19/2018 at 11:58 PM, Melinda Mills said:

    but if it told JWs that only they had to pay, they would fight it for sure, as that would not be fair.

    Not "fair"?  

    So many things are not "fair" in the world, and WT pick up this issue to Fight for?

    Their fight for freedom of speech and religious activity aka declaring and spreading JW teaching is not something unique, in general. Because many people of various belongings also fight for their freedom of speech and activity. 

    So, fighting for Money Issue is NOT so Noble Task. It can be matter of "existence", for sure. But as i can see JW members working for daily life costs, earning with own labor for bread and milk.  Well, WT fighting for Corporation's money is another thing. They are not fighting for better standards of living for 8 m. members, but for better, high standards accommodations and some sort/level of power that comes with money for those who have it - WT Management - fights for own position, not for You.

    Because, if Jesus is Leader of this Church (JWorg) he can Run His Work without Warwick , GB and Stuff in It. Without your donation money, without Hedge Funds, H.M. Riley Trust and so on.  :))   


  8. 5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    The RoC are like children, if they cry about something, Putin will take action directly and or indirectly.

    Bible principles everywhere, even in satan's world :))) 

    “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

    11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,

  9. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    First, it would be impractical if not impossible to know the origin of every dollar

    $$$$ from Children's Sunday KH ice-creams as donation will "solve" the problem of "origin". Because children as honest and sincere, would be/will be, by giving money with their innocent hands, purify every single $. :)))

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Second, there is no such thing as a clean dollar

    Well, well ... You are now a little closer to my idea how all money is from devil, who is unclean. So if, "there is no such thing as clean $" (money) ,  but if all things that come from God are clean, then again, you unconsciously support my thesis. :))) 

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Are we going to start misapplying scriptures such as "A little leaven spoils the whole..." and "He that is faithful in little is faithful in much" in order to point a finger at the Society.

    WT just pointing finger to themselves, by teaching others how to apply scriptures as this you mentioned ..... 

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Again the only option would be to refuse the donation. Is that truly reasonable?

    Yes, it is, if you want to be "only true religion" and "clean nation for JHVH name".

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    It is not a moral contradiction for me to enjoy the benefits of taxation of tobacco and for me to tell users of tobacco that they are doing something wrong.

    Agree, your moral standards is your choice. But WT teaching people how users of tobacco can't be members of JWorg and will not inherit the earth if not stop smoking. So, yes, it is moral contradiction.

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    The Society could not prevent anyone from doing the above And you know what? The Society would probably cash the checks that you send because they are a charity, a religious org, and ljust ike ALL religious orgs they are entitled to accept money from the worst apostates if they so desire.

    "Society...., and just like ALL religious orgs they are entitled to accept money from the worst"... Huh, but WT raises themselves above all organizations, religious or other kind. They have own picture about self as super "clean nation".....supported by unclean money???:))  


    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Get a little educated about the difference between an Investor, a Settlor, a Trustee and the Beneficiary of any such trusts.



    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Recognize that there is no such thing as a "clean dollar" that is morally untainted. All money is a product of this world and all jobs, companies, etc. are connected in some way.

    Again, you support my thesis how all dirty money came from God of this World :))))


    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    And FINALLY, Unless you are willing to acknowledge that the Society, WTS, Jehovah's Witnesses ARE MORALLY SUPERIOR in other areas to everyone else (and I am not ready to do that) THEN PLEASE STOP TRYING TO HOLD THEM to a morally superior standard when it comes to this area of receiving donations from others because they are just like everyone else

    If i get correctly your thought.., If person or in this case organization is Superior in "other areas to everyone else", but not so "superior" in money issue then All is OK.??!! 

    How many "other areas" we shall/we are willing to going, looking for more acknowledge?

  10. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I have often seen people with little formal education have thinking abilities much better than those of scholars. 

    I see that discussion continued with  UN, but you will forgive me for commenting on this about education, grammar, misunderstanding, abilities and so on.

    Good choice of words and their order are important for sending true meaning, but it is not guarantee for understanding. For me, who was not born in English (native speaker) language country, it is difficult to understand some (or many) sentences (phrasemes/idioms, jokes...) of people who participate here. And for you is, probably, hard to understand my expressions and clumsy grammar :)))

    But here is what i would like to say. Formal Education and Higher Education can help in thinking abilities but they are not Substitution for Your Natural abilities and experience for understanding and discernment. I am working in School with professors, janitors and cleaning ladies. We are all needed to be there for "show to go on". And all are valuable in own contribution for mutual process. Yes, some Higher Educated persons are "clumsy" for some simple things that somebody else can done with not much effort. I remembered, once,  professors have been asking cleaning ladies, to cut some fruit on slices. And Ladies where not been willing to do it because, as they said, why teachers can not do it yourself? In one hand they was right, it is not mandatory job for cleaning lady to cut fruits. But it is also not obligated job for professors. (School,  some professors and children classes had some guests, that is why they plan to offer some fruits to visitors) After one professor heard complaints from cleaning lady, she ask, Ok, i can go and cut fruits by myself, but can you give a lesson for students instead of me in meantime?   

    Thanks to all here who are not so strict and demanding for my grammar :)) About other sort of disagreements we do not need to give any further explanations :)))))  



  11. 5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    various sexual problems

    1) Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom. - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2004/07/homosexual-animals-debate/

    2) On other hand WT explaining this: "The soul, then, is the entire creature, ....."https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/what-is-a-soul/

    The use of this one Hebrew word (Hebrew word neʹphesh and the Greek word psy·kheʹ) in many different contexts helps us to ascertain the basic idea inherent in the word as the Bible writers used it, namely, that it is a person, an individual, or a lower creaturehttps://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1001060088

    3) Bible say this: And God went on to say: “Let the earth+ put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic+ animal*and moving+ animal and wild beast*+ of the earth according to its kind.” 


    It is understandable and visible (not always, huh) how brain of human and animal are not the same. And how some moral questions about sexuality come up in human society.  BUT, on other hand Bible reveals statement how Soul (and WT say how that means ENTIRE, WHOLE, animal or human individual/creature, aka brain, emotions, needs, wishes.....etc. If we produce some conclusions from this quotes, perhaps we can say how basic, primitive mechanism is similar, or it is almost the SAME in both bodies. So, we see very basic instincts in both Organism - with same/similar sort of  behaviors.

    And as some other "inspired" human wrote: For the fates of both men and beasts are the same: As one dies, so dies the other— they all have the same breath. Man has no advantage over the animals, since everything is futile. -- A human being is no better off than an animal, because life has no meaning for either.

    Just for one more  ANGLE of looking :))

  12. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    the matter of one defending themselves without committing to major injury of the foe and or killing them.

    In matter of defending themselves, perhaps first thing in mind is about how to defend/escape/minimize injuries on you alone.... and, i think, you have no time and space to meditate about how to be nice and kind or not to kick too strong this hooligan. 

    I have no experience in such situations. So, i guess, i would be beating to death if bastards find me in some dark place.    

  13. 10 hours ago, Arauna said:

    We honor Jehovah's name but we do not put to death anyone who violates the name.  When Jesus came to the earth he set a new example for us - to teach other people the name of God.  If other people blaspheme the name of the God of the bible (which many are doing now) we do nothing to them because we are now under the law of Christ.  We are no longer under the law of Moses.... So we wait for God to bring judgment on them.  We do not stone any longer...... so the context of what you are reading is very important.  Jesus gave us Principals not laws - and we follow this today.  Romans 6:14 "For sin must not be master over you, SEEING THAT YOU ARE NOT UNDER LAW+ but under undeserved kindness.+" We are no longer under the stoning law.

    So I urge you to study more to learn what the bible is really teaching......

    Here we have little different situation. If i am ignorant about history of Islam, that is one thing. But after 40+  years in JW i am not so uninformed about JW, as you suggest. 

    To Understand "What the Bible really teach" is very complicated task even for many/all Bible scholars inside WT who sitting with/on/beside books 8 hours a day. :)))

  14. 10 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Strecko - Many of your statements are not reality because you do not have the accurate history of what happened and it is pulled out of context.

    For example:  A muslim does not think it is absurd that Ishmael and Abraham were in Mecca and built Mecca. I agree with this idea of yours:- BUT if that Muslim wants to know the TRUTH he will not just be satisfied with what he learnt from his own religion.  He will test it for truth.

    He will go and look at old maps and he will see that Mecca did not exist in 1943 BCE when Abraham was alive.  In fact Mecca is not found on any of the Roman maps until AFTER 150 CE.      Also - Ishmael is mentioned in the Bible as living in Paran which is not far from Midian (where Midian lived)  - both places are almost 1000 miles away from Mecca. 

    Mecca was a wilderness until 150 CE when forefathers of Mohammad came from Yemen and started to build this city. In fact the daughter of Ishmael married into Esau's family and he lived close enough to Abraham so he could attend his funeral when his father died......  They had funeral within one day.  So he lived close enough to go the funeral with Isaac.

    So this proves that Islam is not a Abrahamic religion because it was not started by Abraham but it was pagan religion before Mohammad. The sirah (life of Mohammad) confirms this.  There was 360 idols in the Kaaba and Mohammad made the god of his tribe  the only God and broke all the other gods. Mohammad thought the Jews would accept him if he said he was a prophet in line of Ishmael - but they did not and he killed them.

    When Gideon defended Israel in war against Midian and Ishmael - they took all the gold ornaments from their camels and it was crescent moons.   The area where Ishmael was living was well known for moon worship.  So his religion was not islam. 

    I can do the same with many religions - I can look at what they say and what is the truth.   I left my religion I had before because I investigated to see if it was teaching the truth according to bible and also looking at their historic traditions.... to see if it is accurate.  This way one can find the truth.

    No problem Lady Arauna. If you are so sure in Your reality i have no problem with your try to convince Muslim people how they are in absurd religion and how they believing in absurdity. I am not Muslim and i do not care so much for pro et contra "proves" is this religion true or lie.  But it is interesting to read something about history, of course.

  15. 11 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Strecko - the things you are saying is so absurd

    Absurdity - something that is stupid or unreasonable

    "Absurd" quote No 1) In Islam and in Old Israel and in other "only true religion" is very similar.


    Question 1: Is it Islam, as "only true religion", absurdity for Muslim?

    Question 2: Is it Jew religion, as "only true religion", absurdity for Jew people?

    Question 3: Does Jew and Muslim have something in common?  By Islamic tradition, Ismail is the son of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Agar, and is worshiped as the bearer/father of the Arabs.

    Well, if Jews and Muslims consider their (separate) Religion as "Only true", that can not be absurd for them, but, can be absurd for other who not belong to one of this two religion.


    "Absurd" quote No 2)   Leviticus 24:16 says, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.”

    Question 4:  Does JW members consider this command as "absurd"? 


    "Absurd" quote No 3) About women. They are always in wrong and must be guilty .... because in Eden Eve caused all problems, too  :)))))) 

     Bible report told how Adam blame Eve for eating The Fruit. He was not take responsibility for own action.                         Even more, Bible text make statement how Eve (The Woman) is more problematic than Adam (The Man):

    "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.  I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve.  And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

    Question 5: Do You support this view how women "became sinner" and Adam is just passive observer and was punished only because he has been in wrong place, in wrong moment? Which quotes are "absurd"? Those in 1 Timothy or my expression of making laugh of doctrine that making women more guilty than they are?


  16. 11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    You need an attitude, you need the skills and a plan. You cannot build a house without a plan and the skills to do it, likewise, when it comes to your safety.

    Of course. Perhaps JWorg can start to produce that sort of video and cartoons to prepare own people for such moments because it is going from bad to worse. Naturally, practical exercises should also be included.

  17. 11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    As for the last statement, a bit hypocritical much, granted women in the Bible, even you gave praise to two women before, despite you mistaking one for a man.

    hahahaha.... How it is possible that You can not see difference between Hypocritical and Mild Ironical quotes ??? !!! :)))) Have a good day Space Merchant. 

    Mild Ironical because (my sentence is not strict official statement but it is more as response to Arauna's  description on how Islam looks on women behavior)  it is Directed/design for  Present  Auditorium. 

    It is NOT Directed to female sex, as my opinion, belief or statement !!!! I ridicule those who have Macho attitude :))))

  18. 1 hour ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    population control


    How will God in His Kingdom manage the global population number?

    As i can recall JW was use one Bible verse from Genesis where God was command to Adam and Eve to FILL the Earth - and JW members used explanation that Earth will be Filled with people and not to Overfilled. But i can not recall about Official WT interpretation HOW will God stopped new birth, nativity. 

    One crazy idea from GB member public talk was that in Kingdom when all come to perfection, all people will be brothers :))) that means - sisters will be transformed to brothers. And we have problem solved :))))))))))))))    

  19. 32 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    In Islam the penalty for heresy or blasphemy is the same  - death.   Indonesia has become intolerant.  The extreme form of islam is spreading everywhere now.  If one looks at old pictures of Egypt or Iran in the fifties - the women were wearing modern clothes and no hijab.  The new phenomenon is a political statement and women must adhere to this.  If they do not - they bring dishonor in the society to their husband and honor killing rakes place.  In Islam the behavior of women in a family is closely linked to the entire families' honor... so if a brother of a young girl who was alone with a man  for a while does not kill her - a cousin or extended family member can. 

    In Islam and in Old Israel and in other "only true religion" is very similar.  

    Leviticus 24:16 says, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.”

    About women. They are always in wrong and must be guilty .... because in Eden Eve caused all problems, too  :)))))) 

  20. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    Also violence begets more violence. Defending oneself in ignorance can and will put you and or your family, friends, even a bystander at risk where they end up injured and or dead themselves, most of these cases take place around the world, one of the common places are areas like Brazil. An example, taking action on someone may result in that person following you to your home, to your job, seeking you out and will spare no mercy or pity to anyone else hurt in the pursuit.

    Agree in general. But on other hand you can not stop violence without violence. Or to be said you can stop violence without violence in a few situations. NOT always, and not with people (attackers) who living for harm others. 

    We can call that responsive/reacted violence as Justified violence, because we want to stop other to heart us. But as you aware,  you need some sort, some kind, some measure of Force to stop other to harm. Loud voice, scream,  can be viewed as some kind of  "weapon" to be used in stopping violent intention.  Raising a hand to prevent a kick is also a physical response, and you need reflex and skill how to prevent kick. And what to do after you have stopped first kick .... would you continue to only defending self if attacker continue to harm you or will it be possible to "neutralize" him in some way. Soft and mild words means nothing to some who have bad intentions.

    At the end, Christians pray for Kingdom who will DESTROY all wicked. So, if Bible is book you believe, Bible say that Final Solution is Violence. Violence begets more violence .... from God.   

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