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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. hahahaha.... How it is possible that You can not see difference between Hypocritical and Mild Ironical quotes ??? !!! :)))) Have a good day Space Merchant. Mild Ironical because (my sentence is not strict official statement but it is more as response to Arauna's description on how Islam looks on women behavior) it is Directed/design for Present Auditorium. It is NOT Directed to female sex, as my opinion, belief or statement !!!! I ridicule those who have Macho attitude :))))
  2. Question? How will God in His Kingdom manage the global population number? As i can recall JW was use one Bible verse from Genesis where God was command to Adam and Eve to FILL the Earth - and JW members used explanation that Earth will be Filled with people and not to Overfilled. But i can not recall about Official WT interpretation HOW will God stopped new birth, nativity. One crazy idea from GB member public talk was that in Kingdom when all come to perfection, all people will be brothers :))) that means - sisters will be transformed to brothers. And we have problem solved :))))))))))))))
  3. In Islam and in Old Israel and in other "only true religion" is very similar. Leviticus 24:16 says, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death.” About women. They are always in wrong and must be guilty .... because in Eden Eve caused all problems, too :))))))
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4618578/Thai-police-talks-knife-wielding-man-HUGS-him.html Calming "violent" man with knife.
  5. Agree in general. But on other hand you can not stop violence without violence. Or to be said you can stop violence without violence in a few situations. NOT always, and not with people (attackers) who living for harm others. We can call that responsive/reacted violence as Justified violence, because we want to stop other to heart us. But as you aware, you need some sort, some kind, some measure of Force to stop other to harm. Loud voice, scream, can be viewed as some kind of "weapon" to be used in stopping violent intention. Raising a hand to prevent a kick is also a physical response, and you need reflex and skill how to prevent kick. And what to do after you have stopped first kick .... would you continue to only defending self if attacker continue to harm you or will it be possible to "neutralize" him in some way. Soft and mild words means nothing to some who have bad intentions. At the end, Christians pray for Kingdom who will DESTROY all wicked. So, if Bible is book you believe, Bible say that Final Solution is Violence. Violence begets more violence .... from God.
  6. React quickly. Scream. (Deuteronomy 22:25-27) Escape or fight back using the element of surprise. And, if possible, run to a safe place and call the police. * - https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201305/protect-yourself-from-crime/ SECOND INSTRUCTION: On the other hand, what if a person’s life is threatened by an assailant? A law that God gave to ancient Israel sheds light on this. If a thief was caught in the daytime and was killed, the assailant would be charged with murder. This was evidently because thievery did not carry the death penalty and the thief could have been identified and brought to justice. However, if an intruder was fatally struck at night, the householder could be exonerated because it would be difficult for him to see what the intruder was doing and to ascertain the intentions of the intruder. The householder could reasonably conclude that his family was under threat of harm and take defensive action.—Exodus 22:2, 3. The Bible thus indicates that a person may defend himself or his family if physically assaulted. He may ward off blows, restrain the attacker, or even strike a blow to stun or incapacitate him. The intention would be to neutralize the aggression or stop the attack. This being the case, if the aggressor was seriously harmed or killed in such a situation, his death would be accidental and not deliberate. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102008204 WELL now, if in publication (and in Bible Law) authors giving space for PHYSICALLY defend self, with unknown outcome of such fight, why JWorg ban members to learn how to defend ???? self and others from crime attack???
  7. Perhaps we should include a certain measure of the concept of "dualism" (we are bad and good) in the activities of a particular person, and hence a group and people in larger number. In some period of time and history of human, events that was came to existence are "responsible" for the emergence, the formation of individuals and people who made such influence on people's life. For some people they looked as positive or semi-positive actors, but for other (victims) they are very evil. When i mentioned Bible reports, in my previous short comment, and as title of this subject give/it opens the picture of David and Saul and their involving in killing people of, not just so called enemy, but own people. And no matter is it question of one or few or 100 or 10 000 or 1 million and more, we can see how some of them are "peacefully" get old and died without been "punished" for crimes. David, man who is mentioned so many times in various context, is the one (not only he) who is responsible for dead at least of one man, Uriah, and in some indirect way, of baby he had with Bathsheba. (No prison), no dead sentence, no abdication. What is Bible message? Maybe this one: If God like you so much, He will spare Your life because of some "higher reasons". Because He need You (like He "need" David) to accomplish some "prophecies". But if God "kill" you (because You are guilty, at the end of a day) then His plan will, may be "suffer" .... ?? and whole Future of Mankind, Kingdom, etc. will be in "jeopardy" :)))) Perhaps, in that period of time, Great Britain had need for Churchill, Yugoslavia need for Tito, USSR for Stalin .... to safe them from some other "dictator" (Hitler for example). What choice we have? Run away from the lion and meet the bear? JW rune from Pope and meet GB. Dualism in both choices. Final Ending is predicted. All other, in meantime, is matter of "luck".
  8. While I was a little boy, I wanted to be a cop ... on a motorcycle. Later, in the age of teenage years, I liked films with martial arts. At the same time, my parents became JW and learned me differently. Then I became JW. And I did not become a cop who would hunt these bastards !!! Today ... I'm not all that I could possibly become, but I'm not even a JW any more. I'm glad that I left. The problem, with JW and similar groups, is that "they do not want to learn to fight", according to Isaiah verses. But, they do not want to learn to defend themselves or others who need help in trouble, too. Adult JW or JW children should not go to self-defense courses because such an idea opposes JW's beliefs, religion. JW instruction, according to some biblical advice, is to scream loud, or run away. Sometimes that helps, but ..... to oppose the evil bastards you need much, much more. And I do not see, if God want to intervene (???) in your personal life (and not only in your life but in life of all other people who are victims), why He would not give you (and them) His approval in fighting against criminals.
  9. In 2014, state agencies identified an estimated 1,580 children who died as a result of abuse and neglect — between four and five children a day. TERRIBLE!!
  10. I take liberty to mirror this video that shows very important details for JW members, especially for those who will found themselves in front of 3 elders in "back room". Some information's was available from "Flock book" ("Shepherd book") also on this Forum, that revealed how human with power in their hands can be, and are questionable in their acts and intentions.
  11. Asking questions is one of most important things in whole/every human lifetime. It does not existing (there are no) "stupid" questions or "forbidden" questions in normal human interactions. We have "stupid" or really stupid answers on some issues. Our fears and taboos, imposed rules of "good behavior" are an obstacles to getting answers on questions we have, but not asking. But such questions sometimes are not existing in our life because we let other to "thinking" instead of us. And also not existing because we thinking or we are so sure how we already know some answers and how such answer is true and reveals all what we need to know. But what a mistake and fallacy it is to think that way. Imagine how it would look like, that Eve began with questions ..... to Snake, to Adam, to God?? That would be very interesting, tense, difficult conversation if all parties would participate in conversation. And imagine if Eve would had courage and self confidence and all that what you need to have, to be, for investigation in searching... what is going on here!!?? One of biggest problem in WT and JW org community is lack of freedom, lack of culture to ASK QUESTIONS of all SORTS. For all, young and old, male and female. Questions that can be directed, addressed to all. Without limit. Watchtower and JW religion, in this issue, are as/similar to all other "organizations", too. :))
  12. Thanks. Agree with you. Limitation in my comment is only because of character of subject and Title of this issue and because participants of Forum who are in most religious persons or have interest in religious/spiritual thematic.
  13. I would like to say how this few words can explain many things that happened in Jesus case and also in today life of people who are believers and participate in some organized religion.
  14. Somewhere is written how all of them, or at least some of them, was inspired while speaking, writing and doing some deeds , or they did not? Perhaps i misunderstand some Bible verses. But in moment of inspiration by god, you can not be infallible.. or you can be? Yes, various bible scholars teaching something opposite than some other scholars. About Governing Body. This class (Management group) was not existing in 1 Congregation. But in every group some people want to be First and Leaders, that is true. :)))
  15. Yes, he said what he said about tax collectors and religion rules. Old Law said too, how to use stones for example ....etc. Question is: Do You, Me, and All Other have to do/to work, to think according to The Words? Or by Interpretations of The Words? Or by .... whatever? In every Paradise (in all sort of Paradises) existing/there is The Snake.
  16. I believe that You, who are deeply thinking person, are very aware of how strong, a tectonic power to break, has the content/context of this example and a message that stand inside.
  17. Do you suggest how Russian secret services will sending back, perhaps, "poisoned letters", to all JW who wrote? And that will create Global Attack as prelude for Armageddon?
  18. Food is, i think, most dangerous (in countries where food is available for people who have money to buy it). And also stuffs you mentioned too.
  19. The best example History gives us (but this is not Final Solution of course//Endlösung der Judenfrage//) of how to make people behave in Discipline was visible (perfect tense) in people stoning for braking The Law, or killing in some other way. As some text say "If you can't or don't want living by The Law ... then Die by The Law.
  20. Perhaps this can be one way of solution to overweight. But consider another advice. If you have not power to eat less and visiting your fridge less frequently, you can try with more activity, running, walking, exercise according to your age and health etc. Also to eat different food, not just food you eat everyday, until now, maybe can bring to better health and body shape. Or to change way and time, how and when you eat. :)))) just opinion.
  21. I am the door (the gate); if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
  22. ... no prophecy of Scripture, or parables or moral lessons comes from someone’s own interpretation..... I don't mind you asking me. But my understanding of this or that has a certain, temporary value only for me in fact. In this moment i do not see what importance, about this issue, my interpretation would bring to you S.M. You are Bible scholar of sort, and Jesus and his teachings leaves its influence on every person in a specific way, as well on You too. Let put this to/on Him (not to me) to make interpretation for your spiritual need. :))
  23. I am the door (the gate); if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
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