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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. I do not understand this question at all. For help you what i mean by GB context. Example; Bible command say: Do not eat blood. Very simple imperative, almost nothing else is need to understand. For this command you not need any other verse from Bible for purpose of some so called Context. Is this OK with you? If you respond with YES, i will continue.
  2. Thank you, but i am not talking about my ability. Question is, in what context GB put, push verses .... and how JW members reacting if they, as persons with ability to understand things too, blindly follow the human rules.
  3. If we cut an apple in 4 pieces, 4 parts, are this 4 still an apple? If we cut this 4 pieces of apple in more 4 and have 8 pieces, are they still an apple? If we putt all this 8 parts or whole apple in blender, result will be.....? What? :))))))) Drink for apple lover.
  4. It is amazing how Bible itself, and of course, especially with help of interpretations made by church leaders and bible scholars, making confrontation inside book itself and inside people's mind. Obey your leaders and submit to them, VS Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, for they are keeping watch over your souls VS who cannot bring salvation
  5. Hi! This sound like new way of expression, some kind of introducing new, different way of talking about same issue by GB. Instead "we are inspirited" he say "we are motivated". Tomorrow, perhaps we will hear not only this "we are not inspired", but also " we are not motivated" (we are currently indisposed) :))))
  6. On my direct asking (at least two time) to identifying self about his religious affiliation, he made maneuvers of avoiding to answer on this. If he is JW perhaps he find it useful to "anonymously" as outsider, as JW "sympathizer" defending WT Corporation. Sort of "theocratic warfare". :))) On other hand, in general aspect, every "true" JW will found good to give public testimony/witnessing, and own public recognition as one of JW. Especially when many of participants here using "fake" names, or some substitution for personal name as some name of special meaning to them.. I do not want to talk about him and his motives. That is not polite, at least. Well SM if you read this, you see that i control myself and not speaking nothing bad about you..... Greetings! :))
  7. Bravo SM ! What to expect from you SM, than your purposely attempt (stab) in redirecting responsibility of world biggest problems on individuals who are not suite to your Restoration normative (Butler and me and similar to us). Your repetitions about what was previous comments of mine are and over and over again quoting what is said by this or that person is quite numbing. Using such anesthesia is not useful in my case. Apart from proving that you have a good memory, the constant repetition of what was and when was someone had said something, does not show anything positive about you. :))
  8. Thanks for link. But i do not see what is on page 76 about G.J. quote. Please help.
  9. well does this means how also exist false apostate :)))) and something in a middle of true and false ?
  10. Thanks for this question. Many years ago similar questions went through my mind, about what David's servants and people around him and Bathsheba feels and thinking when they had passively and actively participate in that scandal, affair. What power forces them to be involved in wrong deeds of prominent persons in their midst? Many levels in hierarchy, family members, counselors, personal servants, other servants, elders, military leaders, religiously important persons and many others. All of them knew something, heard something, witnessed to something, not done something, ....and many more to tell and to feel. Live that to your imagination, because it is not simple to me to express all thoughts and feels. Just to tell at the and -----draw some parallels to modern time, and you will see how all is the same. Everything is repeated cyclically. :))
  11. This is contrary to Geoffrey Jackson deposition before ARC in 2015. He told then that would be easier for GB and WT if Government made clear statement what they as secular ruler expect from JW Church aka GB and WT
  12. I made comment about Education and Money Contribution. Greater good to who/whom? Yes they telling members what to do by repetitive suggestible words in printing, pictorially (cartoons, movies) and in verbal ways. No no! You used the wrong way of illustration. Using these two extremes, you, intentionally or accidentally, directing the reader to go to the wrong way of thinking and to make wrong conclusion. In first example, ("to use their ice cream money to contribute to helping others") a child can buy ice cream with that money and share it with another child and thus trained to show generosity and selflessness. Or he can save the money he receives from his parents and donate money or a gift to someone who does not have enough. Donating Money to WT Corporation is not an act of helping the poor or others. Helping the poor was one of the great features of the church in the 1st century. Charity position and not paying taxes, of WT and all sister Companies around the World, because of such status before secular government, not making WT real Charity institution, as one who giving people of all sort shelter or food or clothes and similar. Watchtower, JWorg and CCJW (to mentioned this few), as worldwide famous entities, are NOT Charity in true sense of what word charity means. a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose of providing money or helping in this way - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/charity Furthermore, as a second part of the illustration you mention, ("exploited by buying a violent video game"). This would mean that JW parents would be in position to finance their children for purchasing such games and how such parents do not care what their children are doing or that they are irresponsible and negligent because they allow their children to buy bad things, or how they are easily subject to "worldly" influence and the influence of the trading world and consumerism. Do you think so about all JW parents or just for some of them?! If yes, why that? Because by giving this sort of illustration on JW parents and their children, you put a bad light on the JW family as people who will spend money on bad things if they do not donate it to the Organization. :)))
  13. I can agree in many you have said. But JW Church want to play enormous role in life of members. In important religious things as well in private decisions of member. You can recall in memory cartoon with Sofia (i guess) and Sunday meeting and contribution her Ice-cream money for Church. Here is one eclatante, obvious example of teaching children directly from GB (church, elders aka hierarchy). That is inadmissible interfering in parents responsibility and family life. And that is not good. Education is another issue in what they (GB) want makes strong influence on members without any "legal" aka biblical permission to doing that. So, it seems how Church Leaders also don''t know, or purposely do not want to know, what IS their "business" and what is NOT. Or, in case of child molestation's and family violence want to "wash hands" as Pilate has done.
  14. Ok, that is nice hope. What is the reason that God's Kingdom watching all these misery, pain and tears of children who suffer? And do nothing? (waiting to see would your possible respond will be the same as WT publication explanation :::))))) Next. You said GK is ONLY who can clear all that. So, in other words it is the same as you or someone else say how all efforts that people doing is in vain, useless at the end of day. By that logic, God will not blessed or guide or inspired nothing and nobody in their efforts that this monstrous and evil problem be "solved" or at least minimized. Because, all blessing is on future Kingdom and not on this, today human now living on Earth. Out of this subject. But you are talking so much of JW as "Restorationist" christian group. Web provide me this: "Restorationist" denominations include: The Christadelphians, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Churches of Christ, The Community of Christ, The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, International Churches of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) etc. I am not sure that JWorg would be happy to be in same "pot" with this other denominations. Because, according to WT only JW teaching "the truth", and no one else on this list :))
  15. I found only this verse mentioned "Children" , and how "King" is asked, called to protect them. But i was hoping that you would give some Bible verses where children are instructed how to deal with molesters (of any kind).
  16. but i am talking about JW, Bible and issue but i am talking about JW, Bible and issue perhaps bigger font and color will help :=)
  17. yes, 40+ years in JWorg .... and it can be said -- it was under some sort of rock :))))))) be careful, this is cryptic rocky message :)))))))))
  18. Can somebody give evidence --- what is Bible teaching about issue of child molestation inside christian (JW) congregation? In other words --- HOW Bible educate children about pedophilia?
  19. About SM calling for JTR and my respond. People today need some strong, courage and independent men like Abraham and David. For sure they would know how to handle situation SM described.
  20. What Happens When A Couple of the Opposite Sex Are Alone? What happens When a few brothers stay with opposite sex (sister)? I heard from one elder many years ago how that was situation between few brothers and one single sister in swimming pool. I can not believe myself until today was that really happened, but this elder said that to me with all seriousness how all of them have sex with that sister. Not know about final outcome.
  21. My point is that we should have a little talk about the term "inspired". First we should come up with an answer on what type of "inspiration" the GB speaks. As for the religious people who govern the believers, then we can safely assert that GB actually claims that they are not inspired by the divine spirit. In what sense of inspiration? In the sense of what is often used for written Bible text and its source, these are verses like - 2 Peter 1:19-21 and 2 Timothy 3:14-16. GB denied such divine inspiration for written and verbal text that coming from GB members mouth, or in extension, all what is produced as "spiritual food" by means, with help, through WT Company or JW Organization as god's chosen organized people who doing His will. Now let us see something about word "inspire" (and all forms that come from this one). few from dictionary: to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something If something or someone inspires something else, it causes or leads to it As we can see to be inspired can came from various sources. And all sources are normal (if they are normal :))))). If you as JW member listen to Conventional program and hear some bro or sis how they are happy in missionary service, how they meet many interesting people, saw beautiful scenery of nature and many more and after you heard that you want to be missionary .... Who INSPIRED Who? Nothing is wrong to be INSPIRED. If you read some book, watching TV, movie and something move you aka inspired you to say something, to do something ... it means you are INSPIRED. If God from heaven tell you to say, to do something, it means you are INSPIRED. When GB of JW say how they are not INSPIRED what that means? Not inspired by spirit of God, not inspired by other people spirit , not inspired by own spirit?? How ever they claim, state, quote how they are not inspired, they are in fact want to say how GB is not RESPONSIBLE for nothing have been said and written. That is main reason for defending themselves with phrase "we are not inspired". Inspiration is divine gift. And was given to all people. Or better to say some will found that and some will used that. :))) Not only for religious purposes!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan. 15 During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. 16 He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people.
  23. Thanks for respond. Question is very hard to answer in full measure, with complete sincerity and openness. But, this is not environment to be completely open on every aspects of own private life. I truly appreciated your sincerity John and contribution you made by brave comments and experience you went through.  First and only sincerity one must show, is in front "mirror"  when we looking own face, literal and spiritual. Would we go so far and tell some "secret" feelings and thoughts? It requires more faith and courage than of many who have been called "people of faith". "The Truth". How widely meaning and many areas are covered in this word.   Â
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