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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. What in this words told by Jesus need some extra context with some special interpretation, that is not visible while reader reading it? - “You have heard that it was said, ...."

    Those who listened Jesus at moment he gave sermon knew well WHO told them;

    1) You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.

    2) You shall not commit adultery

    3) Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.

    4) Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made

    5) Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.

    6) Love your neighbor  and hate your enemy.

    It is noticeable how Jesus have extra appendix on every of this listed, quoted things he made. Did he go beyond already said and written? He gave some  additional explanation? He gave not just an explanation, but even a guide that differs from what they were taught.

    All this 6 points you can find in Ten commands and Mosaic Law. But one you would not find - "hate your enemy". But Bible have idea of hating. Not only hating bad things in general or bad deeds made by people. Bible talking about hate that is directed towards other people. 

    General idea of "hating" is visible in book Ec. 3:8. ...a time to love and a time to hate

    Very specific way of hating is visible in;

    Psalm 139:21,22 ....Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

    Hosea 9:15 Every evil of theirs is in Gilgal; there I began to hate them 

    Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters— yes, even his own life— he cannot be My disciple.

    In sermon, Jesus talking about NOT HATING enemy but also about HATING family members. 

    You can talk about so called CONTEXT how much you wish and want, but what is said - it is said, and how it was said -it was said. WTJWorg in some of Bible verses  found basis for shunning, avoiding and ignoring those who disagree about WT doctrines.      

    In one moment Jesus making corrections about Mosaic Law and oral teaching, oral law. In next moment he has told something that WT scholars using for own Oral laws and commands and instructions.

    Do you still want continue to insist on so called Context? What Context, when whole  Bible can be used for particular interest of  governing elite. :))) Each group will find its context and claim how that is A Context. :))

  2. On 9/18/2018 at 9:19 PM, Martha Braun Amistadi said:

    We come to know the "ring" of truth as we study it prayerfully and diligently. Our minds and hearts accept the logic as facts fall in to place clearly. Jehovah's holy spirit opens our minds and hearts wide to understand what we are reading. Right food at it's proper time. Then, what's unique above all, is how the Bible's teachings are accepted by millions of people in just the same way as we believe, in our time.

    1) study it

    many JW study Bible, but how it is possible that also many of them not saw "errors" in doctrines for all this decades. How is possible that many JW accepted so many teaching and instructions that was later been abandoned? Well it seems how something is/was lacking in our personal Bible study for all these years "in the truth".

    2) accept the logic as facts  

    as we all are witnesses to that too, wrong logic can deceive us.

    3) holy spirit opens our minds and hearts wide to understand 

    do you talking, in this statement, about "to be inspired" by God? If you are, than this is contrariwise, in opposition to GB claim how them, as anointed ones, are not inspired by holy spirit. If anointed are not inspired, how non-anointed can be inspired? To confuse and make foggy on all this, that same GB teaching how, despite the fact they are "not inspired by spirit", they are "guided by spirit". :)) 

    4) unique above all, is how the Bible's teachings are accepted by millions of people in just the same way

    It is "unique" too, how people in some periods of time accepted also some teachings and was been deceived. Modern examples are; Nazi ideology and era when millions of German people followed Fuhrer, or Communism ideology in east Europe or more better example is China people or North Korea. Millions of people accepted teachings in same way. Capitalism is also unique ideology for millions worldwide.   

  3. WT explains that blood should not be used as food, because the Bible directly says, Do not eat blood.
    WT explains that full blood and 4 major parts should not be used for transfusion, as this also falls under the previous interpretation.
    Both of this two interpretations or proves, have their reason in one another detail, which is symbolism.
    That symbolism claims; "blood represents life".  (Only flesh with its life*—its blood—you must not eat.So, in reality, the real reason for the ban lies in symbolism.

    It lies in one allegory, transmitted  meaning, a symbol. So, the symbolism is the real reason for the law, for the ban.

    But there is a question;
    Is life the greatest value in people's lives? Many people think it is not, though, if a man does not live, then he can not achieve something that is claimed to be more valuable than his own life.

    "Because your loyal love is better than life" - Psal. 63:3 - here, for example, is expressed such thought how life is not ultimate, absolute value. It is not highest in position.

    People are ready to die for justice, for truth, for ideas, for beliefs, for love, for family, for children, for fatherland .... and many more.

    JW members (and non JW people too) are ready to put their own life in risk for similar reasons.

    People are ready to die for real, material things and are ready to die for symbols.



    "But Samuel declared: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and attentiveness is better than the fat of rams."

    NOW: Is obedience to symbolism  (blood ban) act of sacrifice that is similar to Saul's way of act/sacrifice? Or is it acceptable because of "higher reasons"? Saul's reasons for spare Amalekites sheep and cattle is in: to sacrifice to the Lord. Again, Saul acts (as he explained) was connected to symbolism (burnt offerings). 

    JW reason for obeying blood ban is in thought how God desires such "sacrifice". Sacrifice through, in a way of, obedience. So, there is a very interwoven idea of obedience and sacrifice. When does one start and the other ends? In case of Saul, these two properties are opposed to each other. 

    Is the sacrifice of our own life or life of our child an act of obedience and/or sacrifice? Does the father or mother of the family see themselves as a biblical figure, type and anti-type model (Abraham and Isaac, God and Jesus) who offer human sacrifice?

     “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

    Love is above all. Loving own life or life of your child is the same as loving God. How do you LOVE (god, child,life) if you are ready to sacrifice real life for symbol, for life symbol?


  4. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Can you be specific on this "Law of Man" of which you speak of, Srecko?

     “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ - source; Jesus.

    This is words in sermon Jesus gave to Jew people who came to hear. So, it is clear, to me,  that Jew leaders (who ever they have been, religious or administrative (read political, hahaha) or something in a middle of both side, or some political/religious fractions among Jew nation) are those who was said something , about what Jesus has refer and used in his lesson and warning.

    For example in Jesus time there are: The Pharisees, The Sadducees,  The Galileans,  The Sanhedrin, The Scribes.

    Before, in "golden time" of Kings, there are/was exist opposition also.  Read the Bible for information's.    


    Sort of resume:

    People before and now (past/present) , Jew's or Christian's or JW's or some other's believers in holy Bible can follow "The Word" or "The Law" which source can be from God, from god's, from human. Also, "word" and "law" can be amalgam, mixture of all parties mentioned in sentence before - we have the same "problem" of old new or new old, it depends of who stand before issue (one proverb say, old joke-new fool).  

    That is conclusion i can read from Jesus quote in Matthew. “You have heard that it was said,.."

    Who have heard? --- believers, followers, people from nations, JW members .....?

    and most important, "WHO was said?!" ---- Rabin's, Pope, priests, elders, GB of WTJWorg ......?  


    At the end of a day no one can be absolutely sure what is, what was The PURE Word or The PURE Law of JHVH and what is/are NOT. :)) 


  5. 2 hours ago, Josué2 said:

    Il n'est pas dit de ce réjouir contre un ennemi ou adversaire. au contraire le verset de Paul cité plus haut est des plus explicite.

    (Romains 12:18-21) [...] . 19 Mes bien-aimés, ne vous vengez pas vous-mêmes, mais laissez agir la colère de Dieu ; car il est écrit : « “La vengeance est à moi ; c’est moi qui paierai de retour”, dit Jéhovah. » 20 Au contraire, « si ton ennemi a faim, donne-lui à manger ; s’il a soif, donne-lui à boire ; car en faisant cela, tu amasseras des braises sur sa tête ». 21 Ne te laisse pas vaincre par le mal, mais continue à vaincre le mal par le bien.

    Nice! But have in mind that old patriarchs and Israel leaders have (they had) different view sometimes. And seems how JHVH "blessed" (or approved or not have specific view, let them done what they want to do) about many of violent acts in battles against all sort of "enemies" that was not been "loved" by Israel people.

    Well, seems how so called Context about love and hate, about commands, about scriptures, about scriptures in time line,  about enemy in this conversation, was/had different, opposite interpretations and attitudes, standpoints, doctrines through time and space.   

    Old Israel people had some "Commands" (not as God's commands but as man's (Israel religious or political leaders) commands, that was teaching them differently than The Law or Jesus later.  


  6. Case 1)

    Happy will be the one who rewards you With the treatment you inflicted on us.

    Happy will be the one who seizes your children And dashes them against the rocks.

    Case 2)

    Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
     when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,

    Case 3)

    If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
    And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
     For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
    And the Lord will reward you.


    Please, now do make context of this inspired verses. Context doesn't mean only few verses in one and same passage, chapter or same book. But context in/of all 66 books. And even more, not just context of The Book, but context of life, time, space, love, hate ..... Context of purpose and final result.

    I am not to try support this or that conclusion, but point to/out, indicate on some problematic that can arise.




  7. 1) When does blood cease to be blood?
    According to WT's interpretation blood stops, ceases being blood if it is divided into smaller portions, so-called fractions.
    WT believes (according to some medical science research) that there are 4 major parts, components of which the blood consists. This are:

    ... four primary blood components—red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma. (source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102008086)

    WT teaches its believers that it is unacceptable (under threat of excommunication) to take blood and any of these 4 major blood components. But a personal decision of a JW member is permissible if accepts some of the fractions that can be obtained from this 4 major components.


    2) When does a new human being, person (or animal creature) emerge? By conception or by birth? Can life come only from 2 sex cells (specialized cells) during fertilization?

    Please note also that the Bible does not say that a woman conceives a piece of tissue. Instead, it states: “An able-bodied man has been conceived!” (Job 3:3) This too indicates that according to the Bible, a child exists as a person from the time of his conception. Yes, that is when human life begins. (source: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009202)

    In this case, WT stands for the position that only two cells (only two components as the primary, major components) forms, creates a new person. Man consists of several different types and sizes of tissues. Tissues forms organs. How much tissues and organs man should have that would be called a man? According to WT, man is a man, person if he consists of only two cells. It does not have to be composed of tissues and organs to be called a man. Have to be only 2 cells. Only two coupled cells are needed for the existence of one new person, the new man. Two cells in comparison to 4 major components in blood issue. Human body consists of more than 50,000 billion cells. In 1 liter of human blood there are about 4.5-5 x 1012  red cells. Interesting comparison?! 

    Imagine! 4.5-5 x 1012  red cells are needed to make this part of the blood to be called "major, primary part of the blood". And such  part may not be used to treat a disease or operation for JW member, because it is called "holy, sacred". Blood is holy - red cells are holy - white cells are holy - plasma is holy - platelets are holy. Holy means forbidden in this case.   

    On the other hand, only two connected, coupled cells are needed to be called sacred, holy, person, life.  Interestingly and controversial.

  8. 6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    He never addressed that the determined STUPID would always be with us.

    Jesus was only 3 1/2 years on Earth in a role of Teacher and Master. He had not enough time for "stupid" subjects .....

    .... for example;

    ( would his  true disciple reject false, pagan customs, as playing chess, toasting,  exchange gifts and feast, Pinata... etc)

    (or what sort of intimacy  are allowed and what are forbidden  between male and female couple ......)   :))).

  9. Confusing and controversial ideas and perceptions we can find about God, life and death, feelings, acts/deeds of human and gods.



    3. What did Jehovah do when Cain killed Abel?

    3 The Bible teaches us that our life and the lives of other people are precious to Jehovah. For example, when Cain—Adam and Eve’s son—was very angry with his younger brother Abel, Jehovah warned Cain that he needed to control his anger. But Cain didn’t listen, and he became so angry that he “assaulted his brother Abel and killed him.” (Genesis 4:3-8) Jehovah punished Cain for murdering Abel. (Genesis 4:9-11) So anger and hatred are dangerous because they can make us become violent or cruel. A person who is like that cannot have everlasting life. (Read1 John 3:15.) To please Jehovah, we must learn to love all people.—1 John 3:11, 12. - https://www.jw.org/ase/publications/books/bible-study/respect-gods-gift-of-life-blood/


    On other side we can find this in Bible, directly as words inspired to be written by Almighty God.  



      7   Remember, O Jehovah,What the Eʹdom·ites said on the day Jerusalem fell:“Tear it down! Tear it down to its foundations!”+ 

     O daughter of Babylon, who is soon to be devastated,+Happy will be the one who rewards you With the treatment you inflicted on us.+

     Happy will be the one who seizes your children And dashes them against the rocks.+ -  https://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/nwt/books/psalms/137/








  10. Watchtower religion has some terminology and wording that not existing in Holy Scriptures text. That is the case with word Disassociation. This word is impossible to find in Bible. 


    Watch Tower Publications Index 1986-2018

    meaning of term: od 142: 

    30 The term “disassociation” applies to the action taken by a person who is a baptized member of the congregation but deliberately repudiates his Christian standing by stating that he no longer wants to be recognized as, or known as, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Or he might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of a secular organization that has objectives contrary to Bible teachings and therefore is under judgment by Jehovah God.—Isa. 2:4; Rev. 19:17-21. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102014944#h=41:0-41:511

    If you going to read this two Bible verses you will find that there is nothing about JW member who decide not to be member of JWorg any more. JW (WT GB) policy about people who stopped to be JW member is Artificial rule imposed by WT leaders. 

    It is interesting how WT explanation is that disassociated person in fact "shunning" JW bros and sis and congregation. It is good to notice how person who left JWorg are not shunning people who stay to be JW members. Many ex JW members are ready to give smile and greetings to JW when they met them on the street, or to go for a glass of drink with them. If some do "shun" :))) it is for/to those JW who have orthodox and corporative characters, who are fanatics and purposely blind. Such disassociated ones are decided to separate self from WT Corporation and doctrines that are questionable or wrong. 






  11. On 9/22/2016 at 9:43 PM, HollyW said:

     But no mention of the elders sitting down and talking to her to determine what her sins were for those 40 years, how many times she had committed those sins, and which ones, if any,she was still practicing.

    According to the instructions that the elders have received, there is a statute of limitation for sins, 3-5 years, not only to elders's sins but for all members as i understand while reading stuff in Shepherd book.

  12. On 9/15/2016 at 3:58 PM, HollyW said:

    The brochure tells of one coming back after 40 years of being inactive,

    I'm interested in something. If a person was 40 years (more or less) out of the "spiritual paradise", should he to get know about every change of teaching, doctrine in WT?

    Because if such a person would be "abruptly, suddenly" taught the newest truth (exposed to great "flash of light"), it could be a great shock to that person because that  would means how he skipped the gradual arrival, coming of the light of truth and understanding. The sudden appearance of knowledge of the truth could blind him. The gradual process of receiving information from inaccurate (not true) to accurate (questionable true) is very important for a person's spiritual growth.  :))))

  13. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    If you truly know what the Government and their allies are doing, you'd be very very aware of what is at work here, secular authority is of a whole different thing, the focus here is the Government.


    Really???!!! :)))))))))

    Your friends in Watchtower say this. 


    "As you read over that passage, you can see that “the superior authorities” mentioned there are the secular governments." 


    6. How do Paul’s words about the paying of taxes and tribute show that the superior authorities must be secular authorities?

    7 Further, Paul’s exhortation to be in subjection to the superior authorities is in harmony with Jesus’ command to pay back “Caesar’s things to Caesar,” where “Caesar” represents secular authority. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    The Government is an enemy to all, regardless of who the person is.


    Government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated.



    Definition: The arrangement for making and administering laws. Governments are frequently classified according to the source and scope of their authority. Jehovah God is the Universal Sovereign, who confers authority on others in accord with his will and purpose. However, Satan the Devil, the foremost rebel against Jehovah’s sovereignty, is “the ruler of the world”—this by God’s permission for a limited period of time. The Bible depicts the global system of political rulership as a wild beast and says that “the dragon [Satan the Devil] gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.”—John 14:30; Rev. 13:2; 1 John 5:19.

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    I speak of Babylon the Great and the Harlot



    Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the world’s collective body of false religions, which God rejects. 

  15. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    If a single angel can wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers

    ....and he (angel) done that before many centuries....question arise------- how is possible that this same angel can not help to 1 or to 185 000 children and to prevent, to stop their personal Armageddon as victims of child molesters? 

  16. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    There is no middle ground between Life and Death.

    Oh , yes there is! 

    One famous actor, now old. And it happens,  some giving to such actors insignificant roles below their artistic level , and they accept them because they have to make money for life. He said when they asked him how can be that he accept that situation; "And he (director) don't know that I'm playing dead".

    But we shall leave wisdom of worldly men and will go to one Bible verse, for example Revelation 3:1:

    “To the angel of the congregation in Sarʹdis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of Goda and the seven stars:b ‘I know your deeds, that you have the name* that you are alive, but you are dead.  

    middle ground exist :)))))

  17. 6 minutes ago, Jack Ryan said:

    At the assembly today the Circuit Overseer, Steve Elumbaugh, talked about a single pioneer mother and her 3 year old unbaptized publisher daughter. Why would he relate that experience? It just makes the Witnesses seem unbalanced. Why would the Service Committee even approve the daughter. Poor baby. She's only 3 years old. SMH. This whole thing is past ridiculous.

    ---- well, it seems how in next year the kid will be baptised

  18. 18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    The Government is an enemy to all, regardless of who the person is.

    ohh dear god....you talking as some subversive element.....Bible say how secular authority is "god's public servant". 

    “Rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good.” - Romans

    What sort of gospel you preaching? :)))) 

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