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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/government Government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989231 Government Definition: The arrangement for making and administering laws. Governments are frequently classified according to the source and scope of their authority. Jehovah God is the Universal Sovereign, who confers authority on others in accord with his will and purpose. However, Satan the Devil, the foremost rebel against Jehovah’s sovereignty, is “the ruler of the world”—this by God’s permission for a limited period of time. The Bible depicts the global system of political rulership as a wild beast and says that “the dragon [Satan the Devil] gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.”—John 14:30; Rev. 13:2; 1 John 5:19. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/babylon-the-great/ Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the world’s collective body of false religions, which God rejects.
  2. ....and he (angel) done that before many centuries....question arise------- how is possible that this same angel can not help to 1 or to 185 000 children and to prevent, to stop their personal Armageddon as victims of child molesters?
  3. Oh , yes there is! One famous actor, now old. And it happens, some giving to such actors insignificant roles below their artistic level , and they accept them because they have to make money for life. He said when they asked him how can be that he accept that situation; "And he (director) don't know that I'm playing dead". But we shall leave wisdom of worldly men and will go to one Bible verse, for example Revelation 3:1: “To the angel of the congregation in Sarʹdis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of Goda and the seven stars:b ‘I know your deeds, that you have the name* that you are alive, but you are dead. middle ground exist :)))))
  4. ohh dear god....you talking as some subversive element.....Bible say how secular authority is "god's public servant". “Rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good.” - Romans What sort of gospel you preaching? :))))
  5. hehe, Jesus and 12 GB members ... 70 helpers (2x35 sending in service)
  6. Agree with your explanations how more important, or if we can say also, only important thing is, what we are, who we are, what sort of person we are and want to be. If it is so, and how almost all of us here agree with such view, i believe, then all such Corporative and Organizational preparing and sharing of so called spiritual food ( read WT publications and talks) is/are almost unnecessary, meaningless or redundant. Why? Because of never ending process of going beyond what is written, and striving to keep members in obedience to man (WT Corporation), not to God.
  7. Does this means how someone claims "that God indirectly gives the GB spiritual food" ? If yes, what does it look like such "indirect way"?
  8. Double honor?? For what "hard work of teaching" dear Insider? For repeated wrong interpretations? For new "clarifications" that will come to be called "previous errors", "wrong expectations" and other phrases in WT terminology? :)) Every, each time this "new clarification" make JW members to have, not new clarification, but NEW HOPE, because "this time this must be true" ..in mind (read fantasy) of person only. :))
  9. that is his right, and his decision. maybe will change in this or that direction. so it is not good from you to criticizing his stand in this in this particular moment :))
  10. making comparison on why one person do something and other not is not useful, it can be interesting to hear of course, but not giving that something for us what can move us in right direction. Right for us personally. JW Insider or you Anna have same or similar information as John, but not making same or similar steps. I know JW brother, some kind of friend (ex friend), some 10 years older then me. He said me few times similar stuff or different in time of my "waking" about WT. But he still is in. And he still talking against and about some things about "organization". So, what make him better or worse than me, or someone else here or there? :))
  11. Screcko I am unclear what your understanding is To give more clarification. JW under influence of GB have "mantras" that said; Light gets brighter, FDS aka GB are not inspired but are guided, We have The Truth, and similar. In that sense (as general view of WT) JW are as "continuation" of unique Christian congregation of 1 century and "continuation" of apostle and Jesus "unspoiled" teachings about God and holy scriptures, and as such, they have own "world that belong only to God", or they are "part of God's world", as i understand your state. But as we see also "continuation" in doctrinal changes and by that in behavior and acts that are allowed or stopped to be allowed, or that are forbidden or stopped to be forbidden, shows that idea of "been part of God's world" have changing effects in life of JW. JW said how JHVH is god who can not and not change, but his followers and worshipers aka JW making changes with justification how such changes coming from god , but in same time explaining how JHVH is in fact unchangeable :))). In fact GB try to prove how same teaching JW have now is the same teaching apostles and Jesus had before and vice versa, teaching that apostle had is same that JW have now. So, all is "the same" and all is "as in first century congregation", but light gets brighter or changes are viewed as normal evolution process despite the claim how JW nowadays just imitate first congregation and living as first Christians. This is strange idea. WTJWorg try to explain something that is not true in fact. Enumerate how primitive congregation was preach, not went to warn not celebrated pagan holidays and some other stuff is nice, but to making never ending changes and flip-flops of doctrines and in same time proclaiming himself as the successor to the first church is funny. :)) sorry for "cryptic", unclear English language sentences. People who are able to understand me have that something in brain that helps to see what i try to explain :))
  12. It is about this you have said: "The distinction is where you have proven yourself to be. Part of this world, or part of God's world. There can be no intermediaries between this two conditions." Jew people, old Israel, was been "part of God's world" and they killed a lot of own people and non-Israel people. For many century that is how looked like past "part of God's world". Then we have Jew-Christian and non Jew Christians and short time of how their "part of God's world" looked like. Then we have all other scenery of 1 century post Christian era with Roman Christian and other National Christian denominations as "part of God's world". Now, also the same. And JWORG as separate "part of God's world" World. :))
  13. I can almost agree with you. Some people have greater concern than others. I do not know how John's feeling and thoughts going on this issue, would he be activist or somehow involve himself in revealing problem in and out of JWORG in helping all other victims of child abuse no mater from what religion or institution they coming from. But SM, you have to consider also one very, very important thing. WTJWORG teaching members that is of NO USE to repair, to reconstruct, to reform, to RESTORE this old world and global situation. WHY? Because "new world" is so close, so why to spend time on useless activity :))))) In other words WTJWORG say; God will fix all anyway.... so few victims more or less, why to worry, in new system in Kingdom they will not memorized nothing bad from own past!!! You JW , go to preach and not go to Court for Justice because God will take care of you. :))
  14. SM, when you say "the world", that also including "WTJWORG world" in general concept of word "the world" too? :))
  15. To prove? People who are educated in searching, investigating, and have resource and are legitimate for entering inside system as Watchtower Company, have to be people from outside of "Organization". Of course, some "Insider" can be helpful in providing further details and introspective information to such team of people. In every religious organization (here are of great concern such organizations) exist people who have interest to hide and people who have interest to reveal. WT JWorg is not above this "human influence" :)))
  16. It will be good to define, to hear, to give definition from your side what means - "Gods world". Please, take in consideration space/time  determinants in one or more definition that you, or someone else here, would/will give. Â
  17. Many religions of Christian orientation claim to have people who are credible and have the reputation of true Christians who continue Christ teachings. WT is not exception in that way and not hold exclusivity in such claim, or in your claim. :))
  18. ahhh this "worldly" journalist.... you can not believe them.... they speaking "lies" about WT, JW, "the truth" :))))))
  19. He? Who is he? Me or Srecko or somebody else you talking with :)))))
  20. Bad things happens to all of us, in home, kindergarten, school, workplace, on holidays ....etc. Well, choice to doing "normal" stuff as going to higher education is, have to be matter of your personal choice and NOT RESULT OF DOGMATIC TEACHING, INSTRUCTION, ADVICE, COMMENDATION of Church Leaders. About "stupidity". There is two sort of that connected to comment i made. One came from naivete , inexperience, or natural lack of reasoning for some stuff. Other came because we alone make us (and with help of others people too) to believe something and have strong feeling how we make best decision. Religion (and not only religion) have that power to make us so sure in wrong things. Don't you think the same?
  21. Thanks ones more time John. Patience? haha, sometimes i have more, sometimes less, but yes it can be said how i enduring some situations too long or longer than other people. Who knows why? :))) With more or less success from my side , but it can be tell how it is given to me this skill, gift to present or give some thoughts on certainly subject. Not always of course, in rare moments for sure :)))) It would be easier for me to speak on my language in compare to written words in Croatian too. In English with help of G+translator or some grammar page, dictionary - but tenses are primary deficiency on my part. Greetings from Zagreb!
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