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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 19 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    If "you" say something wrong unintentionally, thinking sincerely "you" are right, then this means "you" are not deliberately sinning. It means "you" have made a mistake, misunderstood a matter, made a decision with insufficient or incorrect data etc.

    No problem with your explanation and human characteristic . Point is other thing - Deliberately or not, SIN IS SIN. That is all what is about in what i have to say about Bible viewpoint and what most or some religious people believe about human deeds and sin.

    If people decide that deliberately sinning must be punished with this and that punishment, they will do it.

    If people decide that unintentional, mistaken sin must not be punished but to forgive, they will do it.


  2. 19 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    Here lies an underlying feature of this mindset it appears. I do not share this perception of Armageddon that you have. For me, I survived my personal armageddon. This was a day of regeneration with a prospect of life. I can see you have a different perception, whether learned or originated. The big Armageddon for me is also a day of regeneration and of life. For you, I see, it is different.

    For me this fits with Paul's words at 2Cor.2:15-16 "For to God we are a sweet odor of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter ones an odor issuing from death to death, to the former ones an odor issuing from life to life."

    odor...preaching....one issue.

    Armageddon, as bible scholars explaining is The Day of JHVH.

      Seek Jehovah . . . Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.”—ZEPHANIAH 2:3.

    Look! The day of Jehovah is coming, Cruel both with fury and with burning anger, To make the land an object of horror,+ And to annihilate the land’s sinners from it.- Is 13:9

    Woe to those who yearn for the day of Jehovah!+ What, then, will the day of Jehovah mean for you?+ It will be darkness, and not light - Amos 5:18

    If you want to enjoy in the day of Armageddon, let it be your's. :)) Mindset... hahahaha

    Do you like WT publications with scene of Armageddon? What looks regenerate in them? And what prospect of life is in it? You have faith of surviving, good for you, but no one promise this outcome to You, not even JHVH.


  3. 16 hours ago, Anna said:

    The last person who was inspired by God or Jesus was the apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, when he wrote Revelation. 



    Was he last or not no one knows for sure. But You believe he was last. And i respect your belief.... even with :) symbol

  4. 7 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    One old brother said to me many years ago "your armageddon came the day you dedicated your life to Jehovah".

    Something not seems right, good and healthy in such way of thinking, to me of course.

    Dedication to god, even in JWorg world, must be the happiest and most important day of your life, because you choose LIFE in Jesus and his father. YOU CHOOSE LIFE ...... NOT Armageddon, ......because Armageddon  is  destruction and death.

    7 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    The whole point of the excercise for me is to live now as we will live once it has come so that it doesn't come as a shock when this old world's structure is no more.

    Perhaps that can be good in some sort of circumstances or when your days of calamity come on you, not because of Armageddon has come, but because of worldly events and unknown reasons, because something bad just happened in your place of living.

  5. 7 hours ago, Gone Away said:
    20 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Surely that is deliberate sin

    Not if they believe what they say. Getting something wrong is not a sin as such. 

    Dear Gone Away, i think how this same Bible you have in your hand can and will defeat this sort of thinking. :)) 

    Do one making some act/deed that can be characterized as wrong or bad or evil, and nevertheless if such was done  deliberately or by mistake.... it is a sin in religious, Bible way of interpretation on this subject, as many bible scholars and teachers explained. 

    If i believe that GB is not FDS and not god's servant and representative here on Earth (but you believe they are) then, as You gave reasoning, I am not deliberately sinning and not made sin, because I BELIEVE IN WHAT I SAY I BELIEVE :)))))   I JUST GETTING SOMETHING WRONG, THAT IS  ALL :))))  

  6. 20 hours ago, Gone Away said:

    God does not give wrong information

    People who believe in god and to god can stand on this quote you gave, for sure.

    Now, because in every religious system on Earth, exist people, leadership who run god's Heavenly job, work or business here on Earth and in that process of governing they giving information about what god want human (member of one religion) to do, I ask;

    WHO giving information?? 

    WHO giving right information??  

    WHO giving wrong information??

    WHO ... in this one and same religion??

  7. History and science agree about cataclysmic events that was in the past of Earth and how that affect all living creatures. By that various evidences that is visible in scientific research in many fields,  we can expect, soon or later, the same or similar changes in life of Earth and all forms of life. 

  8. On 9/30/2018 at 9:18 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

    When  i started studying, all those years ago, I was taught that each Creative day was 7,000 years long. And that God's 'rest day' would also be 7,000 years.

    Yes, this was idea for some time. After they wrote how specific Hebrew word "yom" can mean undefined, unknown period of time that can last more then 7000 years. I think in Creation book  was (blue book) first time talking about this "new" teaching.

    But despite to this revelation about "yom" in Genesis book, WT still standing in interpretation how Adam and Eve as first human on Earth come to existence before only 6000 years ... and few years more (if we count from 1975 till today). 

    In this we can see some disharmony, about this two Bible reports, in WT explanations and interpretations about when first human came to existence and how old is Earth, Solar system, Universe. 

    Science said one thing and WT something different or not incorporate scientific knowledge and information's in religious teaching of the JW Church.

  9. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    The Governing Body and the body of elders strive to keep the congregations morally clean.

    Think, I would not praise them for good deeds they doing, because they are obligated to doing good deeds and to have good intentions. They take/took voluntarily this responsibility. No one force them to take position of lead.

    What i stress is/are things they not  doing  well or they have done even bad in some case.

    Thanks Anna :)  


  10. 16 hours ago, Anna said:

    WT has NEVER shielded or protected known perpetrators. The GB have not mishandled cases of child abuse, the elders have. Elders have apologized to victims where possible. The whole organization cannot be held responsible for every case that happens in congregations. Have you personally had experience of having to handle an accusation of child molestation by someone in the congregation? If not, then you cannot know what you are talking about. If yes, then please let us know what happened.

    1) The GB have not mishandled cases of child abuse, the elders have.

    Elders are extended arm of WT system. GB claim that they are appointed to giving "spiritual food". What is spiritual food? All what is told and written to GUIDE God's People on Earth. GB are Chanel of Communication between JHVH and Jesus .......and their Earthly Organization, Chosen People, Spiritual Nation that will survive Armageddon . They will survive if they Listen and Obey what FDS aka GB Teach and Instruct Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Is here something that confused You Anna? :)        

    2)  Elders have apologized to victims where possible.

    Agree! .........But also Top Management have same obligation.

    3) The whole organization cannot be held responsible for every case that happens in congregations.

    WT was explained few times in publication, very rare done, i can recall one most two time when they discus about Personal and Collective Responsibility.  Yes, Organization is that Entity that is RESPONSIBLE for what members of that same Organization DOING! If you are member of the "Club" you are expected to play by the rule of the Club. If you not Club have to deal with You. If Club ignore what members doing and if members harm each other (or outside people) Club is obligated to call those who can handle issue. Club must know what they may and can and must solve "in the family" and what must go to Authority.

    4)  Have you personally had experience of having to handle an accusation of child molestation by someone in the congregation? If not, then you cannot know what you are talking about. If yes, then please let us know what happened.

    No, i have no personal experience in this issue.  ....and you are close to right conclusion how i am clueless what is going on :))))

  11. 15 hours ago, Anna said:

    What makes you think this is new?

    WT 1988 /4/15 page 11. par.6

    "Distrust has increased because of another growing fear in our day: the fear of becoming a victim of crime.

     I think this is general statement, about all crimes in society. Article mentioned among others crime and child molestation. But this is not told by WT authors, but by newspaper editorial in Puerto Rico declared: 

    Reporter who wrote article said in fact - child molestation is a crime. Not WT magazine.

    Let see again what you paste:


    WT 1988 /4/15 page 11. par.6

    "Distrust has increased because of another growing fear in our day: the fear of becoming a victim of crime. Many now do like the woman who said that she sleeps with a revolver under her pillow. Another fearful woman said: “I resent it. . . . My grandmother never locked her doors.” Thus, a newspaper editorial in Puerto Rico declared: “The ones who are imprisoned are us,” yes, in our own barred and locked homes. These fears are well founded. In the United States, for example, one woman in three is likely to be assaulted during her lifetime. The surgeon general there noted that “some four million Americans fall victim to serious violence every year—murder, rape, wife-beating, child-abuse, muggings.” Such crime is common in many lands, further damaging the trust that people have in others".

    Beginning and the end of this paragraph you paste, have quotation mark. It seems that source of that text is not WT author, but some secular source, newspaper, book or interview. 

     WT talking about sin not about crime. When Bible speaking about some bad human behavior it is always in context with sin never with crime. WT running religion so they talking and teaching  in such lexical and historical way about human behavior. Bible, the Law of OT and NT Commands  not speaking about CRIME but only and always about SIN.

    WORD CRIME almost not EXIST in Bible, as i know. NWT using word "crime" only in Luke 23:4. But here  is about Pilates who said how he can not find any CRIME about Jesus.  Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds: “I find no crime in this man.”  Other translations using words; Charge, Condemn, Guilt, Fault. So, if Pilates really used word CRIME, that would by explainable by fact that he was servant of Roman Empire and Roman Legal and Judicial System that possibly using such terminology in Courts and in Roman Legislative. Perhaps somebody other here can tell more about word CRIME and Roman Empire. 

  12. 15 hours ago, Anna said:

    I didn't notice that. Which magazine was that?

    In this https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w19831001/help-for-victim-of-incest/

    Here is only place i find they mention about male victims. All other paragraphs  talking, giving experiences about girls and woman.

    "Studies in the United States suggest that one in five girls and one in ten boys suffer sexual molestation before they grow up."

  13. On 9/30/2018 at 3:22 AM, Space Merchant said:

    I'd also like to say, someone can be part of your family even though they are not of blood, example, adopting a child, taking in a pet, etc.

    Well said. And If JW parents adopt some non JW baby, after several years son/daughter get baptized as JW and after some time stop to be JW by diss or dfd. Then what would happen? This adopted child would be abandoned and ignored by foster family. What a beautiful life !?     

  14. 1 hour ago, Jay Iza said:

    I noticed for the past few years at our convention, i am not sure if i am the only one that finds this wrong but i dont agree with such practices. For example, they will announce $5000 bank balance at the convention account then they will anoounce all donations made to the world wide work and other places and  always leaves a balance of $0 then they will announce the cost of running the convention for example $3000 then they will announce donations made by everyone which never covers the cost so then this is what i find disturbing they will say thanks for all contributions but then there make an announcenment on how to make donations to cover all costs and that donations will be accepted till the end of the convention. Is it just me or is this way wrong....

    You have quite normal perception :))

  15. 24 minutes ago, Anna said:

    By the way John, @JOHN BUTLER I never created this topic. It was the Librarian @The Librarian I wish he would stop doing that without asking! And if he wants to create a topic he should put his own name to it.

    HAha, yes sometimes other people use our "Intellectual property" and make new topic. It is understandable, people sometimes gave us some new idea with what they said in comment.

    Maybe it would be nice and polite to have little conversation, agreement and mutual exchange of ideas. :)))

  16. 4 hours ago, Anna said:


    First of all I want to say I am very sorry you had such terrible experiences as a child. I understand more now how this issue must affect you.

    Also I think we’ve had quite a bit of misunderstanding here  as well. I am sorry I doubted the pedophilia  problem was the only reason you left JW.  You make a lot of accusatory statements  but you don’t back them up with facts.  I know, this would take a long time so here are just a few facts that I am familiar with; Yes, there is no doubt that some elders mishandled child molestation cases. I know of one personally in my old congregation in England which involved an influential elder.  When his disgusting behaviour was found out (he actually never had sex with his victims, but he was a groper) he was merely removed from his position as Elder but remained a full time pioneer.  This happened  sometime in the late 80’s. I was  a teenager busy with my teenage life so I didn’t pay much attention at the time. I just remember the notoriety and rumours surrounding this man. Even my mum told me some stuff about him. Anyway, a few months ago I got to talking to a friend on FB.  I will call her Jane. She had faded about 25 years ago and is no longer attending meetings etc. The conversation turned to a  mutual friend of ours from the same cong. and I said I had the feeling that her dad had abused her as a child and that is why she was messed up.  Jane then proceeded to tell me that when she was in her early teens this elder would grope her inappropriately while having Bible study with her. She never said anything to anyone then.  Some months later the same Elder made a big mistake by groping the breast of another friend of mine while she was breastfeeding her first child (at an assembly of all things!). When the father of that sister found out he went ballistic and said if he ever sees that elder he will kill him. (I remembered that).  This got the attention of the elders in the hall and they began to handle the matter. In the meantime my friend Jane did a #metoo and I believe another sister came forward as well.  Like I said, a judicial committee was held in another city, with the CO involved, but all that happened was the elder got stripped of his position. Jane told me that she had to sleep with the lights on for weeks in fear that this elder would get her because she ratted on him.  I didn’t know anything about this at the time. She also told me that she holds no grudge against the org. That they did the best they could in those days as it wasn’t the custom in society ( I mean society in general)  to deal with those things the same way as they are being dealt with now.  She told me her parents weren’t discouraged from going to the police, but they never went.  I guess because it didn’t involve rape.  (The father was not a JW).  Why I am telling you this real life story is because it highlights a few factors.

     1. Child molestation (sexual or otherwise) was not discussed in society in general some decades ago.

    2. What happened and how/if things were dealt with in the congregation was very much a matter of how much fuss there was made. This depended on:

    3. People. The congregations are comprised of all kinds of people, some very shy and others very outspoken. The father of the sister who was breastfeeding was very outspoken. My mother, if anything like this would have happened to me, would have been very outspoken, no questions asked she would have caused an almighty fuss. And if she deemed it necessary she would have marched to the police, no questions asked.  And she is a very spiritual and zealous JW and the elders respected her very much.

    I am sure you have heard of the Candace Conti case while you were doing your research. The Conti case was a classic example of a dysfunctional family that was not fully aware of what was happening in their own lives, never mind that of their child (Candace).  My friend Jane’s parents were not bad, but they were different to my family. Had the elder groped me while having Bible study I would have gone straight to my mum and told her what happened. I know I would have done that because my mum and I have a very close and communicative relationship. In fact an uncle of mine (not a JW) groped me one day ( I was 14) and I went straight to my mum and told her about it. She went straight to her sister (my aunt, also not a JW) and told her what her husband did to me. So my aunt went straight to the uncle, furious. Needless to say my uncle never touched me again.

    You see it takes all kinds of people who make up a congregation, and that is why no single case is the same, and why some cases never come to the fore until decades later, and why some cases drag on and never seem to get resolved.

    What I take away from all this is that of course no elder or publisher or parent, or anyone in their right mind wants to shield child molesters. Of course the org. doesn’t want to shield child molesters.  No one does. (Why would anyone want a pedophile running lose in their congregation?! The elders have children too!) The only people that are protective of child molesters are those who are in the child porn and human trafficking industry.  And if you want to look at it from a very logical perspective, why would Jehovah’s Witnesses, with their ultra high moral standards, of all people, would want to willingly shield someone who was practicing the vilest of moral depravity?

    For decades JWs have been publishing magazines on the dangers of moral decline and the dangers of child sexual molestations and took it even further than “stranger danger” by drawing attention to the fact that this danger can come from  people the child knows, and even from family members. I still remember that Awake magazine. Did the dysfunctional families that needed to read this information read it? Probably not....

    There is no denying the child sexual molestation issue was not always dealt with in the correct way, but it seems none of the ideas (like not reporting to police) came from instructions from the org. but was decided on by the body of elders, or sometimes even just one dominant elder. In the past, the elders were not required to call the branch for advice like they are now, and they pretty much did their own thing. This is the reason why now elders have to call the branch as soon as anything like this comes to light, so that they get consistent  instruction on what to do.

    And yes, I believe the ARC did us a good service. I believe it was because of them our child policies have become transparent across the board in the shape of the Child protection packet:


    As for the two witness rule, well that is not much different to secular authorities implementation of "innocent until proven guilty". But notice in par 10 of the document it mentions this: "If an alleged abuser is a member of the congregation, the elders conduct a Scriptural investigation. This is a purely religious proceeding handled by elders according to Scriptural instructions and is limited to the issue of membership as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A member of the congregation who is an unrepentant child abuser is expelled from the congregation and is no longer considered one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (1 Corinthians 5:13) The elders’ handling of an accusation of child abuse is not a replacement for the authorities’ handling of the matter".—Romans 13:1-4.

    So in view of that, the two witness rule applies only in a congregational setting. If secular authorities find enough evidence to convict said perpetrator, and this is where it gets interesting, then even if elders have not gathered enough evidence to support their decision to disfellowship or not disfellowship, then the fact that said perpetrator has been charged with sexual molestation will automatically warrant a disfellowshipping. So either way, the perpetrator will not escape punishment.

    In period of 1980 and on JW magazine talking about, as i read in this magazine, only women as victims. Second, WT talking about issue as a sin, not crime that have to be handled by secular authorities. 

    And WT was seen perpetrators as persons who, if repent enough,  are as other ordinary sinners. 

    So, i have to ask; IF GB and His Holy Nation and Only Organization on Earth not received much more better Instructions, from Heaven, in this matter - What makes WTJWorg so better from others in the past time  (from 1980 period on, because GB members loved to mention on TV how this Organization was almost first that spoken about this issue) ?  

    Surely one who was sexually abused as a child can be certain of God’s understanding and loving acceptance. Why, Jehovah forgives even those who, unlike the abused child, commit gross sins—if they repent and change their course of action!1 Corinthians 6:9-11. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w19831001/help-for-victim-of-incest/

    From this it can be seen how "Scriptural Based Position" looks like. Child molestation is a gross sin that can be handled without much fuss in Judicial Committee of elders. 


    Next thing: 

    Thanks for link you provide. There is 3 point that is modern, advanced (21 century) view  made by WT. And they said;

    A) Child sexual abuse is a perversion

    B) Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.

    C) Child abuse is a serious sin.



    When and how GB WTJWorg came to this NEW Instructions and attitude about issue?? With a Little Help of people who are under "devil control". When Courts, experts for child healthCommissions and other Secular Institutions made more talking and made some pressure on religious and other group, institution who HAVE Problem with this. 

    Until today, as what i know,  WT Legal Department are not willing to fully cooperate with Courts and other Secular authorities in benefit to victims. Some victims want money, and why not. Because WT victims was not and perhaps will never heard Words of Sincere Repent and Apologize from all those who make them so miserable because not handled their matters and problems in a way that would imitate Heaven's Love, Comfort and Justice.  JWorg web was never, until now, said how GB and other people in position (elder) made (and making still now) big errors and not handled this properly in harmony with all good Instructions that can be found in The Holy Book and in Secular Books too.

    Until now NO Public Apologize to Victims! Perhaps, and if they do it public, it would not be sincere ??!!  

    This public attitude on JW TV how WT are purely innocent is something disgusting.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I think we may be understanding what "family unit" means differently.

    family unit - Collins English Dictionary.

    (ˈfæmlɪ ˈjuːnɪt)
    a social group traditionally consisting of parents and children
    the traditional family unit of mother, father and two children

    Yes, yes, in technical terms, in mathematics way of explanation we can say that.

    If one potato living basket he is not part of that basket. But he is still potato grew up in the same pot/peace of soil and got the attributes of his family. So practicality, spiritually and by genetic he is part of that very family. If they don't want talk to each other that is their problem. Such "detail" (about their dis-functionality) is not reason to reject the indisputable fact how they belong to each other by blood. And have all legal and human obligations to each other by the both laws, God's and Terrestrial. :))) 

    One of fundamental law is to have conversation. And NOT to ignoring other by silence. Ok, when you are angry you will not speak for awhile, but angry must stop before sun goes down, :)))))) Bible said, haha  

  18. 17 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Good questions, but read the following scriptures.   Isaiah 26:1?0 and Isaiah 65: 20?. The ones who refuse to cooperate will not get to live to the end of the  1000 years.  It will be a government in which Jehovah's eminence? will be seen.  Wickedness will not be allowed to prevail. Those who obey the Kingdom's laws and cooperate will be brought to perfection by the end of the thousand years. (See quote below.)

    *** pe chap. 21 p. 178 par. 7 Judgment Day and Afterward ***
    associate kings will judge humankind. People who choose to serve Jehovah will be in a position to receive everlasting life. But, even under these best of circumstances, some will refuse to serve God. As the Scriptures say: “Though the wicked one should be shown favor, he simply will not learn righteousness. In the land of straightforwardness he will act unjustly.” (Isaiah 26:10) So after being given full opportunity to change their ways and to learn righteousness, such wicked ones will be destroyed. Some will be put to death even before Judgment Day ends. (Isaiah 65:20) They will not be permitted to remain to corrupt or spoil the paradise earth. End Quote

    Italics and bold text, mine

    "But when grace is shown to the wicked,  they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil  and do not regard the majesty of the Lord." - Is. 26:10

    It is strange to connect this Isaiah verse with “I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Act 24:15.

    I wonder how it is even possible that wicked will be in 1000 years Kingdom?? By surviving Armageddon or by resurrection!?!?

    1) JWorg say how "only" JW and people who support JHVH (sheep like ones) will survive Armageddon.

    2) JWorg teach how (based on Act 24:15) unrighteous people will resurrect too. Unrighteous NOT Wicked. So, conclusion is that wicked ones will not be present in 1000 years Kingdom.

    It is very, very big difference do you only/just unrighteous or do you wicked !!!!!!!

    Something is wrong with explanation in Paradise book (Live forever) and implementation of Isaiah verses in that context.  

    What do you think? :)




  19. If you like to hear what i mean then it is this;

    If all people will be resurrect, then also all problems (heritage) that follows (were followed) life of every single resurrected person will come back to existence too. 

    all :)) and all :(( will take place too

    If somebody thinks, "when Kingdom come, 1000 years get start and all will be without problem",...he have a problem.

    In transition process that will last 1000 years, if you believe, from imperfect to perfect condition... Who and What and Why will save you from Your mistakes, from wrong decisions, from sinful inclination and similar? Do you really think  how life without satan's influence will mean that population will not create problems in many life fields? Do you thing how God and angels will intervene in every of your and other people wrong move?? Do you think they will be willing to do that "tomorrow", but they are not willing to do that "today"?? 

  20. 34 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:


    (Genesis 9:6) 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image He made man.

     (Proverbs 28:17) 17 A man burdened with bloodguilt for taking someone’s life will keep fleeing until the grave. Let no one support him.

     Both of these remedies would be difficult to achieve for a man taking his own life. So there is a difference in taking your own life and taking someone else’s life.

     (Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”

     Murder is something willful and thought out. Note what the scripture says will happen to murderers.

    *** w02 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***

    If someone commits suicide, would it be advisable for a Christian minister to give the funeral talk


    Any future prospect for the dead is in the hands of Jehovah, and no one is in a position to say whether the deceased will be resurrected or not. The minister can concentrate on the Bible truths about death and offer comfort for the bereaved.


    You seem quite capable of doing your own research.


    So, according to your respond, can we tell how  Bible said nothing specific about; is taking own life sin or braking some god's law or braking some secular law?

    Talking about WT opinion, would be advisable even to go to funeral and to go and give a speech making this thing (suicide) as something shameful, to be judge as inappropriate act of person, and maybe to "mark" family as not appropriate society for community.  

    As you see, in my opinion, it is not of such matter Would person who committed suicide  be resurrected, but,  would /will family, friends and JW congregation show comfort, understanding, compassion and love to those who live!?

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