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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. ...so you are so sure that he is not laughing at Your? :)) Do not forget, he is Master of Deceiving. He corrupted whole world, according to Bible, so what is WT to be exception??!!
  2. Sorry, but all people, group/individual can be "spirit-directed", i agree. With one little detail which i always have in mind even if i not speak it aloud -- what kind, sort of spirit took place? Spirit and spirit, one word - few meanings. In case of WT it is very clearly that they, GB, thinking about JHVH spirit or Holy Spirit who, according to their words, is behind their WT Organization and giving direction. Well, in case when Company is on so called "right way", according to logic you present, if i understand your thinking, Holy Spirit "direct" GB. But in case when Company is on so called "wrong way" (correction will be done in some future time, and by that no one knows today that Organization is on "wrong way" :))))) , they, GB are not directed by JHVH spirit or Holy Spirit, but they are directed by some other sort, kind of spirit. Which one? Generally looking, it doesn't matter. What is matter it is that that Company walking in wrong street, maybe even in wrong town. :=) This is how i can explain, as one possible among many explanation, what is going on here. :))))
  3. River of no return. I think one old movie have same title. :)) We here just changing information. Here exists interesting people. No. You see how many times  i put with my comments.  Ok, now i have to go to work something with my hands. see you later, hehe Â
  4. i made, for the sake of arguments :))) ... but in the same time can be true for someone else who experienced same or similar.
  5. Correct. And then we have; a) pray has not ended in Heaven (because of clouds of all sorts) b) pray was not make God to be pleased c) God decide not to answer d) God let that "spirit of deceive" acting e) God answer but human interpret His words wrongly f) something else Â
  6. In elders (as extended hand from the GB) action of disfellowshiping members can we see or not .. are they "still spirit directed" ?
  7. No, it was not first time WT talking about sinners. As we can see from 1947 article, before 1952 WT doctrine marked Roman Church as one that give wrong interpretations on some Bible verses about "expulsion". Later, WT accepted Catholic application of same verses. With or without "pagan influence", WT as "spirit guided organization" changed previous interpretation on same Bible verses. :))
  8. ..."we are uninspired and can err"... ..."our Company is spirit-directed" ... Some of comments here giving possible meanings on terminology used in WT publications that reveals, optional/possible GB deep thoughts, on how they looking at this issue and how members feel about. In 140 years, must has been/it is now, some sort of different mental/spiritual views and wishes of heart, how imperfect, uninspired, sinful man is guided, directed from JHVH spirit in accomplishing christian task as member (ordinary "am harets" and FDS member) in "one and only" true religion/organization. Catholic church (just for example) also are in position to give self made arguments why they have to be, must to be "only true" religion. And in comparing to WT they already existing more then 140 years. Does this proving how They, Roman Catholic church, are "spirit directed" and have blessing because we see multitude of members and soooo long existing? Much, much longer then WT. Which (by whom) handmade is RCC? Humans, gods, devils ....etc.? Which handmade is WT? Juggling with words and with meaning of words ( lexical , syntax , and semantic analysis ) to whom the source is WT (or JW members and their personal understanding and feeling on issue) i think will not give proper answer. :))
  9. :))) then we can say perhaps this: Elders: "Bro Fred. We see that you have your beliefs on Bible teachings that is contrary to WT beliefs. We love you very much, but we must to disfellowship you, not because You have your own beliefs in your brain, but because you have no WT beliefs in your brain. Sorry!"
  10. ... perhaps it is possible. If we take in consideration growing number of disfellowshiped and dissociated people, generational departure of old members due to natural death, weak pronatality policy of the organization, children that hesitate to be baptized, and of course famous worldwide persecution of JW members that ended in death.
  11. but ex JW is opposite (they are in opposition) toward (in relation to) JW. :)))) i just making some fun. Not want to be serious and boring..... :))
  12. Russel, as 2. President of WT, and in fact Founder of WT Company and Bible groups in purpose to reform their own old belief system, or as you using term Restoration, to restore faith in Bible mirror, was man who belonged to several religion groups, Protestants as i think, and because he was not satisfied with no one of them, made something, that became one more religion in protestant atmosphere. Or restoration atmosphere as you explain. Sometimes those, who are bible scholars in WT, using verses like this: Proverbs 4:18 NWT But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. to explain why errors in WT theology occurs from time to time and by that have justification for evolution in restoration process that happened continually. In such process, that last more then 140 years now, doctrines, instructions, teachings, ideas sometimes took opposite forms and shapes then before. And all of them were been, as they claimed, firmly established by Bible and with guidance of Spirit. This transformation or restoration were done in first place in early days of Russel and as such took place in new born religion aka Bible Students. But transformation and restoration continue, especially after Russell dead, when new Reformer, new Restorer became President and established new religion, new by name aka JW, but also in theology and management of Company. I think how all of them in those time as many of them today forget to consider (ok many would mention Daniel book or some other old Prophets, but if we want to look in so wide context will be lost, and my memory are not so good, ahahahah) this verse: 1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT 12Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Because many bible scholars want to believe that this future time of clarity, completeness and perfection about Gods word, Bible and understanding, are NOW, they all are very sure about their theology. I think how all of them failed. More then 2000 years of failure. And even Restoration need own brand new restoration. No Bible verses about. Find them by yourself :)) greetings.
  13. WT is one global Company (parent company if i use correct words) with many sister companies under different names. And all other companies in different countries have their names and numbers depend on particular law of the country. Australia was given as one example. You allude to that how i allude. Wrong friend :))
  14. Dear GA, terminology is in text of WT edition that Alithis Gnosis used :)) By that i conclude how writer/s of article knows very well about who they want to talk and addressed such nomenclature. Because only those who are "prominent" in WTJWorg can be useful to KGB, giving particular information of interest or as literature said ,""confidential information" who are not for those who are not "entitled" to hear"". And that are people in position of authority aka elders of all levels.
  15. One more thing about how many JW people are in the World. If i remember good enough Bible reports on how JHVH was never, never, never pleased if somebody want to count and in fact count people in tribes, Israel nation. And some very horror punishment came after this FORBIDDEN ACTIVITY took place. Well if WT teaching members how they must follow and respect all Bible principles and examples from day first and first letter of the Good Book, then why WT counting members at all? Did Jesus want reports of how many followers he have? And one more detail too. If they count they count only male members. Not women and children ... (baptized or not ---these is for this age of course in those times they was "baptized" in other way).
  16. Why would be rumors that "Prominent Brothers" (in fact who are at all Prominent, by whom they are named as Prominent, all are equal ----IN THEORY only, haha) betrayed others? What is false with that, in general. Judas the one of 12, and if we want to use same terminology as GB, Judas the prominent brother of first congregation betrayed Jesus.
  17. Perhaps they not get to some better idea :)) Or, idea "to not be part of this world" working only to certain level. :))
  18. Nice comparison. In material sense we can compare Jesus and Widow to some level. Before, until he came to age 30 Jesus making jobs and perhaps earn some "money" ( ohhh this money issue again :))))). Was he and his family poor or "middle class" Jew people. Guess he have simple (in material way) life, modest family. How contrary in compare to nowadays religious leaders (even WT leaders about whom you hold back to make any comments) who making big, expensive and modern worshiping centers, headquarters and handle with millions (currency).
  19. You wrongly interpret my sentences. :)) ............ or my English can be reason for that.
  20. Thanks for these last sentence in your comment. :)))) Despite our disagree on some subjects i am glad that i met you in this forum. I see you love what is sincerely and good and such things.  Of course you can not escape from your inside impulse  to  put on my nose so many times that Glasgow issue, but hey, we are all imperfect, even you  :))))  so i will not put some Bible verses about that, you already know them :)))
  21. These elders, it appears, broke the law. After watching ARC testimonies of Australian elders on same issue, i can agree how both of yours statement are good in all 3 elements: 1) elders gave impression (of all kinds in my perception. WT organized all sort of curses for elders, well maybe curses are useless or children aka elders in such school are lazy students) 2. they knew nothing about how to handle this issue (must be taken in consideration how WT Legal Department guiding elders and expects from elders to be in line with these WT provision. Did elders ask WT or not, what was given instructions and other details are unknown) 3. elders broke the law (good or not "Worldly law" must be obeyed if elders respect verses in Bible about secular authorities)
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