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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. very strong, ... but at the end of a day, if god want them to live, he can resurrect them in NW or somewhere else in Universe (if human made death penalty over such criminals as in old Bible time)
  2. You explain already how satan making influence on imperfect, sinful human. What else need explanation. Who influenced Widow, how should i know, because no bible verse, as to my knowledge, giving direct answer on this question. I am sure that you would know Bible verse if such exist. Jesus made commentary on Widow act of putting all money she have. He not made any comment on why she put all her money. Jesus only established few facts; - that she is very poor and how other people who donate were very rich, and by his opinion she gave more then rich people because she gave all she had, and as result she had done, she had no money for food or drink. Bible text said nothing that Jesus recommended such acting to his disciples and how all who follow Jesus teachings today must doing the same - to give last penny to Church. - my answer :)) ------ or maybe i do not see full context :)))) Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.
  3. to escape your objection how i don't answer on your question. Yes i did read OT. :)) You have explained before how all bad in the human today is because we are imperfect. And that we are imperfect because of Sin (Adam and Eve) If we sinning because we are IMPERFECT, then Adam and Eve have made sin because they are PERFECT? Mr devil made also sin not as imperfect but as perfect son of God. And still you want from me, the imperfect man, to prove you all with a Bible? :))))
  4. Dear SM no one is neutral , even if you consider self as neutral, at specific moment of situation you will put yourself on some side, actively or passively. My need is in that because i see you read a lot and think a lot. So, as you are man of a book and deep thinking it is quite normal how you might have conclusions and can describe WTJWorg in light of your understanding of what Bible say on religious institutions around the World. Question is not complicated and you are able, because of your great knowledge on issue, to give respond on such ask. I can not answer on all your question because i might do not know answer, (or my answer can be wrong, but what? Next day my answer can be right, heheehe) in this moment. But, you see irony? You criticize me how i not answer your question and in same time  you refuse to explain your stand about WT, by saying,  "i am neutral... there is no need to ask me again". :)) Do you support your view of Bible truth or you are supporter of WT? What else, except neutrality keep you from commenting this? Judgmental day? If so, then will be better for all of us to spend life in silence.  Another think what i would like to say you is this. My perception after our conversations is that you want from other people to prove all what they have said, have to say (their thoughts, beliefs, conclusions, understanding, emotions if you want, etc), with Bible verses. All must be confirmed with some Bible verses, according to your expectation (at least in my case with "devil and money", hehheehe) . That looks to me how you believe, my perception of you, how things that are not written, mentioned in Bible and Bible only, in fact not existing in humans World, on Earth. Things are; material or spiritual or mental or intellectual, someones claims, perceptions, beliefs, teachings, thoughts on something. Famous example of that is in our conversation on my belief how "money is devil product". And because you can not find Bible verse where is written, "Money is from satan", then you strongly claim how this conclusion of mine is wrong, false teaching, not reality, not supported with this or that, by his or him. Do you want be "fanatical" and claim how all things (material or immaterial) if Bible not mentioned them, not existing and they are not true?  Because with your insisting on Bible verse for proving this or that (what other people say), you have in fact, such irrational need. Greetings.  Â
  5. .... and now back to "money issue" with your upper thoughts as light that bring clarification to me.  Money is product due to our inheritance of Sin... Money is product because man dwell in imperfection   and the cause for man to dwell in imperfection was Satan the Devil Money is product because Satan can influence man to do things that is not of any good  Well who standing in the background, behind of human who do things that is not of any good? Well who stand in the background, behind  of money? :))
  6. Is there some Bible report about how Jesus and apostles doing the same, giving donation money in temple box?
  7. thanks for response. May i reformulate my question: What would you correct in JW theology?
  8. Would someone love the money if money would not exist? Would someone be in position to serve to money, would money be master over him, if money would not exist? Delete money from human life and you will be solve two problems that Bible said is burden in people's life. No money= less devil's influence on man :)))))
  9. Sorry but in same logic you provide your claims as is quoted: "Now, the things that are products of Satan are the exploitation of man’s imperfection. There is war, sickness, death, and all kinds of violence. Satan’s influence is also responsible for the twisting of biblical teachings and or doctrines that is not of early church origin, the teaching that ...." HOW is possible that named things as war, sickness, death.... you put under main title "the things that are products of Satan are the exploitation of man’s imperfection. There is ......" 1. Is there war, sickness, death.... because of man's imperfection? 2. Is war, sickness, death.... products of Satan''s exploitation of man's imperfection? 3. Is war, sickness, death .... existing because of satan's influence? Who making wars? People or ....1.man's imperfection; 2.Satan''s exploitation of man's imperfection; 3.satan's influence ?? would it be a war if people were perfect ??? Does perfection of people is guarantee how wars would never be possible?
  10. Your thoughts answer on your expectation: -"..the things that are products of Satan are the exploitation of man’s imperfection." -"That being said, it is no question that Satan’s influence on people and their actions is ever so evident,.." If God inspired human for good deeds, i am sure you believe in this premise, then satan "influence", your word "influence", or bad inspiration on people is quite logical reasoning how he, devil is very possible source of why human invented and using money. But as i said, this is my understanding on my way of reading Bible. And because i made my conclusion on this i have no obligation to you or anyone else to "justifies" why i came to this conclusion. That is my reasoning, true or false. Will i change that or not is matter of "inspiration" that will or will not came from "higher source". :)))
  11. I do not see here that Jesus support economic and money system of Jew, Greek or Roman people. He was not willing to support that. This verse "proving" my view and understanding on Jesus act: -------------- “But so that we may not offend them, go to the sea, cast a hook, and take the first fish you catch. When you open its mouth, you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for you” and Me. Jesus was not voluntary or by obligation participate in paying temple tax. His reason for pay tax money was in some sort of strange reason, "to not offend them". Does he payed tax more then this one time mentioned in this verse? Do not know. But this verse telling something different in connection to your statement: "Jesus taught that a legitimate use of money is to support the Lord's work (The Great Commission) through the religious institutions the Lord established,the early Church/Christians." In this verse he did contrary, he support Jew system and not "Lord's work". And as such, religious institutions aka Jew religion (or some other religious institution today), have to be, was been rejected by him and his followers, at the end of a day (or to the end of century in Romans's siege and destruction of Jerusalem). 1.What is legitimate use of money? (by capitalist view, by socialist view, by particular religious institution view......?) 2.And would you, as beneficiary, accept money, as donation or in other forms, without knowledge and proves how donor/donors made their multiplication of money in legitimate using, way? (Do you have interest to know is such money made in way that no one was damaged?) How many people working for one dollar per day or less, for few cents, in one part of a world??? And in different part of the world other people buy cheap products because of such system? And what is LEGITIMATE in that? Only laws that was product of injustice. AND ALL THIS WAS IN DOMAIN OF WHO OWNS THE MONEY :))))))) I do not care, at the end, is that devil's money or people's money. It is injustice! This is all about injustice, greedy, lies, manipulation ...
  12. we both! :))) please help me to see, by your thoughts, is there something in this World that IS devil product? proved by Bible, because this is point you like to highlight - Bible verses. Thanks.
  13. conclusion was derived from verse that claim how "satan is god of this world". If so, money is his invention. Adam and Eve have not money in their world to which JHVH was god. By that JHVH not produce money.... but fruits from a tree. :))
  14. So you are JW who spiritually is not part of this world? That is nice. I will provide links from Australian government site about Australian Branch. Only to illustrate, the same is around the world. Watchtower have Identity number and in this case it is Charity ABN 42002861225 (ABN is Australian Business Number), and they have additional business name - "Watchtower Travel". Travel Company? :))))) https://www.acnc.gov.au/RN52B75Q?ID=91956EB4-F967-4486-8D20-89B6E9A28BCC&noleft=1 http://www.abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/42002861225 https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/RegistrySearch/faces/landing/bySearchId.jspx?searchId=69158541&searchIdType=BUSN&_adf.ctrl-state=ptvq0dfmh_4
  15. Does Bible anywhere said how this or that religion in our century is product of satan ..... or of god
  16. Of course, any one can donate. Bible words put money and material things (wealth) in area of "unrighteous riches". So all that i have and all that you have, are "unrighteous" by this Bible words. So, all money that is in WT, all money that coming to WT from all kinds of sources, from members or from stocks and shares, in what ever connections might be with WT, is "bad money". Because money is satan product as Bible indicates. So, WT Company Inc. with all sister Companies around the world, and with all other Entities that Suport WT too, with more or less responsibility, with more or less awareness, with more or less intention are involved in business, transactions, that suport this unrighteous, bad materialistic system. No matter that WT publishing and printing Bible and magazines with Gods words, because the way, mean how money circling and coming from this hands to that hands reveals that deep issue how all money and wealth coming, in fact, from global exploration of people, JW or non JW . We are the part of a World. WT is part of the World no matter of their claim how they not. Do you have ID cart? Who gave it to you? Do WT have ID number as private Company? Who gave it to them? If yes.... then all who have it are part of the System. And if you are part of System you can not be without Guilt (in this matter- Economic, Money issue guilt on global scale).
  17. Dear Anna do not "fight" me with "specifics", because elder's "Shepherd" book and other memos they received from GB as instructions for Christian Life and Ministry of/for members, are full of all sort of details and specifics. "Spirit or principles behind" ... this is also for long disguising with large possibility to end up, "hung up" in "specifics". :))) because life of human is loaded, weighted with so much little things, details, particularities, specifics, orders, prohibitions, instructions, tips, advises, recommendations ...You see we, human, even have too much words for so many specifics to be able to "understanding the spirit and principle behind something" ::::)))) Definition by English dictionary: If you say that someone is hung up about a particular person or thing, you are criticizing them for thinking or worrying too much about that person or thing. Don't worry about me Anna :)
  18. A little supplement: The terminology used by the WT corporation, which should to guide the reader, member in direction of a "correct" choice, uses terms such as; spiritually mature Christian, Christian life, non-Christian customs (meaning there must be also Christian customs, and this means in other words "JW customs"), worldly customs, pagan customs, and the like. General rule by WT say; all that have pagan origin must be avoid and rejected, to not imitate or implement in JW life. General rule by JW people say; all that not brake your conscience or Bible understanding you can do, but will be good if you ask elder for opinion and advice if you are not sure what WT literature said about. (of course some JW person have understanding of same text in publication that is different or even opposite of some other JW member) General rule by WT say; "worldly" way of living is not what is for Christian aka JW. So, JW must avoid all what is "worldly". To lie, kill, steal, looking woman, dirty words, drinking, be lazy, be fan or member of sport club, cheer for the soccer team, go to coffee with "worldly" aka non-JW colleague except if it is for Bible conversation and other questionable acts. :))
  19. "When my grandmother died, they decided to hold a huge lunch at a restaurant. Same thing happened when a cousin died. I heard this is common for JW. Why?", by Nikole. Merely my comment was on; "I heard this is common to JW". Inviting people to take food and drink in such circumstances is not JW invention. That is all what is matter here, as from my side of notice. In our country, preparing food and drink inside late person home with less or more quantity, or invite people to restaurant is common practice. Also some JW people doing the same in lesser or bigger scale. I was many times on JW funeral, but only twice was (as recall) in restaurant because people was invited me. One reason is they traveled from far away, from another town for funeral. So they need some refreshment before back home, or they were friends, or are little closer to family, not only bro/sis to that family. Well, hope that you will understand how there is no need, from me, to demonstrate what JW practice (that various from cong to cong and from country to country) on funeral customs are similar, same or not, to other, non JW people sorts and reasons for customs. As for your mentioned of wedding. Symbols of ring, wedding (white) dress, cake (just to mention few) , which is normal for JW weddings have deep connection to paganism (what ever paganism means for modern day people) or/and customs that are "worldly", not necessary bad. Ohhh, "offensive to JHVH". And that covers all answers, :)) and gives justification for doing or not doing something. Great! In old time God give Law by which Israel man can be Master of slaves, to be in Bigamy relationship, have to Kill all enemy of True Worship, to Stone their non-obedient children, etc. And God blessed that Law, regulating peoples behavior, customs, practice and folkloric of Jew and non Jew who accept their religion, of God's Chosen People, under this Perfect and Everlasting Commands. In modern time God said; You must Turn the other chick, Love your enemy, Have one Woman, No Slaves, ..... but you have to Shunning your children who are Witness no more( no phone calls), and not to say "simple Hello" to some ex JW on the street, etc. Standards of what is/are "offensive" and what is/are "pleasant" to JHVH looks very strange. :))
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