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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 44 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    The Whale Tribe, will understand this is not Rook's message, but yours and that this message is of your word, not his.

    Ok, but still not see why would Tribe, after heard the message, told to Rook; "Thanks Srecko Sostar, you are our King"?? Why they not speak as any normal today, and say; "Mr Rook tell to the King Srecko, your King and our King, thanks for your mercy, we will contribute and give to you all our money ....."

  2. On 7/9/2018 at 3:29 AM, Nicole said:

    When my grandmother died, they decided to hold a huge lunch at a restaurant.

    Same thing happened when a cousin died.

    I heard this is common for JW. Why?

    As to my knowledge, custom of give hospitality to people who came to funeral (to give them food and drink) is not originated in JW community. As to many other "worldly" and pagan customs (that JW rejected or modify or copy) this is also completely  "worldly" custom connected with dead person. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    This one is simple:

    Shaliach Principle. I cannot tell you how many times over 2 decades this has been brought up.

    One fact about Shaliach Principle regarding God: Yahweh Himself speaking and that is because Yahweh Himself IS in fact speaking. He is speaking through an intermediary, through one of His messengers as His representative. This principle of agency (shaliach) is very common in the Scriptures especially with respect to Yahweh's messengers/angels.

    If i understand this "principle" that means something like this: My college Mark, from work place (or he must not be my college from work, he can be from another Company inc.), was sent by Principle of the school and tell me; "Srecko, Mr. Principle said that you have to go to post office and send this letter. My respond (by Shaliach Principle) to Mark is; "Very well Sir Principle i do as you said to me Sir Principle" :))))

  4. 12 hours ago, AllenSmith34 said:

    However, the reference to "Prince", who can we compare that with if not Jesus in Isaiah 9:6


    It just came to me when i see word "compare" in sentence you wrote. Maybe problems arise when we human want "to compare" this with that, one verse with another, this person with other person. Nothing must be wrong with "comparing", but you know, "to compare" can cause many problems. Guess you understand how such activity (comparing) can be bad. Just try to expand picture. :)) 

    Some quotes:

     Don't compare yourself with others. Just look at your own work ------------ Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those ------------When we compare ourselves with others we are not walking by faith-------That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse---------------“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.

  5. 16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    But if one has a view of one verse, yet have a different view of another verse, that alone speaks volume. For in this sense, if we are to say one thing about Jude 9,? yet say and or view Zech?ariah ?3:2? ??vastly different than the first verse, then what of it, then?

    But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”[a]

    2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

    Sorry, but my intellectual, spiritual and other qualifications can not see and are not able to explain what in this two verses is same or similar or different or opposite to each other in relation to subjects; Michael, Lord 1 and Lord 2 and Lord 3 and Lord 4. 


  6. 9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    the Book of Enoch (Biblical Apocrypha) is not Biblical Canon and the information of such is deemed uninspired

    Please tell me who and when was collected manuscripts and decide that they are inspired or uninspired? Was that one person or more? Was that collector/s inspired while choosing text, letters, manuscripts, copies of manuscripts? 

    If first original text has been inspired because original writer was inspired on what to write, was people who made copies and copies of copies also inspired and guided by same spirit who has been behind first writer/writing?  

  7. 18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Your next problem would be Paul himself referring to Jesus as an angel, let alone the very information in regards to Jesus' pre-existence, and the obvious fact that he was sent (Shaliah).

    Question for thinking: Who where "angels" that visited Abraham and Lot?

    in Genesis 18:1-3 Abraham addressed the three visitors as ‘Jehovah’. The two who left to visit Sodom, Lot called them ‘Jehovah’ (19:18), yet the one who remained, Abraham continued to address Him as ‘Jehovah’ (18:22,26,27,30,31,32,33)

    You have 3 angels. What was their names, rank, title, entity. Was one of them Michael great prince or Gabriel or some other highly positioned archangel, cherub, seraphs, angel messenger, angel guardian, angel investigator, angel warrior, angel punisher  ... and so on?     

    -things are not where we would like them to be
    -things are not where we think they should be
    -things are not always where they should be


  8. 6 hours ago, AllenSmith34 said:

    Keep, in mind, both are archangels “if” Lucifer was among the “first” created.

    I have nothing against this conclusion. But this is first time, under this discussion, that someone mentioned how title archangel have not to be for just one person, it can be title/position for several separate entity. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    why not make mention of Zechariah 3:2 as well when that is a verse in regards to pre-existence?

    Angel of the Lord (or JHVH) 

    Who is he? Angel of the Lord. 

    If someone came to answer how he is Jesus or Michael or Word or Gabriel or .... i do not have nothing against.

    I expressed my opinion about Michael and why i think how he can not be firstborn Word. Wrong or right my life not depend on what i thing about that issue. If God want to "punish" me because i have wrong conclusion about it (you believe i am wrong) then i am not lonely. :)) Why you think how i must have answer on "Bible" questions while in same time all those clever people in WT Company changed many "Bible" teachings and expecting of flock to believe flip-flop doctrines. 

    If you belong to JW then you are perhaps aware of Known Fact about WT teaching on same matter, for many years  for WT bible scholars -  Michael the Archangel was Roman Catholic Pope. On what Bible verses, reasoning, facts, spirit guided Company (organization) founded such explanation? Obviously on  same that later make new explanation :))))




  10. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Now clearly if Jesus and Michael were indeed separate, than that would mean Michael is greater than Jesus for he is the people of Israel and the one who intervene and saved the people, that would disqualify Jesus' role as a Savior, let alone Jesus' position as a mighty warrior of God. That is not the case. Jesus is a warrior, he is a leader of the people, especially in regards to Israel, or in this case,

    Why you think that Michael (one entity) intervention disqualify Jesus as Savior ???

    That would be as you say how Jesus Christ intervention in saving people in Armageddon would disqualify JHVH role as Savior and make him greater than JHVH!!

    That would be as you say how angels who went to Lot and his family to take them away (to save their life) from city of Sodom and Gomorrah disqualify JHVH role as Savior and made them greater than JHVH!  

    That would be as you say how Moses, who was also sent, to free Israel nation from Egypt disqualify JHVH role  as Liberator and Lider  and make him greater than JHVH!!

  11. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    However, the question addressed still stands and I quote: A question that can be addressed to you is if you believe the two are really separate, despite there being but one Archangel who is the head of God's Army, then which of the two was the mighty warrior of God who had defeated Satan and his demons, casting them out of Heaven?

    Rev 12:5,6 

    “And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.” 

    12:7 " Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back."

    "son, shepherd, child" is that Lord Jesus Christ? just borne and in next moment he fight with devil, but not as the King of Kingdom but as  Michael (just Michael without any prefix archangel, angel, prince....)??

  12. 35 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Truth is like a spark of fire that never goes out,

    hehe, this is some sort of irony. If "Truth" never goes out, then WT org would never changed previous or past "The Truths" -  doctrines, teachings, instructions, views.

    Well, that obviously means how WT was never in position to have real truth, all truth, Gods truth,  because if they had the truth from first day in 19th century when CT Russell create this Company, all teachings would be the same today too. Looks like "spark of fire" are lost somewhere, somehow. 


    44 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    CSE member

    is this what you mean with CSE?

    CSE members are associated with some of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world.

  13. 7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Or big and small S,s are product of grammar that rises with time.

    If i noticed correctly ancient Greek and Latin alphabet was written mostly in Upper case (majuscule).

    Wikipedia source said:

    • Greek majuscule (9th–3rd century BCE) in contrast to the Greek uncial script (3rd century BCE – 12th century CE) and the later Greek minuscule
    • Roman majuscule (7th century BCE – 4th century CE) in contrast to the Roman uncial (4th–8th century CE), Roman Half Uncial, and minuscule
  14. 45 minutes ago, AllenSmith34 said:

    Then we all need to understand how the ancients thought not just in biblical terms but in every day, overall understanding of Gods. That’s the determination and correction Jesus was attempting to make, away from the Pharisees way of thinking.

    Yeah, perhaps that would/can help. But, it is possible to have negative outcome too. Because if ancients have had wrong view and understanding about something, and we, today take such their standpoint and thoughts as relevant, truthful, but/or if we can't  differentiate -what and why- past time people saw wrongly or correctly, then it is hopeless situation again.    

  15. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    There is nowhere in the Bible that Jesus is giving command to Michael.

    With same way of proving things, we can also conclude how nowhere in Bible said that Michael is The Son. That specific terminology are used only about Jesus in human life. With big S. All other creatures, heavenly and earthly are sons, with small letter s. If that mean something. Or big and small S,s are product of grammar that rises with time.

    In WT literature, Bible (not any mentioned of Michael with this particular and most important information with this title, position, description) Only Jesus prehuman existence is described as he is "God's firstborn Son", and Lord Jesus Christ as the only-begotten Son of God.   Again, is it possible to find in Bible some text with;  Michael the Son, Michael God's firstborn Son and  Michael only-begotten Son?  

    Does this observation giving proof for your or mine conclusions. Or we both missing something to see. Everything is possible. At the end of the day, no one of us see things as they really are. :))

  16. 12 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I believe Mr. Srecko made a point to suggest I live in the wrong country. If living in the United States is the wrong country? I will leave that up to those that live within their own nation. But, there is also a criteria, on how 1000’s want to come to America if their own country is so prosperous.

    Please Billy, my expose is not to offend you, your homeland, origin or else. Apologize if you took my explanation this way. :( 

    All countries are wrong and wright. Something is better or not. Or people who live in particular country are satisfied with situation and for them their country is right place to live. For his neighbor next door can be opposite. 

    All best, greetings from Croatia. Many people left my country for economic reasons. Well, for them something in our country is wrong. I am ok, so have no need to flee in USA or Switzerland :)))  

  17. 14 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:



    Dear Srecko Sostar




    How should, this be viewed by your understanding of the authority Christ has in Heaven and had on earth.



    Revelation 12:7-12 New King James Version (NKJV)



    Satan Thrown Out of Heaven






    7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.



    Dear Billy.

    According to my present understanding i would say that Michael acting under command of his King Jesus. :)  

  18. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    Technically it is seen this way, the Son of God, the only-begotten, was with His Father and clearly didn’t want to overstep his authority in the presence of his Father mainly with the whole Moses’ corpse situation.

    I do not think the same. If Jesus is Michael the Archangel and vice versa,  he have all authority over every single angel. Devil is also angel and his status, position is inferior in respect to same person identity, no matter if you named him Jesus or Michael, because you claim how both name are point out in fact the same person. 

    Jesus the Human, rebuked satan few times while in desert and finally command devil to go away from him, so your arguments are weak. So, if Michael is the same person as Jesus, how come that he as Archangel in heaven can not done more than as Human on earth? 

  19. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    you do not hear much about Michael until the action is revealed in Revelations.?

    "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him" ... not to Michael :) that is firm state from Revelation 1:1

    If we believe that this book was written in the end of first century, and Jesus the Human was resurrected in the year 33, ...so why he still have the name Jesus if his heavenly name, original name and identity is Michael the Archangel??? 

  20. 58 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment

    ...so all angels with princes and chief princes and archangel are in fact - GODS :)) Ok, and what with that? Humans are gods, angels are gods. I now that verse you cited. If they all are gods that not explained Is angel Michael became Jesus the Human or not.   

  21. On 7/8/2018 at 11:46 AM, Space Merchant said:

    That is also true for Any man who had seen Jesus had seen the Father in terms of the things Jesus did. God is Life and Jesus fully expressed that Life in the words he spoke and the works that he had done. God is Truth and Jesus fully expressed that Truth by everything he had said and and in regards to his actions, etc

    If we want to stick to Bible text and his own word, he said about self: "I am life, truth, way, bread, door, light, wine, water, rock ... " 

    ...so if translation are credible, he not only "expressed" those qualities, but all of that are his essence, his being, his self. 

  22. 3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I know of at least 100 people of different religious background that have completed college, and they are stuck in a minimum wage job............to pay the student loans ................................

    About minimum wage and high education. That is problem of "market" and need for this or that profile of workers, where you live - in what part of world, how is economy in your country etc, etc. So, accepting advice - go to be doctor or go to be blacksmith depends, in my opinion, on various factors (individual, social and so), and as such it is not good for person to make conclusion on basis of his "religious insight" about answer; when will end come? So why to be doctor, in NW doctor will be without job :)))) 

    If you choose wrong, and finally end as professor or plumber, do not blame  god or  devil for that, blame yourself, or  your advisers if you need to blame others. Blame greedy people, bad circumstances, wrong day of your birthday, wrong country where you live, tornado or flood, ....and remember that you read in Bible, " All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad,[a] the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not." -- "So I took all this to heart and concluded that the righteous and the wise, as well as their deeds, are in God’s hands. Man does not know what lies ahead,whether love or hate"

    "Their deeds, are in God’s hands" this is not light statement, but one of interpretation could be that your god will, wish, plan  for you is to be doctor and not window cleaner with half time job and other part in pioneer service with wt magazine. Can that be possible? Yes, if you believe in meaning of Ecl verse and statement that human are clay and god is potter, who shape you as he wish (or in harmony with facts, who you are at this moment, your deep state of heart, mind and other unknown facts that reveal who you really are)  :)))  

    Do not seriously accept all here said from me, I just gave to myself some freedom to interpret mix of bible, wt, worldly  and personal "insight".

    About costs for study. It depends where you live. So, in some country it is not so difficult to pay some costs for high education. Again, perhaps you and your friends living in wrong country. :))) Need for this or that profile of workers are problematic and many jobs that not required more years in school are empty because young people are not interested to work simple jobs or skill jobs, but reasons for that are many and  people can see why, so here is no need to talk about that. 

  23. 2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    to utilize their time better in service of God, rather than in service of man.

    ... and now you can open discussion about what me, you, other, WTJWorg think about -  What does in fact is content, relevance, intent of phrase: IN SERVICE of GOD, and on other side HOW LOOKS to be IN SERVICE OF MAN :))))))

    Final product of theoretical and practical action of someone (single or in group) who is "in service of God is/are" something as follow:  

    1) I'm certainly right and everyone else is wrong

    2) God loves me because I love him

    3) I belong to the only true religion, so I'm sure right when I do this service of god in this way

    4) My religion (me and my bro and sis, elders) is not perfect but is the best in the whole world


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