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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. How to tell to some Catholic priest or GB leader or to some secular politician or city major that he/she is wrong in something or that he/she made bad deed, or pointing on their hypocrisy and similar?? ..... and in the same time not to be, not to sound offensive or rude and in the same time expressing own feeling and thoughts? Does it "pointing out" or "criticism" on something and someone, only privilege of "higher class" of people aka that same leaders or is that same "privilege" actual "human rights" of all people, not just few chosen? In first example "suppression" came from WT leaders, own Church and such GB decision was "justified, righteous, wisdom from Above" :)))) ..... but in Russia case it is "devil attack, suppression caused of enemy worldly people". :)))))) Past and present events in different perception (differences in perception) on, about good and bad, about "proper or less proper or worldly forms of sacred service to god and all other forms. Interesting! Of course, it is WT lawyers false claim :))))) WT is Corporation. From that, this point, post, standpoint, view, every JW member must start processing all what came from Main Church Body aka GB. .... or whatever else. Does some group or individual can express disagreement on all and every issue?? Not only to different, other groups, but to his own group too? Or to be "politically correct", whatever such frase means? :) "Transformers" :) please , this is grey field ... motivations, humans hearts, minds :))) interpretations are many. They will judge you and praise you for the same thing :) I have enjoy in reading your posts. Have a good and peaceful day, greetings!
  2. Leviticus 19:27 New International Version (NIV) 27 “‘Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. Leviticus 21:5 New International Version (NIV) 5 “‘Priests must not shave their heads or shave off the edges of their beards or cut their bodies. WHY GB JWorg forbid beards to male members???? when Bible said opposite. DO NOT SHAVE BEARD :)))) Dear Melinda, context of your Leviticus talks about customs connected about/to dead. Today, tattoos and piercing have other symbolism, we need to ask particular person about reason why he/she doing marks on body. But no matter of what reason somebody may have, it is not on us to judge him. Romans 14 “Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.” Romans 14 "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. ...
  3. Please Bible Speaks do find also Mexico "cartilla" and then make compare about neutrality, refusing, bribe, persecution, worship....
  4. without shoes....painful :))) TV news recently said how Lego company recognized that they produced to much Lego cubes (little cubes) :))))
  5. A profit center is a part of a corporation that directly adds to its profit. A profit center is a business unit or department within an organization that generates revenues and profits or losses. Management closely monitors the results of profit centers, since these entities are the key drivers of the total results of the parent entity. The manager of a profit center usually has the authority to make decisions regarding how to earn revenue, and which expenses to incur. Profit centers may be included in the segment reporting of a publicly-held entity. Privately-held businesses do not have to report this information. Other types of reporting entities within a business are the cost center and investment center. A cost center is only responsible for its costs, while an investment center is responsible for its return on assets. In terms of responsibility level, the profit center lies between the cost center and responsibility center. web source :))
  6. crowd of working people, proletariat, working class  ....that is how this males looked to me :))) maybe they belong to Labour Union, Branch ? 305 - metal workers  :)))))
  7. also, i can not see Lord Jesus wearing a tie :))))
  8. In NIgeria (call number +234) today is 23°C/74°F :))))))) very good for T-shirts For colder countries people. Get bigger number of T-shirt and put the shirt over the suits, dress. Funny side is over. Now little serious thought. "Keep doing this in remembrance of me" 50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. Can we conclude from this words of Him, how life forever and resurrection depends on eating and drinking symbols? And if you not eat and drink you have no life in you? So why to be scared of taking symbols of life and resurrection?? 26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” 27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the[a]covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Blood is for many. So, why GB stopped people of participation in blood symbols and by that not show gratitude to Him for forgiveness of our sins?
  9. Good morning Allen. Thanks for informative links. About your thoughts. Is it necessary to compare WTBTS with other "worldly" organizations or with "false religions"? Does JWorg members have sufficient insight into their organization to make such a comparison? Is it permissible and is it good for a JW member to compare their religion with another if JWorg is the only true organization? If yes, should they be compared to/with better or worse organizations and individuals than WTBTS and GB themselves is/are? :))
  10. I received email with this information, old but new Again, it shows how Watchtower, as "mother organization" for JW, are trading and commercial company and who know what else/other identity will come on as time passes. http://www.goldmansachs.com/gsam/pdfs/growth-summit-2012/2012GMS_RECAP2.pdf Â
  11. People love wearing nice and new clothes, living in nice homes, and so on ... As I read comments and ideas about clothes, I remembered similar in one comment in the KH. The sister is a wife of high position elder in Betel, Zagreb. The WT study article talked about KH and this sister praised how we have a beautiful hall today, not as before when some looked like a barn. Some of the meeting places, in the villages, were in brothers' houses, and those families dealing with agriculture and livestock for life. People and many rural areas in Croatia (or anywhere else in the world) at that time were modest and poor, (some of them still today) so it was different from KH in cities (modest, too). Getting back to the sister Elka comment - "... today we have halls worthy of JHVH, and we are not in the halls that looked like barns." She said that with tone of voice like all what was before were been worthless and how all that places for meeting were been something ugly. I can not except such reasoning, and after meeting went to ask her, "What you have against barns?? Jesus has been born in barn (stable)....God likes people and not looks at wals..."
  12. good verses 5 Yet the Lord says, “During the forty years ...... i spend (spent) my 40 years in JW religion :)))) 1975-2015 4 But to this day the Lord has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear. .... now i can see little, little more then before :)))
  13. Space M. hi, let us skip the words "prophets and prophecies" in both aspects, as inspired and uninspired  then we have "interpreters and interpretations" - not inspired :)) of course, GB are not the only one spokesperson for god as G. Jackson clearly gave his interpretation or explanation about that issue  Â
  14. Dear Allen, i am hoping you will be feel better tomorrow. Â
  15. "The appeals court drew a distinction between common understanding of a group’s religious beliefs and an individual member's adherence to those beliefs." perhaps some male JW, elders, can be in this role, because they have experience in judicial committee :)))).... especially if they are appointed as"King and Priest" who will judge the whole worldly people in Armageddon. Why not now? To get some more experience. It is possible that first part of Armageddon is already here.. ... at least for Russian JW. Not to mention some other 30 countries where ban and prosecution of JW are in progress for decades, so theirs Armageddon last too long or something is wrong with perception about time and place and events about what must take place before, during and after The End time.
  16. Pope John XXIIIÂ once remarked: "I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible."[23] Something close to that was famous G. Jackson words before ARC. Paraphrased: "All JW have own Bibles. If we, GB, said something unbiblical, all JW will see we said wrong, and not obligated to obey that." IN THEORY!! :)))) Or even not in theory, because 3/4 JW members, to use your ratio, will/ are consider such thoughts as SIN. Â
  17. Hi. I can not see what is connection between this verse in 12:7 with 5:11. In chapter 12 speaks about different manifestations of Spirit on every, each person in congregation. ON other hand FDS aka GB claimed for several times in WT magazines that they are not inspired by Holy Spirit. If person is not inspired by that Spirit it means how no manifestation would be possible to see in his life and in his words and in his acts. But GB also in the same time claim: Organization is spirit guided. What is organization??? Congregation? All congregations worldwide? Congregation is Christ body aka people. In WT world - organization is corporation, NOT people or congregations. Because GB gives instruction to members how they have to be in step with organization or chariot. Chariot is just used in interpretation that suit to WT explanation for public use, to put people under influence of man in the name of god. How is possible that so called Organization (impersonal thing aka legal entity) is guided by spirit but people inside are not inspired by that same spirit? That is in contradiction with chapter 12. In one moment we have publicly declared statement that GB is not inspired and all publications are not inspired and all instructions and doctrines are not inspired - because of errors - but despite this fact organization is still guided by spirit. :)))))))) Is there some difference in meaning to be inspired and to be guided by spirit? If it is then theology must clear this issue.
  18. Now when they have only few magazines per year they need to have some extra, additional material to write about. And because all important theme they were already told and wrote, now they must invent some new clear, hot water to talk about and to make deeper spiritual knowledge, insight in the bible for the flock that still stayed inside. :)))
  19. I do not know about his sadness. He have face like that, and he is also old in this picture. So, not has same enthusiasm as when he was younger :)) Resurrection? good idea. living longer... but died anyway. Not sound happy. But if JW believe they shall live forever as human why would be problem that animal live forever too? Or, as according to present explanation about Adam and Eve and how they looked at animal whose died at some point, as explanation how first humans because of that experience understand what is dead and what looks like the penalty for eating from the tree...then animal will die in this way or another. As for reason of sicken and old or as food. But that all would be in contradiction to present hopes about verse in Revelation  "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain." For whom will be no more death, sorrow, crying, pain???? Only humans, not the animals also???? Smell like injustice to me. Or am I too touchy, oversensitive??? But, on other hand, if life would not died in some point of time ...we will not give chance for future babies (human) and pets (animal). Or, we shall must colonize other planets and systems in universe for all that population :)))Â
  20. BUT your WT study edition said that FDS or GB is not INSPIRED BY HOLY SPIRIT.............. IN  SIMPLIFIED  EDITION WORDING that in fact means that Spirit of the truth NOT GUIDING FDS aka GB and not "shows the road" for WT and JW... as Bible quotation and meaning of that verse you provide would suppose to be. Because GB rejects so called "inspiration from Holy Spirit" as they publicly declared few times in their magazines.   Thanks for revealing this facets of The Truth about the "Truth". :)) Read please, what you writing as a prove. Because by proving in this manner you proves opposite of your intention.   Â
  21. ...it is not organized religion in form of Jehovah's Witnesses global congregation that running Watchtower and all sister Companies worldwide. Or vice versa ....it is not Watchtower and all sister companies that running Jehovah's Witnesses religion. :))))
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