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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Anna, i found this explanation of term; In the context of appellate procedure, it refers to an appellate court sending a case back to the trial court so that the case can be retried, or so that trial court can enter an order that conforms to the findings of the appellate court. Remittitur is a process by which jurisdiction is transferred back from the appellate court to the trial court. Remittitur divests the appellate court of the jurisdiction after it has resolved the appeal, and permits full jurisdiction over the judgment to be returned to the trial court. https://definitions.uslegal.com/r/remittitur/ but you never know what and how lawyers can play the game :))))
  2. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130815/disfellowshipped-child-seating-location/ "....parents may even study the Bible with a disfellowshipped minor who continues to live with them." "When it comes to Kingdom Hall seating arrangements, it would seem reasonable that a disfellowshipped minor could also quietly sit with his parents." "What, though, if a disfellowshipped child no longer lives with his parents? Would this circumstance make a difference? In the past, this magazine has clearly stated the proper attitude that a Christian should strive to maintain when it comes to association with a disfellowshipped relative who is not living at home. *" I did not succeed in searching for sitting in car/KH rule. But from this (and more if went to past WT articles) is obvious how they have various rules and changes of rules through time.  Â
  3. http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/mainCaseScreen.cfm?dist=41&doc_id=2150357&doc_no=D070723&request_token=NiIwLSInLkg9WzApSSFNXE1IQEw6UkxbJCJeWzhTQCAgCg%3D%3D
  4. hehe, while making barbecue for friends in garden party ? :))
  5. serious statement for serious students and those who are not serious  Bold text said ...To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. :))))) 1975 ... and today is year 2017 at the end. 2017-1975= 42 years 42 is interesting number, perhaps some type and antitype is possible to get from 42  Â
  6. hahahaha 1) all descendants who are equally distant from the common ancestor 2) members of one knee in relation to the common ancestor; people, animals, and objects that connect the age or time of appearance (generation of students, writers, new generation of computers). NOT fantomic "Overlapping generation", this terminology is "Made in USA by WT"
  7. :)))) almost all methods of distributing, sharing, sowing of publications is/are acceptable to WT. Only when secular authority or citizens made pressure about some methods then they had been say something to "correct" flock behaviour, or get same goal by other methods. As i comment in previous comment above, WT have nothing against if some "worldly" person read magazine and share it with other "worldly" person. Is this braking WT legal rights on their protocol how publications must be shared? Where is stated written or verbal instruction that WT publications can be shared only by JW member, baptized or unbaptized? Where is stated written or verbal ban how WT publications is not possible to receive from "worldly" people, but only legally way is that such job must have been done by JW member?
  8. Here are at least two things. WT wants that theirs literature to be expand at maximum, in all places, to all people. So if I receive WT magazine from JW member, or find a magazine on the road, or on JW library, I read it and give it to my neighbor to read the same magazine... Does WT get angry about fact that I was without WT knowledge gave their magazine to other people, shared it and talked about content with other people ?? What "legal rights" they have on that?? NO rights. But in second thing. If i used their content (get it legally from public sources, as in first example) as whole or as part and to share my opinion on subject with other people... what "legal rights" they have to stop me to do that?? NO rights. But they have lawyers and money. And that is answer. Not some fantomic freedom of speech or human rights. Who have power and money he have "rights" and "law" but where is Justice? is it Justice that WT spread doctrines and no one can said nothing contrary to that? :)))))))
  9. i know, i know James just nostalgy and "gnosis" about self mortality and of other human gets me in this cold sunny day :)))
  10. You should have stayed where you were. The end did come in 1975 but only in Zaire. Read more No TTH... it didn't. "The End" did NOT come anywhere .... in 1975. If it had ..... we all would have noticed. 1) funny side of comments is funny 2) serious side is not funny - every day The End comes for someone's life 3) ............................................................... ( future will add some brilliant thought on No. 3) :)))))
  11. Natural, God given conscience  vs.   Artificial, "bible based conscience" imposed by WT interpretations and rules  simple answer.
  12. what he said, please? to make you change your mind? in reasoning you made down "reason why 1975 was brought up again (at convention) was because it was a reminder that the Slave err, and that some of the new things i.e. the OVERLAPPING GENERATION theory was perhaps to be treated with caution." because i can not believe that you believe in such logic  you stated and what kind of logic Herd provide to win your logic Â
  13. in many examples about doctrinal and instructional things about which we can discuss and about people giving opinions and critics or opposite standpoint than WT have, we do not need to copy/paste all article or book because of "fear" how some critics of WT text are "out of context" in producing opposite view of some WT teaching. Some sentences (or even one alone) as part of bigger context can stay for itself as very clear and independent thought of author. With no misunderstanding what particular sentence cary as message, as teaching, as instruction to members. We do not need to always repeat, in writing or in verbal expression, all articles or public talk from GB members, to give prove how we are "In Context" of original text. Critical look on WT Doctrine is not something that need to be stoped by Law. Because we have more powerful Bible permission on this issue: "TEST the Spirits!" How do you expect that me or you exercise this TESTING if I/you are not allowed by WT, who using hand of secular law, to stop people in their expression about issues that is problematic or are contrary to their conscience or understanding. WT proved how they are itself as organization, changing all the time so called "bible based teachings" and by that , publicly show that they are not promoting "The Truth" but just human opinion on what truth may/can be, possible is.    About JW and Jw. In our language (Croatian) grammatical rules are such that J is big first letter and w is small letter. Always been and stayed. No matter of US changing. The only changed Watchtower (magazine) from Kula stražara to Stražarska kula. And KH of JW, because of some grammar clearance of meaning.        Â
  14. How would you looked, JWI, on secular WT rights in "publishing and multiplication" of, as claim is coming from WT, so called spiritual food, which/that is in fact obligation from FDS in regard to Masters command (to share), and Masters claim that His food is free for everyone, in connection to Bible "principle" - "Freely you have received; freely give." How is possible, then/after that in mind, to looking for material benefit, compensation or something else that is possible to get according to mercantile rules and laws. Who is real Owner of WT publications intellectual content and all published words? If FDS was not been appointed "over ALL BELONGINGS" in 1919 then they HAVE NOT any of Masters belongings in their hand at all. Does FDS possess, own "words"? Are they Owner of words aka spiritual food? If all teachings are/came from Master then FDS have no justification in claiming any intellectual or printing rights for such material. But if it is opposite, if source, producer and owner of all content in WT publication is in human, then they have rights to put their hands on that and ask for protecting own possession, because it came from them not from God. :))
  15. -fair use rule as far is "fair" for those to whom critics is addressed. WTBTS is proud when can address "argumentative, Bible based" critics, judgement, revealing of hypocrisy in other parts of human society (religious,as first choice and then other, politics and trade systems). But when observers, critics, ex members or even JW members questioning, reveals inside spiritual and hierarchical structure of doctrines, rules, instructions and corporational moves in aspects of money and such part of life inside WT, then WT consider such behavior as "not fair use", even against law of "publishing rights" or "intellectual property" and against WT freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Double standard? or theocratic warfare methods?
  16. I do not know when Art Department started to making photos (and after videos) with JW members as actors of JW and non-JW for purpose of illustration in publications and after for real photographs of real people :)))) even in artificial, fictive, SF situations.
  17. Ajajajjjjj :))) Ok..., Please go to video lesson from your 2016 convention, here is link for you to not losing time in searching. From 4:15 and on, Author of this video giving lesson to JW members how things should be in congregation. Every scene in  WT video production have Its Special PURPOSE. It is not by Chance Who is Sitting Where. Actors not picked by self on what chair to sit. Producent did that for them, Producent know why is important who is sitting where.  This Is Message, This is how things need to be, This is way to introducing example that must to be imitated. Because JW members have to Obey all Instructions from Organization no matter how that can look from Human Standpoint (WT study edition nov 2013). "All of us MUST BE READY TO OBEY ANY INSTRUCTIONS we may receive, whether these appear SOUND from a strategic or human standpoint OR NOT." Video: Mother, Father and sister are sitting separate from family member (daughter, sister) who will be announced from stage about dfd decision by elders. So please, JW members must more carefully observing, listening and looking what is content of videos, cartoons, articles, public talks and so. If you can not see what is obvious to notice... if you not want to believe to some other people who point you to look on some thing.... then no one can help you, only God. :)))) link for video: Â
  18. this mentioned history is interesting. Inspiration of artist who making pictures have several sources, i guess. :))
  19. I have read somewhere in publications how dfd family member can come to meeting in the same car with rest of the family, but he/she can not seat with them in KH, but separate in some other corner of hall, not in the same seats as rest of family. Then when meeting is over he/she can seat in the same car to go back to home. Imagine how this sound and look so bizarre and unnatural and crazy rule to obey :))))
  20. You want to..... introduce "precedence" :)))? exceptions from The Rule?
  21. Many "illustrations" as in this fictive (or real?) drama or video movies that WT producing for giving "spiritual lessons and guidance" to members, are made in a way to mask or not to show some other circumstances, elements, factors, possibilities that exist in human nature and in responding to such issue in different situations. Some mothers, as one in video, would not pick up the phone and talk to dfd child. But some would. This lesson in video was made for those who not obey the rule, and for those who have to learn what to do in some future fictive or not fictive circumstances. But you put very very good questions. Thanks.     Â
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