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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. hehe, you know what people said: do not talk about religion, politics and sport... and you will drink your coffee with person, of opposite stand, in peace :)))))))
  2. of course, it is possible. But as it was showed in some examples from WT publications in this Forum, WT using such tactics of omitting and skips commas, words, quotation, verses with purpose to misrepresent other people thoughts and words. Perhaps some bad ex-JW imitate former religion leaders. :))) but we have many ex-JW who are honest and truthful in stating things. If you want you will accept that fact :))
  3. Sorry if i am bored, but "1975 events", as unpleasant and inseparable part of WT JWorg history, was portion of official convention spiritual food program this year. GB digging their own and yours (members) past. Perhaps GB looking to much apostate channels about 1975 and been provoked to put this same subject as "proper food in proper time" (with late of few decades :)))))))) almost half century.
  4. Hi, this job you had done in that period looks like Geoffrey Jackson respond before ARC, how GB expects from all members who read/to read Bible and reject all false, error and wrong instructions, teachings that coming from Organization and to filter all teachings and opinions expressed in publications. No matter of "side effect". :))
  5. Thanks Fisher for mentioned me in your quote. Apologize in advance if i misunderstand you. But definition i was provide is not "innocently" :))) In fact it is the same as your fine explanation from CE book. "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true." incontrovertible: not open to question; not able to be denied or disputed; impossible to doubt because of being obviously true indisputable: true, and impossible to doubt; beyond doubt, not open to question; fact that is not subject to interpretation Greetings!
  6. This few man who running this Corporative Religion.... No offence to JW member. Two facts are; WTBTS is Company, Corporation, and Jehovah's Witnesses are international group who are associated themselves (again, under management of  WT inc.) to worship God..... to continue ....this few man are full of controversy in publicly addressed talks (and in written quotes). One said, "We are not hiding peadofiles, we are clean organization." Other said "We have good policy against child perpetrators and protect minors." Other said, "We giving spiritual protection, secular government have to provide physical protection." One said, "Stick with what we have authorised and you will be safe". Other said, "JW around the world have own Bibles and are able to see if we give wrong, error instruction and will do by own conscience".  JW people looks to much their JW National TV  without "Critical Thinking", worldly terminology, hehe. That means in other words, biblical terminology - "TEST the spirits!"
  7. ... by Anna's opinion /Srecko was add/ :)))) "Overlapping generation" is -Made in USA by WT GB-. After that some idea came, developed inside "bible scholars" of WT, no matter are they part of GB, "The Helpers", some other people or not, GB made final decision what to do with idea, opinion, thought, or however we want to call that. WT magazine is main tool and mean to promote ideas, opinions, teachings-doctrines and instructions. And also is the main, principal magazine to withdraw, revoke all teachings that need to be changed. So whatever name we want to use on this particular issue, one thing stayed; You as JW member must going to be in line with new "information". If you decide to think on some issue differently than it is explained in official publication, than you as member put yourself in position to be at least "marked" by other (elders, JW members) as individual who are walking on edge of "JW spiritual paradise organization". Yes, "overlapping generation" is part of WT JWorg "unique" teachings and by that is "doctrine", because noun teaching is the same as noun doctrine in religious vocabulary. Please do not forget to use wording "dogmas" in WT theology system. Because some teachings, that has not been changed, yet :))) are, theologically looking, dogmas. doctrine ˈdɒktrɪn/ noun a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group. "the doctrine of predestination" sinonimi: creed, credo, dogma, belief, set of beliefs, code of belief, conviction, teaching; teaching ˈtiːtʃɪŋ/ noun noun: teaching; plural noun: teachings 1. the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher. "I went into teaching because I like working with children" 2. ideas or principles taught by an authority. "the teachings of the Koran" dogma ˈdɒɡmə/ noun plural noun: dogmas a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. "the dogmas of faith" sinonimi: teaching, belief, conviction, tenet, principle, ethic, precept, maxim, article of faith, canon,law, rule;
  8. According introductory words in "Shepherd book", this publication is "congregation property". What would be your answer on question -What is congregation? Who are members of congregation? By normal logic all JW members are congregation and by their membership (legality of membership come through baptism) in congregation are entitled to read this book and  to get to know the content of this book. But this is not how reality looks. Many, almost all "ordinary" members even doesn't know that this book or similar written instructions exist. Another shocking fact from the 2010 Letter to the elders come to daylight. Instruction to elders given by GB (or from some WT Department that is under direct supervision of GB) shows us once again how this "theocratic" organization treats women's at all, and sisters as members of the congregation. Sisters are compared with unbelievers and working stuff of outsides companies. Shameful! This publication is congregation property. A copy is issued to each appointed elder. If an elder is deleted for reasons other than moving to another congregation with a favorable recommendation, he should turn over this handbook to the Congregation Service Committee. The secretary should keep the book in the congregationÂ’s file so that it may be returned to the brother if he is reappointed as an elder. No copies are to be made of any part of this publication. Neither is it to be converted into any electronic format. WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA All Rights Reserved Publishers WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. 2012 Printing This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References. “Shepherd the Flock of God”—1 Peter 5:2 English (ks10-E) Made in the United States of America Chapter 1 page 6 quote 2. “Shepherd the Flock of God” has been designed as a handbook for elders to supply vital information that will help them care for congregation matters. page 7 quote Because of efforts to simplify this publication, it does not cover every aspect of our work as elders. At times you may need to consult other publications and letters to the body of elders for detailed information. Be alert to future direction and adjustments so as to stay up-to-date on theocratic direction. Â
  9. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow. Smile like you’ve never cried, fight like you’ve never lost, love like you’ve never been hurt, and live like you’ll die tomorrow.
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    Sorry, i have nothing with deleting. I just try to see your comm. on page but can not.



  11. According to this text in "Shepherd book", page 84,85 woman in JW congregation are viewed as minor children, not entitled to hear information that are important for her marriage and family life and her life at all. JW elders look at them as a people of the second rank. Even a male underage child or teenager or young male/man, who is baptized, has a higher status than any sister, young or old, single or married, publisher, pioneer or missionary or anointed. Meeting With Marriage Mates 11. If the accused is a married sister, it is best to have her believing husband present for the hearing. He is her head, and his efforts to restore her and direct her can be very helpful. (1 Cor. 11:3) If unusual circumstances are involved or the elders feel it would be best not to invite the husband because of their concerns for the safety of the wife, the elders should call the branch office. 12. If the accused is a married brother, his wife would normally not attend the hearing. However, if the husband wants his wife to be present, she may attend a portion of the hearing. The judicial committee should maintain confidentiality. 13. If the husband committed adultery, he has an obligation to inform his wife of the facts. The judicial committee should promptly inquire of the Christian wife as to what her husband has told her. If he refuses to inform her of his adultery, the elders should inform her that because of her husband’s conduct, it is up to her to decide whether to pursue a Scriptural divorce or not. Furthermore, they should inform the innocent mate that her resuming sexual relations with the guilty mate would negate any claim to Scriptural freedom. But they should not give her further details. On the other hand, the elders may find that while the husband did confess adultery to his wife, he did not tell her the full extent of his wrong conduct and left out important information that the wife should know. The elders should not pro- 84 “Shepherd the Flock of God”—1 Peter 5:2 vide this confidential information to the wife, but they can suggest that she speak with her husband again. Even if he does not tell her anything more, this will alert her to the fact that he is withholding information from her, and this may help her to determine whether to forgive or not. Chapter 6 85
  12. According to this text in "Shepherd book", page 38,39 elders are allowed to hide their own sins or sins of colleagues, elders. 19. If it comes to light or an appointed brother confesses that he has committed a disfellowshipping offense years in the past: The body of elders may determine he can continue to serve if the following is true: The immorality or other serious wrongdoing occurred more than a few years ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that he should have come forward immediately when he sinned. (Perhaps he has even confessed to his sin, seeking help with his guilty conscience.) He has been serving faithfully for many years, has evidence of God’s blessing, and has the respect of the congregation. 20. If the sin occurred before he was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need to take into consideration the fact that he should have mentioned this possible impediment to his being qualified when elders interviewed him just prior to announcing his appointment. Moreover, the nature of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications to serve. For example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many years.—w97 1/1 pp. 26-29; w77 pp. 697-698. 38 “Shepherd the Flock of God”—1 Peter 5:2 21. If the wrongdoing occurred within the past few years while he was serving as an elder or a ministerial servant, he is disqualified from serving as such, not being “free from accusation.” (1 Tim. 3:2, 10; Titus 1: 6, 7) Depending on the circumstances, the situation may also need to be handled by a judicial committee. —See 5:43-44. Chapter 3 39
  13. Hi. If i may suggest this. 1919 - FDS was appointed "over all Master's belongings" 2013 - FDS was not appointed in 1919 but will be in a future in late 1920 ,Year? - The wicked and sluggish slave refers to anointed ones in the 1914 era who refused to share in the preaching work 2013 - the “evil slaves” as a class, instead applying it as a hypothetical danger to the composite Faithful Slave, which they say has never become a reality
  14. When you say Bible, what part of Bible support this reason as only one ? and what part of Bible support divorce for more other reasons and not only adultery Because JHVH principles are not in Jesus words only but in words by other also. I am sure that what Jesus said have more power than those of Peter, Paul or Moses. But if we want be strict, than all bible words are of the same power because God is source (no matter when Paul said , "I think", "In my judgement" and then give some counsel, advice, instruction). What would happen, If GB or any of us, want to use some "principles" in some situation from OT and some "principles" in some situation from NT? Can you imagine or maybe you know for such examples dear JW Insider?Â
  15. - No Bible readings, No singing songs, No giving prayer to JHVH - According to 1 century Bible reports, this sort of private and public manifestations are "prove" that person is Christian, Gods servant. If whole congregations, generations of people, for decades were not doing so, what they has been? Officially and in reality- "Cultural group, society, association,volunteers". Religious? or Secular? :)) But that is of no importance after so many years, for me or some of you. What is important is Hypocrisy from "main church body" aka GB aka FDS aka Board of Directors aka elders aka Kings and Priests or what ever name they have and gives to themselves or we gives to them, in the past or today.   be happy, don't worry, in future paradise all will be happy and no one will asking questions as we doing today. people will eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, all will be emotionally and mentally balanced and all will be perfect as  today because JW and GB have The Highest Moral Standards - from always, or as my dear Anna said - "we have ALWAYS had the higher moral ground, right since our start. " hehe   Â
  16. No Anna, JW are not unique in that. Higher moral in comparison to whom? Many religious group, small and big have the same attitude on moral as JW, and atheist too. In Finland, government said that they not approve two parallel Judicial system. One Judicial system is Secular government. And other to whom Minister of Justice refer on is JW congregational Judicial system. Which one is better now after we have various opinion on this (made in people comments here in forum)? JW or Secular? You said, it depends on the support of political movement, some other said worldly Courts are corrupted, WT said to secular authority, "give as mandatory, obligation by law to make us easier". And similar. BUT after all this you say, "WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD the higher moral ground"???!!! HOW ALWAYS, when changing policy (child or some other inside WT) proves that so called "Higher moral ground" are depend on WT Company policy, on Secular law, on Doctors and Psychologist, Pedagogy and Science, Science and so. Personal moral and Corporative moral is not the same, sometimes is similar. But both are corruptible.
  17. technically, this is correct how GB wasn't exist in years we talking about. They was kind of Board of directors who handle things and making decisions. Idea of GB as concept of "church body" on all "spiritual" things as the apostle body in 1 century (type and anti-type model) came later. In period around 1970th, correct me if wrong, they making adjustments because of administrative questions connected with models of Governing - Ruling the Corporation. And more new changes happened in 2000, i think. for the same reasons - Governing the Company, not spiritual need. Reason of Spiritual need is is to making fog on question/answer - WHO RULING/GOVERNING millions of people and millions of $ and real estate property. Connect this, please, with new doctrine about appointment that was not happen in 1914 but will be in future. According to this new doctrine they are not appointed to have power over "all Masters belongings,property", but only to share foods to "co-servants, brothers/sisters; members, followers,". If that is so, have to ask this, - Who authorized them, as former ruler over all Masters property, from 1879-2013 to give in some other people hands to governing over Masters belongings that, in fact stayed, inside the same Company structure aka WT?? IF FDS aka GB is not entitled to "governing over all belongings" how that can any other structure of human body, organization, corporation, charity...??????? This is just for start to mediate on problem/question that arise after introducing new doctrine. So, they in few past years, as i can recall, put this idea that GB in fact existed from 1 century Jerusalem congregation as some kind of prototype of Headquarter aka centralized body for whole World. But congregation in Antioch, for example, was not been under power of Jerusalem congregation. And Jerusalem was not any kind of Headquarter for rest of congregations in Judea or anywhere else. "Body of elders" in Antioch gave permission to Paul about his ministry, not Jerusalem apostles. :)) and Antioch "body of alders" did not ask any suggestion, counsel, permission from Jerusalem. So, we came to question did Centralized company inc. body is/was Jesus intention in gathering the sheep for His flock?
  18. It is interesting. They sued those apostates for using "spiritual food" without copyrights permission. How about JHVH copyrights ownership on truth, love, justice, thoughts, feelings, words ....water, food, air... Again, WT is Company and because this reason they sued people for using their printed and electronic material. But main reason for WT suing them is revealed facts that expose WT "wrongs" about Biblical subjects and every day living. In fact disputable matters are in theological sphere in first place. And then comes other items in connection on corporative and structural functioning in hierarchy of WT. Regarding using of this secular world, money, policy, politic ...
  19. I send my letter of dissociation to Zagreb Branch and they never published it. :)))) Elders said to bro and sis not to read if they receive something from me. And to destroy it :))))))))))
  20. :))) Raymond is guilty as JW and as ex-JW. hahaha If it is approved it was done by whole GB body, no matter of number of votes that was pro et contra :))))
  21. (satan, little s) satan is not personal name and it is not deserve big S. He is the biggest enemy of God and human. Big S honoring him, no matter of grammar rules :)))))))) (You know, Jesus is not God but god :))))))))))))))) But main treason for my comm on this your quote is something else. "Started with satan"?. WT not started in those time when satan started. Why you need to made this comparison? Again, God's lessons and principles are older than 19/20 and 21 century of WT history. And by "choosing" WT to be His earthly agent, it is quite confusing and weird that God with such high moral standards and tools for helping people, did not make better progress in his own organization regarding this issue, but He waited for secular authority to teach His people/nation here on Earth. And He left to "social and scientific evolution/revolution of satans world to be progressive force that helping WT aga Gods organization to make "positive changes" in congregational structure regard policy and spiritual awareness of this problem :)))
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