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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. ..(quote from bro Lett :))))), "the sooner you can get baptized the sooner you will receive greater protection and blessings from JHVH...." ....really strong reasons. Then Catholic are not wrong at all when want to baptized newborn children. Protection and blessings comes earlier than in JWorg :))))))
  2. VIDEO - Richard Ashe, WT Supervisor. Yeah i heard this before, and his lawyer 1 Amendment cry for ::) And who told to Stephen Lett about "apostate" informations on paedophile cases that had become "driven lies" . Does he watching apostate YT channels, or somebody else doing that dirty job for him/them? hehe
  3. Just little reminder. According to ARC reports, problems with pedophilia within WT in Australia started 50 years back. Similarly, it may be with Great Britain and US. Western countries and western democracies. :))) (In Russia WT have no problem with paedophilia, yet.) And WT as "good steward or FDS" records all cases and have all files about this issue. Do we not expect exactly this from "good steward"? That he care about "household", and have all files and documents about everything, from your 15 minutes field service to .... 1. Now, when ARC asked Australian WT Branch to produce documents/files about all cases, it seems that they obey secular government and they done this. 2. Now, when California Court ordered US WT Headquarter to produce documents/files about peadophilia and all involved in this scandal, WT refused to do it, and they are stubborn in this unlawful, injustice and bad decision until today. 3. Now, WHO protecting pedophiles inside WT, inside JWrg and inside all sister corporation entities that is under WT Headquarter and under Board of Directors and under Shareholders Assembly? We have two answers on that. But only one is true. Guess which is true :))) At least Australian WT has been more cooperative than their brothers in USA WT. Does this smells on rebellion, disunity, different interpretation on Bible text, more fear of "worldly people"....?
  4. this is interesting. revised Bible text ? it can be, and it is very tricky when someone change text to adapt it to understanding in particular moment of time. WT made few revising on Bible text from first printing. How many problems will come in a future if some problem of past error on translation we can see now, today. And how many more problematic changes and interpretations that has been done according to bad translation are already here but we are not see it yet, maybe some other people saw before us :))
  5. :))))) just/only gaffe??? gaffe noun [ C ] UK /ɡæf/ US /ɡæf/ a remark or action that is a social mistake and not considered polite: - I made a real gaffe - I called his new wife "Judy", which is the name of his ex-wife. -
  6. Oh no, no , .... satan would corrupt me too as he has done with all other also :)))
  7. No... From what of my words you get this conclusion? "Babylon the Great" is Bible terminology and i put that in context of my life, not your :))
  8. WT literature are flip-flop these question in few past decades. They say they will go to heaven before, after, some will stay some will go .... and then circling around the same ideas again.
  9. Why? :)) "Witness" based her conclusion and perspective in explanation based on Bible text. So Bible is rude and is not enough civilised compared to today's  view on normative,  from 21 century people who have different stand than society and people before 2 or more millenniums.  And she is polite in communication.  But if she is firm in her standpoint and other looks on that as rude, i think it is not her problem.  Bible talking about many things, some of them are so nice and loving but some are disgusting and are not material for My book of Bible stories for JW kids or any kids    Â
  10. If JW members are glad to see and hear their leaders how they are "diplomatic as Pope is" - ok :))) I am also make my move twice time. First from Catholic to JW in 1977 and in 2015 from JW to without belonging to any religion  (flee from Babylon the Great)
  11. This is real controversy. But just one among many that came from Watchtower GB spiritual food table. JW living in "spiritual paradise" under rules like this one. :(( Questions from readers - WT magazine January 1 1972 Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry? —U.S.A. Homosexuality is definitely condemned in the Bible as something that will prevent individuals from gaining God’s approval. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) However, whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ said: “Everyone divorcing his wife, except on account of fornication, makes her a subject for adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (Matt. 5:32) On a later occasion he told the Pharisees: “Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery." —Matt. 19:9. Thus “fornication" is seen to be the only ground for divorce that frees the innocent mate to remarry. The Greek word for fornication is porneia. It can refer to illicit sexual relations between either married or unmarried persons. The ancient Greeks, in rare instances, may have understood this term to denote acts other than illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. But the sense in which Jesus used the word porneia at Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 must be ascertained from the context. It should be noted that in Matthew chapters 5 and 19 “fornication" is used in the restricted sense of marital unfaithfulness, or illicit relations with another person not one’s marriage mate. Just before bringing up the matter of divorce in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ pointed out that “everyone [married] that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matt. 5:28) Consequently, when he afterward alluded to a woman’s committing fornication, his listeners would have understood this in its relative sense, namely, as signifying a married woman’s prostitution or adultery. The context of Matthew chapter 19 confirms this conclusion. On the basis of the Hebrew Scriptures, Jesus pointed out that a man and his wife became “one flesh,” and then added: “What God has yoked together let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:5, 6) Now, in homosexual acts the sex organs are used in an unnatural way, in a way for which they were never purposed. Two persons of the same sex are not complements of each other, as Adam and Eve were. They could never become “one flesh”־ in order to procreate. It might be added, in the case of human copulation with a beast, two different kinds of flesh are involved. Wrote the apostle Paul: “Not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one of mankind, and there is another flesh of cattle, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish.1— ״ Cor. 15:39. While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken. It is broken only by acts that make an individual “one flesh” with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.
  12. Hi dear Saladin. You point out very good what in fact happening in JW religion. Leaders must openly claim in front of their members that they are "the only one". If they would not doing that way, what reason would people have to join this particular religion and not some other :))) who claim the same, hahaha. G. Jackson, by such respond in ARC, calls JW followers to look for possibility that "source for interpretations" is not only in GB but can be in some other people. He did not say Who that people can be, or Where they are, but because answer is gave to "non believers", they, ARC "non believers", can normally, logically come to conclusion how GB are in mood of accepting "inspired or non inspired" interpretations from other non JW people, and that they can be "spokesperson" for God, too. In some other organized or non organized religion or movement. But this GB wording is for public only. Members must obey, no matter did they have Bible in home or not, did they read it or not.   GB leaders must use different terminology and sort of speech in front "worldly people", because they have different way on how to look at issue because they are not "believers nor followers of WT JWorg" Â
  13. This is not strictly true according to Br. Jackson: Q. And do you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth? Br. Jackson.: That I think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using. The scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with God's spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if I could just clarify a little, going back to Matthew 24, clearly, Jesus said that in the last days - and Jehovah's Witnesses believe these are the last days - there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food. So in that respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role. Dear Anna, is it possible that you say "this is not strictly true"?? GB claim that WT JWorg is "the only organization supported by JHVH, "the only true religion". How one religion can be as this if people who are leaders of "Gods organization" are not persons who have Gods guidance to properly interpret Bible and all in Bible?? What is needed for one person to be one who can interpret the Bible? Must be guided, inspired by holy spirit - that is first and last. Even for Bible writers is said that those humans was guided by holy spirit in such simple task as it is writing. How much more spirit, one person would need to have for interpreting and living by interpretations from him alone or from other who gives interpretations. Now, we have to recall past self evaluation of WT leaders aka GB and how they look on such question from ARC and then go to present time to see changed view ( at least for every day using in front secular, worldly people) about unique position of GB (and all JW members too as part of organization) regard that question. Last thing what they said as answer for this and similar was: "WE ARE NOT INSPIRED ......" If person (persons aka organization) is not "inspired" then he (or they) are not able to represent (to be representative) and to advocate for God as the only one and true member of the only one and true religion! Just my imperfect, uninspired and not unique opinion :))))
  14. We are not talking about these "parables". In fact IS IT any of illustrations, stories in the Bible -"THE PARABLES" at all?????? Parables as GB used in the past before they changed a view on Bible text - type and anti-type interpretations. Well also the "parables" are included in this changed position of GB scholars, i suppose :)))
  15. This two letter word you used - IF - is very important in understanding this matter. Â
  16. Parts of original text is in black (copy/paste method). After initial problems, Bulgaria and JW made "friendly agreement" in 1997. But JW members worldwide don't know about double talk that WT Legal Departments lawyers or lawyers from aside (pro hac vice) gave as promises. Promises was part of "theocratic warfare" (in translation = you can say one thing to "worldly people", but after that you can do as you planing in first place). Perhaps GB thinks how they covered this "loophole" in on eyes with such two sentence  in a Letter; "The agreements also include an acknowledgment that each individual has a freedom to choose the type of medical treatment he receives." "The terms of the agreement do not reflect the change in a doctrine of a Jehovah's Witnesses."  (this is said exactly for the reason they lied to Bulgarian government) In other words; We can promise to Bulgarian government what we want but our members must not know that. I will stressed two things. First deceiving came from WT JW representatives was about blood issue. As you see below, they promise how no religious sanctions exist for those JW members who want to accept blood transfusion. We all know how such claim is not truth. Taking blood  transfusion is, according to WT interpretation, violation of Bible command and according to WT publications is a sin. Every sin inside JW congregation must go to elders, go to investigation process and they will decide what to do with transgressor. If such member who took blood show no repent for that act, will be put in process for judicial committee with good chance to dfd.  Now, please go to the Letter from Brooklyn WT and see how they not announced to JW public/member about this "amicable settlement" as they called it. Once again, sentence quoted this: "The agreements also include an acknowledgment that each individual has a freedom to choose the type of medical treatment he receives." Second deceiving is about children as members of WT company (softly way is to said, members of congregation). According to WT lawyers children cannot become members, but we all know what looks like reality in JW congregations and how many minors are  baptised and thus are members of WT Company. To JW in Bulgaria and in the rest of the world Letter not told  "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".  Application No. 28626/95 by Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli na Iehova" (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses) against Bulgaria  "In respect of the refusal of blood transfusion, the applicant association submits that while this is part of the religious doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, its acceptance depends on the personal choice of the individual concerned. There are no religious sanctions for a Jehovah's Witness who chooses to accept blood transfusion." "The Government submit, firstly, that the applicant association's statute did not require a minimum age for membership and that children have been participating in its religious activities without the consent of their parents.   As regards the alleged unlawful activities of Jehovah's Witnesses with children the applicant association submits that children cannot  become members of the association but only participate, together with their parents, in the religious activities of the community."  links: http://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=home&c=  https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{"itemid":["001-3808"]}        https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{"appno":["28626/95"]} Â
  17. Thanks Allen! I see how this "illness" of giving down vote symbols is contagious :)))))) Gnosis Pithos and Praeceptor showed me how to use tool - downvote :))) And now it came on you too :))))
  18. :)))) i just decide (temporary) to "imitate good example" of those who giving me down vote symbols. Nothing personal to you :))))))) Thanks for good perception!
  19. Oh my God! Are you serious? :((((((( "enemies' over dis 'too', no?" Nana, are we enemies???? If we are, then you have to love your enemies, as Jesus teaches you.
  20. "You are Legend", as Gone Fishing recently told me the same attribute :))). I hope that you are an elder in some congregation and that your way of giving public talk is in the same manner as on this web site :))
  21. heehhe Librarian would give you little monition (again), because you offend me and underestimate my life experience, past/history :))))))))
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